Download Therapists Clinic - Craven SPORT services

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 In one location we offer physiotherapy management, strength and
conditioning, massage therapy, as well as, have strong relationship with
Dr. Patrick Ling (Avant Sports Medicine) who currently works out of the
clinic 2 days a week.
 We offer 30 minute appointments to ensure all areas of hands on
biomechanical treatment, stretching, use of modalities, functional
movement screening and assessment, and exercise prescription are a
part of each individual’s care plan.
 CSS offers both traditional acupuncture and Intramuscular Needling
techniques to supplement traditional treatment methods.
 The clinic uses Footmaxx Metascan technology to assess static and
dynamic components of foot architecture, weight bearing demands, and
movement analysis of the body.
 The clinic uses video analysis of a patient’s walking or running gait
pattern to assess the patient’s movement pattern in more depth. This
allows the therapist to assess joint angles, muscle activation, and foot
positioning and contact points and global movement patterns.
 As a clinic we offer various programs such as Fit 4 Life, group supervised
training, and Learn to Run Programs.
 The clinic is an accredited Complete Concussion Management offering
baseline testing and post-concussion management.
 We currently employ 6 full time physiotherapists and 3 part time
physiotherapists, as well as, 2 full time exercise therapists and 3 part
time exercise therapists.
 Over 50% of the Craven SPORT services staff are trained in functional
movement analysis, which allows the team to assess for contributing
factors from the core, hips and knees and determine how it may relate to
the patients foot or ankle problem. Although some patients present with
locally driven pathology at the foot and ankle, it is important to
understand the importance of global (whole body) interaction into each
 Over 75% of the CSS staff has taken advanced training in running injury
assessment, and management techniques.
 100% of the physiotherapists at the CSS clinic have taken continuing
education training towards exercise management and prescription. As
such each therapist is accredited as one or both of Certified Exercise
Physiologist through CSEP, or Certified Strength and Conditioning
Specialist through ACSM.
 The clinic owner Bruce Craven is an associate professor with the College
of Physical Therapy in the areas of Exercise Physiology, and movement
 Over 75% of the therapists have taken advanced concussion assessment
and management education.
 The physiotherapists provide on field medical coverage at all high
school wrestling and football events, Kinsmen Football, high school
and elementary track and field, as well as, premiere events such as
the World Softball Championships and National Diving
 CSS provides direct one on one or group strength and conditioning for
the Saskatoon HPDC and Astra soccer programs, Goldfins Swimming
program, Saskatoon Synchronized Swimming, as well as other
 The clinic is known for working with elite level athletes from a wide
variety of sporting backgrounds including the NHL, CFL, as well as
Olympic level figure skaters, fencers, rowers, and collegiate athletes
spanning all disciplines.
 The clinic also treats the general population, WCB and SGI related
For any further information regarding services please visit the website: