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Lecture PowerPoint to accompany
Molecular Biology
Fourth Edition
Robert F. Weaver
Chapter 24
Genomics, Proteomics,
and Bioinformatics
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
24.1 Positional Cloning
• Positional cloning is a method for
discovery of genes involved in genetic
• Positional cloning was very difficult in the
absence of genomic information
• Begins with mapping studies to pin down
the location of the gene of interest to a
relatively small region of DNA
Classical Tools of Positional
• Mapping depends on a set of landmarks to
which gene position can be related
• Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
(RFLP) are landmarks with lengths of restriction
fragments given by a specific enzyme vary from
one individual to another
• Exon Traps use a special vector to help clone
exons only
• CpG Islands are DNA regions containing
unmethylated CpG sequences
Detecting RFLPs
Exon Trapping
Identifying the Gene Mutated in
a Human Disease
• Using RFLps, geneticists mapped the
Huntington disease gene (HD) to a region near
the end of chromosome 4
• Used an exon trap to identify the gene itself
• Mutation causing the disease is an expansion of
a CAG repeat from the normal range of 11-34
copies to abnormal range of at least 38 copies
• Extra repeats cause extra Glu inserted into
huntingtin, product of the HD gene
24.2 Sequencing Genomes
• What information can be gleaned from genome
– Location of exact coding regions for all the genes
– Spatial relationships among all the genes and
exact distances between them
• How is coding region recognized?
– Contains an ORF long enough to code for a
phage protein
– ORF must
• Start with ATG triplet
• End with stop codon
– Phage or bacterial ORF is the same as a gene’s
coding region
Phage X174 Genome
• First genome sequenced was a very simple one,
phage X174
– Completed by Sanger in 1977
– 5375-nt complete
• Note that some of these phage genes overlap
Genome Results
• The base sequences of viruses and organisms
that have been obtained range from:
• A rough draft and finished versions of the human
genome have also been obtained
• Comparison of the genomes of closely related
and more distantly related organisms can shed
light on the evolution of these species
Sequencing Milestones
The Human Genome Project
• In 1990, geneticists started to map and
ultimately sequence the entire human
• Original plan was systematic and
– Prepare genetic and physical maps of
genome with markers to allow piecing DNA
sequences together in proper order
– Most sequencing would be done only after
mapping was complete
1998 – Human Genome Project
• Celera, a private, for-profit company,
shocked genomic community by
announcing Celera would complete a
rough draft of human genome by 2000
• Method that would be used was shotgun
sequencing, whole human genome would
be chopped up and cloned
– Clones sequenced randomly
– Sequences would be pieced together using
computer programs
Vectors for Large-Scale
Genome Projects
• Two high-capacity vectors have been used extensively in
the Human Genome Project
– Mapping was done mostly using the yeast artificial
chromosome, accepts million base pairs
– Sequencing with bacterial artificial chromosomes
accepting about 300,000 bp
• BACs are more stable, easier to work with than YACs
Clone-by-Clone Strategy
• Mapping the human genome requires a
set of landmarks to which we can relate
the positions of genes
• Some of these markers are genes, many
more are nameless stretches of DNA
– VNTRs, variable number tandem repeats
– STSs, sequence-tagged sites, expressedsequence tags and microsatellites
Variable Number Tandem
• VNTRs derive from minisatellites,
stretches of DNA that contain a short core
sequence repeated over and over in
tandem (head to tail)
• The number of repeats of the core
sequence in a VNTR is likely to be
different from one individual to another
– So VNTRs are highly polymorphic
– This makes them relatively easy to map
– Disadvantage as genetic markers as they
tend to bunch together at chromosome ends
Sequence-Tagged Sites
• STSs are short
– 60-1000 bp long
– Detectable by PCR
• Can design short
– Hybridize few hundred
bp apart
– Amplify a predictable
length of DNA
Sequence-Tagged Sites Mapping
• STSs are very useful in physical mapping
or locating specific sequences in the
– Worthless as markers in traditional genetic
mapping unless polymorphic
• Microsatellites are a class of STSs that are
highly polymorphic
– Similar to minisatellites
– Consist of a core sequence repeated over
and over many times in a row
– Core here is 2-4 bp long, much shorter
• A set of clones used by geneticists in
physically mapping or sequencing a given
region is called a contig
– Contains contiguous (or overlapping) DNAs
spanning long distances
– Used like putting together a jigsaw puzzle
– Easier to complete with bigger pieces
– Helpful to assemble in overlapping fashion
Shotgun Sequencing
Massive sequencing projects can take two forms:
1. Map-then-sequence strategy
– Produces physical map of genome including STSs
– Sequences clones (mostly BACs) used in mapping
– Places sequences in order to be pieced together
2. In the shotgun approach
– Assembles libraries of clones with different size
– Sequences the inserts at random
– Relies on computer program to find areas of
overlap among sequences and piece them together
Shotgun-Sequencing Method
Sequencing Standards
• A “working draft” may be:
– Only 90% complete
– Error rate of up to 1%
• A “final draft” (less consensus):
– Error rate of less than 0.01%
– Should have as few gaps as possible
• Some researchers require a “final draft” is
not completely sequenced until every last
gap is completed
Sequencing the Human
• First chromosome completed in the
Human Genome Project was chromosome
22 in late 1999
• Second completed was chromosome 21
• These are the 2 smallest human
autosomes, have very valuable sequence
Chromosome 22
• Only the long arm (22q) was sequenced
• Short arm (22p) is composed of pure
heterochromatin, likely devoid of genes
• 11 gaps remained in the sequence
– 10 are gaps between contigs likely due to
“unclonable” DNA
– Other a 1.5-kb region of cloned DNA that
resisted sequencing
Findings from Chromosome 22
1. We must learn to live with gaps in our
2. 679 annotated genes categorized as:
– 274 Known genes, previously identified
– 150 Related genes, homologous to known
– 148 Predicted genes, sequence homology to
– 134 Pseudogenes, sequences are
homologous to known genes, but contain
defects that preclude proper expression
Contigs and Gaps
More From Chromosome 22
3. Coding regions of genes account for only
tiny fraction of length of the chromosome
Annotated genes are 39% of total length
Exons are only 3%
Repeat sequences (Alu, LINEs, etc) are
4. Rate of recombination varies across the
Long regions of low recombination
interspersed with short regions where it is
relatively frequent
Repetitive DNA Content
More From Chromosome 22
5. There are local and long-range duplications
• Immunoglobin l locus
• 36 gene segments are clustered together that
can encode variable regions
• 60-kb region is duplicated with greater than 90%
fidelity almost 12 Mb away
• Duplications found in few copies, low-copy repeats
6. Large chunks of human chromosome 22q are
conserved in several different mouse
• 113 human genes with mouse orthologs mapped
to mouse chromosomes
• Orthologs are homologous genes in
different species that evolved from a
common ancestor
– 8 regions on 7 mouse chromosomes
• Paralogs are homologous genes that
evolved by gene duplication within a
• Homologs are any kind of homologous
genes, both orthologs and paralogs
Regions of Conservation
Chromosome 21
• Human chromosome 21q, and some of 21p
have been sequenced
• Gaps remaining are relatively few and short
• Sequence reveals a relative poverty of genes
– 225 genes
– 59 pseudogenes
• All 24 genes known to be shared between
mouse chromosome 10 and human
chromosome 21 are in the same order in both
The X Chromosome
• The sequence of 151 Mb of human X
chromosome (99.3% of its euchromatin)
revealed 1098 protein-encoding genes
– 168 genes governing X-linked phenotype
– Genes for 173 noncoding RNAs
• Chromosome is rich in LINE1 elements
– May serve as way station for X inactivation
mechanism in female cells
X Chromosome Orthologs
• Comparison of the X chromosome
sequence with the chicken whole genome
confirmed that X (and partner Y) evolved
from an ancestral pair of autosomes
• Comparison of 3 mammalian X
chromosome sequences demonstrate high
degree of synteny among these
• This synteny likely reflects high degree of
evolutionary pressue to keep order of
genes on X chromosome relatively stable
Human Genome Project Status
• Working draft of human genome reported by 2
groups allowed estimates that genome contains
fewer genes than anticipated – 25,000 to 40,000
• About half the genome has derived from the
action of transposons
• Transposons themselves have contributed
dozens of genes to the genome
• Bacteria also have donated dozens of genes
• Finished draft is much more accurate than
working draft, but there are still gaps
• Information also about gene birth and death
during human evolution
Other Vertebrate Genomes
• Comparing human genome with that of other
vertebrates has taught us much about
similarities and differences among genomes
– Comparison has also helped to identify many human
– In future, will likely help identify defective genes
involved in human genetic diseases
• Closely related species like mouse can be used
to find when and where genes are expressed so
predict when and where human genes are likely
The Minimal Genome
• It is possible to define the essential gene set of a
simple organism
– Mutate one gene at a time
– See which genes are required for life
• In theory, also possible to define the minimal
genome= set of genes that is minimum required
for life
– Minimum genome likely larger than the essential gene
• In principle, possible to place minimal genome
into a cell lacking genes of its own, create a new
life form that can live and reproduce under lab
The Barcode of Life
• There is a movement which has begun to create
a barcode to identify any species of life on earth
• The first such barcode will consist of the
sequence of a 648-bp piece of mitochondrial
COI gene from each organism
• This sequence is sufficient to identify uniquely
almost any organism
• Other sequences will be worked out for plants
and perhaps later for bacteria
24.3 Applications of Genomics:
Functional Genomics
• Functional genomics refers to those areas
that deal with the function or expression of
• All transcripts an organism makes at any
given time is an organism’s transcriptome
• Use of genomic information to block
expression systematically is called
genomic functional profiling
• Study of structures and functions of the
protein products of genomes is proteomics
• This area is the study of all transcripts an
organism makes at any given time
• Create DNA microarrays and microchips that
hold 1000s of cDNAs or oligos
– Hybridize labeled RNAs from cells to these arrays or
– Intensity of hybridization at each spot reveals the
extent of expression of the corresponding gene
• Microarray permits canvassing expression
patterns of many genes at once
• Clustering of expression of genes in time and
space suggest products of these genes
collaborate in some process
Oligonucleotides on a Glass
Serial Analysis of Gene
• Serial Analysis of Gene Expression
(SAGE) allows us to determine:
– Which genes are expressed in a given tissue
– The extent of that expression
• Short tags, characteristic of particular
genes, are generated from cDNAs and
ligated together between linkers
• These ligated tags are then sequenced to
determine which genes are expressed and
how abundantly
Whole Chromosome
Transcription Mapping
• High density whole chromosome transcriptional
mapping studies have shown a majority of
sequences in cytoplasmic poly(A)RNAs derive
from non-exon regions of human chromosomes
• Almost half of the transcription from these same
chromosomes is nonpolyadenylated
• Results indicate that great majority of stable
nuclear and cytoplasmic transcripts in these
chromosomes come from regions outside exons
• Helps to explain the great differences between
species whose exons are almost identical
Transcription Maps
Genomic Functional Profiling
• Genomic functional profiling can be
performed in several ways
– A type of mutation analysis, deletion analysis mutants created by replacing genes one at a
time with antibiotic resistance gene flanked by
oligomers serving as barcode for that mutant
– A functional profile can be obtained by growing
the whole group of mutants together under
various conditions to see which mutants
disappear most rapidly
RNAi Analysis
• Another means of genomic functional
analysis on complex organisms can be
done by inactivating genes via RNAi
• An application of this approach targeting
the genes involved in early embryogenesis
in C. elegans has identified:
– 661 important genes
– 326 are involved in embryogenesis
Tissue-Specific Functional
• Tissue-specific expression profiling can be done by
examining spectrum of mRNAs whose levels are
decreased by an exogenous miRNA
• Then compare to the spectrum of expression of
genes at the mRNA level in various tissues
• If that miRNA causes decrease in levels of mRNAs
naturally low in cells expressing the miRNA
– Suggests that the miRNA is at least a partial cause of
those natural low levels
• This type of analysis has implicated
– miR-124 in destabilizing mRNAs in brain tissue
– miR-1 in destabilizing mRNAs in muscle tissue
Locating Target Sites for
Transcription Factors
• Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by DNA
microarray analysis can be used to identify DNAbinding sites for activators and other proteins
• Small genome organisms - all of the intergenic
regions can be included in the microarray
• If genome is large, that is not practical
• To narrow areas of interest can use CpG islands
– These are associated with gene control regions
– If timing/conditions of activator’s activity are known,
control regions of genes known to be activated at
those times, or under those conditions, can be used
In Situ Expression Analysis
• The mouse can be used as a human
surrogate in large-scale expression
studies that would be ethically impossible
to perform on humans
• Scientists have studied the expression of
almost all the mouse orthologs of the
genes on human chromosome 21
– Expression followed through various stages of
embryonic development
– Catalogued the embryonic tissues in which
these genes are expressed
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms
• Single-nucleotide polymorphisms can
probably account for many genetic
conditions caused by single genes and
even some by multiple genes
• Might be able to predict response to a
• Haplotype map with over 1 million SNPs
makes it easier to sort out important SNPs
from those with no effect
Structural Variation
• Structural variation is a prominent source of
variation in human genomes
Rearrangements of DNA chunks
• Some structural variation can in principle
predispose certain people to contract diseases
– Some variation is presumably benign
– Some also is demonstrably beneficial
24.4 Proteomics
• The sum of all proteins produced by an
organism is its proteosome
• Study of these proteins, even smaller
subsets, is called proteomics
• Such studies give a more accurate picture
of gene expression than transcriptomics
studies do
Protein Separations and Analysis
• Current research in proteomics requires first that
proteins be resolved, sometimes on a massive
– Best tool for separation of many proteins at once is 2D gel electrophoresis
• After separation, proteins must be identified
– Best method of identification involves digestion of
proteins one by one with proteases
– Then identify the peptides by mass spectrometry
• In the future, microchips with antibodies
attached may allow analysis of proteins in
complex mixtures without separation
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
Detecting Protein-Protein
Protein Interactions
• Most proteins work with other proteins to
perform their functions
• Several techniques are available to probe
these interactions
• Yeast two-hybrid analysis has been used
for some time, now other methods are
– Protein microarrays
– Immunoaffinity chromatography with mass
– Other combinations
24.5 Bioinformatics
• Bioinformatics involves the building and
use of biological databases
– Some of these databases contain the DNA
sequences of genomes
– Essential for mining the massive amounts of
biological data for meaningful knowledge
about gene structure and expression
Finding Regulatory Motifs in
Mammalian Genomes
Using computational biology techniques,
Lander and Kellis have discovered highly
conserved sequence motifs in 4 mammalian
species, including humans:
– In the promoter regions, these motifs probably
represent binding sites for transcription
– 3’-UTRs motifs probably represent binding
sites for miRNAs
Using the Databases
• The National Center for Biological Information
(NCBI) website contains a vast store of
biological information, including genomic and
proteomic data
• Start with a sequence and discover gene to
which it belongs, then compare that sequence
with that of similar genes
• Query the database with a topic for information
• View structures of protein in 3D by rotating the
structure on your computer screen