Download Lesson 12 - The Digestive System workbook

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The Digestive System
For this section, please read following pages out of the two
different textbooks… the Science Focus 8 Textbook Pages 146 149, The Science in Action 8 Textbook Pages 127 – 131. Use
these two sources to help you answer the following questions.
Total out of
Use the paragraph at the top of page 127 in the Science in Action 8 Textbook to fill in the
blanks below.
Living organisms require ____________________ to survive. Like other animals, you obtain
energy from different sources such as _______________________ (sugars & starches),
____________________ (fats and oils) and ______________________. But before your cells can
use any of these energy sources for fuel, they must be _____________________ by your
____________________ system. Your digestive system is in charge of ____________________
down the ________________ you eat into parts __________________ enough to be used by
your ______________________.
There are two main types of digestion… what are they and what do they involve?
1 ___________________________
2 ___________________________
The digestive system is actually a long tube within the body that allows food and nutrients to pass
through it. Starting with the mouth, outline the order/path of organs that food travels through as
it passes through your digestive system?
The diagram below shows all of the parts of the mouth which is the first part of the
digestive track. Label each of the parts in the diagram and follow up with a short
description as to what each one does as well as whether it helps with chemical or
mechanical digestion.
A _____________________
B _____________________
C ______________________
D ______________________
E ______________________
To the right is a diagram that shows how food is
pushed through the digestive track. What is the
scientific name of this process?
Using the Science in Action 8 Textbook, please label all of the following organs on the diagram
Using the Science in Action 8 Textbook and reading pages 128 -130 in detail, write a
detailed description as to what each of the organs within the digestive system does.
Include whether the part helps with “Chemical” or “Mechanical” digestion, if it produces
any enzymes, and if/what type of nutrient is broken down at that stage (i.e. proteins,
fats/lipids, or sugar/starches) or if it just helps in transporting the food. Finally, explain
where nutrient absorption takes place and how. ( 2 marks for each description)
Mouth -
Salivary Glands -
Epiglottis –
Esophagus –
Stomach –
Liver –
Gallbladder –
Pancreas –
Small Intestine –
Large Intestine –
What are Microvilli and how do they work?
On page 149 of the Science Focus 8 Textbook you will find 2.31 of a villus. Draw out that
diagram and explain where villi are found and how they connect the digestive system to
the circulatory system.
10. Imagine you have just eaten a cheese burger. In point form (at least 10 points), describe
the path of the cheese burger through your digestive system and the mechanical and
chemical digestion that occurs to the food as it is broken down.
11. For each of the terms below, explain the relationship that exists.
a) Digestion & Enzymes
b) Nutrients & Villi
c) Digestion & Peristalsis
12. Explain how the small intestine, which fits into a fairly small space in the body, manages
to have such a large surface area to help it absorb food nutrients.