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Atomic Physics and Elements of Quantum Theory
Course developer
Volume (number of
academic contact-hours
per semester)
Total hours
Course prerequisites
Course group (required,
compulsory choice or free
Course Objectives
Juris Roberts Kalniņš
2 (3 ECTS)
32 (26 – lectures. 6 - Labs)
Mathematical analysis
To give understanding on atom physics and principles of
quantum theory, based on Schroedinger equation. Connection
between a wide range of experiments and theory are
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
understand the basic principles and concepts of quantum
understand hydrogen atom and atomic phenomena
understand Schrodinger equation and simples solutions of it
know the main applications of atomic theory
Course abstract
The course “Atomic physics and elements of quantum theory”
is developed for Electronics undergraduate students. The
course introduces student into the world of atom physics and
quantum phenomena. The specific subjects covered are Bohr’s
atom model, hydrogen atom, Schrodinger equation, wavelike
properties of particles, electron spin. X-ray analysis, Atomic –
force microscope and Spectral analysis are considered in Labs.
Course program
1. Origin of atomic and quantum physics. -1
Spectrum of atomic hydrogen. Rydberg’s formula. Black body radiation. Plank’s formula.
Photoelectric effect. Compton Effect.
2. Bohr’s model of the atom. -1
Thompson and Rutherford model. Atomic spectra. The stability of atom.
Bohr’s postulate. Bohr’s model.
3. Wavelike properties of particles. -2
De Broglie concept of matter waves. Wave packet and its group and phase velocity.
Feynman’s double silt experiment. Uncertainty principle. Radius of Bohr orbit
4. Schrodinger equation. -3
Wave equation. “Derivation” of Shrodinger equation. Physical interpretation of
wave function. The simplest solutions of one dimensional Shrodinger equation. Free
particle. Particle in a box. Particle in a finite well. Potential step: reflection and
transmission. Quantum tunneling. Linear oscillator.
5. Operators in quantum mechanics. -3
Basic postulates of quantum mechanics. Shrodinger equation as eigenvalue equation. Linear
operators. Correspondence principles. Measurement. Hermitan operators and eigenvalue.
Commutation relation. The time dependent Schrodinger equation.
6. Hydrogen atom. -2
Particle in a central potential. Angular momentum. Energy levels and shape of wave
functions. EM spectrum.
7. Electron spin. -1
Electron spin. Stern Gerlach experiment. Pauli exclusion principle. Zeeman effect.
Periodic system of elements.
8. Applications. - 3 (Labs)
X-ray analysis. Atomic force microscope. Spectral analysis.
Requirements for
obtaining credit
Problem solving and Labs 30%
Exam - 70%
Suggested titles
compulsory reading:
1. David A.B. Miller, “Quantum mechanics for Scientists and
Further reading
Suggested periodicals and
internet resources
Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
1. H.Haken, H.C. Wolf, „The Physics of Atoms and Quanta”,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
2. Stephen Gasiorowicz, „Quantum Physics”, Wiley; 3 edition
(April 17, 2003).
1.Visual Quantum Mechanics, Kansas State University,
2. Quantum Mechanics I,
3.Tigran Tchakrian, „Quantum mechanics I”,
4. Java applets
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