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Section Review 10-1
1. cell membrane
2. surface area
3. cell division
4. The information contained in the DNA would not be able to
meet the needs of the larger cell.
5. Food, oxygen, and water enter the cell, and waste products
exit the cell via the cell membrane.
6. The ratio of surface area to volume decreases as the cell’s size
7. Cells divide because of the problems of DNA “overload” and
of increasing size that decreases the ratio of surface area to
8. 6 cm3 9. 6:1 10. 80 cm2
Textbook Questions
1. The larger a cell becomes, the more demands the cell places on
its DNA and the more trouble the cell has moving enough nutrients
and wastes across the cell membrane.
2. The information that controls a cell’s function is stored in DNA,
just as information needed by the public is stored in the books of a
library. A cell’s DNA, then, is a “genetic” library.
3. Its volume
4. The surface area is 96 cm2, the volume is 64 cm3, and the ratio of
surface area to volume is 96:64 = 3 :2.
Section Review 10-2
1. The four phases of the cell cycle are the M phase (cell
division), G1 phase (cell growth), S phase (DNA replication),
and G2 phase (prep for division).
2. The cell replicates its DNA.
3. During cytokinesis, the cytoplasm divides from one cell into
two cells.
4. metaphase 5. prophase 6. prophase 7. anaphase
8. telophase 9. prophase 10. metaphase 11. anaphase
12. Mitosis refers only to the division of the nucleus, while cell
division also includes cytokinesis, or division of the cytoplasm.
13. There would be 64 cells after 7.5 hours.
14. Possible student answers may include any reference to
incorrect movement of chromosomes during mitosis, lack of
cytokinesis, or DNA duplication without cell division.
15. An animal cell has centrioles, while a plant cell has regions
known as centromeres. During cytokinesis, in most animal cells
the cell membrane moves inward and pinches the cytoplasm into
two equal parts. In a plant cell, a cell plate forms midway
between the two divided nuclei.
Textbook Questions
1. A cell grows, prepares for division, and divides to form two daughter cells.
2. Students should describe what happens during prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase, as in Figure 10–5.
3. Students should describe what happens during the G1 phase, S phase,
and G2 phase.
4. DNA, which carries the cell’s coded genetic information, and proteins