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Computing expert's intelligence
Neocleous, Andreas
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Neocleous, A. (2016). Computing expert's intelligence: a case in bio-medicine and a case in musicology
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Research Activities
Journal Papers
• A. Neocleous, K. Nicolaides, and C. Schizas, “First Trimester Non-invasive
Prenatal Diagnosis: A Computational Intelligence Approach,” IEEE Journal of
Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol. 20, 2015.
• A. Neocleous, K. Nicolaides, and C. Schizas, “Intelligent Non-invasive Diagnosis of Aneuploidy: Raw Values and Highly Imbalanced Dataset,” accepted
for publication in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016.
• A. Neocleous, A. Syngelaki, K. Nicolaides, and C. Schizas, “Two Stage Approach for Aneuploidy Risk Estimation Using Computational Intelligence,”
submitted for publication in Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016.
• A. Neocleous, G. Azzopardi, C. N. Schizas and Nicolai Petkov, “COSFIRE
flters for 1-D pattern recognition with application to musical signals” prepared
for submission in journal of signal processing and music, EURASIP, 2016.
Conference and Workshop Papers
• A. Neocleous, S. Kouzoupis and I. Athanassakis, “Categorization of the experimental mice ultrasonic vocalizations during the male-female intercourse”,
HELINA’s 5th National conference, 2010.
• A. Neocleous, R. Ramirez and A. Perez, “Modeling Emotions in Violin Audio
Recordings”, 3rd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music,
• C.N. Schizas, K. Nicolaides, K. Neokleous, A. Neocleous, C. Neocleous and
N. Schiza, “Computational Intelligent Diagnostic System in Predicting Chromosomal Abnormalities of the Fetus”, 10th World Congress in Fetal Medicine
Malta, 2011.
• C.N. Schizas, K. Nicolaides, K. Neokleous, A. Neocleous, C. Neocleous
and N. Schiza, “Computational Intelligent Diagnostic System in Predicting
Preeclampsia for Pregnant Women”, 10th World Congress in Fetal Medicine
Malta, 2011.
• C. Neocleous, K. Nicolaides, K. Neokleous, C.N. Schizas and A. Neocleous,
“Artificial Neural Networks to Investigate the Significance of PAPP-A and bhCG for the Prediction of Chromosomal Abnormalities”, International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks, 2011.
• A. Neocleous, K. Nicolaides A. Syngelaki, C.N. Schizas, K. Neokleous, G.
Loizou and K. Neocleous, “Artificial Neural Networks to Investigate the Importance and the Sensitivity of Various Parameters used for the Prediction
of Chromosomal Abnormalities”, 1st Artificial Intelligence Applications in
Biomedicine Workshop, 2012.
• A. Neocleous, S. Kouzoupis and I. Athanassakis, “Κατηγοριοποίηση των Υπερηχητικών Μηνυμάτων των Πειραματικών Ποντικιών Χρησιμοποιώντας Τεχνικές
Μηχανικής Μάθησης ’, HELINA’s 5th National conference, 2012.
• A. Neocleous, M. Panteli, N. Petkov and C.N. Schizas, “Identification of Similarities between the Turkish Makam Scales and the Cypriot Folk Music”, HELINA’s 5th National conference, 2012.
• A. Neocleous, M. Panteli, N. Petkov and C.N. Schizas, “Timbre and Tonal Similarities Between the Turkish, Western and Cypriot Monophonic Songs Using
Machine Learning Techniques”, 3rd international workshop on Folk Music
Analysis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013.
• A. Neocleous, N. Petkov and C.N. Schizas, “Finding repeating stanzas in
monophonic folk songs of Cyprus”, 6th Cyprus workshop on signal processing and informatics, 2013.
• A. Neocleous, M. Panteli, R. Ioannou, N. Petkov, C.N. Schizas, “A Machine
Learning Approach for Clustering Western and Non-Western Folk Music Using Low-level and Mid-level Features”, 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.
• A. Neocleous, N. Petkov, C.N. Schizas, “Automated Segmentation of Folk
Songs Using Artificial Neural Networks”, 6th International Conference in
Neural Computation Theory and Applications, Rome 2014.
• A. Neocleous, N. Petkov, C. Schizas, “Automated Classification in Vocal/Instrumental parts of Folk Songs”, 7nth Cyprus workshop on signal processing and informatics, 2014.
• A. Neocleous, G. Azzopardi, C.N. Schizas, N. Petkov “Filter-Based Approach
for Ornamentation Detection and Recognition in Singing Folk Music”, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9256, pp. 558-569, 2015.
• A. Neocleous, C. Neocleous, N. Petkov, K. Nicolaides and C.N. Schizas, “Interpretation of the receiver operating characteristic curve for aneuploidy prenatal
diagnosis”, MEDICON 2016.
Participation in workshops
• Ηλεκτρονικός φάκελος ασθενή, Είναι Μονόδρομος, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, 2013.
• Ηλεκτρονική Υγεία, Αναγκαιότητα για Επιτυχημένη Εφαρμογή ενός Γενικού
Σχεδίου υγείας (ΓΕΣΥ), Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, 2014.
Volunteering in Conferences
• eHealth Week, Riga, Latvia, 2015
• eHealth Week, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016
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