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Lebanon Community School Corporation
1810 North Grant Street
Lebanon, Indiana 46052
Phone: (765) 482-0380
Infectious or Contagious Disease Guidelines
Dear Parent:
Our schools often receive questions about written clearances required before a student may return to class. Our practice
is that a clearance from the doctor, School Nurse or County Health Department will be required for diseases considered
infectious or contagious. Examples of some infectious or contagious diseases and guidelines for returning to class are
listed below.
Disease or Infection:
Regulations for Returning to Class
Chicken Pox
Isolation for five (5) days after appearance of last vesicle, or until all vesicles
have formed scabs or crusts. (Clearance by School Nurse may be required).
A student will be sent home with a temperature of 100˚ or more, and students
must be fever-free 24 hours before returning to school, without the aid of
Doctor’s written clearance is required
Clearance by School Nurse required (doctor’s written clearance will be requested
when necessary). Draining lesions should be adequately covered at all times.
Clearance by School Nurse is required. All nits must be removed before
returning to school. The time from treatment to return to school should not
exceed 24 hours.
Doctor’s written clearance is required.
Doctor’s written clearance is required. Isolation for nine (9) days after onset of
Pink Eye
When there is a white or yellow discharge; students should be excluded from
school until after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
Clearance by School Nurse is required (doctor’s written clearance will be
requested when necessary).
Isolation for seven (7) days after appearance of rash; German Measles = five (5)
Isolation for four (4) days after appearance of rash; Measles=ten (10) days
Written clearance from family doctor, School Nurse or Health Department
Student may return to school after treatment is completed.
Exclusion from school is not necessary as long as any lesions are covered.
(Only contagious if lesion is actually touched.)
Streptococcus Infection
Must have had at least 24-48 hours of appropriate antibiotic treatment and no
fever (including Scarlet Fever, Strep Throat and Scarlatina).
Lebanon Community School Corporation reserves the right to require a doctor’s clearance whenever school officials feel it
necessary, to protect the health either of the student who has been ill or that of the other students in school. If you are not
sure about a particular case, please call your School Nurse for advice before returning the student to school. Thank you
for your help in protecting the health of all our students.
Dr. Robert L. Taylor, Superintendent