Download Practice short answer questions Lifespan Development 1. What is a

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Practice short answer questions
Lifespan Development
1. What is a Karyotype?
Describe the human Karyotype.
2. Describe the difference between a dominant and a recessive type of gene.
3. Describe three changes that occur in the Embryonic stage of pre-natal development.
4. Normal infant physical development is cephalocaudal. What does this mean?
Give an example.
5. What are two consequences of obesity that have been found among children?
6. What is the difference between Verbal and Performance IQs?
Why might this difference be important?
7. Describe two examples of Formal Operational types of thinking.
8. What are two mental health problems that show gender differences in how common they are?
9. Describe two possible biological explanations for differences in sexual orientation.
10. Describe two gender differences in heart attacks.
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