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Immune Suppression
Immune Suppression During
The Vital 90 Days
The Vital 90™ Days covers the critical period of the production cycle from dry off to early lactation—from 60 days before
calving to 30 days after calving. During this time a dairy cow experiences multiple transitions, including numerous physiological
and metabolic changes that can interfere with her immune function.1
Every cow undergoes some degree of
immune suppression around calving.1
When a cow’s immune system is
suppressed, it can negatively impact the
success of her lactation and the ability for
her to realize her full production potential.
The Vital 90 Days
Immune Suppression2
The Negative Consequences Associated With Periparturient
Immune Suppression3-5
Retained foetal
Reduced milk
Denotes tentative association
Post Calving
Immune suppression around calving
Periparturient immune suppression can lead to
a number of negative consequences, leaving a
cow susceptible to postpartum diseases such as
mastitis,3 retained foetal membrane,4 and metritis.5
“Which of these negative
outcomes presents the
biggest challenge to you?”
What are neutrophils and what role do they play?
Neutrophils are the key phagocytic cells of a cow’s innate immune
system.6 As white blood cells, neutrophils provide a natural defense
that’s critical in protecting a cow against invading bacteria6
When a cow’s neutrophils aren’t functioning normally, her immune
system isn’t functioning normally either—and that can leave her
susceptible to mastitis and other infectious diseases
In the 2 to 3 weeks prior to calving, a cow’s neutrophil and
lymphocyte function can decrease by as much as 25%-40%.1
This causes a suppression of her immune system and can lead to
the onset of postpartum diseases, even when a dairy’s best
management practices are in place
The cost of immune suppression
Producers and veterinarians invest significant time, effort, and
money during The Vital 90™ Days to minimize the impact of
immune suppression, but negative consequences may still occur.
As a cow’s immune function decreases,
her vulnerability to illness increases
Aside from the economic impact, these consequences can
also take an emotional toll on a dairy farm. Caring for cows
suffering from illness is discouraging for employees, frustrating
for producers and veterinarians, and stressful for all involved
with making difficult decisions such as removal from the herd.
Immune suppression affects the cow, but it can
also affect the entire dairy
“What kind of success would you
experience if you could reduce
these negative consequences?”
Immune suppression during The Vital 90™ Days can be a frustrating experience.
Talk to your Elanco representative about actions you can take to fight periparturient immune suppression.
References: 1. Goff J. Transition cow immune function and interaction with metabolic disease. In: Proceedings from the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition
Conference; April 22-23, 2008; Fort Wayne, IN. 2. Hoeben D, et al. Chemiluminescence of bovine polymorphonuclear leucocytes during the
periparturient period. J Dairy Res. 2000;67(2):249-259. 3. Sordillo LM, Streicher KL. Mammary gland immunity and mastitis susceptibility.
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2002;7(2):135-146. 4. Kimura K, et al. J Dairy Sci. 2002;85(3):544-550. 5. Huzzey JM, et al. J Dairy Sci.
2007;90(7):3220-3233. 6. Tizard IR. Veterinary Immunology. 9th ed. St Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc; 2013:1-10, 30-51.
Elanco, The Vital 90, and the diagonal bar are trademarks owned or licensed by Eli Lilly and Company, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.
© 2014 Elanco Animal Health.
IR Immunsupp SA Jul 14