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Otonabee College Cabinet Meeting –Sunday November 2nd 2014 at 6pm in OC208
Present: Scott Pharand, Alayna Simpson, Tim Hance, Ashley Wall, Mitch Bordash,
Maureen Langabeer, Krishna Patel, Alyssa Jeffery, Sean Wallis, Tess Johnston-Lafelice,
Jim Maxwell-Capagna, Melissa Feltcher, Devon Hamill, Jamie Lester, Felicia Birmingham,
Mikayla Peasey, Kiley Dunlop, Alex Kopun, Emilia Mattina
Regrets: Rob Monico, Emily Vanderpole, Shelby Heath,
Absent: Issac Prazmowski, Lian Jong, Robyn Gunday, Corey Coletta,
Meeting Agenda
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Chair’s Remarks
4. President’s Remarks
5. Presenter: Hola (Ana Leal)
6. Presenter: TUCSA (Iris Zhang)
7. Presenter: East vs. West (Felicia Birmingham)
8. Position Reports
9. Member at Large
11. AOB
12. Adjourn
Meeting is called to order by on Sunday November 2nd 2014 at 6:04 pm by Jamie.
1. Approval of Agenda
1.1 Motion to approve the agenda by Tim
Second by Alayna
Discussion No
Motion Passes
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1 Motion to approve the minutes by Maureen
Second by Alayna
Discussion No
Motion Passes
3. Chair’s Remarks
3.1 Filling in for Lian.
4. President’s Remarks
4.1 Jamie said a very inspirational quote that I did not have time to catch. But it was really
5. Presenter: Hola (Ana Leal)
5.1 Organization that promotes Latin awareness. Create a safe space for Latin Americans
to demonstrate their cultures. They will do this through events.
Asking $40 we have had events already and have some more coming. The next semester
we have planned many more events, such as language, cooking and dance classes. We
are looking also for you to help advertise events.
Kiley: Do you know how many OC students we have.
We do not ask for their affiliation when they register with us so it is difficult to determine.
6. Presenter: TUCSA (Iris Zhang)
6.1 Representing Chinese student association. Looking for funding to help Chinese
students at Trent and ¼ of members are from OC. We are doing events the first is midautumn festival to celebrate the moon and the Halloween party at shots. There are
expenses they are looking to spend about $1000 over the year and without our help.
Looking to do a free party in wenjack. We are asking for between $300-$500.
Devon: Have you asked the other colleges?
Yes we have asked all of them and they have given 150-200 each.
Motion to move into closed session at 6:26 pm by Jim
Second by Tess
Discussion No
Motion Passes
Closed session moves into open session at 6:30pm
Closed session resulted in:
East Bank
vs. West
Amount Given
7. Presenter: East vs. West (Felicia Birmingham)
7.1 East bank West bank game is a hockey game that puts east bank and west bank
against each other and raises money for a charity. This year is the Peterborough comets
hockey association for children with special needs.
Scott: What is chuck a puck?
From the crowd everyone throws a puck whoever gets closest or furthest get a prize
8. Position Reports
8.1 Cultural Artistic Representative –Scott Pharand
8.1.1Nothing to report
8.2 Environmental Representative – Shelby Heath
8.2.1 Nothing to report
8.3 Social Representatives – Alayna Simpson and Emily Vanderpole
8.3.1 We have made a meeting with Venue again on Thursday, Nov. 6 th regarding alcohol
at formal. We want to make sure that wristbands will be available for those of age and
discuss final pricing of the Venue.
8.3.2 We will hopefully get them a check by the week of November 9th in order to officially
hold our spot (even though we are already on the calendar).
8.3.3 We have been discussing our plans for the holiday social and have decided that on
Dec. 6th, time TBD, we will be having a hot chocolate and holiday treat before the Santa
Claus Parade (which starts at 6pm) at Trail College and walk down as a group.
Alyssa: Is that a Saturday?
Alayna: Yes
Felicia: Have you thought about a charity to bring that in?
Alayna: We haven’t had time to discuss but we will
8.3.4 We have been pondering the idea of a recipe swap for healthy student meals on a
budget, either that or a cookie exchange with recipes.
8.4 Senators – Tim Hance (Sr.) and Kiley Dunlop (Jr.)
8.4.1 Nothing to Report
8.5 TCSA Commissioner – Emilia Mattina
8.5.1 The President remarked on the approval of the Student Centre occurring November
4th. The Student Centre has also been divided into four documents that have extended
ownership to 30 years.
8.5.2 Plans for Movember concert and Levy council group are being contemplated. Food
service options for the following year are also under contemplation: joint ownership with a
downtown provider.
8.5.3 Campaigns run by the Vice President of Campaigns and Equity have been generally
successful, despite low turnouts. Many of the events have called more discussion and
expansion in the next year. Grocery assist is also being pushed to assist students.
8.5.4 Budget, which was unanimously voted upon by executives, was discussed during the
meeting with minor changes in comparison to last year. Sponsorships have decreased; can
be attributed to cheaper advertising. Commercial revenue is new to the budget for TCSA.
Colleges have been allocated $2000 budgets. Few events were discussed. Major
adjustments to Dionysus have occurred, Keggie has been chosen as a sponsor for the even
and provider of alcohol. Keggie will produce fencing and rent tables in addition to lowering
alcohol prices. Keggie will split profits of the overall success of the event. There will be no
Frost week dinner because of decreasing turn out. There is a projected $900 deficit.
8.5.5 There is consideration of a cut in budget for a staff clubs and groups coordinator. A
change in budget will have $5000 and cover the $4000 cost to hire the coordinator. A
motion was carried to renew with Imaginus.
8.5.6 The impeachments of two commissioners were discussed prior to motioning. The Antiracism commissioner attributed his absences (without regrets) to an email hacking and
promised to attend further meetings and hours. Motion to table the impeachment as a
probationary period: motion denied, I opposed. Motion carried on the impeachment, which I
abstained. The Ethical standards commissioner attributed their absences without regrets to
miscommunication and conflict at work; they resolved the issue by booking time off work.
Motion of impeachment denied, I opposed impeachment. Two gender equity commissioners
were appointed to the council in a joint position as the motion carried.
Shawn: What was the lease for the student center?
Emilia: So we can have it for a really long time but have the option to not own it.
Tim: So basically there is no real estate value so it won’t be able to be sold
Jim: What did you want to discuss?
Emilia: It’s a club and group coordinator so it is paying the people who do the Job.
8.6 On Residence Representative- Mitch Bordash
8.6.1 Gzowski Cabinet (Kaitlyn) was contacted and we have agreed to do the pub crawl on
Friday November 21st
8.6.2 They were thinking of doing long sleeve shirts instead of actual Christmas sweaters
just to keep track of people and so that people have a souvenir at the end of the night.
Felicia: If you’re doing T-shirts they need to be confirmed this week because of 2 weeks
until the event.
Mitch: Sounds good.
Alayna: Saturday pub crawls have generally a better turn out.
8.7 CRLC – Corey Colletta
8.7.1 Nothing to Report
8.8 Don Representative – Robyn Gundy
8.8.1 Nothing to Report
8.9 College Head- Ashley Wall
8.9.1 The open house for Trent is coming up on the 15th. We want reps at the resource fair
at the athletic center and we thought it would be great to have the college offices open.
Residence will have tours as well. What we would like is to have it fun and engaging with
music and people greeting them. We will have a table outside the college office sharing
what OC is. We are looking to collect Reponses from students about what is OC and what
do we love about OC. We are looking for volunteers to welcome and get excited about OC.
If you are interested come talk to me! Middle of this week so we can put together an action
plan. I would love to include what is going on in Cabinet in the OC newsletter. Sort
information with date time and location as well as a link to more information. Email
[email protected] by noon.
8.10 Nominations and Appointments - Kiley Dunlop (Chair) and Maureen Lanagabeer
8.10.1 Nothing to report
8.11 Community Representatives – Krisha Patel and Issac Prazmowski
8.11.1 Trent For Humanity is launching Monday Nov 3rd. The event day is set for November
15th. This will be a smaller event than usual. We will be running a school wide fundraiser,
but the event only facilitates 16 people. We will have two weeks to fundraise our goal of
$1500. Participants who sign up will receive a donation collection package, but as a school
as a whole, this is the link to the online pledge page
en-CA. we need everyone to share on social media like crazy. Sign up will be taking place
from November 3-7th in the cabinet office during office hours. There is 16 spots, 8 in the
first group (morning), 8 in the second group(afternoon) We are giving the students who sign
up, the week of the 10-14th to collect donations, or whenever they sign up and get their
4PM ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14TH. If they bring in the money sooner, they have to sign a
sheet and cabinet member must be witness.Packages will be ready to go by 3rd – given to
students when they sign up (They consist of envelopes, tracking sheet, tax return receipts,
Trent waiver, H4H waiver, and a rule sheet). We are also having a competition between the
residence houses and between the participants. Their prizes are a $25 pizza gift card and
and Ice cream part for residence. On the day of: We will be asking participants to meet us at
the building site (574 George Street – not far, they can assess it from public transit) Morning
group @ 9am, afternoon group at 12pm. We then hand our attention to the H4H facilitators.
Then snacks (HFH) and lunch (us). Switch groups. Again back to H4H facilitators.
Conclusion of day. All participants will get a complementary t-shirt (provided from H4H).
Our Expenses: posters, prizes and lunch (pizza). We have started to advertise via social
media. I made an advertising video, set out emails to Jim and Ashley for the Newsletter and
website. Residence reps have been contacted. Mitch will be giving the houses their
envelops Wed in meeting,
Felicia: Maybe put a number system in place for envelope to person.
Tess: What date is it?
Krishna: The 15th.
Felicia: Do every person in the house sign up?
Krishna: No just a couple.
8.12Off Residence Representatives – Alyssa Jeffery and Rob Monico
8.12.1 Working with Mitch to look at venus.
8.13 Athletic Representatives – Shawn Wallis and Tessa Johnston
8.13.1 Contacted Ski and Board Club to meet up
8.13.2 Boxfit continues every week.
8.13.3 I met with Alison and she doesn't want any money from us. She's going to order 150
Pete's tickets for the 20th of November. All the tickets will be sold out of the TCSA. It is $12
each and they get foam things or clappers when they get there. No buses Cabinets only job
right now is promotion of the event.
8.14 Communication Representatives – Alex Kopun and Jim Maxwell-Campagna
8.14.1 Nothing to Report
8.15 Treasurers – Devon Hamill (Sr.) and Melissa Feltcher (Jr.)
8.15.1 This week I wrote the cheques for the clubs and groups and made them available for
pickup in the college office. I booked two funding presentations to occur in our next meeting.
Melissa and I have also been monitoring the cash box for college ball ticket sales.
8.16 President – Jamie Lester
8.16.1 I'm going to be discussing the Colleges Ball and ask people for some help on the day
and night of. There are still a couple dinner tickets left from Gzowski so I will ask what is
being done with them. OC is In charge of the silent auction. We have gift cards from venues
restaurant, gift cards, exam care packages, depending on how many after dinner tickets are
sold we are considering buying an Ipad as a prize. In terms of OC at the Auction we need 2
people selling tickets at all times. No one is running this station during dinner. So it will be
while people are arriving or post dinner.
8.16.2 I'm going to be discussing the rules and regulations around the Mockingjay showing
coming up soon. It is an advanced screening and because of this we splitting tickets 4 ways
98 tickets for each college. Available starting Monday at 10am. Tickets need to be picked
up from the LEC cabby office. The way we give out tickets is out to us. How many tickets do
we want to sell each day. There are 12 days until the event. We need the student list so I
will go get it tomorrow, so we will start ticket sales Monday.
Tess: Maybe sell none the day of.
Jamie: sales would not include the day of.
Scott: If we don’t sell enough on one day does it accumulate to the next day?
Jamie: Yes
Alayna: When are the other colleges doing theirs?
Jamie: No idea.
Devon: Tickets to only OC students?
Jamie: Yes, they must be on the list.
Jim: How much are tickets?
Jamie: Free
Tess: how many tickets can cabinet have?
Jamie: anyone can get it.
Felicia: Back to student numbers why does the student number have to be on the ticket.
Jamie: To confirm that that ticket belongs to them. If they decide not to go they can bring it
Alayna: So getting the ticket tomorrow but not distributing them?
Felicia: How are we getting people to the office?
Jamie: We can send emails, so I will send it to you asap Ashley. So word of mouth, you
can’t post a facebook status or anything.
Ashley: Do we have a responsibility to monitor their social media?
Krishna: If the students do put it on facebook and Cineplex finds out that we are showing it
before up until the day before they don’t have to show it to us. As long as there is not date.
Felicia: Maybe make an incentive? Like come get candy!
Jamie: Yes definitely.
Ashley: Maybe make a code name people can say.
Jamie: Jim and Alex I will leave it up to you?
8.16.3 I'm requesting volunteers for the Alumni Task Force and the Open House. One
person from each college must sit on this Alumni Task force. TIM wants too. YAY TIM.
8.16.4 I'm going to be discussing news regarding pub crawls. The faculty organizations are
encouraging binge drinking and we are being asked to avoid this. Avoid the name pubcrawl
and binge drinking. Nona wants to make a clear outline of what cannot happen for
pubcrawls. If something happens at a pubcrawl it falls on whoever organized that pubcrawl.
Ashley: I have seen so many different names like super fun night or OC fun night. So
maybe that terminology.
8.16.5 Recently Trent has changed their view to how to keep current students at Trent.
Think about how events could be used to keep students at Trent. So keep this in mind and
how we could target these groups. Nona thanks you.
8.16.5 Funding proposal from the Co-Chairs of Trent Movember.
Motion to move into closed session at 7:26 pm by Jim
Second by Kiley
Discussion No
Motion Passes
Closed session moves into open session at 7:29pm
Closed session resulted in:
Resulted in $50 to Trent Movember
8.17 Vice President – Felicia Burmingham
8.17.1 Cabinet table at open house. We can do shifts but let me know if you can volunteer your
8.17.2 Cabinet clothing. We have three options. Crew Neck they can come in both blue and yellow
and other ones too. Full Zip Hoodie if we choose this one it would require cabinet to help cover the
cost that is over $30 so about $8ish dollars. Hoodie design would be on front.
First things first,
Mitch: Option #3 we can’t get it in yellow but we could do like black with yellow.
Option one: 5
Option two: 5
Option three: 6
Option 3 wins! Each person will have to pay a dollar.
Kiley: Is there a Navy with yellow writing option?
Everyone agrees. If no Navy can we get black. But if black can it be blue?
Motion to allocate $780 to cabinet clothing agenda by felicia
Second by Kiley
Devon: This is fine we have $700 outside the cabinet budget.
Motion Passes
8.18 Secretary – Mikayla Peasey
8.18.1 Cabinet hours in College Office. Please remember there are meetings and other
people in the cabinet office.
9. Member at Large
9.1 During Exec this week we talked further into our Cabinet Social Night. I will be
calling Riley’s today (before the meeting) to find out if we can book pool tables on a
Thursday Night. Tonight I will be sending out a Doodle to everyone with different dates
that hopefully will work for the majority.
9.2 Christmas is coming up, and I thought it would be fun to do a Secret Saint Nick! (Like
Secret Santa...but calling him Saint Nick because it’s fun). This is not mandatory, so I
will be passing around a sign-up sheet for those who would like to participate. We will
put a 15$ limit on it. Those who sign up, we will draw names at the next meeting.
Kiley: Please make sure if you sign up your committee to it!!
Felicia: You’re on the bad list.
10.1 CASSC Committee-Felicia Burmingham
10.1 Nothing to Report
10.2 Orientation Committee-Mikayla Peasey
10.2.1 We went over learning objectives and decided there is no plan to revise them.
10.2.2 Spoke about high lights and challenges. Some highlights included inclusion of
international students, registration and move in went smoothly, don involvement and
communication, TCSA had a good presence, Co-chairs were awesome. Some challenges
included, Tip rep confusion, food services, proper lists, buses to Champlain annex, over
flow and crash spaces, mandatory breaks for staff.
10.2.3 We spoke about co-chairs being a paid over the summer position.
Jim: I agree 100%
Alayna: I also 100% agree.
Kiley: I see both ways…
Jamie: If you start to pay co-chairs where is the line between staff, cabinet, presidents?
Alayna: Co-chairs work from May-august?
Ashley: It would be looked at how to pay them
Felicia: It may discourage people combining NSO and bring it on
Maureen: Some people need to be at home for summer months, so it discourages them.
Jim: Bring it on was great and honestly is important for community building.
Alayna: As a co-chair you do work full time not being paid
Felicia: Full time there is no shortage or work or tasks.
Emilia: Maybe a scholarship for the co-chairs?
Ashley: Money would come from the college’s budget
10.2.4 Changing the name of ISW to something because there are no longer seminars. We
spoke about keeping it the same, introductory week, orientation week or introductory
student week.
Jamie: I like introductory student week
Tess: I didn’t even know what ISW stood for other than it was intro week.
Scott: ISW is an acronym unique to the Trent community.
Kiley: It has been ISW for so long.. Just changing the S seems fine.
Emilia: ISW is stigma free, let’s keep that.
Poll: Orientation Week: 0
Same: 1
S to student= everyone else.
10.2.5 Should offices be open Sunday Monday?
Krishna: Or even later hours because people that drop their kids off later in the day get
angry because they can’t go sort out things because the offices are closed.
10.2.6 There are rumors about ISW
Fear factor is always a risk and we will also evaluate to see that risk.
Jamie: If it is done right I think fear factor is a great event.
Annex vs. COW- they are breaking ground for COW soon
Staff sleeping on campus.
Jamie: Staff has to be up so early and go to bed so late how would they get home safely?
Buses don’t run and it’s not safe to drive.
Felicia: Maybe not make sleeping on campus mandatory but make it offered
Kiley: We always explain that it is a student space and we show them if they want to see it.
Krishna: The sleeping creates a bond for the leaders that help make ISW go so smooth.
Jamie: Also the accountability that staff must make it back on campus in the morning at a
specific time... what if a staff member didn’t show up.
Kiley: As ISW leaders we are there all the time and our presence is always there so people
can always ask questions.
10.3 Food Services- Mitch Boardash
10.3.1 Date: October 29th 2014
Committee: CASSC Trent Food Services
Members Present:
-Trent Food Services Director
-TCSA Designate
-TGSA Designate
-TPSA Designate
-College Reps
-Sustainability Committee rep
-Trent Director of Housing
-Trent Director of Conference Services
-Chartwells General Manager
-Chartwells Food Services Director
-Chartwells CUPE member
-AVP Student
Topics of Discussion:
a. Progress update from Chartwells
b. Initial feedback and suggestions
c. Discussion of draft Food Committee terms of reference
d. Meeting schedule
10.3.2 –Chartwells is aware of the issues students are currently having with food services
Studying student patters (peak hours, when they need more staffing)
Action plan being put together, to be released within a few weeks
o More staffing at peak hours
o Personelle changes
o Refocusing of staff
o More training
o Marketing: website, dietary needs, making information more accessible,
enhancing training, draft of proposed hours (will present this at the cabinet
meeting on Sunday)
o More stations open later when other cafes are closed
o Champlain getting some upgrades (was weakly discussed)
o More signage at closed outlets that say where else students can get food
o Having one outlet open until midnight for students that have late night class
that will serve mostly on-the-go foods and some hot meals
o Shorter hours will yield more staff
o Having menus posted online (along with updating website image)
o Having one café open early for breakfast for students (ie: varsity athletes)
o Concept: the Friendly 5- $5 meals that are nutritionally balanced
More marketing of the Trent Food Services Facebook and Twitter accounts
Training staff about what goes in the food, knowing all of the ingredients
Full nutritional facts labels on on-the-go foods
Expect website changes next week (website is unfinished, but it is
Possible coupon promotion
More details to come on the EcoTray (will touch upon this at meeting)
Remind students to stop stealing cutlery from the café
Remind students to use china and not take-out containers as much as possible
10.3.3 – all questions/comments/concerns from my facebook post, as well as others from
other committee members, were all voiced and are currently being addressed
-looking at more recyclable friendly containers for Thai Express but issues with branding
prevents this
-compost program being update
10.3.4 –Mandate was approved
-agreed the committee was already large enough in size and that no more members
needed to be there
10.3.5 Next meeting: November 26th 1pm
Jim: For example the hours will that be set before the next meeting.
Melissa: The Take out containers maybe if you know at the start your staying but have a
doggy bags.
Alayna: Maybe they need to ask the question are you looking to go or stay
Emilia: Many students don’t feel comfortable in other cafs and also making the treck across
the bridge.
Felicia: Maybe a reward system? In my first year we would go over as a house.?
11. AOB
11.1. 50th anniversary is doing a time capsule. Space dependant talked about putting something
from cabinet. Letters from presidents, prime ministers possibly packing it during frost week.
12. Adjournment
12.1 Motion to adjourn at by Alayna at 8:44pm
Second by Jim
Motion Passes