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Soft-Condensed Matter Physics
HW 2: Dynamics in Polymer Systems
Due: 27th April., 2005
(1) [ Smoluchowski Equation & Browian Dynamics ] The Brownian dynamics of many particles
at positions {~rn } under a potential U is described by the time-dependent distribution function
Ψ({~rn }, t). The damping/hydrodyanmics effects of the solvent is governed by the mobility
P (3x3)
matrices Lnm and the average velocity of the nth Brownian particle is given by ~vn = − Pm Lnm ·
∂~rm U . Continuity equation relates the total flux to the rate of change of Ψ via ∂Ψ
rm ·
m ∂~
∂t +
(~vm Ψ) = 0. The generalized Fick’s law together with the Einstein’s
the current and the chemical potential gradient: ~vn = − m Lnm · ∂~rm (kT ln Ψ + U ). Derive the
Smoluchowki equation
∂Ψ X
∂~rn · [Lnm · (kT ∂~rm Ψ + Ψ∂~rm U )].
This equation forms the basis of dynamics of polymers and colloidal systems. For the case of a
single Brownian particle with a spatially dependent diffusion coefficient, show that the Smoluchowski
equation is equivalent to the usual Langevin equation
ζ ~r˙ = −∇U + f~(r) (t) + ∇D
where f~(r) is a Gaussian distributed random Browian force with zero mean and hfα (t)fβ (t0 )i =
2ζkT δαβ (t − t0 ).
(2) [ Rouse Model ] The Rouse model ignores interactions between the monomers and each monomer
only experiences a damping drag force from the immobile solvent, i.e. in the Smoluchowski equation,
Lnm = δnm
ζ I where I is the 3x3 identity matrix. Show that for a linear polymer chain with N
monomers, the Smoluchowski equation in Rouse model leads to(in the continuum limit) the coupled
Langevin equations
3kT ∂ 2~rn
+ f~(r) = 0
a ∂n
where f~(r) ’s are random forces with zero means and hfnα (t)fmβ (t0 )i = 2ζkT δ(n − m)δαβ (t − t0 ).
By Fourier transforming the polymer index n, solve the above coupled Langevin equations in Rouse
~ ≡ ~rN − ~r0 ), and the
modes (normal modes). Compute the end-to-end correlation hR(t)
· R(0)i
mean square displacement of the center of mass as functions of time.
(3) [ Hydrodynamic interactions & Zimm Model] The Zimm model takes into account the hydrodynamic interactions between the monomers and the mobility matrix is given by the Oseen tensor
r −~
r )α (~
rn −~
rm )β
Hnn = I/ζ and (Hnm )αβ = 8πηs |~r1n −~rm | [δαβ + n (~m
] for n 6= m. Derive the Zimm
rn −~
rm )2
3kT ∂ 2~rm
dmHnm · [ 2
+ f~m
a ∂m2
Show that by pre-averaging Hnm , the Zimm equation is linear under the pre-averaging approximation and solve the pre-averaged Zimm equation in terms of Rouse modes under the Kirkwood
approximation (i.e. neglect interactions between different Rouse modes) . Then compute the end~
~ ≡ ~rN − ~r0 ), and the mean square displacement of the center of
to-end correlation hR(t)
· R(0)i
mass as functions of time.
(4) [ Reptation Model] In the reptation model of a dense polymer melt, the motion of a polymer is
described by a 1-d diffusion along the primitive tube of primitive length L. The position of a point
~ t) where 0 ≤ s ≤ L is the distance parameter along the
on the primitive path is denoted by R(s,
~ t+δt) = R(s+δξ,
primitive path. The creeping motion is described by R(s,
t) where ξ(t) is a random
~ 0 , t0 ))2 i denote the
variable with zero mean and h(δξ(t)) i = 2Dc δt. Let Ψ(s, s ; t) ≡ h(R(s, t) − R(s
correlation function, derive the diffusion equation for Ψ and the corresponding initial and boundary
conditions. Hence solve for the mean square displacement of a point on the primitive path Ψ(s, s; t)
and deduce the different scaling behavior of the motion of the chain in different time regimes.
(5) [ Viscoelasticity ]
[a] By considering the entropic forces due to polymer chains crossing a plane, show that the stress tensor
of a polymer melt of concentration c is given by
3kT c
N a2
∂~rn ∂~rn
∂n ∂n
[b] For a polymer solution under a flow field given by ~v (~r, t) = κ(t) · ~r, where κ is the velocity gradient
tensor, write down the corresponding Smoluchowski equation. In the framework of Rouse model,
derive the equations for the Rouse modes.
[c] Compute the stress tensor σ for a melt of Rouse chains, and hence calculate the shear relaxation
modulus G(t) and viscosity η of the system.
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