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Matter: Properties and
Chapter 3.1: Properties of Matter
• Review:
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up
Matter with uniform and unchanging
composition is pure substance.
ie~ Table salt (NaCl)
What about H2O? Pure water = yes; seawater / tap water
= no.
Sates of Matter
• States of Matter
• All matter that exists can be classified
into one of three forms:
Each can be distinguished by the way it fills a container.
• Exception to rule: plasma (fourth state of
• Found in lightning bolts and stars.
States of Matter
3.1 Properties of Matter
• Solid
States of Matter
Definite shape and volume.
Particles tightly packed.
Expands slightly when heated.
3.1 Properties of Matter
• Liquid
States of Matter
Flows and has constant volume.
Particles not held in place and packed less
Able to move past one another.
Takes shape of container.
Expands when heated.
es of Matter
States of Matter
• Gas
Flows to conform to shape of container & fills
entire volume.
Expands to fill containers.
Particles are very far apart
Easily compressible.
States of Matter
• Gases vs Vapor
Do not mean the same thing!
Vapor refers to gaseous state of substance that
is solid or liquid at room temperature
Gas is a substance that is naturally in the
gaseous state at room temperature.
Helium? Neon? Steam?
Physical Properties of Matter
Characteristic that can be observed or measured
without changing the composition.
Also describe pure substances.
Uniform and unchanging compositions = consistent and
unchanging properties.
Examples include: Density, color, odor, hardness,
melting point, boiling point.
Physical Properties of Matter
Two Types
Dependent on the amount of substance present.
Examples include: Length, mass, & volume.
Physical Properties of Matter
Two Types
Independent on the amount of substance present.
Examples include: Density- always the same regardless of
how much substance is present.
Substances can be identified by intensive
ie~ scent
Chemical Properties of Matter
The ability of a substance to combine with or
change into one or more other substances.
Composition of substance changes.
Results from contact with other substances or addition of
Chemical Properties energy (thermal or electric).
Example: Iron = Forms rust when in contact with oxygen in air
Copper =
Chemical Properties of Matter
Each substance has its own unique set of physical
and chemical properties.
Chemical Properties -
Copper: Can be shaped into different forms
(physical) or turns green when in contact with
air (chemical)
Matter: Properties and
Chapter 3.2: Changes in Matter
Changes in Matter
• Physical Change
• Changes in appearance but not
• Examples include: 1) Cutting sheet of
paper 2) Breaking glass object 3)
Crumpling piece of aluminum foil
Changes in Matter
• Phase Change
Transition of matter from one state to another.
Depends on temperature and pressure of
As temperature and pressure change, substances change
from one phase to another.
Example is the water cycle:
1) Ice (solid) is heated to become liquid water. 2) Add more
heat, liquid water boils and is converted to steam (gas).
What type of changes are these? Physical (Different appearance
but same composition)
Changes in Matter
• Phase Change
Melting and Boiling Points
The temperature and pressure at which a substance
undergoes a phase change.
Intensive physical properties that can be used to
identify unknown substances.
Changes in Matter
• Chemical Change
One or more substances changing into new
aka~ chemical reaction
New substances formed have different
compositions and properties.
Changes in Matter
• Chemical Reaction
• Starting substances = reactants.
New substances formed = products.
emical change -
Changes in Matter
• Chemical Reaction
includes a change in properties.
idence of Chemical
ie~ spoiled food: What are some changes in
properties? Look, taste, digestability...
Changes in Matter
• Law of Conservation of Mass
Mass is neither created nor destroyed during a
chemical reaction.
It is conserved.
mass of reactants = mass of products.
Although chemical changes occur, total mass
remains constant.
Changes in Matter
Law of Conservation of Mass
Law of Conservation of Mass -
Mass is neither created nor destroyed during a
chemical reaction.
A 10.0 g sample of magnesium reacts with oxygen to form 16.6 g of Magnesium
oxide. How many grams of oxygen reacted?
Matter: Properties and
Chapter 3.3: Mixtures of Matter
Changes in Matter
• Most everyday matter occurs as mixtures.
Combination of two or more pure substances.
Each pure substance retains its individual chemical
Composition of mixtures is variable.
Changes in Matter
• Types of Mixtures
Mixture that does not blend smoothly.
Composition is not uniform.
Substances remain distinct.
Examples include: salad dressing, orange
juice, etc.
Changes in Matter
• Types of Mixtures
Has constant composition throughout.
Always has single phase.
Referred to as solutions.
Changes in Matter
• Solutions
Most familiar with liquid forms.
Examples include: tea, lemonade, etc
Solution systems can be solid, liquid, or gas.
Solid-solid solutions of metals are known as alloys.
Examples include: steel, bronze, 14-karat gold.
Changes in Matter
Homogeneous Mixture (solution) -
• Solutions
Separating Mixtures
• Important to be able to separate mixtures
to understand nature of matter.
• Use physical processes to separate
mixtures based on physical properties.
• ie~ magnet to separate metal
from sand.
• Filtration
Filtration -
Separates heterogeneous mixtures composed of solids
and liquids.
Uses a porous barrier.
Separating Mixtures
• Distillation
Used to separate most homogeneous mixtures.
Distillation -
Based on differences in boiling points.
1) Mixture is heated until lower boiling
point boils to vapor.
2) Vapor is condensed into liquid and
Separating Mixtures
• Crystallization
Results in the formation of pure solid particles of a
Crystallization substance.
Solid particles come from solution containing
dissolved substance.
Solids are highly pure
Example: rock candy
Separating Mixtures
• Sublimation
Solid changes to vapor without going through liquid
Used to separate one solid that sublimates form one
that does not.
Separating Mixtures
• Chromatography
Separates components
of a liquid mixture
phase) based on ability of each to travel across
another material (stationary phase).
Components flow through stationary phase at
different speeds.
Matter: Properties and
Chapter 3.4: Elements and Compounds
Elements & Compounds
Matter can take many different forms.
All matter can be broken down into basic building
blocks called elements.
Element is a pure substance that cannot be
separated into simpler substances by physical or
chemical means.
92 natural elements
Several others that have been developed
Elements & Compounds
Elements have unique chemical names & symbols.
Names consist of 1/2/3 letters.
First ALWAYS capitalized; rest are lowercase.
92 natural elements not evenly distributed.
H2: 75 % of mass of universe.
O2, H2, C: 90% of human body
Under normal conditions, elements can be found in each
type of phase. (ie~ Cu, Hg, He)
Elements & Compounds
Elements organized into a periodic table.
Based on similarities and masses
Rows = periods
Columns = groups / families
Elements in same group have similar chemical and physical
Elements & Compounds
Compounds made up of two or more different
elements that are chemically combined.
Most matter in the universe exists as compounds.
10 million known; ~ 100,000 developed each year.
Chemical formulas of compounds
Composed of chemical symbols and subscripts.
Subscripts indicate number of elements in each compound.
ie~ H2O, NaCl
Elements & Compounds
Compounds can be broken down into simpler
elements by chemical means.
Compounds generally more stable than individual
Requires energy (ie~ heat or electricity).
Electrolysis is breakdown of H2O.
*** What do you notice about the amount
of H2 compared to the amount of O2?
Properties of Compounds
Properties of a compound are different from those
of the individual elements.
ie~ H2O
How is H2O different than H2 & O2?
Properties of Compounds
Properties of a compound are different from those
of the individual elements.
Properties of Compounds vs. Elements
Properties of Compounds
• Organization of Matter
• Pure substances & mixtures.
• Separation???
Law of Definite Proportions
Elements in compounds combine in definite
proportions by mass.
Law of Definite Proportions = Compound is
composed of same elements in the same
proportion by mass.
Mass of the compound = sum of masses of
elements that make up the compound.
Law of Definite Proportions
Definite Proportions -
Law of Definite
- in a compound can be
of elements
expressed as percent by mass.
Ratio of the mass of each element to the total mass
of the compound.
A 1.0 g sample of hydrogen reacts with 19.0 g of fluorine. What is
the % of hydrogen in the compound?
sample of hydrogen reacts with 19.0 g of fluorine. Wh
of hydrogen in the compound?
Law of Definite Proportions
Amounts of elements in a compound can be
expressed as percent by mass.
Ratio of the mass of each element to the total mass of the
Percent by mass the same regardless of amount of
sucrose; each has the same mass proportion
Law of Multiple Proportions
Use when comparing different compounds
composed of the same elements.
Law of Multiple Proportions = Different
compounds are formed by a combination of the
same elements, different masses of one element
combine with the same relative mass of the other
element in a ratio.
one element combine with the same relative mass of the other
element in a ratio of small whole numbers
Law of Multiple Proportions
mass ratio of Compound I
1.793 g Cu / g Cl
= 2.000
mass ratio of Compound II
0.8964 g Cu / g Cl
• Mass ratio of copper to chlorine in Compound 1 is exactly two
times the mass ratio of copper to chlorine in Compound II.
• 2:1