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10-Minute News Challenge
Science: Crossword
Issue 420
4th - 10th July 2014
Read the Science report below from this week’s First News then have a go at the crossword. All the answers to the
crossword are words in the article. These words are underlined.
£10 million for “the greatest challenge of our time”
a MULTI-MILLION pound science prize has been put up to help find a solution to the problem of
some medicines not working in the future.
The development of antibiotics, medicines which help the body fight infection, has added an average of 20
years to people’s lives, according to the World Health Organization. They are one of the greatest developments in
medicine, but doctors have noticed that some bacteria which make people ill are developing resistance to these
This could mean common infections that can be cured
now will become untreatable in future.
The Longitude Prize was
Some medicines
World Health Organization – or WHO helps countries around
set up to tackle a major
may become less
the world with big health issues, including diseases such as
challenge of our time.
effective at fighting
Researchers hope to find
a way to target infections
Longitude Prize – This prize gets its name from the 1714
more accurately, so that
award for being able to pinpoint a ship’s location. It is now a
£10 million challenge to solve a big world issue, e.g. come up
bacteria have less chance
with new medicines for illnesses and diseases that are
to develop resistance to
becoming resistant to existing antibiotic drugs.
3) Plural of bacterium, very small
organisms, some of which cause
5) Succeeding in, evolving in (verb, 10)
6) An ability to fight against, or
withstand medicine (noun, 10)
7) Ordinary, everyday, wide-spread
(adjective, 6)
8) A type of medicine that slows down
or stops the growth of microorganisms,
i.e. bacteria or viruses (plural noun, 11)
9) Test (noun,9)
1) Drugs, remedies, doses (plural noun, 9)
2) Answer to a problem (noun, 8)
4) Contagion, diseases, viruses (noun, 9)
10) More exact, without missing (the
infections) (adverb, 10)
Learning through news
10-Minute News Challenge
Science: Crossword
Issue 420
4th - 10th July 2014
Read the Science report below from this week’s First News then have a go at the crossword. All the answers to the
crossword are words in the article.
£10 million for “the greatest challenge of our time”
a MULTI-MILLION pound science prize has been put up to help find a solution to the problem of
some medicines not working in the future.
The development of antibiotics, medicines which help the body fight infection, has added an average of 20
years to people’s lives, according to the World Health Organization. They are one of the greatest developments in
medicine, but doctors have noticed that some bacteria which make people ill are developing resistance to these
This could mean common infections that can be cured
now will become untreatable in future.
The Longitude Prize was
Some medicines
World Health Organization – or WHO helps countries around
set up to tackle a major
may become less
the world with big health issues, including diseases such as
challenge of our time.
effective at fighting
Researchers hope to find
a way to target infections
Longitude Prize – This prize gets its name from the 1714
more accurately, so that
award for being able to pinpoint a ship’s location. It is now a
£10 million challenge to solve a big world issue, e.g. come up
bacteria have less chance
with new medicines for illnesses and diseases that are
to develop resistance to
becoming resistant to existing antibiotic drugs.
3) Plural of bacterium, very small
organisms, some of which cause
5) Succeeding in, evolving in (verb, 10)
6) An ability to fight against, or
withstand medicine (noun, 10)
7) Ordinary, everyday, wide-spread
(adjective, 6)
8) A type of medicine that slows down
or stops the growth of microorganisms,
i.e. bacteria or viruses (plural noun, 11)
9) Test (noun,9)
1) Drugs, remedies, doses (plural noun, 9)
2) Answer to a problem (noun, 8)
4) Contagion, diseases, viruses (noun, 9)
10) More exact, without missing (the
infections) (adverb, 10)
Learning through news