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1. Why is DNA called the “master molecule”?
2. Show an “equation” that represents how genes are expressed.
3. Would your genetic code be identical to your siblings? Why or why not?
4. What are the transcription base pair binding rules for nucleotides?
5. What does RNA stand for?
6. Name at least 4 specific differences between DNA and RNA.
7. What organic class/group would both RNA and DNA be placed?
8. Describe transcription. Include details of the process as well!
9. Why must transcription take place in the nucleus of the cell?
10. Name and draw the 3 types of RNA.
11. What message does mRNA carry out of the nucleus?
12. What is the job of RNA polymerase?
13. List in order the steps of transcription.
14. Draw and label a complete DNA molecule using any 4 base pairs.
15. What is RNA processing? When and where is it done?
16. Name 3 specific modifications done during RNA processing.
17. What is the end product of transcription? Of RNA processing?
18. What is the difference between an initiation sequence and a start codon? Where will each be
19. What is the start codon? What amino acid is the first one decoded during translation.
20. Name the 3 sites in the rRNA and explain what happens at each site.
21. Name 3 specific and unique stop codons. What is the job of that codon?
22. What is the relationship between a codon and an anticodon?
23. What is a polypeptide? What is a peptide bond? What is formed after polypeptide bonds are
24. How many amino acids are in any given proteins?
25. A codon has how many nucleotides in it?
26. How many nucleotides must make up an anticodon then?
27. Based on what you said above, if you had a protein made up of 99 amino acids, how many
nucleotide bases were in the mRNA that coded for that protein?
28. What is a mutation?
29. What are the 2 levels of mutations possible? Which level are always deleterious?
30. Name 3 types of point level mutation and describe each.
31. What are 3 outcomes of a base pair substitution mutation? Describe each.
32. What is a frameshift mutation?
33. What do we call an external agent that can cause a mutation to occur?
34. What enzyme is not functioning properly that causes the mutations described in lecture?
35. Which specific type of mutation can cause beneficial outcomes?
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