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Biology 204 - Study Questions (M. G. Simpson)
Lecture 1 - Descent with Modification
1. What is evolution?
2. Define descent and indicate what is "modified."
3. What is a lineage?
4. What actually evolves in evolution?
5. What is speciation?
6. How is it that all life is connected by descent?
7. What three historical views were prevalent before Darwin's Origin of the Species?
8. What process did the geologist Lyell present, and why was this important to biological evolution?
9. What was the great contribution by Lamarck? What (wrong) theory of inheritance did he propose?
10. What was the "Beagle"?
11. What two men are given credit for the notion of natural selection?
12. Who wrote Origin of the Species and in what year?
13. What were the two major accomplishments in Origin of the Species?
14. Name five types of evidence for evolution and note their significance.
15. How was the fossil record evidence for evolution?
16. How did Darwin redefine the word homology?
17. Name three observations/facts that are the basis for evolution by natural selection.
18. Thoroughly and completely (and clearly) define natural selection.
19. Why is natural selection differential?
20. How is natural selection a non-random process?
21. What is artificial selection and how is it an analogy for natural selection?
22. What are two definitions of adaptation?
23. Name some types of adaptations.
24. What is the difference between camouflage (cryptic coloration) and warning (aposematic) coloration?
25. What is mimicry and how is it an adaptation?
26. What is symbiosis?
27. Name the type of symbiosis in which the host is harmed. ... in which both species benefit.
28. What is co-evolution / co-adaptation?
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