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Collected Essays
These volumes, recently received in the AHR office,
do not lend themselves readily to unified reviews;
the contents are therefore listed.
ANNA AKASOY, CHARLES BURNETT, and RONIT YOELITLALIM, editors. Islam and Tibet: Interactions along the
Musk Routes. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate. 2011. Pp. xiv,
391. $134.95.
RONIT YOELI-TLALIM, Islam and Tibet: Cultural Interactions.
ANNA AKASOY, Tibet in Islamic Geography and Cartography:
A Survey of Arabic and Persian Sources. KEVIN VAN BLADEL,
The Bactrian Background of the Barmakids. ASSADULLAH
Greek and Islamic Medicines’ Historical Contact with Tibet: A
Reassessment in View of Recently Available but Relatively
Early Sources on Tibetan Medical Eclecticism. ANYA KING, Tibetan Musk and Medieval Arab Perfumery. CHRISTOPHER I.
BECKWITH, The Sarva៮ stiva៮ din Buddhist Scholastic Method in
Medieval Islam. PETER ZIEME, Notes on the Religions in the
Mongol Empire. PAUL D. BUELL, Tibetans, Mongols and the
Fusion of Eurasian Cultures. AREZOU AZAD, Three Rock-Cut
Cave Sites in Iran and Their Ilkhanid Buddhist Aspects Reconsidered. GEORGIOS T. HALKIAS, The Muslim Queens of the
Himalayas: Princess Exchanges in Baltistan and Ladakh. MARC
GABORIEAU, The Discovery of the Muslims of Tibet by the First
Portuguese Missionaries. ALEXANDRE PAPAS, So Close to Samarkand, Lhasa: Sufi Hagiographies, Founder Myths and Sacred Space in Himalayan Islam. THIERRY ZARCONE, Between
Legend and History: About the “Conversion” to Islam of Two
Prominent Lamaists in the Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries.
JOHAN ELVERSKOG, Ritual Theory across the Buddhist-Muslim
Divide in Late Imperial China. JOHN BRAY, Trader, Middleman or Spy? The Dilemmas of a Kashmiri Muslim in Early
Nineteenth-Century Tibet. DIANA ALTNER, Do All the Muslims
of Tibet Belong to the Hui Nationality? JAN MAGNUSSON,
Greater Ladakh and the Mobilization of Tradition in the Contemporary Baltistan Movement.
Finding Common Ground: New Directions in First World
War Studies. (History of Warfare, number 62.) Leiden:
Brill. 2011. Pp. xx, 338. $179.00.
ROGER CHICKERING, Why Are We Still Interested in This Old
War? TIM COOK, Black-hearted Traitors, Crucified Martyrs,
and the Leaning Virgin: The Role of Rumor and the Great War
Canadian Soldier. LAURA ROWE, “Their Lordships Regret
That . . . ”: Admiralty Perceptions of and Responses to Allegations of Lower Deck Disquiet. SANTANU DAS, Imperialism,
Nationalism and the First World War in India. BRIAN K. FELTMAN, Letters from Captivity: The First World War Correspondence of the German Prisoners of War in the United Kingdom.
JESSE KAUFFMAN, Schools, State-Building, and National Conflict in German-Occupied Poland, 1915–1918. BRANDON LITTLE, Humanitarian Relief in Europe and the Analogue of War,
1914 –1918. DAVID T. ZABECKI, Railroads and the Operational
Level of War in the German 1918 Offensives. ELIZABETH
GREENHALGH, Liaisons Not So Dangerous: First World War
Liaison Officers and Marshal Ferdinand Foch. MARK E. GROTELEUSCHEN, The Junior Partner: Anglo-American Military
Cooperation in World War I. GEARÓID BARRY, “The Crusade
of Youth”: Pacifism and the Militarization of Youth Culture in
Marc Sangnier’s Peace Congresses. HEATHER R. PERRY, Militarizing the Disabled: Medicine, Industry, and “Total Mobilization” in World War I Germany. JULIA EICHENBERG, “Suspicious Pacifists”: The Dilemma of Polish Veterans Fighting
War during the 1920s and 1930s.
SHELDON POLLOCK, editor. Forms of Knowledge in Early
Modern Asia: Explorations in the Intellectual History of
India and Tibet, 1500–1800. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 2011. Pp. 376. Cloth $89.95, paper $24.95.
SHELDON POLLOCK, The Languages of Science in Early Modern
India. SUMIT GUHA, Bad Language and Good Language: Lexical Awareness in the Cultural Politics of Peninsular India, ca.
SANJAY SUBRAHMANYAM, A New Imperial Idiom in the Sixteenth Century: Krishnadevaraya and His Political Theory of
Vijayanagara. ALLISON BUSCH, The Anxiety of Innovation: The
Practice of Literary Science in the Hindi Rı៮ti Tradition. IMRE
BANGA, Writing Devotion: The Dynamics of Textual Transmission in the Kavita៮ valı៮ of Tulsı៮da៮ s. FRANÇOISE MALLISON, the
Teaching of Braj, Gujarati, and Bardic Poetry at the Court of
Kutch: The Bhuj Brajbha៮ sខ a៮ Pa៮ ខthśa៮ la៮ (1749–1948). MUZAFFAR
ALAM and SANJAY SUBRAHMANYAM, The Making of A Munshı៮.
ADITYA BEHL, Pages from the Book of Religions: Encountering
Difference in Mughal India. SUNIL SHARMA, “If There Is a Paradise on Earth, It Is Here”: Urban Ethnography in Indo-Persian Poetic and Historical Texts. MOHAMAD TAVAKOLITARGHI, Early Persianate Modernity. KURTIS R. SCHAEFFER,
New Scholarship in Tibet, 1650–1700. JANET GYATSO, Experience, Empiricism, and the Fortunes of Authority: Tibetan