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SA-2 (2016-2017)
Practice Assignment
General Instructions:
M. M. 90
Q 1 to 3 Carries 1 mark each very short questions.
Q 4, 5 Carry 2 marks each-short answer type I
Q 6 to 16 carries 3 marks each- short answer type II
Q 17 to 21 carries 5 marks each- long question
OBT (Q 22 to 24) carry 10 marks. Practical based questions.
Q 25 to 33 carry 1 marks each activity based questions
Section A
Answer the following question:
Which kind of motion produces sound?
Name two domestic gadgets based on the uses of magnets.
Which object cannot be seen in a dark room.
Why is there a need to segregate the biodegradable and nonbiodegradable
How can you magnetize an iron needle using a bar magnet?
List five substances which can be recycled.
Q 7 What is meant by the tern humidity?
How is the respiration similar to combustion of fuels?
What is meant by rain water harvesting mention the method used for it.
Q10 Write three main uses of water for living bodies.
Q 11 What is meant by open circuit?
Q12 Differentiate between a desert habitat and mountain habitat.
Q 13 Draw the symbols of the following
a) an electric cell
b) a switch
c) a bulb
d) a battery of 3 cells
Q14 Bulb is an electrical component used for lighting. We use at home are high
voltage (220V) bulbs and used an AC Supply.
State any one way to save electricity at our homes.
What is the need of saving electricity?
Q15 Briefly explain the photosynthesis in plants with diagram
Q16 What is hibernation? Give one example.
Q17 Suggest a few ways to minimise the harmful effects of plastics.
Q18 Draw a well labelled diagram of water cycle in nature.
Q19 Describe a dry cell. Is dry cell actually dry?
Q20 Define magnetic and nonmagnetic substances. Give one example of each.
Q21 mention three uses of magnets and electromagnets.
The leaf is flattened, then, green lateral structure attached to the sten. It is also know an
the kitchen of the plant as it manufactures food with the help of chlorophyll present in it.
The arrangement of veins on leaf blade or lamina is called venation.
It is of following two type.
 if the veins form a net-like pattern on the lamina in a leaf, the venation is called
reticulate venation. This is commonly seen in the leaves of the people. China
rose, mustard etc.
 If the veins run parallel to major Midrib and Parallel to each other, the venation is
known as parallel venation. This is commonly seen in the function of leaf
1) Manufacture of food:-In the presence of sunlight, green leaves mix
together water, minerals and carbon dioxide to make food. This plant-food
is a kind of sugar called glucose.
2) Exchange of Gases:- Leaves have numerous tiny openings called
stomata under their surface. The exchange of gases takes place through
the stomata. During Photosynthesis, carbondioxide leaves and oxygen is
given out whereas during respiration, oxygen enters the leaves and
carbon dioxide is given out.
3) Transpiration-Plant absorb a lot of water from the soil. But very little
water is lost to the atmosphere in the form of water vapor through the
4) Defence:- In some plants, such as cactus, data palmand Prickly poppy,
either the entire leaf or a part of the leaf is modified into spines for
5) Provide support:- In some plants such as pea masur (lentil) and glary lily,
the stems are very weak to stand erect. In such plants, the leaves or leaf
lets are modified into leaf tendrils. Leaf tendrils coil themselves around
some support and help weak stemmed plants to climb up to expose their
leaves to sunlight.
6) Reproduction:- In some plants, such as Bryophyllum and begonia, buds
develop into leaves. These buds grow as new plants.
7) Storage of food:-In some plants, leaves are modified to stare food. Far
his purpose, leaves become thick and fleshy. An example is onion.
Q22 Why does leaf know as kitchen of plants?
Q23 Differentiate between reticulate venation and parallel venation
Q24 Explain function of a leaf.
Q25 Rain water harvesting means.
(a) Storing rainwater in tanks
(b) increasing ground water using the rain water
(c) harvesting crops during rains
(d) both (a) and (b)
What kind of waste will be biodegradable?
(a) obtained from living things
(b) obtained from nonliving things that were once living
(c) Obtained from the nonliving things
(d) both (a) and (b)
A bar magnet is rolled in a box of steel pains. The pains will get mast attracted to
(a) the S-Pole
(b) the N-Pole
(c) The middle point
(d) equally to both N and S Pole
Q28 Which of the wastes is causing the mast harm to the environment these days?
(a) waste paper (b) oxygen is consumed
(c) toxic waste (d) plastic bags
Q29 The Pole of a magnet are located at its
(a) upper surface (b) lower surface
(c) ends
(d) middle point
Q30 The SI unit of length is
(a) meter
(b) centimeter
(c) kilometer
(d) millimeter
Q31 What kind of motion is executed by a swinging pendulum?
(a) rolling motion (b) rotatory motion
(b) periodic motion (d) vibratory motion
Q32 The ray of light which falls on a mirror is called
(a) reflected ray
(b) emergent ray
(c) transmitted ray (d) incident ray
Q33 How many terminals are there in a dry cell?
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
Answer the following questions
Name the various components of the garbage name a few useful and nonuseful
materials commonly seen in the garbage.
What is the importance of water for humans, animals and plants?
What is a magnetic compass?