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Spelling Homework Guidance and Ideas
For your literacy homework you will always be expected to practice your spelling words at home. As
everyone learns differently, all the activities below are inclusive of different learning styles. For
homework choose an activity from section one plus one more from a different section to complete
each week – there are so many to choose from you can always try different things. If you choose to
complete an activity that does not require you to write anything in your jotter then please have your
parent put a note in your book to say what you have completed.
1. Repeating and Memorising Word Activities
Speed Writing
Three Times
Over the top
Type them!
How often can you
write the word
correctly in one
minute? Do this for
each word.
Write the word
three times in
different colours.
Write your spelling
words then go over
the top of them
with a coloured
pencil, a crayon then
a pen.
Type your spelling
words on the
computer three
times – make each
word have different
font – print, cut
out and stick in
your homework
Spelling Bee
UPPER and lower
and MiXeD
Write your spelling
words first in
in lowercase and
third mIxEd Up.
Listen carefully
Ask your mum or
dad to spell out a
word – then tell
them what word
they have spelt.
three three three
Spell and Cover and
Write and Check.
Spell the word
copying from your
list, then cover it up
and see if you can
spell it again, then
check and write it
Write your words
normally then swap
your pencil into the
hand you don’t
normally write with –
now try writing your
spelling words with
that hand!
Fancy Writing
Create three
different styles of
fancy lettering for
your words, writing
each word 3 times.
Get your parents to
test you on your
words and show off
spelling bee style!
Back writing
3d words
Use your finger to
spell out each word
on someones back –
can they guess what
the word is? Swap
over and have
someone do this to
Use plastecene,
playdoh or bluetac
to sculpt your words
in 3d letters.
2. Analysing Word Activities
Spelling Detective
Inside the word
Find and highlight or
underline the
spelling rules in your
words – there might
be more than one or
even more than two!
Write underneath
each word all the
rules you find.
Making up a “story”
to help spell a word.
Look for small words Write your spelling
inside the word.
words using a
different colour for
About – a, out, bout. each letter. Repeat
Teacher – tea, each, but this time all ‘a’s
her, ache
must be the same
colour, all ‘b’s, all ‘c’s
and so on.
Write out your
words then write
them out again but
Eg. Was
Tall and short.
Act the Teacher
Draw the shape of
the word in a table
for tall and short
Eg. then neht
Have someone write
out your words with
their letters
muddled up and see
if you can sort it
Have someone write
your words with a
deliberate mistake
and see if you can
spot it and correct
Pyramid Writing
Consonant Circles
Blue vowals
Write your words in
the shapes of
Write the word then
a e i o u
circle all the
Write the word then
go over each vowel
Eg. was
in blue.
Eg. was
Telephone words
Translate your
spelling words into
numbers using the
telephone keypad!
Muddled Up
Use Colours
a s
Eg. ball
Eg. because
007 Secret Agent
Write out the
alphabet giving each
letter a number (e.g
a = 1, b = 2, c = 3…)
Then write your
spelling words in
your own secret
Search through the
newspaper or
magazines to find
letters that make up
your words – cut up
and stick into your
Words without
Write each word
but instead of a
vowel put a dash.
b_c_ _ s _.
Go back later and
try and fill it in.
Rhyming words
Write each of your
spelling words – next
to it write a word
that rhymes!
3. Applying Meaning to Words Activities (All worth +1 dojo)
Dictionary Detective
Spelling poem
Use a dictionary to
find out the meaning
of each word. Can you
find another word
that means the
Write a poem using
your spelling words.
Underline your
spelling words.
Silly Sentence
Story time
Put each word into a
silly sentence –
remember capital
letters and full
Put each of your
words in a sentence
to create a story.
Underline your
spelling words.
4. Additional Activities to Consolidate Learning
Create a wordsearch Spelling flashcards
Cris- Crossed
Draw a grid using a
ruler and spell your
words in the grid.
Add random letters
to create a
wordsearch for
someone else to find
Spelling City
Make a set of
spelling flashcards
for yourself and
have someone test
you on them! Or
make two sets and
play pairs!
See how many times
your words can
cross over by the
letters they share.
Spelling Picture
Dicey Spellings
Draw a picture that
incorporates all
your words – you
might need to be
really creative!
Label each word in
the scene.
All you need is a
dice – decide on a
rule for numbers 16, eg. 1 – spell the
word out loud, 2 –
rhyme the word, 3 –
say the vowels, 4 –
write the word, 5 –
write it backwards,
6 – name the rule.
Add your words and
choose from a game,
a test, or print a
worksheet to
practice your
handwriting. Stick
into jotter when
Get Active
Say your words as
you kick a ball,
bounce on the
trampoline, upside
down, whatever
takes your fancy!
Toss a word
Toss a ball or
beanbag back and
forth with a family
member or friend,
saying a letter each
time. If you’re on
your own you could
still toss a ball in
the air yourself.
Pretend with an
invisible one if you
are on a long car
Create your own Spelling Board Game!
It can be great fun to create your own board game for spelling and the best part is you
can use it over and over with new words each week! Pinterest has lots of great ideas and
templates you can download. I’ve put the links to two below: