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Whatʼs on the first U.S. History TEST:
Effective Occupation
* European powers agreed on two general rules for laying claim to land in the New World. Name them,
describe what each entailed, and include the body-of-water rule in one of them.
* What is a Joint Stock Company?
* How did it help with “effective occupation” for the British in the New World?
* How did the Joint Stock Companyʼs “Orders From Home” contribute to the starvation and desolation
faced by Britainʼs first successful colony?
* What is the name of this first successful colony?
* How is it that tobacco “saved” this first colony? (After all, you canʼt eat the stuff... And, its wrong to say
that the colonists just traded tobacco for what they needed.)
* Who was John Smith, and what significant thing did he do?
* What descriptive words would you use to explain how much money it took to ship people and
supplies across the Atlantic to start a colony?
* What was the social and economic condition of the Pilgrims?
--How, then, did they get shipped across with the necessary supplies and such?
--What was the name of the colony that they started?
* Why did the Puritans leave England?
--How was their voyage funded?
--Name the colony they started.
--Describe the type of society and government that they set up.
Laws and punishment decided by…?
* Give a general characterization of what type of groups started the New England Colonies,
and what type of groups started the Southern Colonies?
* Over fifty years, the King took away the charters of all the various groups that started the colonies.
Why? Why did the Puritains, Quakers and other religious colonies as well as the corporations like the
London Company lose their control over the colonies that they started?
* Out of this we get the formation of the United Kingdom. What was this?
*** What is Capitalism?
• Identify its influence in any of the previous sentences (situations) in which it played a role.
• Did European countries like Spain and Portugal ignore or use a lot or very little capitalism in their
formation of their New World holdings? In one sentence, make your point.
Triangle Trade
* There were two or three categories of products in the Triangle Trade. Which product type got
traders the most money?
* If the ultimate destination of trading ships leaving the colonies was to get back to England to get these
big money-making products (as you noted in the previous question), then why would it appear that
they went on such an out-of-the-way route? Why not just zip a ship direct from Boston to London?
• Why were British Isle businesses and government angry at the newer Triangle routes of the 1750ʼs?
Navigation Acts (and the various production acts)
* What are the overall main parts (or rules) of such legislation?
* How did the colonists feel about these acts? How did it appear to classify them as British citizens?
* What is a logical argument against these acts? (To answer this, you will need to understand the
concept behind the idea of the “United Kingdom.”)
French & Indian War
* Tactics: As shown in your film for English, Last of the Mohekans, explain or describe the Native American
battle tactics vs. European battle tactics.
* Regardless of British expectations of “fighting for your country” (Britain), what were the colonistsʼ
central concerns during this war? (Or, what did they worry about the most?)
* Who won the French & Indian War?
* What was the consequence for the side that lost?
* What was Colonel George Washingtonʼs experience during this war?
(there is a sizable explanation during class discussion)
Why would these experiences be significant to the Revolutionary War?
Pre-Revolution: Separatists vs. Loyalists
* Explain why Parliament and Loyalists felt that Navigation Acts were probably the best choice for
the British Empire in the long run.
* For what seemingly logical reason did Parliament feel that colonists should pay the Stamp Tax,
or any tax, for that matter? (Hint: goes toward what Britain has provided the colonists...)
* Colonists disagree with the above reasoning, as they pointed out that.....
(Hints: ...our protection comes from...? ..weʼve paid...? ...and thus we even pay more!)
* Why would Parliament & Loyalists think the Quartering Act is fair? What would be the (financial)
alternative for the colonists?
* What is meant by the term, “No taxation without representation!”
* Counter this colonial complaint: (Hint: Stamp Act, Ben F., Parliamentʼs decision to r...)
* “Radical” colonists showed displeasure with British
* When Parliament tried to sneak a tax on tea onto the colonies, what did radical colonists do?
* Really, why was this a brilliant and necessary move on the part of the Sons of Liberty?
* To make the colonists “pay” for this action (one way or another), what did Parliament do as a response?
* The result of the aforementioned action was not just anger in Boston, the anger was present in many
other colonies. Why? Explain…
What is The Declaration of Independence?
What was its purpose?
Though many contributed to its drafting, who is the famous head writer?
What is the date that our country generally credits as the celebrated signing and
announcement of this Declaration? Month, Day, & Year!
Write out the essence of the Social Contract.
(about 2 - 4 sentences)
The Revolutionary War
* At the opening of armed conflict, the colonists claimed several victories. Why did these colonial
victories happen? Or, what would the British say they were really doing during this opening period?
* There was a British General that gained historical notoriety as the great field commander during the
Revolutionary War. He would be the one to surrender at the end. Who is this?
* Who is the American in charge of the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War?
* What were some key advantages the British believed they enjoyed at the warʼs start?
* Characterize or profile the fighting abilities of the American revolutionaries at the beginning of
all-out war (when British attacked in force), and tell how things went for them.
* Characterize the middle of the war (Stage III in notes) for the American revolutionaries and what
their tactics accomplished.
* In what general colonial region did the last third of the war take place?
* List and explain four or five problems faced by the British fighting in America in the 1770ʼs which
were similar to problems faced by U.S. forces in Vietnam two hundred years later.
One of these should be the involvement of another country. Explain the contributions…
* Where did the British field general surrender?
Questions from Literature: Last of the Mohicans
How is Nathaniel a well rounded character?
Strong & Athletic + smart and compassionate
What is an indentured servant?
Why were people living on the frontier, away from settlements and protection?
How can Magwa and Major Hayward both be seen as Nathaniel's antagonist?
Why is Last of the Mohicans considered the first great American Novel?
What was the main method of persuasion in Patrick Henry's speech?
What was the main method of persuasion in Thomas Paine's essay?
How is the Declaration of Independence a typical "Age of Reason" document?