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Earth Structure Unit Study Guide
1. Internal Earth
(What Does Internal Earth Look Like, Rock Density Lab, Web Quest, Power Point)
Main Layers of Earth
Relative Densities
Relative Temperatures
Relative Thicknesses
b. Lithosphere
c. Asthenosphere
d. Tectonic Plate
e. Where did knowledge of internal earth come from?
Additional terms:
basalt, granite, peridotite, nickel/iron, seismic waves
2. Molecular Packing of solid vs liquid material (Presto Denso Lab)
a. comparing density of solid vs liquid wax.
b. qualitative and quantitative observations
c. convex and concave form, clear and translucent color
d. For the same substance, compare the density of the solid
with the density of liquid
3. Earth’s Magnetism
(Magnetism Lab, power point)
Cause of Earth’s magnetism
benefits of Earth’s magnetism
Shape of Earth’s magnetic field
Methods of observing Earth’s magnetic field
Definition of a magnetic field
patterns of magnetic reversals on the ocean floor
recognition of magnetic reversals
4. History of the Plate Tectonic Theory
(Origin DVD Notes, Plate Tectonic Web Quest, Power points, Amazing Earth video notes, Living Machine DVD notes)
a. Why the theory was not accepted at first?
b. Evidence supporting
c. Key figures and what they contributed
plate movement, heat sources seafloor spreading, evidence, Pangea, Rutherford, Wegener, Hess, Vine and Mathews, Pangea
5. Details of Plate Tectonics
(Origin DVD Notes, Plate Tectonic Web Quest, Power points, Amazing Earth video notes, Plate Tectonic Map Exercise,
Living Machine DVD Notes)
a. Speed of plate movement
b. 3 main types of plate boundaries
Convergent (SUBDUCTION: ocean x ocean, ocean x continents, and COLLISION:
Divergent (ocean x ocean, continent x continent)
c. Modern examples of each type of boundary
d. Structures, activities and movement at each boundary
e. Hotspots: locations, activities, structures, explain formation
f. Accretion or Exotic Terranes
definition, examples and process of formation,
effect on Western North America
g. New Madrid Earth Quake
Cause and concerns
continent x continent)
6. Results of plate movement
(Amazing Earth Notes, Origins DVD, Web Quests, Power points, and How Have Continents Moved?)
a. How continents have been organized in the past
b. How continents will be positioned in the future
c. Results or things influenced by plate tectonics:
1. Mountain Ranges: know locations of the Cascades,
Appalachians and Himalayas
2. Volcanic Mountains or Volcanic Island Arcs
3. Ocean Currents
4. Evolution/fossils
5. Mineral deposits
6. Earthquakes
Look for drawings of plate tectonic pictures on my webpage.
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