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Welcome to Pillars of Marriage.
The heart is the grounds where the Soul is standing. It is the spiritual land where our spiritual trees grow.
When God promised the children of Israel that they will inherit Canaan, in essence he was telling them that
that land flowing with Milk and Honey is symbolic of their hearts once fully restored. This is the ideal and
utopia desire in the Heart of the Lord God Almighty when he formed Man. The land (Heart) had to be habitable
and flourish to desirable levels. The Heart would then be the Grounds where God would eventually build and
Plant our configured and programmed inheritance (purpose). Jeremiah 1:10 ‘See I have this day set thee over
the nations and over the kingdoms to root out, to pull down and to destroy and to throw down, to Build and to
Plant. To Build (construction) and to Plant (Farming) are at the tail end of the restoration process and are
the chief aim of the father when he formed Hearts. The tabernacle of God would eventually dwell with man.
Revelations 21:3 ‘and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold the tabernacle of God is with men,
and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their
Following on the footsteps of Jeremiah 1:10, the first four processes involve land clearance and
preparations. To be able to see this clearly, I will revisit a teaching I did about five years ago. In that
teaching, I talked about FOUR MAJOR SPHERES that influence any section of land that God formed on the face of
the earth. (note that they are not related to the 4 processes in Jeremiah) The four spheres are:
Keeping with the analogy of Land as the Heart, we can now begin to see the spheres that are either dominant
or diminishing in the hearts of our loved one. We will look at each sphere and study them through the eyes of
the scriptures and in the context of relationships.
ATMOSPHERE. There are two words in this first dimension. In short this is a compound word. There is
ATMO + SPHERE. Atmo is a prefix denoting AIR or VAPOUR. It is related to wind. SPHERE means an area
of activity, surface or aspect of life. ATMOSHPERE is an area of activity that is dominated by the
wind, air or vapor.
Turning to scripture, the spirit of the wind over the surface of the earth and aspects of human life
is very evident. Some of the plagues that befell Egypt, e.g plague of the locust in Exodus 10:13 were
transported courtesy of the atmospheric spirit. The Lord sent forth an East wind that brought them to
the land. The red sea that the Lord had parted to allow the Hebrew slaves to cross, was swept back by
a strong East wind that blew over the sea the whole night and returned the waters to their place. Of
course we must all appreciate that God formed the winds (Amos 4:13); The Lord rides of Cherubs and
appears on the wings of the Wind (2nd Samuel 22:11); and there is a treasury house for the winds
(Psalms 135:7).
Turning to relationships, since land is symbolic of the hearts and the Atmosphere sometimes dominates
the land, there are atmospheric spirits that dominate the heart. Sometimes relationships seem to be
tossed to and fro by an unseen force usually manifesting in instability, sudden change of plans,
thick environment where words cannot penetrate etc. These are signs that a demonic spirit of the wind
is blowing over the hearts that are relating. There is one more: People who are easily tossed to and
fro and carried away by winds of… (Ephesians 4:14).
LITHOSPHERE: Litho stands for rocks and stones. Hearts can be hardened. People who refuse to
listen (Parakoe), stiff-necked and unforgiving. As long as you harden your heart, the bible says that
you will fall into various calamities (Proverbs 28:14) ‘Happy is the man that has reverent always,
but he that hardens his heart shall fall into mischief.’ When a heart of a person is littered with
the lithosphere environment, Romans 2:5 states that it becomes the store room for wrath. Every hard
heart that shuts its ears to the law, is a store room for wrath! A hard (lithospheric) heart cannot
perceive the things of The Spirit of God. 2nd Chronicles 34:27 – Let your heart be tender. There are
precious Godly rewards for a tender heart.
In the parable of the sower, when the sower went to sow seeds, some seeds fell upon stony places
where they had not much earth (little biosphere); and quickly they sprung up because they had not
much earth. The existence of Lithosphere in someone’s Heart is manifested during relationships where
people are quick to date and begin courtship and with the same speed the relationship ends because
they lack depth. Easy come, Easy go! (Mathew 13:5 / Mathew 13:20-21).
HYDROSPHERE: Of course HYDRO stands for water. Oh water spirits, water spirits! The primary
manifestation of the water spirit in relationship is addictive sex and illicit sex.
In the bible, the marine spirits are seen in Exodus, Revelations and Jesus silencing the sea to
sleep. Pharaoh would go by the Nile every morning to enquire from the water spirits (Exodus 7:15) In
Revelations 13, the beast who is the antichrist arose from the sea.
As an added knowledge, the water spirits lock up people’s material wealth and treasures – Nahum 2:6
and Isaiah 45:2-3.
In relationships, Hydrospheric spirits are manifested in the following examples: Broken homes, spirit
husbands and wives in dreams, Difficulty in retaining salvation (bible study, prayer), conception
related difficulties, excessive love for pleasure, control and dominating spirit, independent
attitude and excessive self-confidence, desire to reveal nudity, drunkenness, polygamy etc. As a
principle rule, wherever there is the hydro spirit, nothing grows!
Bio means life or pertaining to the living. The proper soil cover where actual plant life is found is
clustered as Botany. Biosphere is the surface, area of activity where life is concentrated on. This
is the part that is charged with productivity (planting) and laying of infrastructure. How much
accessible biosphere is in the Heart of your partner? In the parable of the sower. Mathew 13, some
seeds fell in the biosphere which was invested with thorn and thistles. Thorn and thistles represent
the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches which choke whatever has been planted.
In a relationship where one partner is a party monger, and is concerned with the who is who within
the cycle of your relationship, and cannot ultimately settle down, note that the land of their hearts
is invested with thorns and thistles.
Remember that counsel and plans in the heart of a man are like plants and vegetation which have been
sown. This means that the fruition of whatever plans you have with your partner is subject to the
contents of their biospheric environment. How much has she or he been able to bring to fruition?
That’s how much value and quality is found within the Biosphere part of their heart.
By teacher Sammy Nyanjom.