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Business Address:
Infectious Disease Unit,
Massachusetts General Hospital,
55 Fruit St., Boston, MA 02114
Telephone: (617) 726-7412
Facsimile: (617) 726-7416
July 2000-
until present
Clinical and Research Fellow in Infectious
Disease and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Physician Postdoctoral Fellow
Laboratory of Dr. SB Calderwood,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
University, Boston, MA
July 1999-
July 2000
Clinical Fellow in Infectious Disease,
Massachusetts General and Brigham &
Women’s Hospitals, Harvard University,
Boston, MA
June 1998-
July 1999
Chief Medical Resident and
Assistant Instructor in Medicine,
The Miriam Hospital and Providence VA
Medical Center, Brown University,
Providence, RI.
June 1995-
June 1998
First, second and third year Resident, The
Miriam Hospital, Brown University,
Providence, RI
November 1993-
May 1995
Physician, Infectious Diseases and AIDS Unit,
Evangelismos Hospital, University of Athens,
Athens, Greece
October 1992-
November 1993
Resident, Second Department of Internal
Medicine, University of Athens, Evangelismos
Hospital, Athens, Greece
September 1991-
October 1992
Intern, First Department of Internal Medicine,
Military Hospital, Athens, Greece
September 1990-
September 1991
Research Fellow, Second Department of
Internal Medicine and Division of Infectious
Diseases, University of Athens, Evangelismos
Hospital, Athens, Greece
September 2000
until present
Awarded a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
for Physicians from the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute
August 1999
Diplomate in Internal Medicine, American
Board of Internal Medicine
June 1999
Voted as “Outstanding house staff teacher” by
third year medical students, Miriam Hospital,
Brown University, Providence, RI.
June 1996
Voted as the “Most Valuable Resident” of The
Miriam Hospital, Brown University,
Providence, RI.
June 1996
Awarded “Certificate of Appreciation” and
named Intern of the year, Providence VA
Medical Center, Brown University,
Providence, RI.
April 1995-
April 1997
Scholarship in Infectious Disease, sponsored
by the Amphiarion Foundation of
Chemotherapeutic Studies, Athens, Greece.
May 1993
First National Prize in Chemotherapy
Research, 19th National Medical Conference,
Athens, Greece
April 1993
American College of Physicians, Associates
Research Award, 74th Annual Session.
“Experimental endocarditis due to
Staphylococcus epidermidis in rabbits.
Evaluation of newer antibiotic regiments”
Washington, DC (second author)
September 1990-
April 1994
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) “Experimental
Aspergillus endocarditis in rabbits.
Prophylactic efficacy of old and newer
antifungals”, University of Athens, Athens,
September 1984-
June 1990
Medical Student, Medical Diploma, University
of Athens, Athens, Greece.
October 1990-
September 1991
Physician, NATO Army Unit, Athens, Greece
March 1994
Assoc. Secretary, Third European Meeting for
the implementation of St. Vincent’s
Declaration, Athens, Greece (Organized by the
World Health Organization and the
International Diabetes Federation).
September 1993-
June 1995
Coordinator of the weekly city-wide Infectious
Diseases Conference, Athens, Greece.
February 1993-
March 1994
Co-investigator in a clinical study comparing
the efficacy of fleroxacin to that of
ciprofloxacin in the treatment of urinary tract
infections. University of Athens, Evangelismos
Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Reviewer for the journals: Clinical Infectious Diseases, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Southern
Medical Journal, American Family Physician, and The American Journal of Medicine and Sports
Member of the Editorial Board The American Journal of Medicine and Sports
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Editor and author for the eMedicine online textbook on Infectious
Question Writer for American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
Infectious Disease Society of America
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society for Microbiology
American College of Physicians (associate)
Infectious Diseases Society of Greece
Editor: Mylonakis E., Rich J.D. Infectious Disease Trials Review. In press (scheduled for spring 2001),
Le Jacq Communications, Inc., Greenwich, CT.
Editor: Gorbach S.L., Falagas M., Mylonakis E., Stone D. The 5-Minute Infectious Disease Consult. In
press (scheduled for spring 2001), Lipincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA.
1. Mylonakis, E., J. Rich, H. Kwakwa, T. Flanigan, D. De Orchis, J. Boyce, M.D. Mileno. Muscle
abscess due to Aspergillus fumigatus in an AIDS patient. Clin Infect Dis 23(6); 1323-1324: 1996.
2. Mylonakis, E., J. Rich, P. Skolnik, D. De Orchis, T. Flanigan. Invasive Aspergillus sinusitis in
patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Report of two cases and review. Medicine
[Baltimore] 76(4): 249-255; 1997.
3. Mylonakis, E., R. Nizam, N. Freeman. Periurethral abscess: complication of UTI Geriatrics 52(8):
86-89; 1997.
4. Koutkia, P., E. Mylonakis, T. Flanigan. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7- An emerging
pathogen. Am Fam Physician 56(3): 853-859; 1997.
5. Mylonakis, E., G. Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, P. Danias, A. Argyropoulou, O. Paniara, S. Raptis.
Efficacy of desoxycholate amphotericin B and unilamellar liposomal amphotericin B in prophylaxis
of experimental Aspergillus fumigatus endocarditis. Mayo Clin Proc 72(11): 1022-1027; 1997.
6. Mylonakis, E., M.D. Mileno, T. Flanigan, D. De Orchis, J Rich. Pulmonary invasive aspergillosis in
HIV-infected patients. Report of two cases. Heart Lung 27(1): 63-66; 1998.
7. Mylonakis, E., T.F. Barlam, T. Flanigan, J Rich. Pulmonary aspergillosis in the acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome: review of 342 cases. Chest 114(1): 251-262; 1998. The abstract and
tables, accompanied by an editorial comment, were also published in the Year Book of Pulmonary
Disease 1999 (Mosby, Inc., St Louis, MO).
8. Mylonakis, E., E.L. Hohmann, S.B. Calderwood. Central Nervous System infection with Listeria
monocytogenes: 33 years’ experience at a general hospital and review of 776 episodes from the
literature. Medicine [Baltimore] 77(5): 313-336; 1998.
9. Mylonakis, E., P. Koutkia, B.P. Dickinson, J. Rich, T. Flanigan, H. Horwitz. Vasculitis and HIV.
AIDS Reader 8(4): 192-193,200; 1998.
10. Danias, P., G. Chalevelakis, E. Mylonakis, G. Saroglou, A. Argyropoulou, O. Paniara, S. Raptis.
Comparative in vitro and in vivo efficacy of roxithromycin and erythromycin against a strain of
methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis. Diagn Microb Infect Dis 32(1):51-54; 1998.
11. Rich, J.D., N.A. Merriman, E. Mylonakis, T.C. Greenough, T.P. Flanigan, B.J. Mady, C.C.J.
Carpenter. The emergence of false positive HIV-1 plasma viral loads: a case series. Ann Intern
Med 130(1): 37-39; 1999.
12. Mylonakis, E., D. Kon, A. Moulton, J. Elion, R. Indeglia, P. Koutkia, A. Katz. Thrombosis of mitral
valve prosthesis presenting as abdominal pain. Heart Lung 28(2): 110-113;1999.
13. Mylonakis, E., A. Mega, F.J. Schiffman. What do program directors in internal medicine think about
international medical graduates? Results of a pilot study. Acad Med 74(4): 452;1999.
14. Mylonakis, E., B.P. Dickinson, M.D. Mileno, T.P. Flanigan, F.J. Schiffman, A. Mega, J.D. Rich.
Persistent parvovirus B19-related anemia of seven years duration in an HIV-infected patient:
Complete remission associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy. Am J Hematol 60(2): 164166; 1999.
15. Mylonakis, E., N.A. Merriman, J.D. Rich, B.C. Walters, K. Tashima, M.D. Mileno, C.M. van der
Horst. The challenge of controlling elevated intracranial pressure in AIDS-related cryptococcal
meningitis. Diagn Microb Infect Dis 34(2):111-114; 1999.
16. Mylonakis, E., C.C. Vittorio, D. Hollik, S. Rounds. Lamotrigine toxicity presenting as
anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome. Ann Pharmacother 33(5):557-559;1999.
17. Rich, J.D., E. Mylonakis, R. Nossa, R.M. Chapnick. Highly active antiretroviral therapy-associated
resolution of porphyria cutanea tarda in a patient with AIDS and hepatitis C. Dig Dis Sci
44(5):1034-1037; 1999.
18. Koutkia, P., E. Mylonakis, J. Boyce. Cellulitis: Evaluation of possible predisposing factors in
hospitalized patients. Diagn Microb Infect Dis 34(4):325-327; 1999.
19. Chang, A., E. Mylonakis, P. Karanasias, D. De Orchis, R. Gold. Spontaneous bilateral vertebral
artery dissection: Case report and review. Mayo Clin Proc 74(9):893-896; 1999.
20. Rich, J.D., B.P. Dickinson, A.B. Flaxman, E. Mylonakis. Local spread of molluscum contagiosum
by electrolysis. Clin Infect Dis 28(5):1171; 1999.
21. Chodock, R., E. Mylonakis, D. Shemin. V. Runasdottir, P. Yodice, R. Renzi, C. Towe, J.D. Rich.
Nucleoside associated lactic acidosis: Review and case report of survival with hemodialysis. Nephr
Dial Transpl 14(10):2484-6; 1999.
22. Grumbach, N., E. Mylonakis, E.J. Wing. Development of Listeria meningitis during ciprofloxacin
therapy. Clin Infect Dis 29(5):1340-1341, 1999.
23. Dickinson, B.P., J. D. Rich, A. Feller, E. Mylonakis. Infectious complications of anabolic steroids.
Int J Sports Med. 20(8):563-6; 1999.
24. Lopez, F. F., Mangi A, E. Mylonakis, J.L. Chen, F.J. Schiffman. Atrial fibrillation and tumor emboli
as manifestations of metastatic leiomyosarcoma to the heart and lung. Heart Lung; 29(1): 47-49;
25. Feller, A.A., E. Mylonakis, C.M. Salas, J. D. Rich. Medical complications of anabolic steroids. Med
Health RI (in press).
26. Mylonakis, E., A.A Feller, C.M. Salas, J. D. Rich. Infectious and non-infectious complications of
anabolic steroids in adults and adolescents. American Journal of Medicine and Sports 2(5): 250-5;
27. Mylonakis, E., M.S. Akhtar, F. Lopez, I. Hussain, J.L. Chen, P. Koutkia, P. Lamberton, F.J.
Schiffman. Resolution of methimazole-induced agranulocytosis with human granulocyte colony
stimulating factor (G-CSF) Geriatrics 55(2): 89-91; 2000.
28. Mylonakis, E., M. Paliou, TC Greenbough, T. Flanigan, N. Letvin, J. Rich. Report of a false-positive
HIV test result and the potential use of additional tests in establishing HIV status. Arch Intern Med
160(15):2386-2388; 2000.
29. Mylonakis, E., M. Paliou, P.E. Sax, P.R. Skolnik, M.J. Baron , J.D.. Rich. Central nervous system
aspergillosis in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Report of six cases and
review. Medicine [Baltimore] 79(4): 269-280; 2000.
30. Mylonakis, E., M. Paliou, M. Lally, T.P. Flanigan, J.D. Rich. Laboratory testing for infection with
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): established and novel approaches. Am J Med 109(7):
568-576; 2000.
31. Mylonakis, E., ET Ryan, S.B. Calderwood. Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea. A review.
Arch Intern Med 161(4): 525-33; 2001.
32. Mylonakis, E. When to suspect and how to manage babesiosis. Am Fam Phys. (in press).
33. Mylonakis, E., M. Paliou, J.D. Rich. Plasma viral load testing in the management of HIV infection.
Am Fam Phys. 63(3):483-90.
34. Koutkia, P., E. Mylonakis, A. Erickson, Rounds S. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis associated
with oxacillin therapy. Diagn Microb Infect Dis (in press).
35. Filbin MR, E.E. Mylonakis, L .Callegari, E. Legome. Babesiosis. J Emerg Med 20(1): 21-4; 2001.
36. Mylonakis, E., B.P. Dickinson, J.D.. Rich. Influenza vaccination for athletes. Is there a controversy?
American Journal of Medicine and Sports (in press).
37. Mylonakis, E., T. Flanigan. Anti-fungal prophylaxis with weekly fluconazole for patients with AIDS
[editorial]. Clin Infect Dis 27(6): 1376-1378; 1998.
38. Koutkia, P., E. Mylonakis, T. Flanigan. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 [Patient
information handout]. Am Fam Physician 56(3): 859-61; 1997.
39. Mylonakis, E., J.D. Rich. Laboratory diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in HIV-infected
patients. Infectious Disease Practice 22(11): 88-89; 1998.
40. Mylonakis, E., J.D. Rich. Management of toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients. Antibiotics for
Clinicians 2(5): 106; 1998.
41. Mylonakis, E., J.D. Rich. Laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients.
Infectious Disease Practice 22(12): 99; 1998.
42. Mylonakis, E., J.D. Rich. Update on the management of AIDS-related cytomegalovirus retinitis.
Antibiotics for Clinicians 2(5): 86-87; 1998.
43. Mylonakis, E., M. Paliou, J.D. Rich. Clinical use of HIV-plasma viral load testing [Patient
information handout]. Am Fam Phys. 63(3):491-492.
44. Koutkia, P, E. Mylonakis, T. Flanigan. Cookouts and seasonal peak of Escherichia coli infection
[letter]. Am Fam Physician 57(7): 1494; 1998.
45. Mylonakis, E., P. Koutkia, J.D. Rich, K.T. Tashima, T.C. Fiore, T. Flanigan, C.C.J. Carpenter.
Substance abuse is responsible for most pre-AIDS deaths among women with HIV infection in
Providence, RI, USA [letter]. AIDS 12(8): 958-9; 1998.
46. Dickinson, B.P., J.A. Mitty, E. Mylonakis, J.D. Rich, N.A. Merriman, K.T. Tashima, C.C.J.
Carpenter, T.P. Flanigan. Predictors of undetectable HIV plasma viral loads in 250 HIV-positive
women receiving care [letter]. AIDS 12(15): 2075-6; 1998.
47. Mylonakis, E., B.P. Dickinson, A. Feller, J. Sweeney, F.J. Schiffman, J. Rich, T. Flanigan.
Combination antiretroviral therapy including a protease inhibitor decreased the transfusion
requirements of HIV-infected individuals with anemia of chronic disease [letter]. J Acquir Immune
Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 19(3): 306-307; 1998.
48. Dickinson, B.P., E. Mylonakis, L.L. Strong, J.D. Rich. Potential infections related to anabolic steroid
injection in young adolescents [letter]. Pediatrics 103(3):694;1999.
49. Mylonakis, E.. Do-not-resuscitate orders in radiology departments [letter]. Ann Intern Med
50. Mylonakis, E., P. Koutkia. Research during residency [letter]. JAMA 281(22):2088;1999.
51. Rich, J.D., E. Mylonakis, T.P. Flanigan. Misdiagnosis of HIV-1 infection [letter]. Ann Intern Med
Mylonakis, E., G. Chalevelakis. Infections due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. Current diagnostic and
therapeutic problems. Nossokomiaka Chronica Medical Journal 55(3); 156-161: 1993.
Mylonakis, E., G. Saroglou. Traveler’s diarrhea. Prevention and treatment. Iatriki Medical Journal
68(2): 159-64; 1995.
Mylonakis, E., G. Chalevelakis. Newer antifungals for the treatment of systemic fungal infections.
Nossokomiaka Chronica Medical Journal 57(3): 185-90; 1995.
E. Mylonakis. Invasive aspergillosis in AIDS patients. Mycology Observer. 6 (2); 1997.
E. Mylonakis. Aspergillus sinusitis: a deadly AIDS complication. Mycology Observer. 6 (5); 1997.
Argyropoulou, A., E. Mylonakis, et al. Aspergillus isolation among immunocompromised patients.
(Abstract # P31,1993, Meeting of the European Society of Chemotherapy) Antibiotika Monitor IX;
105: 1993.
Argyropoulou, A., E. Mylonakis, et al. Aspergillus pneumonia in a tertiary hospital. (Abstract #84,
1994 Infectious Diseases of America Annual Conference) Clin Infect Dis 19; 577: 1994.
Argyropoulou, A., E. Kytea, E. Mylonakis, et al. Pulmonary aspergillosis in a general hospital.
(Abstract #77, 1993 Trends in Invasive Fungal Infections II) J Infect 28 (Suppl. 1); 60: 1994.
Mylonakis, E., et al. Prophylactic efficacy of amphotericin B, liposomal amphotericin B, itraconazole or
fluconazole in Aspergillus fumigatus experimental endocarditis. (Abstract #85,1994, Infectious Diseases
of America Annual Conference) Clin Infect Dis 19; 578: 1994.
Vassiloyiannakopoulos, A., J Boutsikakis, E. Mylonakis, et al. Therapeutic efficacy of amphotericin B
lipid complex in the Aspergillus fumigatus rabbit endocarditis model. (Abstract #273, 1994, 15th
Panhellenic Congress of Cardiology) Journal of Cardiology [Athens] 35 (Suppl. B); 61: 1994.
Vassiloyiannakopoulos, A., J Boutsikakis, E. Mylonakis, et al. Comparative therapeutic efficacy of two
amphotericin B liposomal forms in Aspergillus fumigatus experimental endocarditis. (Abstract #358
1995, Infectious Diseases of America Annual Conference) Clin Infect Dis 21(3); 777: 1995.
Kardaras, F., G. Saroglou, F. Kardara, E. Mylonakis, et al. Ten year surveillance of echinococcal heart
disease from a referral hospital in Greece. (Abstract #375,1995 Infectious Diseases of America Annual
Conference) Clin Infect Dis 21(3); 782: 1995.
Mylonakis, E., et al. Substance abuse is responsible for most pre-AIDS deaths among women with HIV
infection in Providence, RI. Med Health RI (Oral presentation, 1998 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of
the American College of Physicians) 81(7); 231: 1998.
Mylonakis, E., et al. Perinatal Listeriosis in Massachusetts and Rhode Island 1980-1999. (Abstract
#212,2000, Infectious Diseases of America Annual Conference) Clin Infect Dis 31(1); 248: 2000.
Danias, P., A. Argyropoulou, E. Mylonakis, J. Boutsikakis, M. Lazanas, O. Paniara, G. Chalevelakis, G.
Saroglou, S.A. Raptis.. Experimental Staphylococcus epidermidis endocarditis. Treatment with
macrolide alone or in combination with rifampin. Abstract #671, 8th Mediterranean Congress on
Chemotherapy. Athens, Greece, May 1992.
Mylonakis, E., A.D.Argyropoulou, P. Danias, M. Lazanas, E. Kytea, G. Chalevelakis, O. Paniara, G.
Saroglou, S. Raptis. Prophylactic efficacy of newer antifungals in Aspergillus experimental endocarditis.
Abstract #737. 6th European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Seville, Spain,
March 1993.
Mylonakis, E., A.D.Argyropoulou, P. Danias, M. Lazanas, E. Kytea, G. Chalevelakis, O. Paniara, G.
Saroglou, S. Raptis. Prophylactic efficacy of liposomal amphotericin B in experimental Aspergillus
endocarditis. Abstract #40. Trends in Invasive Fungal Infections II. Organized by the International
Society for Human and Animal Mycology. Manchester, UK, September 1993.
Lazanas, M., G.Tsekes, M. Chini, M. Pirounaki, E. Sioula, G. Yfanti, M. Simeonidis, S. Manetas, D.
Moutzouris, E. Mylonakis, G. Chalevelakis, M. Anagnostopoulou, O. Paniara, G. Saroglou. Visceral
leismaniasis at a general hospital. 2nd National Conference on Infectious Disease, Athens, Greece, 1993.
Danias, P., E. Mylonakis, A. Argyropoulou, J. Boutsikakis, M. Lazanas, O. Paniara, G. Chalevelakis, G.
Saroglou, S.A. Raptis. Experimental endocarditis due to Staphylococcus epidermidis in rabbits.
Evaluation of newer antibiotic regiments. Abstract #2 in the Research Competition for Associates
Abstracts. 74th Annual Session of the American College of Physicians. Washington DC, USA, 1993.
Mylonakis, E., A. Argyropoulou, P. Danias, M. Lazanas, J. Boutsikakis, O. Paniara, G. Chalevelakis, G.
Saroglou. Prophylactic efficacy of amphotericin B, liposomal amphotericin B, itraconazole or
fluconazole in experimental Aspergillus fumigatus endocarditis. 19th National Medical Conference,
Athens, Greece, 1993.
Mylonakis, E., A. Argyropoulou, P. Danias, J. Boutsikakis, M. Lazanas, A. Vassilogiannakopoulos, G.
Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, O. Paniara. Use of desoxycholate amphotericin B in prophylaxis of
experimental Aspergillus fumigatus endocarditis. 1st National Conference on Infectious Disease, Athens,
Greece, 1993.
ABSTRACTS (continued)
Vassiloyiannakopoulos, E. Kytea, A. Argyropoulou, J. Boutsikakis, E. Mylonakis, M. Lazanas, O.
Paniara, G. Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, S. Raptis. Therapeutic efficacy of amphotericin B and liposomal
amphotericin B in the Aspergillus fumigatus rabbit endocarditis model. 20th National Medical
Conference, Athens, Greece, 1994.
Vassiloyiannakopoulos, A., J Boutsikakis, E. Mylonakis, A. Argyropoulou, M. Lazanas, G.
Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, O. Paniara. S. Raptis. Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of liposomal
amphotericin B, amphotericin B lipid complex and desoxycholate amphotericin B in the Aspergillus
fumigatus rabbit endocarditis model. (Abstract #273, 1994, 15th National Congress on Cardiology)
Journal of Cardiology [Athens] 35 (Suppl. B); 61: 1994.
Lazanas, M., Paparizos, B., E. Mylonakis, Katarou P., Michaliou S., G. Saroglou, Polidorou D, N.
Stavrineas, I. Stratigos. Epidemiology of HIV-infected female population in two AIDS units. Abstract
#26. Congress on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Athens, Greece, 1994.
Danias, P., E. Mylonakis, A. Argyropoulou, J. Boutsikakis, M. Lazanas, O. Paniara, G. Chalevelakis, G.
Saroglou, S.A. Raptis. Experimental Staphylococcus epidermidis endocarditis. Evaluation of newer
antibacterials. 20th National Medical Conference, Athens, Greece, 1994.
Vassiloyiannakopoulos, A., E. Mylonakis, J. Boutsikakis, E. Kytea, A.D. Argyropoulou, M. Lazanas, O.
Paniara, G. Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, S. Raptis. Therapeutic efficacy of amphotericin B and liposomal
amphotericin B in the Aspergillus fumigatus rabbit experimental endocarditis. Abstract #422, 6th
International Congress for Infectious Diseases, Prague, Czech Republic, 1994.
Argyropoulou, A., E. Mylonakis, E. Kytea, M. Lazanas, G. Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, O. Paniara,S.
Raptis. Pulmonary aspergillosis in a general hospital. 20th National Medical Conference, Athens,
Greece, 1994.
Charitos, D., E.J. Diamantopoulos, D. Roussis, E. Mylonakis, S. Raptis. Diabetic foot infections:
Infectious or vascular problem? 2nd National Conference of Vascular Surgery. Athens, Greece, 1994.
Argyropoulou, A., E. Mylonakis, E. Kytea, M. Lazanas, G. Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, O. Paniara, S.
Raptis. Aspergillus pneumonia in a tertiary hospital. (Abstract #84, 1994 Infectious Diseases of
America Annual Conference) Clinical Infectious Disease 19; 577: 1994.
Saroglou, G., E. Mylonakis, A. Argyropoulou, P. Danias, G. Chalevelakis, O. Paniara. Prophylactic and
therapeutic efficacy of liposomal amphotericin B, in experimental Aspergillus fumigatus endocarditis.
Abstract #99. 3rd International Symposium on Modern Concepts in Endocarditis. Boston, USA, 1995.
Lazanas, MK, S. Papandreou, S. Michaliou, E. Mylonakis, G. Tsekes, G. Saroglou. Efficacy of
atovaquone in the treatment and prevention of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 2nd National
Conference in Infectious Disease, Athens, Greece, 1995.
Kardaras, F., G. Saroglou, L. Koliopoulos, F. Kardara, A. Lazou, E. Mylonakis, et al. Ten Year
Surveillance of infective endocarditis in a large referral hospital in Greece. Abstract #67. 3rd
International Symposium on Modern Concepts in Endocarditis. Boston, USA, July 1995.
ABSTRACTS (continued)
Mylonakis, E., P. Danias, A. Argyropoulou, Chalevelakis, G. Saroglou, O. Paniara, T.P. Flanigan, S.
Raptis. Prophylactic efficacy of amphotericin B, liposomal amphotericin B, itraconazole or fluconazole
in Aspergillus fumigatus experimental endocarditis. 1996 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the
American College of Physicians (oral presentation).
Mylonakis, E., M.D. Mileno , J.D. Rich, T.P. Flanigan. Extrapulmonary aspergillosis in AIDS patients.
2nd Annual Research Forum, Brown University, Providence, RI, 1996.
Mylonakis, E., H. Kwakwa, T.P. Flanigan, M.D. Mileno,. Extrapulmonary invasive aspergillosis in
AIDS patients. Abstract # Mo.B.1232, XI International Conference on AIDS. Vancouver, Canada, 1996.
Mylonakis, E., A. Mega, F.J. Schiffman. What do program directors in internal medicine think about
international medical graduates? Results of a national survey. Abstract. 9th Biennial Teaching Internal
Medicine Symposium. Chicago, USA, September 1997.
Koutkia, P., E. Mylonakis, R. Elison,T. Flanigan. Natural course of gastroenteritis due to
enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7. 1997 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American
College of Physicians.
Koutkia, P., E. Mylonakis, J. Boyce. Cellulitis: prospective evaluation of predisposing factors among
hospitalized adults. 1997 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians.
Mylonakis, E., A. Mega, F.J. Schiffman. Attitudes of program directors in internal medicine programs
towards international medical graduates.1997 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American College
of Physicians (oral presentation).
Runarsdottir, V., R. Renzi, D. Shemin, E. Mylonakis, P. Yodice, J.D. Rich. Survival from nucleoside
analogue associated lactic acidosis with intensive care and hemodialysis. 1998 Rhode Island Regional
Meeting of the American College of Physicians.
Merriman, N., E. Mylonakis, J.D. Rich, B.C. Walters, K. Tashima, M.D. Mileno. Elevated intracranial
pressure associated with active cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS. 1998 Rhode Island Regional Meeting
of the American College of Physicians.
Mylonakis, E, B.P. Dickinson, A. Feller, J. Sweeney, F.J. Schiffman, J. Rich, T. Flanigan. Combination
Antiretroviral Therapy including protease inhibitors eliminated the transfusion requirements of HIVinfected individuals with anemia of chronic disease. Abstract #10 in the Brown University Department
of Medicine, Fifth Annual Research Forum, Providence RI, USA, June 1999.
Moore, J., P. Koutkia, E. Mylonakis, et al. Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. 1999 Rhode Island
Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians.
Grumbach, N.M., E. Mylonakis, Wing EJ. Listeria meningitis during ciprofloxacin treatment. 1999
Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians.
Lee, P.S., J. Moore, E. Mylonakis, et al. Pneumatosis interstinalis associated with sclerotherapy. 1999
Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians.
ABSTRACTS (continued)
Kojic, E., E. Mylonakis, F. Schiffman, R. Khaund. Salmonella aortitis: a case report. 1999 Rhode Island
Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians.
Doris, J., D. Katz, E. Mylonakis, FJ Schiffman. Presentation of a patient with presumed Listeria
rhomboencephalitis. 1999 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians (oral
Cobery, S., R. Lavi, N. Tchabo, E. Mylonakis. Phenytoin toxicity in the elderly. 1999 Rhode Island
Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians.
Chodock, R., E Mylonakis, M. Paliou, T. Flanigan, J. Rich. CNS aspergillosis infection in an HIV
infected patient. Abstract #5. the Brown University Department of Medicine 5th Annual Research
Forum, Providence RI, USA, June 1999.
Chodoc, R., E. Mylonakis, T. Flanigan, J. Rich. Central nervous system aspergillosis in a patient with
human immunodeficiency virus infection. 1999 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American
College of Physicians.
Chang, A.J., E. Mylonakis, P. Karanasias, D. De Orchis, R. Gold. Spontaneous bilateral vertebral artery
dissection in a young patient. 1999 Rhode Island Regional Meeting of the American College of
Sifri CD, E. Mylonakis, D.A. Garsin, X. Qin, K.V. Singh, B.E. Murray, F.A. Ausubel, S.B. Calderwood.
Evaluation of Enterococcus faecalis fsr quorum-sensing genes for pathogenesis using the
Caenorhabditis elegans and mouse peritonitis model systems. 101th Meeting of the American Society
for Microbiology, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2001 (accepted)
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