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1 | Survival Guide
DAY 1 – Pythagorean Theorem
1. Find b
COMM Mark:
Unit 6 – Trigonometry
Name: ____________________________
DAY 2 – Primary Trig Ratios
Theorem states:
Acronym to use
Focus Angle ϴ
Hypotenuse must be:
Find c
Check if a triangle is right angled:
Definition labels
Ways to round
Check if a triangle has a right angle
Capital letters Small case letters 5.
I can tell my calculator is in degree mode if:
Try on your calculator sin 90° = _______ cos90° = _________
Order of pressing calculator buttons for me is:
tan 90° = ________ What can you conclude about what angle
cannot be used when solving triangles with SOH CAH TOA?
2 | Survival Guide
Unit 6 – Trigonometry
DAY 2 cont’d
Finding side steps:
Finding angle steps:
Name: ____________________________
DAY 3 – More Primary Trig Ratios
3. Practice labelling tiangles using Word Problem Steps
side names: opposite, adjacent,
A storm caused a 13.5m hydro pole to lean over. The shadow of the pole is
11.8 m on the ground. Find the measure of the angle between the hydro
pole and the ground, to the nearest degree.
A tree casts a shadow that is 6.5m in length. The angle
of sun at the top of the tree is 63o. Calculate the height
of the tree.
Find side b
3 | Survival Guide
Unit 6 – Trigonometry
DAY 4 - Solve Word Problems
Angle of Elevation
Strategies for right ∆ ' s
Name: ____________________________
A 5-m-long ladder is leaning up against the side wall of a barn.
The base of the ladder is 4.2 m from the base of the barn wall.
Find the angle the ladder makes with the ground.
Angle of Depression
4. Sometimes there is a choice of what
ratio to use. Find all three ratios for
the triangle at angle D.
Discuss the fastest way to find
the 3rd angle if you know the
other two.
5. Then find the angle D using more
than one ratio.
6. Find angle F