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7-4A Lesson Master
page 2
Objective G
SKILLS Objective B
16. Explain why 53 is a prime number.
In 1–4, find the quotient and remainder. Show your work.
It is divisible only by itself and 1.
1. 83 ÷ 3
2. 206 ÷ 6
17. Explain why 55 is a composite number.
Answers vary. Sample: In addition to 1 and itself, it is
also divisible by 5 and 11.
3. 905 ÷ 11
4. 74 ÷ 5
18. Give the greatest prime number less than 26.
43, 47
20. Give the two greatest prime numbers less than 50.
61, 67
21. Give the two least prime numbers greater than 60.
37, 47, 67, 97
22. List the prime numbers less than 100 that end with 7.
23. List the prime numbers less than 100 that end with 8.
19. Give the least prime number greater than 32.
24. Is 2 a prime number or a composite number? Explain
how you know.
5. 312 ÷ 10 = 31R2. Knowing this, find each of the following.
a. 313 ÷ 10
c. 320 ÷ 10
b. 318 ÷ 10
d. 325 ÷ 10
USES Objective I
6. Jim and Pam are ordering wedding invitations. They come in
quantities of 16 per box. They need 140 invitations.
9 boxes
a. How many boxes are needed?
Answers vary. Sample: Prime; it has only two factors,
itself and 1, which fits the definition of prime number.
b. How many invitations will be unused?
7. How many dozen eggs can a farmer make if she gathers
182 eggs?
25. Is 1 a prime number, a composite number, or neither?
Explain how you know.
Copyright © Wright Group/McGraw Hill
26. List all of the prime numbers that are even. Explain
how you know.
2; it has only two factors, itself and 1, so it is prime, but
any other even number will have, in addition to itself and
1, a factor of 2.
15 dozen
8. Cameryn, Jack, and Braden bought two large bags of
bulbs to share evenly. One bag has 74 daffodil bulbs, and
the other bag has 85 tulip bulbs.
Answers vary. Sample: Neither; it has only one factor, itself or
1, so it does not satisfy the definition for prime or composite.
Questions on SPUR Objectives
See Student Edition pages 457–459 for objectives.
a. When they divide the tulip bulbs, how many does each
person get, and how many are left over?
28; 1
b. When they divide the daffodil bulbs, how many does
each person get, and how many are left over?
24; 2
c. Find a way to divide the bulbs so that each person
receives the same quantity.
Answers vary. Sample: Each person receives 28
tulip bulbs and 24 daffodil bulbs, and then Cameryn
receives one additional tulip bulb, and Jack and
Braden receive an additional daffodil bulb each.
Pre-Transition Mathematics
Pre-Transition Mathematics
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7-4B Lesson Master
Questions on SPUR Objectives
page 2
USES Objective I
SKILLS Objective B
In 1–8, find the quotient and remainder. Show your work.
1. 75 ÷ 4
See Student Edition pages 457–459 for objectives.
2. 59 ÷ 8
11. The office manager needs to order 225 pens for a conference.
The pens are sold in boxes of 12.
19 boxes
30 groups
a. How many boxes are needed?
3. 93 ÷ 7
4. 100 ÷ 6
b. How many pens will be left over?
12. How many groups of eight buns can a baker make if he
bakes 245 buns?
13. Ralph, Ed, Trixie, and Alice went apple picking. They
picked 83 red delicious apples and 53 golden delicious apples.
5. 432 ÷ 12
Copyright © Wright Group/McGraw-Hill
7. 694 ÷ 11
6. 305 ÷ 9
8. 745 ÷ 10
9. 242 ÷ 5 = 48R2. Knowing this, find each of the following.
c. 245 ÷ 5 49
a. 243 ÷ 5
d. 248 ÷ 5 49R3
b. 241 ÷ 5
10. 617 ÷ 12 = 51R5. Knowing this, find each of the following.
c. 624 ÷ 12 52
a. 619 ÷ 12
d. 630 ÷ 12 52R6
b. 623 ÷ 12
a. When they divide the red delicious apples, how many
will each person get, and how many will be left over?
20; 3
b. When they divide the golden delicious apples, how many
will each person get, and how many will be left over?
13; 1
c. Find a way to divide the apples so that each person Answers vary. Sample:
receives the same quantity. Each person receives 20 red delicious
apples and 13 golden delicious apples, and then Ralph, Ed,
and Trixie each receive one additional red delicious apple, and
Alice receives one additional golden delicious apple.
14. A school has 275 folding chairs. They set up for an
assembly by arranging the chairs into rows of 18.
a. How many rows can be made?
b. How many chairs will be left over?
15. Jenny has 158 plants. She has room in her garden to plant
14 plants in each row.
a. How many rows can Jenny plant?
b. How many plants will be left over?
b. How many cans will be left over?
Pre-Transition Mathematics
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11 rows
16. A factory can produce 850 cans of drinks each hour.
a. How many six-packs of drinks can the factory produce
each hour?
15 rows
141 six-packs
Pre-Transition Mathematics
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Pre-Transition Mathematics
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