Download A) B) C) D) 1. Which graph best represents the altitude of Polaris

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1. Which graph best represents the altitude of Polaris
observed at northern latitude positions on the Earth's
4. The diagram below shows an observer measuring the
altitude of Polaris.
What is the latitude of the observer?
A) 20° N B) 20° S C) 70° N D) 70° S
5. At which New York State location would an observer
measure the highest altitude of Polaris?
A) New York City
B) Slide Mountain
C) Niagara Falls
D) Plattsburgh
6. Which diagram represents the approximate altitude of
Polaris as seen by an observer located Syracuse, New
2. At which latitude will Polaris be overhead?
A) 0º
B) 23 ½ºN.
C) 90º S.
D) 90º N.
3. The diagram below shows the angular altitude of
Polaris above the horizon at a certain location.
7. What is the approximate altitude of Polaris at
Syracuse, New York?
A) 43°
What is the latitude of the observer?
A) 15° N B) 25° N C) 30° N D) 65° N
B) 47°
C) 76°
D) 90º
8. The diagram below shows an instrument made from a
drinking straw, protractor, string, and rock.
11. An observer on a moving ship notices that the
altitude of Polaris increases each night. Local solar
noon occurs at the same time each day. In what
direction is the ship moving?
A) due east
B) due south
C) due west
D) due north
12. Which graph best represents the relationship
between the latitude of an observer and the observed
altitude of Polaris above the northern horizon?
This instrument was most likely used to measure the
A) distance to a star
B) altitude of a star
C) mass of the Earth
D) mass of the suspended weight
9. As a person travels northward from the Equator, the
altitude of Polaris will appear to
A) decrease
B) increase
C) remain the same
10. The diagram below represents an observer
measuring the altitude of Polaris.
13. At which location is the altitude of Polaris
approximately 42°?
A) Niagara Falls
B) Elmira
C) Watertown
D) Massena
14. At which New York State location will an observer
most likely measure the altitude of Polaris as
approximately 42°?
A) Jamestown
B) Plattsburgh
C) Oswego
D) New York City
15. If an observer on Earth views Polaris on the
horizon, the observer is located at the
At which latitude is this observer located?
A) 16° N
C) 53° N
B) 37° N
D) 90° N
equator (0°)
North Pole (90° N)
Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N)
Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S)
16. The diagram below represents the route of a ship
traveling from New York City to Miami, Florida.
Each night, a passenger on the ship observes Polaris
18. The diagram below shows an observer on Earth
measuring the altitude of Polaris.
Which statement best describes the observed
changes in the altitude of Polaris made by the
passenger during the voyage?
A) Each night the altitude decreases in the
northern sky.
B) Each night the altitude decreases in the
southern sky.
C) Each night the altitude increases in the northern
D) Each night the altitude increases in the southern
17. The diagram below shows latitude measurements
every 10 degrees and longitude measurements every
15 degrees.
What is the latitude and longitude of point X?
A) 40° S 45° E
C) 60° S 30° W
B) 50° N 45° W
D) 75° N 30° E
What is the latitude of this observer?
A) 90° N
B) 66.5° N
C) 43° N
D) 23.5° N
19. At which location will the highest altitude of the star
Polaris be observed?
Tropic of Cancer
Arctic Circle
central New York State
Base your answers to questions 20 and 21 on the time-exposure photograph shown below. The
photograph was taken by aiming a camera at a portion of the night sky above a New York State
location and leaving the camera's shutter open for a period of time to record star trails.
20. Which celestial object is shown in the photograph near the center of the star trails?
A) the Sun
B) the Moon
C) Sirius
D) Polaris
21. During the time exposure of the photograph, the stars appear to have moved through an arc of 120º.
How many hours did this time exposure take?
A) 5 h
B) 8 h
C) 12 h
22. The diagram below shows an observer on Earth
measuring the altitude of Polaris.
D) 15 h
23. As a ship crosses the Prime Meridian, an observer on
the ship measures the altitude of Polaris at 60°.
What is the ship's location?
What is the latitude of this observer?
A) 43° N
C) 47° N
B) 43° S
D) 47° S
60° south latitude and 0° longitude
60° north latitude and 0° longitude
0° latitude and 60° east longitude
0° latitude and 60° west longitude
24. Base your answer to the following question on the world map below. Letters A through D represent
locations on Earth's surface.
At which location could an observer not see Polaris in the night sky at any time during the year?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
25. Which statement about Polaris is best illustrated by
the diagrams shown below?
26. The dashed line on the map below shows a ship's
route from Long Island, New York, to Florida. As
the ship travels south, the star Polaris appears lower
in the northern sky each night.
The best explanation for this observation is that
A) Polaris is located in a winter constellation
B) Polaris is located at the zenith at each location.
C) Polaris' apparent movement through the sky
follows a south-to-north orientation.
D) Polaris' altitude is equal to a locations
rises and sets at different locations each day
has an elliptical orbit around Earth
is located directly over Earth's Equator
is located directly over Earth's North Pole
27. Which diagram best shows the altitude of Polaris
observed near Buffalo, New York?
Base your answers to questions 29 and 30 on the
map below, which shows the latitude and longitude
of five observers, A, B, C, D, and E, on Earth.
29. What is the altitude of Polaris (the North Star)
above the northern horizon for observer A?
A) 0°
B) 10° C) 80° D) 90°
30. Which two observers would be experiencing the
same apparent solar time?
A) A and C
B) B and C
C) B and E
D) D and E
31. From Utica, New York, Polaris is observed at an
altitude of approximately
28. The North Star (Polaris) can be used for navigation
in Earth's Northern Hemisphere because
A) Polaris is located directly over the Tropic of
B) Polaris is the brightest and most easily located
C) the altitude of Polaris is equal to the
observer's latitude
D) the position of Polaris changes with the
A) 43º B) 47º C) 75º D) 90º
32. What could be the approximate location of an
observer if he measured the altitude of Polaris to be
41 degrees above the horizon?
A) Watertown
C) Buffalo
B) Massena
D) New York City
33. Base your answer to the following question on the passage and map below. The map shows sections
of the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico.
In 1641, the crew of the ship Concepcion used the Sun and stars for navigation. The crew thought that
the ship was just north of Puerto Rico, but ocean currents had carried them off course. The ship hit a
coral reef and sank off the coast of the Dominican Republic. The Xon the map marks the location of
the sunken ship.
At which map location does Polaris appear the highest in the nighttime sky?
A) Miami, Florida
C) Havana, Cuba
B) Kingston, Jamaica
D) San Juan, Puerto Rico
34. Which diagram best represents the location of
Polaris for an observer located at the Equator?
37. The diagram below shows an observer on Earth
viewing the star Polaris.
What is the observer's latitude?
A) 38° N
B) 38° S
C) 52° N
D) 52° S
38. As a person travels due west across New York State,
the altitude of Polaris will
A) decrease
B) increase
C) remain the same
39. The diagram below shows the altitude of Polaris
above the horizon at a certain location.
35. From which New York State location would Polaris
be observed to have an altitude closest to 43° above
the northern horizon?
A) Binghamton
B) Utica
C) Watertown
D) New York City
36. As a ship crosses the Prime Meridian, the altitude of
Polaris measured from the ship is 50°. What is the
ship’s location?
0° latitude 50° east longitude
0° latitude 50° west longitude
50° north latitude 0° longitude
50° south latitude 0° longitude
What is the latitude of the observer?
A) 10° N
C) 50° N
B) 40° N
D) 90° N
40. The diagram below shows a student in New York
State observing Polaris.
The student is located nearest to which city in New
York State?
A) Plattsburgh
C) New York City
B) Albany
D) Kingston