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University of South Florida
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
3515 East Fletcher Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613
Phone (813) 974-2926
Fax (813) 974-2882
e-mail: [email protected]
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
M.D. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 1971
A.B. (Mathematics), Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1963
H.S. Diploma, San Fernando High School, San Fernando, California, 1959
Straight medical internship, Emanuel Hospital, Portland, Oregon, 1971-72
In Psychiatry
University of California at Davis (Santa Barbara), 1974-1975
University of Iowa, 1972-1974
Certified Physician Investigator (CPI), Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Investigators
(APPI), Affiliate of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP), 2006-2008
Certified Clinical Trial Investigator Association of Clinical Research Professionals, 2004-2006
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1977
2006 – 2007
2005 - 2006
2003 – 2005
2003 – 2007
2002 – 2007
1998 – present
1985 - present
1979 - present
Director, USF Hope House for Eating Disorders
Past President – National Eating Disorders Association
President – National Eating Disorders Association
President Elect – National Eating Disorders Association
Attending – Manatee Glens Hospital, Bradenton, Florida
President, Medical Staff, Fairwinds Residential Treatment Center
Medical Director for Eating Disorder Program, Fairwinds Residential Treatment
Center, Clearwater, Florida
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, University of South Florida,
College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine, Tampa, FL
Director, Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and
Revised 7-29-08
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Behavioral Medicine (USFHSC)
1979 - present
1975 – present
1993 - 1996
1988 - 1992
1986 - 1988
1988 - 1992
1986 - 1987
1980 - 1985
1975 - 1980
1975 - 1976
1975 - 1979
1963 - 1967
Director, Eating Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Medicine
Staff Member/Consultant Tampa General Hospital
Member, Institutional Review Board (USFHSC)
Director, Psychosomatic Medicine Unit, USF Psychiatry Center
Elected Member, Medical Executive Committee (UPC)
Member, Medical Executive Committee (UPC)
Chairperson, Rank and Tenure Committee, College of Medicine (USFHSC)
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine (USFHSC)
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (USF)
Director, Inpatient Adolescent Unit, St. Joseph's Hospital
Coordinator, Psychiatry Clerkship, USF, College of Medicine
Social Worker, Los Angeles Bureau of Public Assistance
Honors and
Certified Eating Disorders Specialist, International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals
(IADEP), 2008
Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, January, 2006 - present
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 2006-present
Who’s Who in American Education, 2003 - present
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest. 2002-present
Who’s Who in America, 1999 - present
Who’s Who in American Women, 1998 - present
National Eating Disorders Association Lifetime Achievement Award, 2006.
Academic Keys Who’s Who in Medical Sciences Education, 2005
Best Doctors in America, 2003-2004, 2005-2006, 2007-2008
Scientific Paper Recognition Award, Southern Medical Association, 16th Annual Regional Burn
Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2003
Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, January, 2003
1st Place Award for Physician Paper, Southern Medical Association, 15th Annual Regional Burn
Conference, 2002
Outstanding Clinician Award, 2000, Academy for Eating Disorders
Professorial Excellence Program Award, Health Sciences Center, University of South Florida, 1997
Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Women Helping Women Award, 1995
Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, 1987
Dorfman Journal Paper Award, 1987
American Psychiatric Association: Rush Gold Medal for Outstanding Scientific Exhibit, Annual
Meeting, Miami, 1976
& Offices in
NIH: Neural Basis of Psychopathology, Addictions and Sleep Disorders Study Section,
Member 2005 - present
Member, Academy for Eating Disorders Task Force: Accreditation of Residential Treatment
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Center for Eating Disorders, 2004 - present
Member, DIA (Drug Information Association, 2005–present.
Chair, Quality Improvement Committee, Academy for Eating Disorders Credentialing Task Force,
Editorial Board, Eating Disorders Review, 1994 – 2007
Eating Disorders Research Society, Founding Member, 1995 - present
Academy for Eating Disorders, Founding President, 1993 - 1995; Immediate Past President, 1995 –
1996; Founding Member 1993 – present; Fellow 2001 – present
American Psychiatric Association, Fellow, 1987 – present
American Psychiatric Association, Member, 1975 – present
Florida Psychiatric Society Member, 1975 – present
American Burn Association, Member, 1986 – present
Immediate Past President, National Eating Disorders Association, 2006 - 2007
President, National Eating Disorders Association, 2005 - 2006
ECRI (National Evidence Based Practice Center): Advisory Committee Member: Eating Disorder
Center Services (Bulimia Nervosa specific), 2004-2006
President-Elect, National Eating Disorders Association, 2003-2005
Member, Board of Directors, National Eating Disorders Association, 2001-2007
Member, University of South Florida Privacy Board, 2003.
Chairperson, Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board, National Eating Disorders Association,
2001 – 2003
Editorial Board, Recognizing the Connection: Eating Disorders and Obesity, 2003 - 2004
Editorial Board, Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 1997 – 2006
Editorial Board, Obesity Surgery: Including Laparoscopy and Allied Care, 1990 - 2007
Scientific Advisory Board, National Eating Disorders Screening Program, 1996 – 1998
APA Practice Guidelines for Eating Disorders Committee Member, 1991 - 1992; 1996 2000, 2004-2006
Member Advocacy Committee, McKnight Foundation/Health & Human Services Project,
1994 - 1995
Secretary-Treasurer, American Association for Social Psychiatry, 1980 – 1982
Counselor, American Association for Social Psychiatry, 1982 – 1986
Editorial Board, American Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1981 - 1985
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Examiner, 1991
Powers PS, Thompson R: The Exercise Balance, Gruze Books, 2008.
Yager J, Powers PS (editors) Clinical Manual of Eating Disorders, American Psychiatric Publishing,
Inc., 2007.
Powers, P.S., Fernandez, R.C. (eds.): The Current Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and
Bulimia. Karger Publishers, 1984. (Translated to Japanese, 1989.)
Powers, P.S., Obesity: The Regulation of Weight. Williams and Wilkins, 1980.
Book Chapters
Powers, PS, Bruty, H., Psychopharmacology for Eating Disorders and Obesity. Psychiatric Clinics.
Accepted for publication in January, 2009 in Child and Adolescent Clinics. Edited by HerpertzDahlman, B, and Hebebrand, J
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Simic M, Powers, P.S., Bannon, Y.S.: Educational interventions. Eating Disorders in The
Cambridge Handbook of Effective Treatments in Psychiatry, edited by Tyrer P and Silk, KR, Chapter
40, pp 637-641, 2008.
Powers PS, Bannon Y, Key A: Alternative and complementary treatments. Eating Disorders. In:
The Cambridge Handbook of Effective Treatments in Psychiatry, edited by Tyrer, P and Silk, KR, pp.
642-646, 2008.
Powers, PS. Bulimia Nervosa, in Conn’s Current Therapy, accepted for publication November, 2007.
Powers PS, Santana CA: Surgery in Essentials of Psychosomatic Medicine, edited by James L.
Levenson, pp 261-283, 2007..
Yager J, Devlin MJ, Halmi KA, Herzog DB, Mitchell JE, Powers P, Zerbe KJ (Work Group on
Eating Disorders): Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Eating Disorders, Third
Edition in American Psychiatric Association Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Psychiatric
Disorders Compendium, pp 1097-1222, 2006.
Powers PS, Cloak N: Medications, Weight Change, and Eating Disorders. Clinical Manual of
Eating Disorders, APPI Press, Editors: Yager J, Powers P, Chapter 10, pp 287-303, 2007.
Powers PS, Thompson R: Athletes and eating disorders. Clinical Manual of Eating Disorders, APPL
Press, Editors: Yager J, Powers P, Chapter 14, pp 357-383, 2007.
Powers, P.S., Santana, C.A.: Surgery. Textbook for Psychosomatic Medicine, edited by Levenson
J.A., American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 30:647-673, 2004.
Powers, P.S., Bannon, Y.: Medical co-morbidity of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge
eating disorders. In Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach, Brewerton, T.
(ed.), Marcel Decker, Inc., 10: 231-255, 2004.
Powers, P.S.: Bulimia nervosa. Conn’s Current Therapy 2003 edited by Rakel, R.E. and Bope, E.T.,
1190-1193, 2003.
Powers, PS, Bannon, Y.: The burdens of eating disorders are rarely recognized. Comment on “The
Economic and Social Burden of Eating Disorders” in Eating Disorders, Volume 6, titled Evidence
and Experience in Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Assoication, 6.8, 415-417, 2003.
Powers, P.S., Santana, C.A.: Childhood and adolescent anorexia nervosa. Child and Adolescent
Psychiatric Clinics edited by Robb, A., Elsevier Science, 11:219-235, 2002.
Powers, P.S., Santana, C.A.: Eating Disorders: A guide for the primary care physician. Primary
Care: Clinics in Office Practice. Ed. Zerbe, K.. W. J. Saunders Vol 29, 1:81-98, March 2002.
Powers, P.S.: Eating disorders in the new millennium. Women’s Mental Health: A Comprehensive
Textbook. Eds.: Komstein, S.G & Clayton, H.G., Guilford Press, pp 244-262, 2002.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S.: Eating disorders. Pediatric and Adolescent Gyencology (Eds. Sanfilippo, J.S.,
Muram, D., Dewhurst J., Lee, P.A.) W. B. Saunders Company, pp. 415-432, 2001.
Powers, P.S., Eubanks, R., Bannon, Y.: Eating and weight disorders. Update: Surgery for the
Morbidly Obese Patient. (eds.: Deitel, M., Cowan G.S.M., FD-Communications, Inc., pp 13-26,
Powers, P.S., Johnson, C.L.: Small victories: prevention of eating disorders among
elite athletes. Preventing Eating Disorders: A Handbook of Interventions and
Special Challenges, (eds.) Piran N., Levine M.P., Steiner-Adair C., Brunner/Mazel, pp.
241-255, 1999.
Powers, P.S.: Eating disorders: Cardiovascular risks and management. In Eating Disorders – A
Guide to Medical Care and Complications. Eds.: Mehler P.S., Andersen A.E., John Hopkins
University Press, p 100-117, 1999.
Powers, P.S.: Managing patients with comorbid medical conditions. In Handbook for
Treatment of Eating Disorders. Garner, D.M., Garfinkel P. (eds.). Guiford Press,
pp. 424-436, 1997.
Powers, P.S.: Eating disorders. In Sanfilippo, J.S., Muram, D., Lee, P.A., Dewhurst, J.
(eds.): Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, pp 397-416, W. B. Saunders,
Philadelphia, 1993.
Powers, P.S.: Outpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa. In Karasu, T.B (ed.),
Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, APA Press, 1989, pp 462-470.
Powers, P.S.: Social issues in obesity. In Burrows, G.D. (series ed.), Handbook in
Psychiatry, Vol. 2. Obesity. Elsevier, 1988, pp 27-42.
Powers, P.S.: Rosemurgy, A.R.: Psychological sequelae of surgical procedures for
obesity. In Deitel, M. (ed), Surgery for the Morbidly Obese Patient. Lea and
Febiger, 1988, pp. 351-358.
Powers, P.S.: Conservative treatments for morbid obesity. In Deitel, M., (ed), Surgery
for the Morbidly Obese Patient. Lea & Febiger, 1988, pp. 27-38.
Powers, P.S., Rosemurgy, A.: Current treatment of obesity. In Eating Disorders:
Effective Care and Treatment. Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc., 1985.
Powers, P.S.: Obesity. In Dorfman, W. and Cristofar, L. (eds), Psychosomatic Illness
Review, MacMillan Publishing Company, 1985 pp. 23-35.
Coombs, R.H., Powers, P.S.: Socialization for death: The physician's role. Urban Life, 4:250-271,
1975. (Reprinted in Sage Contemporary Social Science, Issue 28, entitled, "Toward a Sociology of
Death and Dying", Lynn H. Lofland, (ed.), pp 15-36. Also reprinted in Sociological Stuff, Chalfant,
Curry, Palmer, eds. Kendall-Hunt, 1977)
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Marino, JM, Mitchell, JE, Powers, P, Crow, S, le Grange, D, Hill, L, Multi-site comparison of purging
type disorders. Submitted for consideration to Eating Disorder Research Society, Montreal, 2008.
Eddy, KT, Ross, Crosby, RD, Keel, PK, Wonderlich, SA, Le Grange, D, Hill, L., Powers, P,
Mitchell, JE, Empirical identification and validation of eating disorder phenotypes in a multi-site
clinical sample. Accepted for publication in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2007.
Mitchell JE, Crosby RD, Wonderlich SA, Hill L, le Grange D, Powers P, Eddy K. Latent Profile
Analysis of a Cohort of Patients with Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified, International Journal
of Eating Disorders, 40:S95-S98, 2007.
Hill L, Mitchell JE, Powers P, Crosby RD, Rudd NA, Wood-Barcalow N, LeGrange D. Eating
Disorders and Sexual Abuse: A Multi-Site Study. Submitted for consideration to Comprehensive
Powers PS, Bannon Y, Eubanks R, McCormick T: Quetiapine in anorexia nervosa patients: An open
label outpatient pilot study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, Jan;40:21-26, 2007.
Cloak N, Powers P: Beating obesity: help patients control binge eating disorder and night eating
syndrome. Current Psychiatry 5:17-28, 2006.
Yager J, Devlin MJ, Halmi KA, Herzog DB, Mitchell JE, Powers P, Zerbe KJ: American Psychiatric
Association. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Eating Disorders, Third Edition.
Am J Psychiatry, 163, July, 2006.
Cloak NL, Powers PS: Are undiagnosed eating disorders keeping your patients sick? Current
Psychiatry; 4:65-75, 2005.
Yager J, Devlin MJ, Halmi KA, Herzog DB, Mitchell JE, Powers PS, Zerbe KJ: Eating Disorders.
Clinical Synthesis. Focus 3:503-510, 2005.
Powers PS: Guest Editor: Understanding research findings in eating disorders. Primary Psychiatry
12: April 2005 (pp. 34-58).
Powers PS: Guest Editor’s Note: Understanding research findings in eating disorders. Primary
Psychiatry 12: pp. 30-31, 2005.
Powers PS, Simpson H, McCormick T: Anorexia nervosa and psychosis. Primary Psychiatry 12: 3945, 2005.
Yager J, Devlin MJ, Halmi KA, Herzog DB, Mitchell JE, Powers PS, Zerbe KJ. Guideline watch:
Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with eating disorders, 2 nd edition, 2005. Arlington,
VA: American Psychiatric Association. Available online at
Powers, P.S., Santana, C.: Available pharmacologic treatments for anorexia nervosa. Expert Opinion
on Pharmacotherapy 5(11):2287-2292, 2004.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Johnson, C., Crosby, R., Engel, S., Mitchell, J., Powers, P., Wittrock, D., Wonderlich, S.: Gender,
ethnicity, self-esteem and disordered eating among college athletes. Eating Behaviors 5:147-156,
Powers, P.S., Bannon, Y.S.: The last word: Meeting the challenge of eating disorders. Eating
Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 12:91-95, 2004.
Powers, P.S., Santana, C.A.: Eating Disorders. Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (eds.
Ammoff M. and Daroff R) Vol 2., pp 71-74, Academic Press, San Diego, 2003.
Powers P.S., Bannon, Y.: The burdens of eating disorders are rarely recognized. Comment on “The
economic and social burden of eating disorders in Eating Disorders, Volume 6 titled Evidence and
Experience in Psychiatry, 6.8, 415-417, 2003.
Engel S.G., Johnson C., Powers P.S., Crosby R.D., Wonderlich S.A., Wittrock D.A., Mitchell J.E.:
Predictors of Disordered Eating in a Sample of Elite Division I College Athletes. Eat Behav Nov,
4(4):333-43, 2003.
Dessureault S., Coppola D., Weitzner M., Powers P., Karl R.: Barrett’s Esophagus and squamous cell
carcinoma in a patient with psychogenic vomiting . Int J Gastrointest Cancer 32:57-61, 2002.
Powers P.S., Santana C.A., Bannon Y.S.: Olanzapine in the treatment of anorexia nervosa: an open
label trial. Int J Eat Disord, 32, 2:146-154, 2002.
Powers P.S., Santana C.A.: Childhood and adolescent anorexia nervosa. Child Adolesc Psychiatric
Clin N Am 11:219-235, 2002.
Powers P.S.: Athletes and Eating Disorders: Protective and Risk Factors. Healthy Weight J, 14:59-61,
Powers P.S.: Getting Coverage for Eating Disorders Treatment. Eating Disorders Review, May/June
2000, Vol. 11, #3.
Tsap L.V., Goldgof D.B., Sarkar S., Powers P.S.: A method for increasing precision and reliability of
elasticity analysis in complicated burn scar cases. Int J Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence
14: 189-210, 2000.
Mitchell J.E., Tareen B., Sheehan W., Agras S., Brewerton T.D., Crow S., Devlin M., Eckert E.,
Halmi K., Herzog D., Marcus M., Powers P., Stunkard A., Walsh B.T.: Establishing guidelines for
pharmacotherapy trials in bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord 28: 1; 1-7, 2000.
Yager J., Andersen A., Devlin M., Egger H., Herzog D., Mitchell J., Powers P., Yates A., Zerbe K.:
APA Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders (Revision). Am J
Psychiatry 157: 1, January 2000 Supplement.
Yager J., Andersen A., Devlin M., Egger H., Herzog D., Mitchell J., Powers P., Yates A., Zerbe K.:
APA Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders (Second Edition) in
Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Compendium 2004, published by the
American Psychiatric Association, 675-744, 2004.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Boyd, F.R. Psychiatric status, prevention, and outcome in burn patients: A
prospective study. J Burn Care Rehab, 21:85-88, 2000.
Johnson C., Powers P.S., Dick R.: Athletes and eating disorders: The National Collegiate Athletic
Association Study. Int J Eat Disord 26: 179-188, 1999.
Powers, P.S.: The Last Word. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention: 7:249-255,
Powers PS: Osteoporosis and eating disorders. J Ped Adoles Gynecol. 12:51-57, 1999.
Powers P.S., Sarkar S., Goldgof D.G., Cruse C.W., Tsap L.: Scar Assessment: current problems and
future solutions. J of Burn Care Rehab, 20: 54-60, 1999
Powers, P.S., Perez, A., Boyd, F., Rosemurgy, A. Eating pathology before and after bariatric surgery:
A prospective study. Int J Eat Disord 25: 293-300, 1999.
Tsap L.V., Goldgof D.B., Sarkar S., Powers P.S.: Experimental Results of a Vision-Based Burn Scar
Assessment Technique. Proceedings: Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis, Santa Barbara, CA,
June, 1998:pp. 193-201.
Tsap L.V., Goldgof D.B., Sarkar S., Powers P.S.: A vision-based technique for objective assessment
of burn scars. IEEE Trans on Medical Imaging, 17 (4), 620-633, 1998.
Powers, P.S., Schocken, D.D., Boyd, F.R.: Comparison of habitual runners and
anorexia nervosa patients. Int J Eat Disord, 23:133-143, 1998.
Harvey K.H., Powers, P.S.: The "Free To Be Me" psychoeducational group: A conceptual model for
coping with being overweight. J Special Group Work, Vol. 23, No. 3, 312-325, 1998.
Powers, P.S., Rosernurgy, A., Boyd, F., Perez, A. Outcome of gastric restriction procedures: weight,
psychiatric diagnoses, and satisfaction. Obes Surg 7, 471-477, 1997.
Gahtan V., Goode S.E., Kurto H.Z., Schocken D.D., Powers P., Rosemurgy A.S.: Body composition
and source of weight loss after bariatric surgery. Obesity Surgery 7, 184-188, 1997.
Bloomston M., Zervos E.E., Powers P.S., Rosemurgy A.S.: Bariatric surgery and multiple personality
disorder: complexities and nuances of care. Obesity Surgery, 7 (4), 363-366, 1997.
Powers, P.S., Johnson, R.C.: Small Victories: Prevention of Eating Disorders Among Athletes. Eating
Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention: 4(4):364-377, Winter, 1996.
Powers, P.S., Johnson, C.: Targeting eating disorders in elite athletes. The International Olympics
Commission (IOC) Task Force. Part 2, Eating Disorders Review 7:1-3, 1996.
Powers, P.S., Johnson, C.: Targeting eating disorders in elite athletes: The International Olympics
Commission (IOC) Task Force. Part 1, Eating Disorders Review 7:4-5, 8, 1996.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S.: Initial assessment and early treatment options for anorexia nervosa and bulimia
nervosa. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 19: 639-655, 1996.
Powers, P.S.: Academy for Eating Disorders. Int J Eat Disord, 19 (1), 1-4, 1996.
Powers, P.S., Tyson, I.B., Stevens, B.A., Heal, A.V.: Total body potassium and serum potassium
among eating disorder patients. Int J Eat Disord, 18(3):269-276,1995.
Powers, PS: Current Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. Miami Medicine, September, 1994, pp 21-23.
Powers, PS: Nutrition in Adolescence: Obesity and the Hazards of Treatment. Strategy Development
Workshop for Public Education on Weight and Obesity. Summary Report, NIH, NHLBL, 1994, pg
Powers, P.S.: Academy for eating disorders: Mission and goals. Eating Disorders Review
5:May/June, 1994.
Goldstein, D.J., Wilson, M.G., Thompson, V.L., Potvin, J.H., Rampey, A.H., and the Fluoxetine
Bulimia Nervosa Research Group: Long-term fluoxetine treatment of bulimia nervosa. Brit J
Psychiatry, 166:660-666, 1995
Powers, P.S., Stevens, B.A., Arias, F., Cruse, C.W., Krizek, T., Daniels, S.: Alcohol disorders among
burn patients: Crisis and opportunity. J Burn Care Rehabil, July/Aug 15(4):386-391,1994.
Powers, P.S., Spratt, E.: Males compared to females with eating disorders: 15 years of clinical
experience. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 2(3):197-214, 1994.
Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Daniels, S., Stevens, B.: Post traumatic stress disorder in burn patients. J
Burn Care Rehabil 15(2):147-153, 1994.
Yager J., Anderson A.E., Delvin M., Mitchell J.E., Powers P.S., Yates A.: APA practice guidelines
for eating disorders. Am J Psych 150:207-228, 1993.
Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Daniels, S., Stevens, B.A.: Safety and efficacy of debridement under anesthesia in burn
patients. J Burn Care Rehabil 14:176-80, 1993.
Gahtan, V., Kurto, H.Z., Powers, P.S., Rosemurgy, A.S.: Changes in sexual patterns following vertical banded
gastroplasty and weight loss. Obesity Surgery 2:97-99, 1992.
Powers, P.S., Boyd, F., Blair, R.C., Stevens, B., Rosemurgy, A.: Psychiatric issues in bariatric
surgery. Obes Surg 2:315-325, 1992.
Goldstein, D.J., Wilson, M.G., Thompson, V.L., Potvin, J.H., Rampey, A.H., and the Fluoxetine
Bulimia Nervosa Collaborative Study Group: Fluoxetine in the treatment of bulimia nervosa: A
multicenter, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 49:139-147, 1992.
Daniels S.M., Fenley J.D., Powers P.S., Cruse C.W.: Self-inflicted burns: A ten-year retrospective
study. J Burn Care Rehabil 12:144-147, 1991.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S., Schocken, D.D., Feld, J., Holloway, J.D., Boyd, F.R.: Cardiac function during weight
restoration in anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord 10:521-530, 1991.
Anderson, E.S., Powers, P.S.: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with clozapine use. J Clin
Psychiatry 52:102-104, 1991. (Reviewed in Psychiatry Drug Alert 5:35-36, 1991.)
Powers, P.S.: Anorexia nervosa: Evaluation and treatment. Comp Ther 16:24-34, 1990.
Fenley, J., Powers, P.S., Miller, J., Rowland, M.: Untreated anorexia nervosa: A case study of the
medical consequences. Gen Hosp Psychiat 12:264-270,1990.
Powers, P.S., Malone, J.I., Coovert, D.L., Schulman, R.G.: Diabetes mellitus and eating disorders: A
prevalence study. Comp Psychiatry 31:205-210, 1990.
Powers, P.S.: Psychiatric disorders in pregnant women. Medical Aspects Hum Sexuality 23:47-54,
Schocken, D.S., Holloway, JD, Powers, P.S.: Weight loss and the heart. Arch Int Med 149:877-881,
Powers, P.S., Coovert, D.L., Brightwell, D.B., Stevens, B.: Other psychiatric disorders among
bulimic patients. Comp Psychiatry 29:503-508,1988.
Powers, P.S., Rosemurgy, A.S., Coovert, D.L., Boyd, F.B.: Psychosocial sequelae of bariatric
surgery: a pilot study. Psychosom 29: 283-288,1988.
Coovert, D.L., Powers, P.S.: Bulimia nervosa with enema abuse: A preliminary analysis based on
four case reports. Int J Eat Dis 7:697-700, 1988.
Powers, P.S.: Commentary on eating disorders and long distance running: The ascetic condition by
A. Yates. Integ Psychiatry 5:207-210, 1987.
Powers, P.S., Schulman, R.G., Gleghorn A.A.: Perceptual and cognitive abnormalities in bulimia.
Am J Psychiatry 144:1456-1460, 1987.
Gleghorn, A.A., Penner, L.A., Powers, P.S., Schulman, R.G.: The psychometric properties of several
measures of body image. J Psychopath Behav Assess 9:203-218,1987.
Schulman, R.G., Kinder, B.N., Powers, P.S., Prange, M., Gleghom, A.: The development of a scale to
measure, cognitive distortions in bulimia. J Pers Assess 50:630-639, 1986.
Powers, P.S., Maher, M., Cruse, C.W., Luria, W.: Impact of a disaster on a bum unit. Psychosom
8:553-561, 1986.
Powers, P.S.: Inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa. Pediatrician 12:126-133, 1986.
Powers, P.S., Johnson, T., Knuppel, R., Cupoli, J.M., Achenbach, K.E.: Psychiatric disorders in high
risk pregnancy. Comp Psychiatry 27:159-164, 1986.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S., Johnson, T.M., Watkins, G.M., Cruse, C.W.: Interrupted debridement. J Burn Care Rehab 6:398-401,
Powers, P.S.: Obesity. (Psychosomatic Illness Review, No. 2 in a series). Psychosomatics 23:1027-1039, 1982.
(Reprinted in Dorfman W., Crostofar L. (eds): Psychosomatic Illness Review, MacMillan Publ. Co., New York, 1985, pp.
Powers, P.S., Powers, H.P.: Inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa. Psychosomatics 25:512-523,
Powers, P.S., Malone, J.I., Duncan, J.A.: Anorexia nervosa and diabetes mellitus. J Clin Psychiatry
44:133-135, 1983.
Powers, P.S.: Effects of the ERA experience on psychotherapy. Curr Psychiatric Ther 22:31-37,
Root, A., Powers, P.S.: Anorexia nervosa presenting as growth retardation in adolescence. J Adol
Health Care 4:25-30, 1983.
Powers, P.S.: Heart failure during treatment of anorexia nervosa. Am J Psychiatry 139:1167-1170,
Powers, P.S.: Obesity and weight management. Physician Fam Counselor 1: 1982.
Powers, P.S., Holland, P., Miller, C., Powers, H.P.: Transswitching in the treatment of obesity. Int J
Obesity 6:271-278, 1982.
Powers, P.S., Holland, P., Miller, C., Powers, H.P.: Salivation patterns of obese and normal subjects.
Int J Obesity 6:267-270, 1982.
Powers, H.P., Powers, P.S.: Social work and social psychiatry: Quid Pro Quo. Am J Soc Psychiatry
1:45-48, 1981.
Powers, P.S., Gerngenti, J.: Analysis of a system. Psych Nurs Mental Health Serv 16:17-22, 1978.
Powers, P.S., Gunderman, R.: Kleine-Levin syndrome associated with firesetting. Am J Dis Child
Powers, P.S., Langworthy, J., Greene, I.: Art: Another dimension in the treatment of psychiatric
patients. Art Psychother 5:71-79, 1978.
Powers, P.S., Douglass, T.S., Waziri, R.: Hyperprexia in Catatonic States. Dis Nerv Sys 37:359-361,
1976 (Reviewed in Psychiatry Digest, March 1977, p 69.).
Powers, P.S.: Weight problems in adolescence. Primary Care 3:337-352, 1976.
Andreasen, N.J.C., Powers, P.S.: Psychosis, thought disorder and regression. Am J Psychiatry
133:522-526, 1976.
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Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S., Powers, H.P.: Using a hospital for densensitization of an outpatient's illness-related
fears. Hosp Com Psychiatry, 26:675-677, 1975.
Powers, P.S., Stevens, C., Andreasen, N.J.C.: The ontogenesis of intelligence: evaluating the Piaget
theory. Comp Psychiatry, 16:149-154, 1975.
Andreasen, N.J.C., Powers, P.S.: Creativity and psychosis. An examination of conceptual style.
Arch Gen Psychiatry, 32:70-73, 1975.
Halmi, K., Powers, P.S., Cunningham, S.: Treatment of anorexia nervosa with behavior modification.
Arch Gen Psychiatry, 32:93-96, 1975.
Andreasen, N.J.C., Powers, P.S.: Overinclusive thinking in mania and schizophrenia. Brit J
Psychiatry, 125:452-456, 1974.
CME Reviewer:
Powers PS: Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder sponsored by The University of
South Florida, College of Medicine, produced by Health Learning Systems, supported by an unrestricted
educational grant from Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.
CME Questions:
Work Group for the APA Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders, Third
Edition: CME Questions for the APA Treatment Guidelines, February 10, 2006.
NIH Grant Review:
Primary reviewer (resubmitted) of K-23 grant entitled “Bulimia Nervosa and dopamine: a link to
addictions,” February, 2008.
Primary reviewer of K-23 grant entitled “Anorexia Nervosa – Regional brain abnormalities and
relationship to outcome,” February, 2008.
Primary reviewer of K-23 grant entitiled “Bulimia Nervosa and dopamine: a link to addictions,”
February, 2007.
Primary reviewer of B-Start grant entitled “Impact of expecations and satisfaction with cariatric surgery
and depression,” May, 2005.
Primary reviewer of grant entitled, “Sympoms, Serotonin and Amino Acids in Anorexia Nervosa,”
February, 2004.
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Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Featured editor for Expert Opinion with questions and answers on “Eating Disorders” in conjunction
with National Eating Disorders Awareness Week to help promote awareness of the health observence
found at the public information web site, February, 2006.
Expert Committee:
Served on Expert Committee Proposing Evidence Based Report on Eating Disorders Treatment for
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 2004.
Powers, P. S.: Letter to the Editor. Obesity Surgery 6(2), April, 1996, p. 182.
& Thesis
Thesis Committees
Boyd, F.: Levels of depression in anorexia nervosa and bulimia. (M.S. in Nursing,
USFHSC), 1988.
Gleghorn, A.: Psychometric properties of several measures of body image. (M.A.
in Psychology, USF), 1987.
Eubanks, R: The Menstrual Cycle and Pattern Food Intake. M.S. in Nutrition, Florida State
University, College of Home Economics, 1986.
Dissertation Committees
Powell, M.: Color Texture Studies of Scars, (Ph.D. in Engineering, USF), 2000.
Tsap, L.: A method for increasing precision and reliability of elasticity analysis in complicated
burn scar cases, (Ph.D. in Engineering, USF), 2000.
Powers, H.: Toward an Understanding of Guilt, (Ph.D. in Social Work, Smith College ,
Northampton, Mass.), 1998.
Bassett, D.: Psychological Correlates in Induced Hypomasculine and
Hypermasculine Physiques: Male Anorexics and Body Builders, (Ph.D. in Social
Work, Smith College, Northampton, Mass.), 1996.
Kolar, B.: The Body Image of Sexually Abused Bulimic Women, (Ph.D. in
USF), 1994.
Miller, S.: A Phenomenological Study of Those Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder,
(Ph.D. in Anthropology, USF) 1991.
Schulman, R.: Cognitive Distortions in Bulimia: The Development of a Scale,
(Ph.D. in Psychology, USF), 1985.
Book Reviews
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Cooper Z., Fairburn C.G., Hawker D.M.: Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Obesity. Guilford Press, 2004.
Tobin D.L.: Coping Strategies Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa. American Psychological Association, 2000.
Hall, L., Ostroff, M.: Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery. Gurze Design and Books, 2000.
Vanderlinden J, Vandereycken W: Trauma, Dissociation, and Impulse Dyscontrol in Eating Disorders. Brunner/Mazel,
Hall L, Ostroff M: Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery. Gurze Designs and Books, 1998.
March JS: Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents. The Guilford Press, New York, 1995. Review submitted to
the Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology.
van't Hof S: Anorexia Nervosa: The Historical and Cultural Specialty: Fallacious Theories and
Tenacious "Facts". Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, Switzerland, 1994. American Journal of
Psychiatry 155:4, April, 1998.
Ferrari E, Brambilla F, Solerte SB: Primary and secondary eating disorders: A psychoneuroendocrine and metabolic
approach. Permagon Press 1993.
Zerbe, K.: The Body Betrayed. American Psychiatric Press, 1993.
Remschmidt, H., Schmidt, M.H.: Anorexia Nervosa. Child & Youth Psychiatry: European Perspectives, Volume 1.
Hogrefe & Huber, N.Y., 1992.
Epling, W.F., Pierce, W.D.: Solving the Anorexia Puzzle: A Scientific Approach. Hogrefe & Huber, N.Y., 1992.
Vanderlinden, J., Norré, J., Vandereycken W. (ed.): A Practical Guide to the Treatment of
Bulimia Nervosa. Brunner/Mazel, 1992.
Johnson, C. (ed): Psychodynamic Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. Guilford Press, 1991.
Gordon, R.A.: Anorexia and Bulimia: Anatomy of a Social Epidemic. Book Forum, American Journal of Psychiatry,
Garner, D.M., Garfinkel, P.E.: Handbook of Psychotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. Book Forum, American
Journal of Psychiatry, 1986.
Leon, G.R.: Treating Eating Disorders: Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. Lewis
Publishing Company, 1983.
Crisp, A.H.: Anorexia Nervosa: Let Me Be. Grume & Stratton, 1980.
McLeod, S.: The Art of Starvation: A Story of Anorexia Nervosa and Survival. Schocken
Books, 1982.
Greenspan, M.: A New Approach to Women and Therapy. McGraw Hill Book Company, 1983.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
LeBow, M.B.: Child Obesity: A New Frontier of Behavior Therapy. Springer
Publishing Company, Inc., 1984.
Darby, P.L., Garfinkel, P.E., Garner, D.M., Coscina, D.V.: Anorexia Nervosa: Recent
Developments in Research.
Gross, M.: Anorexia Nervosa: A Comprehensive Approach. The Collamore
Press, 1982.
Garfinkel, P.E. and Garner, D.M.: Anorexia Nervosa: A Multidimensional
Perspective. Brunner/Mazel, 1982.
Johnson, C., Connors, M.E.: The Etiology and Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa: A
Biopsychosocial Perspective. Amer J Psychiatry, 1988.
Powers, P: Standards for Residential and Inpatient Eating Disorder Program Accreditation. An Update of
the Proposed Standards of Care and Plans for Implementation for Inpatient/Residential Programs
from the AED Credentialing Task Force International Conference on Eating Disorders, Seattle,
Washington, May 15, 2008.
Eddy, KT, Ross, Crosby, RD, Keel, PK, Wonderlich, SA, Le Grange, D, Hill, L., Powers, P, Mitchell,
JE: Empirical identification and validation of eating disorder phenotypes in a multi-site clinical
sample. Presented at the Academy of Eating Disorders International Conference in Seattle,
Washington, May, 2008.
Hoste R., Doyle AC, Eddy K, Crosby R, Hill L, Mitchell J, Powers P, le Grange D:
Quality of Life Among Eating Disordered Adolescents. Presented at the Academy of Eating
Disorders International Conference in Seattle, Washington, May 16, 2008.
Powers, PS, Cloak, N: Weight, Eating Disorders and Medications, Advances in Eating Disorders (APPI).
Presented at the American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, May 6, 2008.
Powers, PS: Inpatient Treatment of Eating Disorders. Presented at Eating Disorders Network of Central
Florida (EDNCF), Orlando, FL, January 11, 2008.
Powers, PS: Consensus Criteria for ED in RTC. Presented at National Meeting of Blue Cross/Blue
Shield in Orlando, Florida, September 18, 2007.
Powers, PS: Unhealthy and Unbalanced Exercise presented to staff at Tampa YMCA in Tampa, Florida,
September 19, 2007.
Powers, PS: Parents’ Guide to Eating Disorders presented at Ophelia Project, Tampa, Florida, October
18, 2007.
Powers, PS: Parents’ Guide to Eating Disorders presented at Hope House, Tampa, Florida, November 3,
Powers PS: Current Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders. Keynote Address presented at the 11th
Annual Women’s Health Across the Lifecycle Eating Disorders Conference, East Tennessee
State University, Quillen College of Medicine, Johnson City, Tennessee, February 16, 2007.
Powers PS: Difficult Issues in the Management of Anorexia Nervosa presented at the Eating Disorder
Task Force Meeting, Muncie Indiaia, October 13, 2006.
Powers PS: Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: Current State of the Art. Keynote Address presented at the
Eating Disorder Task Force Meeting, Muncie, Indiana, October 13, 2006.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers PS, Marx R: Treatment Networking Sig. Presented at the National Eating Disorders Association
(NEDA) Eating Disorders Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, September 16, 2006.
Powers PS, Thompson R: Athletes and Eating Disorders. Presented at the National Eating Disorders
Association (NEDA) Eating Disorder Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, September 15, 2006.
Powers, PS: “Eating Disorder Treatment” presented to the Alabama Psychiatric Services, Birmingham,
Alabama, August 26, 2006.
Powers PS: Recruitment and Retnetion of Psychiatric Patients for Culture and Diversity Issues in
Clinical Research for a Clinical Trials Course, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida,
August 9, 2006.
Powers PS, Wachter K: Nutrition and Physiology: When Food Is The Issue. Presented at the 71st
Annual Symposium – Florida Dietetic Association, Orlando, Florida, July 11, 2006.
Powers PS: Latest Developments in Eating Disorders. Presented at U.S. Food Health Care Seminar,
Tampa, Florida, June 16, 2006.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: Helping Without Hurting. Presented in conjunction with “Mental Health
Awareness Month” in a lecture series presented at the University of South Florida, Department
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Tampa, Florida, May 17, 2006.
Powers PS: Balancing the Scales: Weight Maintenance and its Cultural Connection. Presented at
“Weight Loss and Wellness” an event for wome n presented by Tampa General Hospital, Tampa,
Florida, May 13, 2006.
Powers PS: The Burdens of Eating Disorders. Presented to The Davis Foundation, Greenwich,
Connecticut, April 20, 2006.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: A Survival Guide—Helping without Harming. Presented at the Eating
Disorders Coalition of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, April 8, 2006.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: Progress and Problems. Presented at the Eating Disorders Coalition of
Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, April 8, 2006.
Powers PS: Multidimensional Ethical Issues in Bariatric Surgery. Presented at the Academy of
Psychosomatic Medicine 52nd Annual Meeting – Answering Questions Together: Psychosomatic
Medicine Research, Education and Clinical Care, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, November 19,
Powers PS: Quality of Life: Attitude and Aging. Presented at the Symposium on Clinical Interventions
in Aging jointly sponsored by USF Health and Society for Applied Research in Aging. Presented
at the Renaissance Tampa Hotel, Tampa, Florida, October 28th, 2005.
Wachtner K, Powers PS: Nutrition and Physiology: Dietician, Physician, Patient and Family Working
Together. Presented at the National Eating Disorders Association Annual Meeting, Denver,
Colorado, September 9, 2005.
Powers PS: Eating disorders and self-harm behavior. Presented at Chapin School, New York, May 19,
Powers PS: Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Project Return, April 26, 2005.
Powers, PS: Schizophrenia: Progress and Problems. Presented at The Carter Jenkins Center, Tampa,
FL. March 17, 2005.
Powers, PS: Eating Disorders, Invited presentation to Endocrinology Department, James A.Haley
Hospital, January 31, 2005
Powers, PS: Identification and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders: A Guide
for the Pediatrician. Presented at University Community Hospital, Grand Rounds for
Pediatricians, January 12, 2005.
Powers, PS: Psychiatric Issues in the Surgical Setting. Presented at the Academy for Psychosomatic
Board of Medicine, Board Certification Review Course, November 18, 2004.
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Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers PS: Biological, Psychodynamic, and Cultural Factors in Eating Disorders: Translation to Clinical
Practice. Presented at 14th Annual Renfrew Foundation Conference for Professionals,
Philadelphia, PA November 6, 2004.
Powers PS, Devlin MJ: Eating Disorders Along the Spectrum: Where Do We Go From Here? Presented
at the National Eating Disorders Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 16, 004.
Powers PS, Sachs GS, Kushner SF, Wang D, Olson WH, Capece JA, Fazzio LO: Topiramate in Adults
with Acute Bipolar I Mania: Pooled Results. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association,
56th Institute on Psychiatric Services (APA-IPS), Atlanta, GA October 8, 2004.
Mitchell JE, Hill L, Powers P, LeGrange D, Dymek M, Crosby R: A Standardized Database System for
Eating Disorder and Bariatric Surgery Patients. Presented at the Eating Disorder Research
Society, Amsterdam, October 2004.
Powers PS: Obesity and Eating Disorders: Integrating the Concepts of Balance, Flexibility and
Moderation. Presented for AHEC, Tampa, FL August 28, 2004.
Powers, P.S.: The Treatment of Eating Disorders and Obesity. Behavioral Medicine Course for Medical
Students presented May 26, 2004.
Powers, P.S.: Eating Disorders: A Guide for the Pediatrician. Grand Rounds presented at All Children’s
Hospital, May 7, 2004.
Powers, P.S.: Eating Disorders: Problems and Perils. Presented at The Fifth Annual Conference on
Obesity, Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, FL, April 17, 2004.
Powers, PS: Research in Schizophrenia. Presented to the Physicians at Manatee Glens Hospital, March
31, 2004.
Powers, PS: Mental Illness and Phase II and III Clinical Trials. Presented at the 4th National
Symposium: Bioethical Considerations in Human Subject Research, Clearwwater Beach, FL, March
13, 2004.
Powers, PS: The Art of Treatment for Eating Disorder Patients: View and Perspective from Psychiatry.
Presented at The Art of Treatment for Eating Disorders Conference recognizing National Eating
Disorder Awareness Week, Orlando, FL, February 20, 2004.
Powers, PS: Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders. Webcase teleconference done for AHEC,
Tampa, FL, February 11, 2004.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders and the Endocronologist. Presented at the Endocronology Noon
Conference, James A. Haley V.A. Hospital, Tampa, Florida, January 27, 2004.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: A Threat to American Women presented to the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Tampa, Florida, January 9, 2004.
Powers PS, Shelby M, Cruse CW: Atypical Antipsychotics for Psychosis in the Burn Center: Promises
and Perils presented at the 16th Annual Regional Burn Conference, Orlando, Florida, December
5, 2003.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders in Context: Progress, Problems and Perils presented at National Eating
Disorders Association, Chicago, IL, October 25, 2003.
Powers PS, Bannon Y, Eubanks R: Anorexia Nervosa and Atypical Antipsychotics: Effect on Weight and
Psychopathoology presented at Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting Ravello, Italy,
October, 2003.
Powers PS: Binge Eating Disorder presented at the Binge Eating and Obesity Symposium, Chicago,
Illinois September 18, 2003.
Powers PS: Advances in Schizophrenia presented at the Carter Jenkins Center, Tampa, Florida August 27
and August 28, 2003.
Powers PS: Medical Complications of Eating Disorders presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders
Teaching Day, Denver Colorado, May 29, 2003.
Powers PS: New Treatments for Schizophrenia presented to the National Association of Social Workers,
Spring Hill, Florida, March 29, 2003.
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Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders Awareness Week: What Everyone Needs to Know About Eating Disorders
presented at USF, College of Public Health, Tampa, Florida, February 26, 2003.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: New Research presented at Grand Rounds at Linden Oaks at Edward,
Napierville, Illinois, February 14, 2003.
Powers PS: Overview of Eating Disorders presented to the National Association of Social Workers,
Hudson, Florida, January 18, 2003.
Powers PS: Seminar in Eating Disorders presented to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year residents at USF, Tampa,
Florida, January 9, 2003.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders and the Endocrinologist presented at the Endocrine Noon Conference at
the James A. Haley VA Hospital, Tampa, Florida January 7, 2003.
Powers PS, Takagishi SC, Brown R, Cruse CW: Psychiatric Guideline for Psychiatric Disorders in Burn
Patients: Evidence and Experience presented at the 15th Annual Regional Burn Meeting,
Louisville, Kentucky, December 6, 2002.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment presented in Orlando, December 4,
Powers PS: New Frontiers in Eating Disorders presented at Grand Rounds at USF, Tampa, November 8,
Powers PS, Bannon Y: Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorders presented at the American College
of Nutrition Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, October 5, 2002.
Powers PS: New Frontiers presented at National Eating Disorders Association Meeting, Santa Monica,
California, September 20, 2002.
Powers PS: Role of NEDA in Advancing Treatment presented at National Eating Disorders Association
Meeting, Santa Monica, California, September 19, 2002.
Powers PS: Everything You Wanted to Know about Eating Disorders But Were Afraid to Ask presented
at Carter Jenkins Center, August 8, 2002.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: Treatment and Outcome presented at Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital,
Omaha, Nebraska, July 20, 2002.
Powers PS: Recent Developments in Understanding Eating Disorders, presented at the Carter Jenkins
Center, July 24, 2002.
Powers PS: Medical Complications of Eating Disorders presented at the International Conference ror
Eating Disorders, Boston, April 25, 2002.
Powers PS: International Eating Disorders Database: Preliminary Findings presented at the International
Conference for Eating Disorders, Boston, April 25, 2002.
Powers PS: What Can we Learn About Obesity from Eating Disorders presented at The Obesity
Epidemic, Tampa, FL, April 13, 2002.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders Awareness: Latest Developments presented at FMHI, Tampa, FL March 1,
Powers PS: Eating Disorders, Obesity: Etiology, Assessment and Treatment presented to the Tampa
Dietetic Association February 20, 2002.
Powers PS: Pharmacological Treatment of Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge
Eating Disorders and Obesity presented at the 7th Annual Psychopharmacology Update
sponsored by the APA and The Nevada Psychiatric Assodiation, February 15, 2002.
Ferrandino CC, Cruse CW, Powers PS, Shah K: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Electrical Injury,
presented at the 14th Annual Regional Burn Seminar, Chattanooga, TN, December 7, 2001.
Powers PS, Brown RF, Alteme C: Management of Psychiatric Disorders in Burn Patients During Initial
Hospitalization: Proposed Practice Guideline, presented at the 14th Annual Regional Burn
Seminar, Chattanooga, TN, December 7, 2001.
Powers PS, Bannon YS: Recruitment and Retention Practices, presented at the TOPMAT-PDMD-005
Interim Investigator Meering, Kansas City, MO, October, 2001.
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Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers PS: Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: Medication Treatments and Side Effects, presented to
NAMI, Hernando County, July 10, 2001.
Powers PS: Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders, presented to NAMI, Hernando County May 19, 2001.
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: Role of Clinician in Diagnosis and Treatment presented at meeting
sponsored by Mid-Florida Center for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Clearwater,
FL April 25, 2001.
Powers PS: Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: Medication Treatments & Weight Change, presented to
NAMI Hernando County, April 16, 2001.
Powers PS: Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: Medication Treatments & Weight Change, presented to
NAMI, Pinellas County, April 5, 2001.
Powers PS, Sarkar S, Cruse CW: The Impact of Scars on Quality of Life: Development of a Scar
Assessment Package, presented at Scar Conference, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FL March,
Powers PS: Eating Disorders: Role of the Family Physician in Diagnosis and Treatment presented at St.
Joseph’s Hospital Family Practice Lecture, Tampa, FL January 25, 2001.
Powers PS: Endocrinologic and Metabolic Changes in Eating Disorders presented at James A. Haley
Veteran’s Administration Hospital, January, 2001.
Powers PS: Bipolar Disorders, Eating and Weight Disorders presented at G. Pierce Woods, January,
Powers PS, Eichler S, Perez A, Cruse CW: Neurocognitive Abnormalities in Electrical and Lightning
Strike Injuries: Where Do We Go From Here? 13th Annual Regional Burn Seminar in Atlanta,
Georgia, December 1, 2000.
Powers PS, Barnett KD, Eubanks R: Athletes, Eating Disorders and Hardiness. Accepted for for
presentation at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting in Prien, Germany,
November 10/11, 2000.
Powers PS: “Recent Developments in Eating Disorders”. Presented at Grand Rounds,University of
South Florida, Department of Psychiatry, Tampa, Florida, October 27, 2000.
Powers PS: “Eating Disorders: The Role of the Pediatrician in Diagnoses and Treatment” to be presented
at Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics Meeting, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tampa, Florida,
October 12, 2000.
Powers PS: Recent Advances in Eating Disorders. Pediatric Grand Rounds presented at the University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas, July 21, 2000.
Powers PS: Mind/Body Connection: Women and Mental Health. Presented at "Better Health and Better
Lives for Women”, Clearwater, Florida, July, 1999.
Sarkar S, Goldgof D, Powers PS, Tsap L: Objective Evaluation of Burn Scars Using Computer Vision
Techniques. American Burn Association Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, March 26,
Powers PS, Allwood J, Desjadins C, Krizek T: The Great DRG Hoax, IIth Annual Regional Burn
Seminar, Gainesville, Florida, December, 1998.
Powers PS: Overview of Outpatient Management of Eating Disorders, Tampa Bay Council of Child Psychiatry, Tampa,
Florida, November, 1998.
Powers PS, Johnson CL: Small Victories: Prevention of Eating Disorders Among Elite Athletes,
International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, New York, April, 1998.
Powers PS, Harvey K: Eating Disorders: Severity and outcome. 1998 Annual American Psychiatric
Association Meeting, Toronto, May, 1998
Powers HP, Powers PS: Assessment of pre-oedipal guilt. 1998 Annual American Psychiatric Association
Meeting, Toronto, May, 1998
Powers PS: Neuropsychiatric; Problems Following Electrical and Lightning Strike Injuries. West Coast
Case Management Association, Tampa, FL, April 2, 1998.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers PS: Psychopharmacology of Eating and Weight Disorders, University of Nevada School of
Medicine, Conference on Eating Disorders, Las Vegas, NV, February 27, 1998.
Powers PS: Helping People with Eating Disorders. Presented in conjunction with
National Eating Disorders Screening Program, Tampa, FL, February, 1998
Sarkar S, Tsap L, Goldgof D, Powers, P.: Progress in Scar Assessment. Presented at I0th Annual
Regional Burn Seminar, Chapel Hill, NC, December, 1997
Powers, PS, Eichler, S, Allwood J, Cruse CW, Perez A.: Neuropsychiatric Abnormalities and Electrical
Burn Injuries: An Update. Presented at the I0th Annual Regional Burn Seminar, Chapel Hill,
NC, December, 1997
Bloomston, M, Zervos, EE, Powers, PS, Rosemurgy, AS: Bariatric Surgery and Multiple Personality
Disorder: Complexities and Nuances of Care, Bariatric Society meeting, Chicago, Illinois, June,
Powers, PS: Medical and Psychiatric Assessment and Early Treatment Options, University of Nevada
School of Medicine Conference on Eating Disorders, Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada, May 5 and
May 6,1997
Powers, PS: Anorexia, Other Eating Disorders, Altered Behavior and Gynecologic Health, 21st Annual
Midwinter Seminar OB/GYN, Tampa, Florida, February 28, 1997
Powers, PS: Psychosis in Hospitalized Burn Patients: A Two Year Prospective Study, Ninth Annual
Regional Burn Seminar, Charleston, SC, December 6, 1996
Powers, PS, Boyd F, Rosemurgy A, Attkinson L: What Can Morbid Obesity Teach Us
About Eating Disorders? Eating Disorders Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA,
November, 1996
Powers, PS: Psychiatric Issues in the Rehabilitation of Burn Patients, Tampa Bay Regional Burn Center
Burn Symposium: Acute Care to Rehabilitation-An Update, Tampa, Florida, November 1, 1996
Powers, PS, Boyd, F, Rosemurgy, A, Attkinsson, L: What Can Morbid Obesity Teach Us About Eating
Disorders? Eating Disorders Research Society, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 16,1996.
Powers, PS, Boyd, FB: Assessment and Early Treatment Interventions with Patients with Eating
Disorders at AHEC Video Symposium, Tampa, FL, May 22,1996.
Powers, PS: Morbid Obesity, Medical Grand Rounds, St. Francis Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, May
15, 1996.
Powers, PS: Athletes and Eating Disorders. APA, New York, May 6, 1996.
Powers, PS: Managed Care: Cultural Dilemmas and Individual Solutions. Plenary Address, Seventh
International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, April, 1996.
Powers, PS, Baker-Dennis, A. Assessment and Treatment Planning for Eating Disorders.
Academy Teaching Day, Seventh International Conference on Eating Disorders,
New York, April, 1996.
Sarkar, S, Powers, PS, Boyer, KW, Goldgof, DB, Cruse, CW. Facial Scar Assessment. Presented at 8th
Annual Regional Burn Meeting, Miami, FL, December 8, 1995.
Powers, PS: Psychiatric Aspects of Electrical Injuries and Lightning Strikes. Presented at Electrical
Injury and Lightning Strike Conference at Tampa General Hospital, September 8, 1995.
Powers, P.S.: Binge Eating Disorder/Obesity. Plenary address April, 1995 at Anorexia Nervosa and
Associated Diseases Conference, Chicago, IL.
Powers, P.S.: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Presented to the International Association of Fire Fighters
Burn Foundation in conjunction with the 27th Annual Meeting of the American Burn Association,
April 18, 1994.
Powers, P.S.: Recent Developments in Eating Disorders. Grand Rounds, Wayne State University,
Detroit, Michigan, December 1, 1994.
Powers, P.S.: Psychiatric Aspects of Burn Care. Presented at the Burn Symposium, Tampa General
Hospital, Tampa, FL, November, 1994.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S., Kallman, F., Boyd, F.: Relationship of Psychiatric Status and Cause of Injury to Outcome
in Burn Patients: A Prospective Study. Presented at the 7th Annual Regional Burn Seminar,
September, 1994.
Powers, P.S., Kallman, F.: Forensic psychiatry and the burn victim. Presented at the 7th Annual
Regional Burn Seminar, September, 1994.
Eubanks R., Powers, P.S.: Nutritional Assessment of Eating Disorder Patients. Presented at the l3th
Annual Conference on Eating Disorders in Columbus, Ohio, October, 1994.
Powers, P.S., Hart M., Harvey K.: Assessing Severity of Illness in Eating Disorder
Patients. Presented at the 13th Annual Conference on Eating Disorders in
Columbus, Ohio, October, 1994.
Powers, P.S., Stevens, B.A., Arias, F., Cruse, C., Krizek, T., Daniels, S.: Alcohol Disorders Among Burn
Patients. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
May 1994.
Powers, P.S., Powers, H.P.: Guilt Among Weight and Eating Disorder Patients. Presented at the 6th
International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, April 1994.
Powers, P.S.: Psychology of Pain. Presented at the American Burn Association Meeting, Orlando,
Florida, April 1994.
Powers, P.S.: Therapeutic Cosmetics for the Burned Individual. Presented at the Society of Cosmetic
Chemists Meeting, New York, December 1993.
Powers, P.S.: Psychiatric Aspects of Electrical Burn Injuries. Presented at Sixth Annual Regional Burn
Seminar, Orlando, Florida, December 1993.
Powers, P.S.: Eating Disorders ... Is Society Making Us III? Presented at Friends of Research in
Psychiatry Brain Trust Luncheon Series, Tampa, Florida, November 1993.
Powers, P.S.: Psychological Issues Associated with Electric Shock Injuries. Presented at
Lightning Strike/Electrical Shock Conference, Tampa, Florida, September 1993.
Powers, P.S. Psychiatric Intervention with Burn Patients. Presented at Social Work in Health Care,
Issues in Clinical Practice IV, Tampa, Florida, August 1993.
O'Donoghue S.A., Daniels S.M., Cruse C.W., Powers P.S., Stevens B.A.: The Use of Cosmetics as an
Adjunct in Burn Rehabilitations. Presented at 25th Annual Meeting of the American Burn
Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 25, 1993.
Arias, F., Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Daniels, S., Stevens, B.A: Substance Abuse in Burn Victims:
Prevalence, Treatment and Prevention. Presented at the 5th Annual Regional Burn Seminar,
Birmingham, Alabama, October 1992.
Powers, P.S.: Psychiatric Issues in Bariatric Surgery. Plenary Address, American Society Bariatric
Surgery, June 11, 1992.
Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Daniels, S., Stevens, B.A: Psychiatric Diagnoses, Prevention, and the
Development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Presented to the American Burn Association, Salt
Lake City, Utah, April 1992.
Powers, P.S.: Outcome of Inpatient Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. Presented at Current
Clinical Issues in Eating and Weight Disorders Conference, Tampa, Florida, February 1992.
Powers, P.S., Daniels, S., Stern, R., Castro, J., Cruse, C.W., Stevens, B.: PTSD Among Burn Victims.
Presented at 1991 Regional Burn Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, October 1991.
Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Daniels, S., Stevens, B.: Scar Assessment. Presented at 1991 Regional Burn
Meeting, Nashville, Tennnessee, October 1991.
Spratt, E., Powers, P.S.: Similarities in Males and Females with Eating Disorders. Presented at Southern Association for
Research in Psychiatry, May 1991.
Powers, P.S.: Psychiatric Diagnosis Among Burn Victims: A One Year Prospective Study. Presented at
American Burn Association, Region IV Burn Seminar, Point Clear, Alabama, November 1990.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S.: Strategies for Management of Serious Obesity. Presented at Treating Obesity in the 90's:
Realities and New Directions-An International Meeting for Clinicians, Mountain Lake, Virginia,
April 1991.
Powers, P.S.: The Treatment Resistant Patient: How to Work with the Most Difficult Patients. Ninth
National Conference on Eating Disorders, Columbus, Ohio, October 1990.
Powers, P.S.: Sexual Abuse, Character Pathology and Eating Disorders. Ninth National Conference on
Eating Disorders, Columbus, Ohio, October 1990.
Powers, P.S.: Medical Complications in Eating Disorders. Ninth National Conference on Eating
Disorders, Columbus, Ohio, October 1990.
Powers, P.S.: Multiple Approaches to the Treatment of Obesity. Ninth National Conference on Eating
Disorders, Columbus, Ohio, October 1990.
Powers, P.S.: A Closer Perspective on Eating Disorders. Presented at Vanderbilt Child and Adolescent
Psychiatric Hospital Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, November 1988.
Powers, P.S.: Debridement Under General Anesthesia in Burn Patients: Description and Safety.
Presented at Southeast Burn Unit Directors Society Research Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee,
October 1988.
Powers, P.S., Director: New Developments in the Treatment of Eating Disorders, Tampa, .Florida,
September 1988.
Powers, P.S., Coovert, D.L., Brightwell, D.R.: Sexual Abuse History in Three Eating Disorders.
Presented at Annual Meeting American Psychiatric Association, Montreal, May 1988.
Powers, P.S., Rosemurgy A., Coovert, D.L., Boyd, F.: Psychosocial Sequelae of Bariatric Surgery. New
Research Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting American Psychiatric Association, May 1987.
Powers, P.S., Schocken, D., Knight, P., Smith, J.: Anorexia Nervosa: Cardiac Function and Metabolism.
Presented as part of symposium, Metabolic Interactions in Anorexia Nervosa, APA Annual
Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 1987.
Powers, P.S.: Issues in Dietary Compliance in Diabetic Patients. Presented to Diabetes Symposium
sponsored by Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Tampa, Florida, December 1986.
Powers, P.S.: Eating Disorders - Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Clues. Presented to
Gastroenterology Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, December 1986.
Powers, P.S.: Eating Disorders, Clinical Advances: Disorders of Women, University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, September 1986.
Powers, P.S.: The Hazards of Dieting in Normal Weight Women. Presented to the Florida Dietetic
Association, June 1986.
Powers, P.S.: Eating Disorders in Pregnancy. Presented at National Perinatal Association Clinical Conference, Orlando,
Florida, November 1985.
Powers, P.S.: Evaluation of Patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Presented to Florida Psychiatric
Association, Orlando, Florida, October 1985.
Powers, P.S.: Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in a General Hospital. Presented at Annual
Meeting of American Psychiatric Association, Dallas, Texas, May 1985.
Powers, P.S.: Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in a General Hospital. Presented at Annual
Meeting of American Psychiatric Association, Dallas, Texas, May 1985.
Powers, P.S.: Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in a General Hospital. Presented at Annual
Meeting of American Psychiatric Association, Dallas, Texas, May 1985.
Powers, P.S.: Who Shall Live? Presented to American Burn Association, Orlando, Florida, March 1985.
Powers, P.S.: From Obesity to Anorexia Nervosa: The Similarities and Differences. Presented to
National Conference on Eating Disorders, Columbus, Ohio, October 1984.
Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Johnson, T., Helm, M., Watkins, G.: Interrupted Debridement: A. Method to
Decrease Patient Perception of Pain. Presented at the 16th Annual American Burn Association
Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 1984.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers, P.S.: Group Process within the APA on the Issue of the ERA. Presented at the 134th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans,
Louisiana, May 1981.
Powers, P.S.: Heart Failure During Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. Presented at the 134th Annual
Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1981.
Powers, P.S.: Feast or Famine: Or How the Other Half Dies. Presented at the Seventh International Congress of Social
Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal, October 1978.
Powers, P.S.: Creativity and Medical Student Education. Presented at the Third International Congress
of Rehabilitation and Psychiatry, Orebro, Sweden, September 1977.
Powers, P.S.: The Decline and Fall of an Adolescent Inpatient Unit: A Timely Evaluation of a Closed
System. Presented at the Sixth World Congress of Social Psychiatry, Opatija, Yugoslavia, October
Powers, P.S., Lunianski, I.: Psychiatric Residents with Prior Medical Experience. Presented at the
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, May 1976.
Andreasen, N.J.C., Powers, P.S.: Psychosis, Thought Disorder and Regression. Presented at the
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, May 1975.
Powers, P.S.: Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders presented for AHEC on webbased teleconference, Tampa, Florida, February 11, 2004.
Art: Another Dimension in the Treatment of Psychiatric Patients. Presented at
the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida, May
1976. Awarded the Rush Gold Medal Award for an Outstanding Scientific
Powers, P, Sheehan, D, Sheehan-Hartnett, K, Janvs, J, Shippy, J: Eating Disorders and
Co-morbidity: the MINI-KID. Presented at Eating Disorders Research Society, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, October 25, 2007.
Aya-ay ML, Cruse CW, Smith DL, Coombs M, Rainey S, Powers P, Cobb S: A Review of
Lightning Injuries in a Regional Burn Center: A Ten Year Retrospective Burn Center. Presented at
the USF Reasearch Day, February 23, 2007.
Aya-ay ML, Cruse CW, Smith DL, Coombs M, Rainey S, Powers P, Cobb S: A Review of
Lightning Injuries in a Regional Burn Center: A Ten Year Retrospective Burn Center. Presented at
the John A. Boswick Burn and Wound Care Symposium, Maui, February 19 – 23, 2007.
Powers HP, Martinez K, Powers PS. Eating Disorders: Outcome of Residential Treatment.
Presented at U.S. Psychiatric & Mental Health Congress, New Orleans, LA, November 17, 2006.
Domingo A, Bannon Y, Powers PS: American Psychiatric Association Eating Disorder Treatment
Guideline: An Investigation of Usefulness of Recommended Physiological Assessment. Presented
at USF Health, Research Day, February, 2006.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Powers PS, Bannon Y, McCormick T: An Open Label, Outpatient, Pilot Study of Sertraline in the
Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association, Atlanta,
Georgia, May 25, 2005.
Powers, P.S., Bannon, Y, Eubanks, R., Santana, C.: Anorexia Nervosa and Atypical Antipsychotics:
Effects on Weight and Psychopathology. Presented at the American Psychiatric Nurse Association
Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ., October 2004.
Powers PS, Sachs GS, Kushner SF, Wang D, Olson WH, Capece JA, Fazzio LO: Topiramate in
Adults with Acute Bipolar I Mania: Pooled Results. Presented at 56th Institute on Psychiatric
Services in Atlanta, Georgia, October 9, 2004.
Powers, P.S., Sachs, G.S., Kushner, S., Wang, D., Olson, W.H., Capece, J.A., Fazzio, L., Rosenthal,
N.: Topiramate for the Treatment of Adults with Acute Bipolar I Mania: Pooled Results”. Presented
at CINP 2004 Congress in Paris, France, June, 2004.
Powers, P.S., Bannon, Y., Eubanks, R.: Anorexia Nervosa and Quetiapine: Effect on Weight and
Psychopathology. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, May, 2004.
Powers, P.S., Kushner, S., Wang, D., Olson, W., Capece, J., Fazzop, L., Rosenthal, N.: Topiramate
in Adults with Acute Bipolar I Mania: Pooled Results. American Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting, New York, NY, May 2004.
Simpson, H., Powers, P.S. and Bannon, Y.: Anorexia Nervosa and Psychosis. USF Health Science
Center, Research Day, February, 2004. Honorable Mention.
Bannon Y., Powers P.S.: Sertraline in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. Presented at Eating
Disorders Research Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Ravello, Italy, October, 2003.
Zhang Y., Powers, P., Sarkar, S., Goldgof, D., Bannon, Y., Cruse, C.W.: Comprehensive
Evaluation of Burn Scars and Its Impact on Quality of Life. Presented at the Society of Cosmetic
Chemists, Annual Scientific Seminary, New Orleans, LA, May, 2001.
Engel SG, Johnson C, Powers PS, Crosby RD, Wittrock DA, Wonderlich SA, Mitchell JE.
Ethnicity, Self-Esteem, and Disordered Eating in a Sample of Elite Division I Athletes. Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Bernalillo, NM November, 2001.
Powers PS, Bannon Y, Santana C. Olanzapine in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: A
Preliminary Report. Presented at NCDEU, Phoenix, AZ May, 2001.
Powers PS, Bannon Y, Santana C: Olanzapine in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: A Preliminary
Report. Presented at the Zyprexa Investigator Initiated Trial Program, Dallas, TX, February, 2001.
Powers HP, Powers PS: Pre-oedipal (Guilt), Primitive (Defenses), and Disordered (Eating) at the
Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting in Prien, Germany, November 10/11, 2000.
Powers PS, Powers HP: Co-Morbid Axis I Diagnoses Associated with Poorer
Outcome with Fluoxetine Treatment in Bulimia Nervosa. Presented at the Eating
Disorders Research Society Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November, 1998.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
Altabe, M., Powers, P., Cross, T., Lazega, B., Thompson, J.E.: Thinking Smart about Negative Body
Image Cognition. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, November, 1998.
Kaye, W.S., LaVia, M.C., Lilenfeld, L., Anderson, A., Bowers, W., Brewerton,
T., Costin, C., Hill, L., McFilley, B., Powers, P.S., Pryor, T., Strober, M., Yager,
J., Zucker, M.: Anorexia Nervosa: Levels of Care. Presented at Eating
Disorders Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 6, 1998.
Powers, P.S., Boyd, B.: Eating Disorders and Schizophrenia. Presented at the Eating Disorders
Research Society, Albuquerque, N.M., November, 1997.
International Art Therapy Exhibit. Presented at the Third International Congress of Rehabilitation
and Psychiatry, Orebro, Sweden, September 1978.
Powers PS: Hope House: For All People Affected by Eating Disorders A Model for
University/Community Collaboration. Presented by the Hilda and Preston Davis Foundation in the
amount of $420,000 for three years, December, 2006
Wolf, A., Powers, PS., Gordon, K., Bolos, M., Isaac, M., Motta, J., Patterson, C.: Evaluation of
the Prescribing Patterns of Psychotropic Agents in the Treatment of Eating Disorders in a DualDiagnosis Center, 2007 -
Site P.I. Powers, PS: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Quetiapine in Anorexia Nervosa
(Second Site). PI of overall project Walter Kaye, M.D., U.C.S.D. Sponsored by Astra Zeneca
Pharmaceuticals, 2000 – present
“A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo and Active-Controlled, Parallel-Group Comparative Study
to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Flexibly-Dosed Paliperidone vs. Flexibly-Dosed Quetiapine
or Placebo in the Treatment of Manic and Mixed Episodes Associated with Bipolar I Disorder”.
Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 2006-present.
“A Multicenter, Open-Label, Flexible-Dose, Parallel-Group Evaluation of the Cataractogenic
Potential of Quetiapine Fumarate (SEROQUEL™) and Risperidone (RISPERDAL ™) in the LongTerm Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder”. Sponsored by
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, 2003-2007.
“A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Parallel Group, Active-Controlled Tolerability and
Safety Study of MK-3756 (SN-13496/Lurasidone) in Clinically Stable Schizophrenia Outpatients”.
Sponsored by Merck & Company, Inc., 2006-2007.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
“A DoubleBlind, 40-Week Continuation Study Evaluating the Safety and Maintenance of the Effect
of Asenapine vs. Olanzapine in the Treatment f Subjects with Acute Mania”. Sponsored by
Organon/Pfizer, 2005.
“A Double-Blind, 9-Week Extension Study Evaluating the Safety and Maintenance of the Effect of
Asenapine vs. Olanzapine in the Treatment of Subjects with Acute Mania”. Sponsored by
Organon/Pfizer, 2005.
“A Phase III, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial Evaluating the Safety and
Efficacy of Sublingual Asenapine vs Olanzapine and Placebo in Inpatients with an Acute Manic
Episode”. Sponsored by Organon/Pfizer, 2004-2005.
“A Multicnter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study of Aripiprazole Monotherapy
in the Treatment of Acutely Manic Patients with Bipolar I Disorder”. Sponsored by Bristol Myers
Squibb, 2004-2005.
“A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Flexible-Dose 6-Month Extension Trial Comparing the Safety and
Efficacy of Asenapine with Olanzapine in Subjects who Completed Protocol A7501013”.
Sponsored by Organon/Pfizer, 2005-2007.
“A Multicenter, Double-blind, Flexible-Dose, 6-Month Trial Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of
Asenapine with Olanzapine in Stable Subjects with Predominant, Persistent Negative Symptoms of
Schizophrenia”. Sponsored by Organon/Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 2004-2005.
“An Open-Label, Multicenter, Twelve-Month Study of Safety and Tolerability of SM-13496 in the
Treatment of Schizophrenia”. Sponsored by Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals, 2004-2005
“A Double-Blind Fixed Dose Study of SM-13496 and Placebo in the Treatment of Schizophrenia”.
Sponsored by Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals, 2004.
“A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Flexible-Dose Study to Assess the
Safety and Efficacy of Topiramate in the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Binge-Eating Disorder
Associated with Obesity”. Sponsored by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc., 2003-2004.
“A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Aripiprazole
Intramuscular Formula, Haloperidol, or Placebo in the Treatment of Acutely Agitated Patients with
a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder, CN 138-012”. Sponsored by Bristol
Myers Squibb, 2003-2004.
“A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Aripiprazole
Intramuscular Formula, Lorazepam, or Placebo in the Treatment of Acutely Agitated Patients
Diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder, Manic or Mixed, CN 138-013”. Sponsored by Bristol Myers
Squibb, 2003-2004.
“A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study of Three Fixed Doses of
Aripiprazole in the Treatment of Patients with Acute Schizophrenia – CN 138-113”. Sponsored by
Bristol Myers Squibb, 2003-2004.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
“The Effect of Ortho Tri-Cyclen on Bone Mineral Density in Pediatric Subjects with Anorexia
Nervosa: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study”. Sponsored by Ortho-McNeil
Pharmaceutical, 2002-2003.
(Investigator Initiated) “An Open-Label Outpatient Pilot Study of Quetiapine (Seroquel™) in
Subjects with Anorexia Nervosa”. Sponsored by Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, 2002-2003.
“A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Parallel Group
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of a Fixed-Dose of Talnetant Versus Placebo Versus
Risperidone in Patients with Schizophrenia”. Sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, 2002.
“A 6-Week, Double-Blind, Randomized, Fixed Dose, Parallel-Group Study of the Efficacy and
Safety of Three Dose Levels of SM-13496 Compared to Placebo and Haloperidol in patients with
Schizophrenia who are Experiencing an Acute Exacerbation of Symptoms”. Sponsored by
Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals, 2002.
“An Open-Label, Dose-Blinded, Multicenter, 6-Month Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Three
Dose Levels of SM-13496 in patients with Schizophrenia”. Sponsored by Sumitomo
Pharmaceuticals, 2002.
“Topiramate versus Placebo as Add-On Treatment in Subjects with Bipolar Disorder in the
Outpatient Setting Protocol CAPSS-168”. Sponsored by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, 2002.
“Sertraline in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa”. An Investigator-initiated study sponsored by
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 2002.
“A Placebo Controlled 12-Week Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Two Doses of Toprimate
Versus Placebo for the Treatment of Acute Mania or Mixed Episodes in Subjects with Bipolar
Disorder with an Optional Open-Label Extension (Protocol Topmat PDMD-005)”. Funding by
R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, 2000 – 2002.
“A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind Study or Flexible Doses of Aripiprazole Versus
Perphenazine in the Treatment of Patients with Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia (Protocol
#CN138-032)”. Funding by Bristol Myers Squibb, 2000 – 2001.
“Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Safety and Tolerability Study of Flexible Doses
of Aripiprazole and Olanzapine in the Treatment of Patients with acute Schizophrenia (Protocol
#CN138-002-025)”. Funding by Bristol Myers Squibb, 2000 – 2002.
(Investigator Initiated) “Olanzapine in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa-Investigator initiated
drug study.” Funded by Eli Lilly and Company, 1999 -- 2001.
“A Multicenter, Open-Label, Long-Term, Safety and Efficacy Study of M100907 Tablets Once
Daily in Subjects with Schizophrenia or Other Psychotic Disorders (3010)”. Funding by Hoechst
Marion Roussel 1999 - 2000.
“A Multicenter, Open-Label, Long-Term Follow-Up Safety Study of M100907 Tablets in
Schizophrenic and Schizoaffective Subjects Who Participated in Protocol M100907/3001 or
Protocol M100907/3002”. Funding by Hoechst Marion Roussel 1998 – 1999.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
“A Multicenter, Placebo and Active Control, Double-blind Randomized Study of the Efficacy and
Safety of M100907 (10 and 20 mg./day) in Schizophrenic and Schizoaffective Patients - (3002)”.
Funding by Hoechst Marion Roussel 1998-1999.
“Fluoxetine vs. Placebo in Bulimia Relapse Prevention”. Funding by Eli Lilly & Co. 1996-1999.
“The Neuropsychiatric Consequences of Electrical Burn Injuries”: 6/95-6/96. The International
Association of Fire Fighters Burn Foundation.
“PTSD in Burn Patients: Effects on Function and Quality of Life”. 6/94-6/95. The International
Association of Fire Fighters Burn Foundation.
“PTSD in Burn Patients: Effects on Function and Quality of Life”. 6/93-6/94. The International
Association of Fire Fighters Burn Foundation.
“Treatment of Morbid Obesity: Phase 11 Analysis”. 1990. USF Research and Creative Scholarship
“A Study to Evaluate the Effect of Paramedical Cosmetology Interventions on Body Image in the
Burn Injured Individual”. 1989-1994. Institutional Award, Society of Cosmetic Chemists.
“Fluoxetine vs. Placebo in Bulimia: Long term safety”. 1989-1990, Eli Lilly Research Laboratories.
“Comparison of Strategies to Alleviate Pain During Burn Wound Debridement”. 1987. Biomedical Grant.
“Fluoxetine vs. Placebo in Bulimia: Parallel Double Blind Study”. May 1986-1988. - Eli Lilly
Research Laboratories.
“Comparison of Strategies to Alleviate Pain During Burn Wound Debridement” - October 2,1984September 30, 1985 - Burn Foundation, Tampa General Hospital.
“Studies in Eating Disorders”, 1984-1986 - Anclote Manor Hospital.
“Cardiac Function in Anorexia Nervosa”. September 30,1984-August 30,1987
- NIMH Small Grant.
“Training in Psychiatric Consultation/Liaison”, July 1, 1980-June 30, 1982.
“Psychosocial Factors in High-Risk Pregnancy”. July 1981 - June 1982. University of South Florida.
“Transswitching of Conditioned Responses to Food Cues”, 1976-77 - Biomedical Research Grant,
University of South Florida.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, fixed-dose, efficacy and
safety trial of farampator (Org 24448) (250 and 500 mg b.i.d.) vs. Placebo as augmentation therapy
in schizophrenia subjects currently receiving risperidone (2 or 3 mg b.i.d.).” Sponsored by
Organon, 2005 – 2007.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled, Single Dose Efficacy and Safety Study of Staccato™ Loxapine for Inhalation in
Schizophrenia Patients with Agitation.” Sponsored by Alexza Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 2006.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A Randomized Double-Blind Study of Olanzapine Versus
Aripiprazole in the Treatment of Schizophrenia”. Sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company, 2006.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “Efficacy and Safety of Eplivanserin 5 mg./day on Sleep
Maintenance Insomnia: 1 12-Week, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled
Study followed by an Open Treatment Phase Extension with Epivanserin for 40 Weeks Period”.
Sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis, 2005-2007.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “Evaluation of the Long-term Efficacy and Safety of ZolpidemMR 12.5 mg. Compared to Placebo, when Both are Administered Over a Long-term Period “asneeded” in Patients with Chronic Primary Insomnia, (A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebocontrolled, Parallel Group Multicentre, Phase IIIb Clinical Study)”. Sponsored by SanofiSynthelabo, 2004-2005.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A One-Year, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Donepezil Hydrochloride (E2020) in Subjects
with Mild Cognitive Impairment”. Sponsored by Eisai/Pfizer, 2004.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Study of Two Fixed Oral Doses of Aripiprazole (10 mg. Or 30 mg.) in the Treatment of Adolescent
Patients with Schizophrenia”. Sponsored by Otsuka Maryland Research Institute, Inc., 2004.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Comparison
of Venlafaxine Extended-Release Capsules and Paroxetine in Outpatients with Generalized Social
Anxiety Disorder”. Protocol 0600B4-392-US. Sponsored by Wyeth Ayerst Research.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, FlexibleDose Study of Venlafaxine ER in Adolescent Outpatients with Social Anxiety Disorder”. Protocol
0600B4-389-US. Sponsored by Wyeth-Ayerst Research.
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A 16 Week Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study to Investigate
the Efficacy and Tolerability of Paroxetine in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)”. Protocol 29060/676. Sponsored by SmithKline
(Contributing Co-Investigator). “A Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of a Standardized Extract of
HYPERICUM PERFORMATUM in Major Depression Disorder”. Protocol Hyper –1-1. Sponsored
by the National Institute of Health.
Revised 5/2/2017
Pauline S. Powers, M.D.
(Contributing Co-Investigator) "Quantitative Evaluation of Facial Reconstruction”. Funding from
the Whittaker Foundation 1996 - 2000.
(Contributing Co-Investigator) “The Genetics of Obesity”. Funded as part of Metropolitan Life
Award 3/95-3/96.
Web Activity
Yager J, Devlin MJ, Halmi KA, Herzog DB, Mitchell JE, Powers P, Zerbe KJ: American
Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with eating disorders, 3 rd
edition. Am J Psychiatry, July, 2006.
Home page for the APA guidelines is
Direct link to PDF of ED guideline is
(retrieved June 8, 2006.)
Contributor to APA Public Information website ( , January, 2006.
Audiotape -Powers, P.S.: "Pharmacotherapy of eating disorders". Audio-Digest, Psychiatry, Vol. 27,
Number 20, October 15, 1998.
Videotape - Harvey, K., Powers, P., Hart, M.: "Free To Be Me Group" Training Video - University
of South Florida, 1995.
Videotape - Powers, P.S., Harvey, K., Hart, M.: "Assessment of Severity of Illness in Eating
Disorders - University of South Florida, Tampa, 1994.
Videotape - Boyd, C.F., Powers, P.S.: "Patient Education - Physical Consequences of Anorexia
Nervosa and Bulimia - University of South Florida Psychiatry Center, 1988.
Videotape - Powers, P.S., Cruse, C.W., Johnson, T.: "Psychological Aspects of Burn Care."
University of South Florida, Tampa, 1981.
Powers, P.S.: "Obesity," Psychosomatic Illness Review. Reprinted in 6th Ed. of Psych. Knowledge
and Skills Self-Assessment Program, APA, 1988.
Powers, P.S.: Prepared cover picture and description in Schizophrenia Bulletin, 3:3, 1977.
Powers, P.S., Langworthy, J., "Art Therapy: Another Dimension in Treating Psychiatric Patients,"
Public Document, 60125, printed by the University of South Florida.
Revised 5/2/2017