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Ch. 27.3
Found everywhere
 Soil, sea, parasites
Can look like flat or round worms
 Actually, more related to clams or octopi!
(Share a larval stage)
What is an Annelid?
Phylum: ANNELIDA; means ‘little ring’
 Separated by SEPTA  internal walls
between each segment
Some segments carry sense organs
 Annelids have SETAE (bristles) on each
Contain a true COELEM lined with a
 Tube within a tube digestive tract
(mouth  anus)
Form and Function in Annelids
Feeding and digestion: filter feeders or
 Use a pharynx
 Can use mucus to break down decaying
 Filter feeders
Crop and gizzard in earthworms (crop
stores; gizzard grinds it up)
Closed circulatory system  blood
contained in a network of blood vessels
 Blood circulates in 2 major blood
vessels (head to tail).
 Blood in the dorsal end (top) goes
TOWARD the head
 Blood in the ventral end (bottom) goes
TOWARD the tail
Smaller blood vessels appear in each
segment and supply blood to internal
 Dorsal blood vessel functions like a
heart, contracts rhythmically
Aquatic annelids have GILLS
 Land annelids have gas exchange via
moist skin
 Secrete a thin protective coating of mucus
Produce 2 kinds of waste
 Passes out via anus
Cellular waste that has nitrogen is
eliminated by NEPHRIDIA (filter)
Well developed nervous system
consisting of a brain and several nerve
 Marine annelids have other adaptations
(sensory tentacles, chemical receptors,
gravity sensors, eyes)
Body muscles part of the hydrostatic
 Longitudinal muscles run from front of
worm to the rear; contraction
 Circular muscles wrap around each
body segment; contract to make worm
longer and thinner
 Alternate contracting
Most reproduce sexually
 External fertilization
 Separate sexes
 Some are hermaphrodites
 CLITELLUM  thickened, specialized
segments secrete mucus rings into
which sperm and eggs are released
(forms a protective cocoon)
Groups of Annelids
Oligochaetes  earthworms;
streamlined bodies and few setae
 Live in fresh water or soil
Leeches  tropical areas; moist
 External parasites
 carnivores
Polychaetes  sandworms,
 Marine
 Paired, paddlelike appendages