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by Fiona Tuck
1. Coffee
2. Fruit and Fructose
If you are feeling guilty about indulging in another flat white
or decaf cappuccino, feel free to drink up. We were once
told that drinking coffee could be harmful to our health
but new research may suggest otherwise. Research from
the University of Southern Norris Comprehensive Cancer
Centre of Keck Medicine have found that regular coffee
consumption decreases the risk of colon cancer.
With sugar recently becoming public enemy number one,
we have seen people go to extremes by cutting out all sugar
including natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables.
Studies showed that drinking coffee is associated with lower
risk of colon cancer, and the more coffee consumed, the
lower the risk. Further studies suggest that regular coffee
consumption may in fact reduce the risk of other cancers
such as brain and breast cancer. In pre-menopausal women,
the consumption of regular coffee (4 cups a day) has been
associated with a 38% lower risk of breast cancer.
With so much conflicting information out there regarding what is good for our
health, it is hard to know what the right foods to eat really are.
Health complications such as obesity, fatty liver disease and
diabetes arise from eating excess sugar such as the nasty
high fructose corn syrup which is added to sauces, chips,
salad dressings, fizzy drinks, and processed savoury and
sweet goods.
Fruits contain the natural plant sugar, fructose (not
high fructose corn syrup which is where all the negative
controversy stems from) and minerals, vitamins and fibre
that keep us hydrated and nourished. Fruit and freshly
squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are a healthy part of any
diet. Do minimise the processed pre-packed juices in the
supermarkets which often have preservatives, colours and
added sugars (sometimes even high fructose corn syrup) and
choose fresh juice that is still full of the fresh nutrients and
enzymes that we need for good health.
Whole fruit is full of health promoting vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants and fibre which slows down the absorption
of sugar into the blood stream. Eating fresh, whole fruits is
extremely healthy and cutting fruit out of your diet increases
the risk of a deficiency in essential nutrients.
We are told to cut down on coffee, saturated fats, carbs, and eat the paleo way and yet obesity and obesity related disease
is on the rise. The most recent Australian Health Survey shows that 63% of adults are now overweight or obese, with 28%
classified as obese. Projections suggest that by 2025, the prevalence of overweight and obesity will increase to over 70%, with
approximately one third of the adult Australian population classified as obese. Obesity related diseases include metabolic
syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Heart disease is the number one killer of Australians.
by Fiona Tuck
3. Butter and Full Fat Milk
4. Grains and Legumes
5. Carbs
New information is now emerging to suggest that there
is no proven scientific evidence to link saturated fat with
an increased risk of heart disease or obesity. Even top
cardiologists such as Dr Ross Walker are affirming this. We
need fat for vital functions within the body such as hormone
production, nerve transmission, and healthy cell membrane
function and brain health.
Paleo advocates will tell you that rice, nuts and legumes
such as beans and peas are bad for us as they contain a
substance called phytic acid which can bind and therefore
inhibit mineral absorption. The reality is many plant based
foods including vegetables contain phytic acid. It would also
appear that phytic acid may not be the baddie that Paleo
lovers make it out to be.
Our brain is made up predominantly of fat! Butter contains fat
soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K all of which are
vital for our health, wellbeing and immune health. The reality
is we are not eating enough fat and are at risk of become
deficient in vital fat soluble nutrients which can further
contribute to disease within the body. Including butter in
your diet is healthy.
Phytic acid has in fact been linked to enhancement of the
activity of our bodies own natural killer cells and may even
inhibit tumour growth. Colon bacteria have been shown
to produce potentially damaging oxygen free radicals in
appreciable amounts and dietary phytic acid might suppress
oxidative damage to intestinal epithelium and neighbouring
cells. Studies suggest that those that consume more phytic
acid are less likely to succumb to breast and prostate cancer.
Legumes such as lentils, peas and chickpeas are full of fibre,
protein and essential nutrients such as folic acid, necessary
for healthy DNA replication, fertility and cell health.
Carbs have been deemed the enemy for years and the mere
mention of the word carbohydrates sends many running for
cover. Carbs come in many forms and not all carbs are bad.
Carbs or sugars occur naturally in fruits and milk and are also
added to many foods in the form of cane sugar, honey and
maple syrup. They also appear as refined carbohydrates, as
with white bread, white pasta or many cereals. Refined carbs
offer little nutrient value and quickly turn to sugar and when
eaten in excess fat in the body.
Our cells rely on carbohydrates as an efficient energy fuel
source, particularly our brains. Removing carbohydrates
completely from your diet can therefore lead to low energy,
fatigue, brain fog and lack of mental alertness. The good
carbs such as wholegrains, fruits and vegetables contain
fibre and provide slow released energy throughout the day
helping us to feel mentally active, alert, full of energy and
Eating a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet that is high in
antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and fresh
whole foods appears to be the most successful approach for
health and wellbeing.
Fiona Tuck is a Skincare Expert,
accredited Nutritional Medicine
Practitioner and a member of the
Australian Society of Traditional
Medicine. Fiona’s in-depth
knowledge and insight into future
trends within the health industry
has made her sought after media
Fiona’s holistic approach to
nutritional health is driven by her
mantra -’Nutrition is the grass roots
of good health’
It is important to maintain a healthy balanced diet, and
consuming too much of any one particular food is not
recommended. A high intake of fresh foods, particularly fresh
[email protected]
fruits and vegetables is important and include a variety of
foods daily.