Download New Innovative Material The Kings School Robin HillsLonsdaleite

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Nicola Sergeant and Jeana Kent
Mrs I. Krynauw
The King’s School Robin Hills
We chose this material,
because it is not very common or
something you hear about often. Also,
because it was named in honour of a
lady named Kathleen Lonsdale and you
don’t often hear about a scientific
discovery named after a woman.
Delight yourself in
Lonsdaleite is an allotrope of carbon,
also called “hexagonal diamond”,
because of the hexagonal lattice. It
occurs naturally, forming when
meteorites containing graphite hit the
Earth. The graphite transforms into
diamond due to the extreme heat and
pressure of the impact. Scientists have
also managed to synthesise Lonsdaleite
in a laboratory. Lonsdaleite was first
discovered in 1967 in the Canyon
Diablo meteorite. There are no
current applications of this
Lonsdaleite is translucent, but is a
greyish colour when in crystal form
and a brownish-yellow colour
when in broken fragments.
It has a hexagonal shape due to
the interlocking rings of six carbon
It is said to be 58% stiffer than
It is a very good conductor of heat.
Future Applications
Seeing as though scientists have
already synthesised Lonsdaleite
successfully in a laboratory, they could
create more and use it in similar
applications as industrial diamonds are
used currently. It has potential for high
pressure applications and research as it
is much stronger and stiffer than
current materials. Examples of use are
as conductors of heat, anvils, cutting
tools and drill bits.
The atomic structure of
References on back
Ralph, J. & Chau, I. Date unknown. Lonsdaleite. Date accessed: 2014/08/29.
Qingkun, L., Yi, S., Zhiyuan, L. & Yu, Z. 2011. Lonsdaleite – A material stronger and stiffer than diamond. Date
accessed: 2014/08/29.
Diamond and Lonsdaleite. Date unknown. Google Images. Date accessed: 2014/08/29.
Lonsdaleite datasheet, ©2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1.