Download Black holes are found in space. Once you get past the horizon on a

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Black holes are found in space. Once you get past the
horizon on a black hole, you can never escape. You would
be sucked in, and then die. At the bottom of a black hole is
a “ball”, called a singularity. A black hole is invisible. The
reason a black hole is invisible is because if light gets
near a black hole it gets sucked in and can never escape.
It has a super strong gravitational pull.
Black holes form when stars die. Stars will take billions
of years to die. When all the hydrogen in a star burns up,
the star dies. Before the star died, heat was pushing out
of the star while gravity was pushing in on the star.
When there was no more hydrogen, no more heat was
pushing out of the star, but gravity was still pushing in on
the star. A star will cave in on itself so the star will get
smaller and denser. Because the stars material is packed
in a tiny space, the gravity is much stronger.
Three concepts that scientists need to study black holes are gravity,
escape velocity, and the speed of light. Light can travel at 186,282 miles
per second. Light has the highest escape velocity in the universe. Even it
can’t escape a black hole. The only way to escape a black hole is to reach
an escape velocity faster than the speed of light, but this is impossible.
So gravity makes black holes. Black holes are not really
holes, more like a funnel. Only very large stars could
become a black hole. In order for our sun to become a
black hole, it would have to be at least ten times bigger
than it is now.
Scientists use special telescopes that can detect X-rays. The best
way to study black holes is to study binary stars. Binary stars are
two stars that obit each other. If a star looks like it is orbiting empty
space, there might be a black hole there.
Fast Fact: White holes are the exact opposite of black holes
Super massive black holes first got thought up when scientists thought
stars in the center of the galaxy were circling something. Possibly a black
hole? If it is, only a super massive black hole could do it. Scientists believe
super massive black holes are at the center of most galaxies. One way they
could have been made was stars in the center of the galaxy could have died,
forming black holes. Then those black holes were so close, that they sucked
in one another, forming a super massive black hole. Most scientists think
that there are super massive black holes at the center of most galaxies.
In 1930, scientists started to believe black holes existed. But the late
1700’s is when the study of space objects with strong gravity started.
Pierre La Place tried to use math to explain black holes. He lived from
1749-1827. Stephen Hawking; an English scientist, is famous for
researching black holes. He has written some popular books on black
holes; explaining that black holes might be how our universe came to be.
Black holes are one of the most mysterious things in space. Even
though they are invisible, we are still able to study them. Also, technology
is advancing rapidly. Black holes are extremely interesting, and there will
always be more to learn about them, since they are so different than
anything else in space.
Fast Fact: Don’t worry about a black hole ending Earth. Chances of that
are slim to none.
by: Tedd Bunn
by: Phil Newman
by: unknown