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Curriculum Vitae
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November 2014
Home Phone:
Yu Zhang, M.D.
(305) 243-1643
Address: 1580 NW 10th Avenue, BCRI 420
Miami, FL 33136
Home Address:
[email protected]
Current Academic Rank:
Research Assistant Professor
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer,
Division of Hematology/Oncology
Primary Department:
Medicine, Hematology-Oncology
10. Citizenship:
US Citizen
11. Visa Type (if non-citizen):NA
12. Institutional (institution; degree; date conferred):
HeNan University to Traditional Chinese Medicine (Formally Chinese Medical University),
M.D., August 1984-June 1989
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13. Non-Institutional (description; dates):
14. Certification, licensure (description; board or agency; dates):
15. Academic (institutions; rank/status; dates):
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of
Hematology/Oncology, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Research Assistant Professor,
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of
Hematolgoy/Oncology, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 04/200506/2007.
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, San Diego, CA, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 03/2001-04/2005.
NeNan VA Hospital, HeNan Province, P.R. of China, Department of Oncology, Attending Physician,
Assistant Professor, 07/1989-03/2001.
16. Non-Academic (employers; title; responsibilities; dates): NA
17. Military (branch; rank; responsibilities; dates): NA
PUBLICATIONS [author(s) (in actual precedence of authorship); title; publisher or journal name;
date (current year first); page numbers]
18. Books and monographs (reviews) published:
Ahmed Al Bayati, Yu Zhang, Joseph D Rosenblatt, B Cell Regulation of Anti-Tumor
Response, chapter 15. Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, 2014, in press.
Zhang, Y, Schreiber, T.H., and Rosenblatt, J.D. The Role of B cells in Shaping the Antitumor
Immune Response, 19-35, 2013. Advances in Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy, Springer
New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, 2013: ISBN 978-1-4614-8808-8. Editors: Joseph D.
Rosenblatt, Eckhard R. Podack, Glen N. Barber, Augusto Ochoa
Zhang,Y Hovav Nechustac Andrew Chan, Eckhard Podack, Robert Levy, and Joseph D.
Rosenblatt, Immune effects of B cell depletion on the T cell response: Analysis in the human
CD20 transgenic mouse model, 33-49, 2007. Rituximab-mediated Molecular Signaling and
Interaction with Chemotherapeutic Drugs, Transworld Research Network, 2007: ISBN: 81-7895256-4. Editor: Benjamin Bonavida
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Juried or refereed journal articles and exhibitions:
Zhang Y, Morgan R, Podack ER, Rosenblatt J. B cell regulation of anti-tumor immune response.
Immunol Res. 2013 Dec;57(1-3):115-24. doi:10.1007/s12026-013-8472-1. Review. PubMed PMID:
2. Zhang, Y, Eliav Y, Shin SU, Schreiber TH, Podack ER, Tadmor T, Rosenblatt JD. B lymphocyte
inhibition of anti-tumor response depends on expansion of Treg but is independent of B-cell IL-10
secretion. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2013 Jan;62(1):87-99. PubMed PMID: 22772949.
3. Candiotti KA, Yang Z, Morris R, Yang J, Crescimone NA, Sanchez GC, Bird V, Leveillee R,
Rodriguez Y, Liu H, Zhang, YD, Bethea JR, Gitlin MC. Polymorphrism in the interleukin-1 receptor
antagonist gene is associated with serum interleukin-1 receptor antagonist concentrations and
postoperative opioid consumption. Anesthesiology, 2011 May; 114(5): 1162-1168
4. Zhang, Y, Tamar Tadmor, Eckhard R. Podack, Joseph D. Rosenblatt, The Absence of B Lymphocytes
reduces the number and function of T-regulatory cells and enhances the anti-tumor response in a
murine tumor model, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 2011, May; 60(5): 609-619,
5. Hyun-Mi Cho, Joseph D. Rosenblatt, Khaled Tolba, Sarah J. Shin, Daniel S. Shin, Carmen Calfa, Yu
Zhang, Seung-Uon Shin, Delivery of NKG2D Ligand using an anti-HER2 antibody-NKG2D ligand
fusion protein results in an enhanced innate and adaptive antitumor response, Cancer Research, 2010,
December 15, Vol. 70(24): 10121-10130
6. Hovav Nechustac, Yu Zhang, Joseph D Rosenblatt, Augmentation of anti-tumor responses of
adoptive transferred CD8+ T cells in the lymphopenic setting by HSV amplicon transduction, Cancer
Immunol Immunother. 2008 May;57(5): 663-75
7. Kyung H. Yi, Hovav Nechushtan, William J. Bowers, Dien G. Pham, Yu Zhang, Khaled A. Tolba,
Eckhard R. Podack, Howard J. Federoff, and Joseph D. Rosenblatt. Adoptively transffered tumorspecific T cells expanded ex vivo using HSV amplicons encoding 4-1BBL persist in the host and
demonstrate anti-tumor activity in vivo, Cancer Research, 2007, Oct 15;67 (20): 10027-10037
8. Phyllis-Jean Linton, Shaokang P. Li, Yu Zhang, Beverly Bautista, Quan Huynh, and Tan Trinh,
Intrinsic vs. Environmental Influences on T cell Responses in Aging, Immunol Rev. 2005 Jun;205:20719
9. Linda M. Bradley, Judith Harbertson, Elana Biederman, Yu Zhang, Scott M. Bradley and Phyllis
Linton, Availability of antigen-presenting cells can determine the extent of CD4 effector expansion and
priming of secretion of Th2 cytokines in vivo, Eur. J. Immunol. 2002, 32:[8]: 2347-55
10. Yu Zhang, Qingye Wang , Shixia Liu, Guohua Zhang, Junchao Liang, 54 Cases Clinical Report in
Treating the Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancer by DFA. The Practical Journal of Cancer, 2000, Vol.
15, No.4
11. Yu Zhang, associated editor, The Practical General Therapy in Cancer. Neimeng Publication
12. Yu Zhang, Guohua Zhang, Guolin Zhang, Xiying Wang, Detection of IgA, IgM, C3 and C4 has a
clinical significance of gastrointestinal malignant tumor. Chinese Medicine of Factory and Mine. 1997,
Vol.10, No.1
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20. Other works and publications
21. Other works accepted for publication:
22. Funded Research & Other Support Performed (include all grants received in the last five years,
identifying the principal investigator):
23. Editorial Responsibilities:
Reviewer for:
Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
24. Professional and Honorary Organizations (member; officer; date):
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2005-present
25. Honors and Awards:
26. Post-Doctoral Fellowships:
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami, FL,
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center,San Diego, CA 92121, 03/2001-04/2005
27. Other Professional Activities (e.g., papers presented; performance; conference proceedings;
seminar or conference panel member; etc.):
Conference Presentations:
Apr 2011
Yu Zhang, Tamar Tadmor-Meyuchas, Yair Eliav, Eckhard R Podack, Robert
Joseph D. Rosenblatt. B lymphocytes inhibit anti-tumor response in a murine EMT6 tumor
model by facilitating expansion of T regulatory cells. 102nd 2011 AACR Annual Meeting,
Orlando, Florida.
Nov 2010
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Yu Zhang, Tamar Tadmor-Meyuchas, Yair Eliav, Eckhard R Podack, Robert
Joseph D. Rosenblatt. B lymphocytes inhibit anti-tumor response in a murine EMT6 tumor
model by facilitating expansion of T regulatory cells. 2010 AACR Tumor Immunology
meeting in Miami, Florida.
Apr 2007
Yu Zhang, Tamar Tadmor-Meyuchas, Robert Peach, Robert Dunn, Seung-uon Shin, ,
Hyung-Mee Cho, , and Joseph D. Rosenblatt. Proactive depletion of B cells in a
murine model results in an enhanced anti-tumor immune response. 2007 Annual
Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research in Los Angeles, California.
Apr 2006
Yu Zhang, Hovav Nechushtan, Eckhard R Podack, Dien G. Pham, Seung-Uon Shin,
Sangeeta Shah, Joseph D. Rosenblatt. Inhibition of anti-tumor response by B cells
request OX40L. 2006 Annual Meeting of American Association of Cancer
Research in Washington, DC.
Dec 2005
Yu Zhang, Hovav Nechushtan, Monica Jones, Andrew Chan, Seung-Uon Shin, Dien
Pham, Hyung-Mee Cho, Kyung-Hee Yi, Robert Levy, and Joseph D. Rosenblatt.
Rituximab Mediated Depletion of B Cells Following Transplant of Human CD20
Transgenic Mouse Bone Marrow Results in Prolonged B Cell Depletion and
Augmented Anti-tumor Immune Response. 2005 The American Society of
Hematology 47th Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
Apr 2005
Yu Zhang, Oscar Diego, Linda Bradley, Brain Smith, Linda A. Sherman, Phyllis-Jean
Linton, Defective Dendritic Cell Migration in the aging, presented at 2005 Annual
Meeting of the American Association of Immunologist, was selected for oral
presentation, San Diego, California.
May 2003
Yu Zhang, Shaokang Peter Li, Oscar Diego, Linda A. Sherman, Zeling Cai, Phyllisjean Linton. Dendritic cell and T cell migration upon immunization of aged mice
presented at the American Association of Immunologists 90th Anniversary Annual
Meeting, Immunology 2003, Denver, Colorado.
Jun 2002
Yu Zhang, S. P. Li, L. Sherman, P-J Linton. The role of the " aged" environment on the
delay in CD8 T cell response to influenza virus, presented at the 2002 International Conference on
Immunology and Ageing, June14-16, 2002,
Teaching Awards Received:
Teaching Specialization (Note briefly courses taught, new courses developed,
or experimental teach etc.)
29. Thesis and Dissertation Advising/Post-doctoral student supervision (chairman or
committee member; topic; student name; date):
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30. University Committee and Administrative Responsibilities:
31. Community Activities.
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