Download Worksheet – Nuclear Chemistry 1. Define the following terms

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Worksheet – Nuclear Chemistry
1. Define the following terms:
2. An alpha particle, whose symbol is ________, has a ______ charge, and a mass of ________ amu.
3. A beta particle, whose symbol is _________, has a ______ charge, and a mass of _________ amu.
4. A gamma particle has 0 charge and 0 mass because it is ____________________________________.
5. Explain how a beta particle, which is an electron, comes from the nucleus of an atom, which contains only protons
and neutrons.
6. Explain why in alpha decay the new isotope formed has less protons than the original radioisotope.
7. Explain why in beta decay the new isotope formed has more protons than the original radioisotope.
8. Define half-life.
9. Calculate the amount of radioisotope remaining after 4 half-lives, if you started with 500 mg of the radioisotope.
10. What is the impact of ionizing radiation on matter?
11. Define the following terms:
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
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