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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
The Science of the Total Environment 186 (1996) 29-39 ELSEVIER Organochlorine residues in marine mammals from the Northern hemisphere- A consideration of the composition of organochlorine residues in the blubber of marine mammals Walter Vetter*a, Bernd Luckasa, Giinter Heidemannb, “Fri~~rich-S~hillkr-UniversitLi‘r-Juno. Instttut hBocu ‘University of lcehnd, Fountlution, Keltlur, Institute jiii. Erndhrung Billbrookrieich for untl 210-216. Experimentul Umwelt. D-22113 Puthology, Dornhurger Humhurg, P. 0. Box Karl Skirnisson” Str. 25, D-07743 Germuny 8.540, IS-118 Reykjusik, Jenu. Germuny Icrluntl Abstract Levels of organochlorines (PCBs,CDDT, lindaneand its isomers,HCB, chlordane,and toxaphene)weredetermined in blubber of marinemammalsfrom the northern hemisphere.Differencesin both levelsand ratios of organochlorine compoundsweredetected in different speciesof marine mammalsliving in the sameregion, e.g. blubber of harbour seals(Phocauitulinu) accumulatedsignificantlylower levelsof lindane, HCB, toxaphene,and DDT and its metabolites than harbour porpoises(Phocoenuphocoenu).Comparedto suchelementarydifferencesin the organochlorinepattern in different marine mammals,the influence of age and sex on the results was only minimal. Varying ratios of contaminantsin individual harbour porpoiseswereexplainedby migration. Constant PCB/DDT ratios weremeasured in harbour seals.Due to the sedentariness of harbour seals,even local sourcesof contaminantscould be recognized. Careful evaluation of the organochlorine levels and ratios in marine mammalsmade it possibleto monitor the transport of PCBsfrom the Europeancontinent to EuropeanArctic regions. Keywords: Harbour seals;Blubber; Contaminants;PCB; DDT; Northern Europe; Arctic 1. Introduction Organochlorine residues in marine mammals from different regions are often used to evaluate both distribution and levels of contaminants in the northern hemisphere. However, such pollution assessmentsimply three variables: “organochlorine residues” include a large number of different compounds; “marine mammals” include a number of different seal and whale species;and the “northern *Corresponding author. 0048-9697/96/$15.00 8 1996 Elsevier Science BV. All rights reserved SSDI 0048-9697(96)05084-X hemisphere” is made up of different marine regions. Generally, in equations with three variables, two variables must be constant for an evaluation of the third. No marine mammal speciesoccur in all waters and thus it must be considered whether the composition of organochlorine compounds in different species of marine mammals is comparable. Only on this basis is a global assessmentof organochlorine residues using marine mammals possible. Biological parameters such as age and sex are further important variables which must be considered, although the influence of some 30 W. Vrtter et ul. I The Scirncr of the Totul Environment I& (1996) 29-39 biological factors on organochlorine levels is highly controversial (Holden, 1978; Reijnders, 1980; Blomqvist et al., 1992). Variations in the organochlorine content of individuals have been reported in the literature (Addison, 1989). In the following, examples of organochlorine pollution in the European part of the northern hemisphere are presented. Where possible, age and sex of individuals were considered or data from selected groups were extracted. In some cases, such selections would have resulted in too small a sample size, in which case mean values, ranges, and medians are presented to support the conclusions. column shows advanced selectivity for the separation of PCBs and chlorinated hydrocarbons (Vetter et al., 1994; Vetter et al., 1995a; Vetter and Luckas, 1995). Column parameters were: length 63 m, internal diameter 0.25 mm, and film thickness 0.25 ,um. It is not clear whether the CP-Select for PCBs column will become manufactured but a capillary column with very similar properties, the non-polar CP-Sil 2 (Chrompack, the Netherlands), is commercially available (Estel et al., 1995). The CP-Sil 2 shows the same excellent separations of PCBs and pesticides as the CP-Select for PCBs except for PCB 153 and p,p’-DDE which coeluted on the CP-Sil 2. 2. Materials and methods Blubber samples from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea were obtained from individuals found dead on shore. Samples from Iceland were from animals which had been shot. All blubber samples were analyzed in 1988 and 1995 using the same analytical procedure. The clean-up procedure has previously been described in detail (Luckas et al., 1990; Vetter et al., 1995a). Briefly, the fat layers were digested with a mixture of perchloric acid and acetic acid. Acid-stable organochlorine compounds were extracted twice with n-hexane. The hexane-layer was repeatedly treated with sulphuric acid. Finally, the remaining fat matrix (~75 mg) was separated on 3-g silica gel, deactivated with 30% water, by elution with 60-ml n-hexane (Vetter et al., 1995a). The recovery was >85% for all organochlorine compounds. Quantification was carried out by GC-ECD on two capillary columns of different polarity (Luckas et al., 1990). The accuracy of the analytical method has been proven in an interlaboratory study of organochlorines in seal blubber (Rimkus et al., 1993). GC\ECNI-MS experiments were carried out on an HP 5989B MS Engine (Hewlett Packard) connected to an HP 5890 II plus gas chromatograph (Vetter et al., 1995a). The stationary phase was a prototype of the CP-Select for PCBs (Chrompack) column. This very non-polar phase is similar to squalane but shows high temperature stability (Vetter et al., 1995a). The “CP-Select for PCBs” 3. Results and discussion 3. I Composition of organochlorine compoundsin technical mixtures and in seal blubber The composition of organochlorine compounds in the marine environment is often quite different from technical mixtures (Duinker et al., 1980; Vetter and Luckas, 1991). Even on low trophic levels in food webs the organochlorine pattern is different from that in technical products due to biodegradation and selective bioaccumulation. Lipophilic compounds are the organics most likely to bioaccumulate (Connell, 1988) and the lipid phase is the dominant phase for accumulation of organochlorine compounds (Mackay, 1982). Therefore, blubber of marine mammals is an important matrix to study the accumulation of organochlorines. The octanol:water partitition coefficient (KOW) proved to be helpful in describing factors determinating the accumulation of organochlorines (Chiou et al., 1977). A further important factor is the metabolization of less persistent organochlorine compounds. Accumulation of a technical product without chemical changes will only occur in the case of single substances like hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and octachlorostyrene (OCS). A different composition compared to technical products will be obtained by analysis of multicomponental mixtures like PCBs and toxaphene. In blubber of marine mammals, only persistent con- W. Vetter et ul. I The Science of the Total Environment 186 (1996) 29-39 geners are retained and less stable compounds are eliminated. Technical PCB mixtures consist of approx. Seventy PCB congeners each. All in all, 137 of the 209 PCB congeners were detected in technical PCB mixtures (Frame, 1995). In seal blubber, PCB 153 and PCB 138 reach the highest levels of all PCB congeners. However, PCB 138 coelutes with both PCB 163 and PCB 164 on most of the capillary column types (Larsen and Riego, 1990; Vetter et al., 1994). In seal samples, the level of PCB 163 reaches up to 37% of PCB 138 (Vetter et al., 1995a). Therefore, PCB 163 is one of the most abundant PCB congeners in seal blubber. Further high abundant PCBs in seals are PCB 149, PCB 170, and PCB 180 (Vetter et al., 1995a). As opposed to PCB congeners of high abundance (Andersson et al., 1988; Muir et al., 1988a), the levels of some toxic PCB congeners are lower in seal blubber than in fish from the same region (Asplund et al., 1990; Kannan et al., 1993; Falandysz et al., 1994). In seal blubber the biodegradation of toxaphene was even more drastic. Technical toxaphene consists of several hundred compounds (Jansson and Wideqvist, 1983) but only few compounds of technical toxaphene (CTTs) are abundant in seal blubber (Luckas et al., 1990; Vetter and Luckas, 1991). Less biomagnification and/or a more effective metabolism was reported for CTTs at high trophic levels of food webs (Andersson et al., 1988). Metabolites play a dominant role if the persistence exceeds that of the technical product, e.g. p,p’-DDE is more persistent than p,p’-DDT and yields about 80% of the total-DDT content in seal blubber (Luckas et al., 1990). Oxychlordane is a persistent metabolite of technical chlordane in marine mammals (Dearth and Hites, 1991a). These metabolites have similar polarities as the parent compounds. However, metabolites of higher polarity which require improved clean-up procedures (e.g. hydroxylated PCBs, methylsulfonyl DDE a.s.o.) are contaminants of high significance (Letcher et al., 1992; Safe et al., 1995). Unfortunately, polar metabolites are not analyzed as a matter of routine due to the lack of analytical methods and standard compounds. Accompanying substances in technical mixtures become important when their persistence exceeds 31 that of the insecticidal substance, e.g. transnonachlor, which is a minor compound of technical chlordane (7 2 3% (Sovocool et al., 1977)) is often the main chlordane compound in marine mammals (Dearth and Hites, 1991b; Vetter et al., 1995b). Already in the 1970s technical hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) was replaced by pure lindane, which is the only insecticidal active HCH isomer (DFG, 1982). Even in the 1990s however, levels of c(-HCH often exceed those of lindane in seal blubber (Luckas et al., 1990). On the other hand, high levels of /?-HCH in seal blubber are an indication of recent applications of technical HCH (Vetter et al., 1995a). Transformation products may be formed by UV-irradiation or even under environmental conditions and probably account for the high levels of or-HCH compared to lindane in Arctic air samples (Oehme and Mano, 1984). High levels of a-HCH were also measured in seal blubber from Spitsbergen (Luckas et al., 1990). Enantiomeric ratios unlike 1:l are obtained when chiral compounds are stereoselectively biodegradated or bioaccumulated. In biota, the selective enrichment of one organochlorine enantiomer was observed for the first time for cl-HCH (Kallenborn et al., 1991). Later, enantioselective bioaccumulation of chiral chlordanes (Buser et al., 1992), CTTs (Buser and Miiller, 1993; Kallenborn et al., 1994), o,p’-DDT (Oehme et al., 1994), and atropisomeric PCBs (Glausch et al., 1994) was reported. 3.2 Marine mummalsas bioindicutors Organisms on a high trophic level are able to both metabolize and bioaccumulate organochlorine compounds. The ratio of accumulation/ biodegradation determines if a compound is either deposited in the blubber of marine mammals or eliminated from the species. The ratio of concentrations at one trophic level to those at the next lowest level calculated on a lipid weight basis was defined as biomagnification factor (BMF) (Muir et al., 1988a). For DDT and its metabolites (total DDT) a BMF > 1 was detected from fish to seal but the BMF declined from seal to polar bear (Muir et al., 1988a). Furthermore, different species 32 W. Vcttrr et ul. I The Science of the Total Environment 186 (1996) 29-39 of marine mammals deposit different levels and ratios of organochlorine compounds in their blubber. This fact has to be taken into account if results from different marine regions are to be compared, i.e. if marine mammals are utilized as bioindicators for pollution assessments. Bioindicators are organisms or communities of organisms that react to pollution by changes in their life functions and accumulation of pollutants (Arndt, 1992). To compare results obtained both from different regions and different species, defined parameters must be taken into account. For free-living organisms such as marine mammals, identical habits in the uptake of food and food composition must be guaranteed. Additionally, the sedentariness of a species has a fundamental influence on the accuracy of results. If feeding location and location of sampling are identical, the residue pattern within a region represents a defined group of marine species. Factors defining marine species are sample data such as age, sex, condition index, seasonal aspects, and residue distribution in different parts of the animal (Reijnders, 1980; Addison, 1989). However, the influence of some factors is highly controversial. Organochlorine levels correlating with age were only significant for male marine mammals (Reijnders, 1980). Levels in adult females depend very much on their reproductive status (Storr-Hansen and Spliid, 1993). Extremely high levels were already detected in seal pups (see below). 3.3 Resultsfrom marine mammalsin the sameregion In the German part of the North Sea, harbour seals and harbour porpoises are widespread. The major prey of both species are the more common species of fish (e.g. herring, mackerel) (King, 1983; Kremer and Maywald, 1991). However, both species accumulated different levels of organochlorines. Blubber of harbour porpoises retained remarkable concentrations of HCB and lindane, exceeding the mean levels in harbour seals by a factor of about 50 (see Table 1). Furthermore, high levels of p,p’-DDD account for the higher totalDDT (CDDT) levels in harbour porpoises compared with harbour seals. Low p,p’-DDD levels in seals and high p,p’-DDD levels in harbour porpoises and several other cetaceans were already reported in the early 1970s (Koeman et al., 1972; Muir et al., 1988b; Kuiken et al., 1994). Analyses of harbour seals, grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), and harbour porpoises from western Iceland (Vetter et al., 1995b; Hummert et al., 1995) also confirm different accumulation mechanisms of organochlorine compounds in seals and cetaceans. The Icelandic samples also showed variations in the pollution with compounds of technical toxaphene (CTTs). The two most abundant CTTs in biota, TOX8/T2 and TOX9/T12, have been isolated from seal (Vetter et al., 1992) and beluga (Stern et al., 1992) blubber. They are now commercially available as single substances under the trade name Parlar # 26 and Parlar # 50. Table I Levels of HCB, lindane, and DDT and its metabolites &g/kg) in blubber of harbour seals and harbour porpoises from the North Sea (Schleswig-Holstein) bkin values Harbour seal (n = 32) Harbour porpoise (n = 16) HCB Lindane XDDT &-DDE p,p’-DDD p,p’-DDT 7 < I-33’ 5d 808” 44-2050’ 642‘+ 12 <l-29 10 484 84-954 341 3903 1501-11475 2575 6347 1361-18763 4325 2869 1142-8025 1809 2983 696-8450 1757 62 14-226 48 2319 392-5263 1777 972 280-292 1 747 1283 217-3566 660 ‘n = number of samples. hmean value. ‘range. “median. 33 W. Vetter et al. I The Science of the Totul Environment 186 (1996) 29-39 Table 2 Relative GC\ECNI-HS signal abundances of TOIX8 and TOX9 and PCB 153 in harbour porpoises, grey seals, and harbour seals from western Iceland PCB 153 TOX8 TOX9 Harbour porpoise (n = 4) Grey seal (n = 8) Harbour seal (n = 3) 10ixI.o 478.5 432.8 1000.0 29.4 9.1 1000.0 10.6 5.5 Table 2 lists GC\ECNI-HS signal abundances of TOX8 and TOX9 relative to the GC\ECNI-HS signal abundance of PCB 153. The levels of TOX8 and TOX9 relative to PCB 153 were more than ten-fold higher in harbour porpoises than in harbour and grey seals.Unfortunately, biological data was not available for all samples,but such significant differences in the ratios cannot ble explained by sex and age of the samples. Thus, levels of organochlorines from different marine regions should not be evaluated by comparison of harbour sealsand harbour porpoises. There is strong evidence that this is also the case for other seal and cetacean species. In all examples harbour porpoises accumulated higher levels of selected organochlorine compounds than harbour seals. But there was one more astonishing fact. Analyses of fish revealed significantly different PCB/DDT ratios in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (Luckas and Harms, 1987). This was confirmed by analyses of harbour seals(Luckas et al., 1990). However, some harbour porpoises which washed up dead on the German North Sea coast (e.g. Sylt), showed ZPCB/DDT ratios in the blubber typical to samples from the Baltic Sea. This fact supports observations of biologists regarding migration of harbour porpoises between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (Kremer and Maywald, 1991).Though this observation is of ethological interest, harbour porpoises of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea are no’t sedentary and, according to the requirements presented above, are not therefore suitable bioindicators for monitoring the distribution of organochlorines. Harbour seals along the German North Sea coast are fairly sedentary. Analyses of >200 harbour seals from Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Table 3 Levels (mean values and ranges in brackets) of organochlorine compounds (pg/kg) in harbour seals from Schleswig-Holstein sampled before (1987) and during (1988) the seal die-off in the North Sea HCB I-HCH Lindane ZDDT PCB 101 PCB 153 PCB 138/163 PCB 180 ?3CB2 ZCBZ/ZDDT Harbour seals sampled in 1987 (I? = 18) Harbour seals sampled in 1988 (II = 32) 10 (<l-33) 4s (<l-103) 15 (11-40) 3161 (355-6598) 761 (111-906) 9326 (1311-26388) 6494 (1098-14444) 2266 (180-3026) 15 823 (7797-40832) 4.74 (3.6-8.8) I (2-43) 27 (8-40) 12 ( < l-29) 3903 (1501-11475) 648 (313-1541) 10081 (3352-29972) 6983 (2367-19 947) 2224 (639-8632) 17064 (5747-49 919) 4.63 (3.0-6.2) Saxony did not reveal one sample without the typical North Sea pattern (Vetter and Luckas, 1991). This was of interest in connection with the massmortality of sealsin the North Sea in 1988. Since the measurements started before the die-off spread, harbour seals from the same region sampled before and during the die-off could be compared (see Table 3). Biological parameters were available and this made it possible to determine the condition of the deceased seals according to standard measurement procedures (McLaren, 1958; Marine Mammals Committee, 1967). The mean condition index of 62.0 (range: 53.7-70.9) calculated for the sealsdying during the sealdie-off (Vetter, 1990) in 1988 was only slightly below an average condition index of 63.9 during the years 1974-1988 (Vogel, 1989). Thus, animals with normal physical development were infected by the virus in 1988. This is in agreement with seals in British waters (Kuiken et al., 1994). The organochlorine levels measured before and during the seal die-off were also very similar, even without division of the samples into subgroups of equal sex and age (seeTable 3). Though the levels in individuals ranged one order of magnitude, the ratio of PCBs and DDT and its metabolites was very constant. In ratios, PCBs were given as a value called xCB2 which is the sum of the levels of PCB 153 34 W. Vetter et cd.1 The Science of the Total Environment 186 (1996) 29-39 Table 4 Levels of DDT and PCBs @g/kg) in male and female seal pups found dead at the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein before (1987) and during (1988) the mass mortality Male pups, 1987 (n = 7) Male pups, 1988 (n = 5) ZDDT ZCB2 ZCB2//ZDDT ZDDT ZCB2 XB2,‘EDDT 1509 1223 4615 1096 5161 1914 4218 9128 4238 t 7902 3955 18636 12378 14289 6.45 3.47 3.88 3.61 3.61 6.47 3.39 1657 1638 7191 1792 1501 5747 8828 26703 8213 6154 3.47 5.39 3.71 4.58 4.10 Mean: 28 19 11589 4.41 3385 10624 4.25 Female, 1987 (n = 5) Female, 1988 (n = 6) ZDDT ZCB2 ZCBYZDDT ZDDT XB2 ZCB2/EDDT 2016 431 1386 6598 2389 6585 2010 8554 25291 11259 3.27 4.66 6.17 3.83 4.71 4985 2843 3727 4085 I505 1590 21890 11437 11308 20801 7271 5764 4.39 4.02 3.03 5.09 4.83 3.63 Mean: 2564 10740 4.53 3123 13079 4.17 and PCB 138/PCB 163. PCB 153 and PCB 138 are the most abundant PCB congeners in the blubber of several seal species (Luckas et al., 1990). Since PCB 138 interfered with PCB 163 in our previous studies (both PCB congeners coelute on phases similar to DB-5 and OV-1701), the sum of both congeners was considered in the CCB2 value. The choice of PCB 153 and PCB 138/PCB 163 as representatives also allows a calculation of CCB2 values from literature data, since these PCB congeners are commonly quantified in most publications. CDDT is the sum of p,p’-DDT, p,p’-DDE, and p,p’-DDD. To study the age and sex dependence of harbour seals, levels and ratios of CCB2 and XDDT in female and male pups found dead in October of the year of birth (1987 and 1988, respectively) are listed separately in Table 4. It is unlikely that the seal pups migrated from birth to death together with the corresponding lactating females. However, the levels of DDT and PCBs varied greatly, even in pups. No statistically evident correlation of levels and sex was observed (see Table 4). Though PCB and DDT levels varied one order of magnitude, the CCB2/XDDT ratios were constant for both sex and sampling year. This is additional evidence of the sedentary nature of harbour seals. The mean levels of PCBs and DDT in seal pups (see Table 4) were below the mean values determined in harbour seals without distinguishing between age and sex (see Table 3). Harbour seals from Norwegian waters showed the same age dependence (Skaare et al., 1990), which is particularly due to extremely high levels of organochlorine compounds in some adult males. High levels of PCBs correlated with DDT and, therefore, the CCB2/XDDT ratio was very constant. CCB2/CDDT ratios are well suited for controlling the homogeneity of the sample material. Significant variations in the CCB;?/CDDT ratio are an indication of migratory animals (see above). Constant CCB2/CDDT ratios are very useful parameters for characterizing the organochlorine pattern of a marine region. Already at the coast of W. Vetter et al. I The Table 5 Levels (@g/kg) and ratio of XB2 North Sea, Germany) of the Total (n = 22) XB2 ZDDT Mean: Range: Median: Mean: Range: Median: 17064 (5747-49919) 12013 21407 (6831-46180) 20284 Lower Saxony, south-west of Schleswig-Holstein, the CCB;?/CDDT ratio increased significantly from 4.6 to 8.1. This is particularly due to higher PCB levels in Lower Saxony (see Table 5). This gradient in PCB pollution is even more signil’lcant when median rather than mean values are generated. Median values are effective parameters to demonstrate the homogeneity of sample material. In seal blubber from Lower Saxony, PCB mean values were 20% higher and median values were 40% higher than in harbour seals from SchleswigHolstein. The biological and geographical data of the samples from the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony allowed a selection of blubber samples from seals living over a longer period in the mouth of the river Elbe. Data obtained from fish samples revealed that OCS is a typical contaminant of river Table 6 Levels of organochlorine Environment 35 186 (1996) 29-39 and XDDT in harbour seals from the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony (both Wadden Sea Schleswig-Holstein (n = 32) Wadden Sea Lower Saxony Science CBZ2 XDDT 3909 (1501-11475) 2614 3095 (1025-5073) 2629 4.63 (3.03-6.17) 4.58 8.14 (4.16-13.84) 7.61 Elbe (Luckas and Oehme, 1990). No OCS was detected in the blubber of seals from the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony but OCS was present in samples from seals in the mouth of river Elbe. The highest level of 600 pg/kg OCS was recorded in a 4-year-old female harbour seal. Fig. 1 shows GCECD chromatograms of the blubber extract of habour seals from the river Elbe and Lower Saxony with the typical North Sea pattern. This was a further indication of the sedentariness of the harbour seal and its suitability as a bioindicator. From these results it is concluded that harbour seals are able to metabolize OCS very quickly. The presence of OCS in some animals clearly indicates that even in blubber, which is usually called deposit tissue, a rather active mobilization of contaminants must take place between blubber and tissues with high enzyme activity. compounds (pg/kg) in grey seals from Western Iceland (Suburlond, Breiaafjiir&rr) No. Sex, Age PCB 153 PCB 138 PCB 180 CDDT HCB r-HCH HCB r-HCH #I M, ad M, ad M, ad M, ad M, ad F, ad F. ad F, ad 252 441 165 230 731 530 174 460 374 149 256’ 85 143 436 292 110 321 224. 69 112 46 45 184 157 40 103 95 532 IO46 223 624 1590 948 403 688 757 13 26 9 96 12 24 79 Ii I7 29 11 18 20 18 20 40 0.76 0.90 0.82 5.33 0.60 1.33 3.95 0.28 34 22 1.75 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Mean values 36 W. Vetter et d i The Science oJ’ the Totul Environment 186 (1996) 29-39 (a) (b) Fig. I. GC-ECD chromatograms of the blubber extracts of harbour seal (a) from Lower Saxony (above) (b) from the mouth of river El be (below). Seal samples from Iceland revealed similar results for HCB. Blubber of grey seals from Western Iceland showed a wide range in HCB levels (see Table 6). Two samples in particular (#4 and #7) were highly polluted with HCB, and high HCB levels correlated neither with sex nor levels of PCBs, CDDT, or cr-HCH. Surprisingly, blubber of harbour seals from South-Eastern Iceland showed higher levels of DDT and PCBs but no significant variations in the concentrations of HCB (Luckas et al., 1990). In blubber of harbour seals and grey seals from Faxafloi (western Iceland) similar concentrations of PCBs, DDT and chlordane were obtained (Vetter et al., 1995b). However, variations in the HCB levels (lo-47 pg/kg) were distinctive of grey seals but not of harbour seals from Faxafloi. In the blubber of harbour seals, HCB levels were generally below the a-HCH level. On the basis of these data, it was concluded that the high HCB content measured in several grey seals is probably caused by a local input source (Vetter et al., 1995b). With regard to the enantioselective enrichment of a-HCH, the preferential accumulation of (+)- W. Vetter et al. I The Science of the Total Environment 186 (1996) 29-39 c(-HCH was measured in blubber of harbour seals and northern fur seals (Callorhinuis minus) (Milller et al., 1992; Mossner et al., 1992). However, it was recently shown that not all marine mammals show higher levels of (+)-c(-HCH than (-)-aHCH in the blubber (Hummert et al., 1995). Progress is ongoing to explain these phenomena. 4. Conclusions The investigations confirm that pollution from organochlorine compounds measured in different species of marine mammals from different marine regions must be evaluated very carefully. However, a proper consideration, including all factors which are important for the utilization of marine mammals as bioindicators from different marine regions, allows an assessment of the risks to seal species from contamination with organochlorines. PCB levels in harbour seals are highest in the Dutch Wadden Sea (Reijnders, 1986). This is therefore the major source of inputs of PCBs into the North Sea and North Atlantic. PCB levels decrease along the continental line of the North Sea from the Dutch Wadden Sea along the German Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein to the Danish North Sea coast. From the German Wadden Sea, PCB levels decrease towards Great Britain and Iceland (Law et al., 1989; Luckas et al., 1990; Mitchell and Kennedy, 1992) and along the Norwegian coast (Skaare et al., 1990) towards Spitsbergen (Luckas et al., 1990). Harbour seals are not present at Spitsbergen and therefore ringed seals (Phoca hispida) had to be used for comparison. The trend offdecreasing PCB levels from the North Sea towards Arctic waters was confirmed by ringed seals from Spitsbergen. However, analysis of ringed seals (Phoca hispida botnica) and harbour seals from the same region in the Baltic Sea revealed differences in the organochlorine levels (Blomqvist et al., 1992). Thus, further investigations are necessary to confirm that harbour seals can generally be compared to ringed seals for the assessment of the global distribution of organochlorine compounds. 31 References Addison, R.F., 1989. Organochlorines and marine mammal reproduction. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 46: 360-368. Andersson, ij, C. Linder, M. Olsson, L. Reutergardh, U. Uvemo and U. Wideqvist, 1988. Spatial differences and temporal trends of organochlorine compounds in biota from the northwestern hemisphere. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 17: 755-765. Arndt, U., 1992. Einftihrung in die Bioindikation. In: A. Kohler and U. 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