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Name __________________________________ Period _____
Review Sheet for Test #3
Cells, Scopes, Scientific Method, and Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Write the function of each cell organelle:
1. cell membrane -controls the passage of materials in and out of the
2. cell wall - protects and provides support
3. nucleus - control center where DNA is stored
4. mitochondria - powerhouse of the cell. where energy is made
5. vacuoles - stores water and food
6. chloroplast contains chlorophyll which is involved in the process of
7. endoplasmic reticulum the transport system for the cell. Transports
8. ribosomes - where the recipe is read to make proteins.
9. lysosomes - clean up crews. get rid of wastes
10. What are the differences between plant and animal cells?
Only plant cells contain chlorophyll, chloroplast, make their own food,
have a cell wall, have large vacuoles and are more box-like in shape.
11. What are single-celled organisms called?organisms made of only one
cell, unicellular
12. List two examples of single-celled organisms
paramecium, amoeba, bacteria, euglena
13. What is asexual reproduction?
reproduction from only one parent
14. List two organisms that reproduce through asexual reproduction.
paramecium, amoeba, bacteria, euglena
15. What cell organelles are you able to see with our microscopes?
cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, nucleus
16. What is total magnification under high power? 400x or 430x
low power? 100x
17. Why were we able to see chloroplast in the leaf of the elodea but
not in the onion? The onion bulb grows underground. The leaves of the
onion plant are where photosynthesis occur.
18. List three things that contain DNA.
As long as it is a living thing it has DNA.
19. List three things that do not contain DNA.
Anything that was never alive.
20. What are the following people famous for?
a. Robert Hooke discovered cells
b. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovered unicellular organisms
c. Watson discovered the shape of DNA - double helix
d. Crick discovered the shape of DNA - double helix
21. List the four nitrogen bases in pairs.
adenine and thymine
guanine and cytosine
22. What molecule is directly attached to the nitrogen bases on the
side rails of the double helix? deoxyribose sugar
23. What type of bond holds the nitrogen bases together?
hydrogen bond
24. How many chromosomes are in each of your body cells? 46
25. What are chromosomes made of? DNA
26. What is a gene? recipe for a protein
27. What does DNA code for? protein
28. Proteins can be made from 20 different amino acids.
29. What is a protein in your body? hemoglobin,melanin,collagen
30. What is the shape of DNA? double helix
31. If you took all the DNA out of one of your cells, how long would it
be? 6 feet
32. When DNA makes an exact copy of itself the process is called
33. Where are genes located? on chromosomes
34. What is the correct sequence for the levels of organization in
humans? cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism
35. Your body contains about how many cells? about 100 trillion
36. Explain the basic steps of DNA replication.
Hydrogen bonds break, DNA splits. Free floating nitrogen bases pair up
with their mates again. Sugar and phosphate add to the sides of the
molecule again.
37. Why does DNA need to replicate?
to make new cells
Explain the following parts of the Scientific Method:
38. control group without the IV with the placebo
39. independent variable the thing you are actually testing
40. problem the question you are trying to solve. Should contain the IV,
question word, and a “?”
41. hypothesis An if then statement of what you believe will happen
42. observation what you see during the experiment
Explain the following parts of the microscope:
43. diaphragm controls the amount of light
44. eyepiece the part you look through. Provides 10x the magnification
45. coarse adjustment knob this part moves the body tube up and down
46. fine adjustment knob used to sharpen the focus
47. high power objective lens provides 40 or 43x the magnification
48. mirror reflects light onto the stage
49. nosepiece holds the objective lenses
50. base the bottom of the microscope
51. Mitosis - cell division that creates identical cells
52. zygote - the first cell. when teh egg and sperm first join.