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Bacteria Nutrition Quiz Answers
1. True or False: Photosynthetic bacteria evolved before photosynthetic
true 2. True or False: Mutualistic bacteria kill their prey.
false 3. What is a decomposer?
A decomposer is an organism that breaks down wastes and dead organisms into smaller molecules. 4. Why is glucose like the "food" for photosynthetic bacteria?
Photosynthetic bacteria use the energy of the sun to make glucose (and oxygen). The glucose is then turned into usable energy, so glucose is what the plant uses in place of food, as plants don’t eat, to get its energy. 5. What is a chemotroph?
A chemotroph obtains energy by breaking down chemical compounds in their environment. 6. Nitrogen gas in the atmosphere has a strong bond that cannot be
broken by many organisms. Instead bacteria break the bond so other
organisms have access to the nitrogen. Organisms need nitrogen to
a) food.
b) organelles.
c) DNA.
d) cells.
7. What type of bacteria lives in the roots of legumes, such as pea plants?
a) photosynthetic
b) mutualistic
c) decomposer
d) herbivore
8. What do decomposers obtain from the material they break down?
a) carbon
b) nutrients
c) energy
d) all of the above
9. Which of the following is a photosynthetic bacterium?
a) Staphylococcus aureus
b) Escherichia coli
c) cyanobacteria
d) lactobacilli
10. The nitrogen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that recycles nitrogen
through ecosystems. Which two types of bacteria are involved in the
nitrogen cycle?
a) photosynthetic and chemotrophic
b) decomposers and photosynthetic
c) mutualistic and photosynthetic
d) mutualistic and chemotrophic