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LSI I/O controllers solve system problems by efficiently
interfacing the microcomputer to external units.
The Evolution of Peripheral Devices
in Microprocessor Systems
Ken McKenzie
Zilog, Inc.
The microcomputer has evolved into the standard
tool for solving product design problems. Its inherent flexibility, low cost, and short development
cycles have caused the total application spectrum to
literally explode. New products that were never
thought possible or in most cases even imagined
have been introduced and are forming the basis for
more advanced designs. The real impact of the
microcomputer is yet to come.
As the microcomputer has matured, so have the
tools for developing hardware, software, and system
testing. Early in the evolution of the microcomputer,
it became obvious that the design engineer faced a
new set of problems. Interfacing microcomputers
to external devices was a complex and time-consuming task. Semiconductor companies quickly
realized that the solution to this new set of problems
could be a new line of components that simplify
interfacing external equipment to microcomputers.
Thus the "peripheral" was born. Its role: "problem
solver." (See Figure 1.)
Peripherals: the problem solvers. In microcomputer system development, the design engineer is
confronted with many difficult decisions as to hardware/software tradeoffs, component selection, and
general system architecture. The overall product
performance specification is usually the guideline
for decisionmaking, but of course physical size,
mechanical form, power usage, and the all-important product end cost are key influences in the
design process.
Quite often a new design engineer will become so
overwhelmed by the overall system interface structure that his normal, logical approach to the design
is impaired or totally obliterated. By breaking down
the interface structure into the six basic groups or
classes of problems (see Figure 2), he can select a
peripheral to efficiently solve each area of concern,
causing the overall interface design task to assume
more manageable proportions.
Peripherals: an evolution. If we examine the
history of microcomputer peripheral components,
it becomes obvious that they have evolved in a predictable and logical manner. At first, integrated circuit technology was the main limitation to highly
complex, sophisticated components. Then, as
N-Channel MOS LSI became a production line reality, the needs and wants of the market became the
determining factor for device definition and specification. Today's MOS LSI circuit technology is able
to produce peripherals that cost less and consume a
smaller fraction of the power than older TTL
solutions. (See Figure 3.)
Effects on system development
The tools available to today's design engineer are
the end product of a development system market
that has matured quickly to meet the support
requirements of the new families of microcomputers.
Both hardware and software tools are available to
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speed the progress from prototype to production
and support high-speed testing. Peripherals have
such a dramatic effect on overall system performance that all new advances in development systeim
tools have features that are specifically designed to
support these powerful, problem-solving components.
Effects on hardware, design. Peripherals are
extremely complex devices; in fact, even some of
the fairly simple general-purpose circuits are at
least as internally complex as the CPU itself, if not
more so. Their basic function is to "isolate" the
programmer from the detailed operation of the I/O
equipment that is being interfaced or system problem that is being solved. One of the characteristics
of most new peripheral components is their ease of
direct interface to both the microcomputer bus and
the external I/O equipment.
The "heart" of any microcomputer system is
always the CPU, but the system bus is equally
important and can be viewed as analogous to the
"central nervous system." It is on this bus that all
address, data, and timing information is communicated throughout the microcomputer system. The
CPU is the "master" in charge of the bus, and
memories and peripherals are its "slaves." The
"bus" is the discipline or "structure" of the system.
All components that interface to it must meet the
AC and DC requirements dictated by the CPU. An
area of growing concern to most system designers
is the flexibility and performance margins provided
by the bus structures of new, high-speed microcomputer families. Component manufacturers have
started to recognize the real importance of efficient,
"safe" bus designs and are expending significant
effort in this area.
Peripherals are subject to all of the same bus
constraints as any component interfaced directly
to the bus. In fact, in some cases the requirements
are tougher for peripherals because they can assume
the "master" role, as in DMA controller applications.
The actual design tasks of determining how a
peripheral will be connected to the bus, identifying
the timing margins, and calculating the DC parameters have been drastically simplified by the
discipline of the bus structure. Within the specified
limits of a given microcomputer family bus structure, a designer may connect peripheral and memory
components directly to the bus without being
concerned with the detailed operation of the bus.
Not all microcomputer families have matured. to
this point, but with new, higher-speed systems being
announced the system bus structure becomes the
key element to reliable, high-performance operation.
Interfacing to the outside world is the design area
where no such discipline as a bus exists. Each
piece of external equipment will have to be carefully studied as to its input and output characteristics. In most applications a small amount of
TTL MSI/SSI will have to be added to act as buffers
or drivers between low-current-drive MOS LSI
peripherals and long wire cables or high-power
drive elements such as motor drivers, display
June 1978
Figure 1. Just as microcomputers evolved to solve product design
problems, so peripherals have evolved to solve microcomputer system design problems.
drivers, and relay drivers. The added TTL presents
an increase in overall system cost. However, providing this drive capability within complex MOS
LSI circuits would increase their cost far beyond
the total cost of separating these functions.
The external interface area is where today's hardware designer can be creative in reducing system
interconnections, increasing performance, minimizing
CPU overhead, and ensuring reliable product operation. Also, because of the inherent processing power
available and the intelligent nature of MOS LSI
peripherals, the designer can easily add powerful,
service-saving, on-line diagnostics to his I/O interface structure to further reduce system cost even
after the product has been shipped to the customer.
The strongest impact that peripherals will have
on the hardware designer is that for the first time
in development evolution he can concentrate on
total product problems rather than individual circuit analysis. He becomes much more of a systems
engineer and can focus his attention on the total
product environment and the basic elements of
success in the market.
Effects on software design. If one had to select
single area of microcomputer design as the fastest
maturing, it would have to be software. Today's
microcomputer users have finally realized that all
those nice 40-pin DIP's are not where the majority
Figure 2. Internal to any microcomputer system are a common set
of problems regardless of the component manufacturer or design
approach taken. All system designs will encounter one or more of
six basic problems: parallel input/output, serial input/output, memory,
direct memory access, interrupt control, and timing/counting.
of real development dollars are spent. Softwaie costs
outweigh hardware development costs by 4 to 1 in
the experience of most OEM users. To help the
user reduce these costs, microcomputer manufacturers have provided such software tools as assemblers, simulators, libraries, real-time emulators,
debug routines, text editors, and high-level languages.
After the peripheral has been selected and
evaluated for each interface and system problem,
the software designer can generate the programs
necessary to support these devices. Each MOS LSI
peripheral will need initialization, maintenance, and
diagnostic/recovery routines. By approaching each
interface task as a separate but related activity, the
programmer can more easily generate routines for
that function and also speed his debug cycle by
breaking a large job into smaller, more manageable
tasks. This technique also offers inherent modularity
to the total system software project and allows a
fast, parallel development where a group of designers
can work on a single software project with a
minimum of conflict.
The modular approach to peripheral support software will tend to generate more reliable programs
due to the concentration on smaller, better defined
interface elements. Another important (and usually
overlooked) area of software cost reduction is the
reuseable nature of modular programming. Routines
that have been developed and debugged to support
a given peripheral or system problem can be entered
into a library facility and used in future system
Figure 3. A typical third-generation microcomputer system. As each generation of peripheral components was
born, the previous devices assumed supporting roles to
the new generation. Peripheral components have
matured through three discernible generations. The first
generation consisted of primitive, bipolar devices such
as latches, decoders, drivers, and priority encoders.
The second generation was characterized by generalpurpose, MOS devices that solve common system
problems. Typical devices include USARTs, timers, parallel 110
devices, interrupt control devices, and DMA devices. Third-generation components are typically intelligent, multi-function devices
that can be programmed either internally or externally to support a
wide variety of system interface requirements and significantly
expand the application spectrum by utilizing high-speed MOS LSI
process technology. Examples include floppy disk controllers, multiprotocol data communications controllers, CRT display controllers,
and math processors.
development projects with little or no changes or
additional debug efforts. This library technique
will save many man hours.
High-level languages offer the fastest means for
software development but have always been perceived as too isolated from the system operation to
perform efficiently in I/O or timing environments.
Latest high-level compiler developments now contain
"hooks" to link library-based peripheral routines or
"macros" into the main program source so that
accurate, in-line code support of peripherals is provided to the high-level language user.
Impact on system performance
The actual execution time of CPU- machine
instructions has been the unit of measwe for system
performance in most microcomputer-based applications. It is not entirely wrong as a unit reference,
but a much more meaningful measure is the actual
throughput of data processing in a given system.
Throughput has many variables as system environments change, and stimulus for response affects
system latency. Basically, throughput can be expressed as the measure of the time a system can
accept input information, execute computational
processing on that data, and output the results of
that computation. The actual throughput rate is
usually expressed in operations/second. Obviously,
by minimizing the CPU's involvement with I/O
devices, greater time can be dedicated to computational executions and system throughput can be
MOS LSI peripherals are designed to solve a set
of common system problems such as serial I/O,
timing, etc. They are specialized to be an optimum
answer for that given problem, but within their
basic problem apea they can be programmed by system software to maximize their effectiveness for a
specific application. Generally the CPU will initialize
the peripheral to support a specific interface. The
peripheral will then perform its programmed function
without further intervention from the CPU and only
request the service or attention of the CPU when
it has valid data to be processed. Some of the newly
announced MOS LSI peripherals carry out very
high level commands with their I/O devices and
communicate with the CPU only to inform it that
the command has been completed.
No other system component, including the CPU
itself, has the impact on performance of a properly
used peripheral. Entirely new application areas are
opening because of peripheral advances and the very
future of microcomputer technology and system
throughput rests on these devices.
System Architecture
The microcomputer system evolution has been
very similar in nature to the evolution of the larger
mega and minicomputer systems. Today's microcomputer systems engineer faces the same types of
design decisions as did his counterpart in minicomputers a few years ago. The actual layout of
how the system components operate, play together,
and affect total throughput have become key factors
in microcomputer design.
Traditional, single-bus architecture. Figure 4
illustrates the most common type of system bus
architecture used in microcomputers today. It has a
single, multi-function bus that carries all information
between the CPU and memory/peripheral circuits.
All system components operate at the same speed,
and a simple, "master/slave" operational structure
is maintained. This approach provides for minimum
chip count, simple interface, and a straightforward
system design approach.
The main limitation of this type of bus architecture is that all components connected to it must
operate at the same cycle speeds, regardless of their
frequency of usage or latency. In higher-performance systems this means that both peripherals and
memories must operate at the same access times,
Figure 4. Traditional system architecture.
June 1978
cycle times, and other delays even though their frequency of usage and latency are drastically different.
This, of course, complicates system design and
layout. It also limits the practical speed and throughput of the entire system to the speed of the available MOS LSI peripheral. Some microcomputer
families have features to compensate for slower
access peripheral and memory components, but
many of the timing- and delay-related problems of
high-performance systems cannot be fixed by adding
"wait states" or other such compensation techniques. Problems such as hold times, set-up times,
and float delays can only be solved by adding
The practical speed limitation for this type of system architecture is in the area of 4 MHz to 6 MHz.
Beyond this, designing peripheral components of a
complex nature would be prohibitively expensive
as well as a waste of effort in a practical applications sense.
Multi-bus system architecture. Figure 5 shows a
different type of system bus architecture that
isolates the I/O bus from the main, high-speed CPU
bus. Conceptually, its basic function is analogous
to the peripheral itself, isolating the CPU from the
I/O processing tasks. By establishing a secondary
bus that is controlled by an auxiliary processor, the
entire I/O structure can function separately but as
a related entity to the main CPU.
The speed of the I/O bus can be limited to 4 MHz5 MHz, thus simplifying system layout and construc-
tion. The only element of this I/O bus structure that
is required to operate at the speed of the main
CPU bus is the I/O processor.
The I/O processor manages all operations of the
I/O bus and assumes the "master" role to all peripherals. It assumes the "slave" role to the main
CPU, and in essence functions as a high-speed
peripheral to the main CPU. The I/O processor
executes its own programs to initialize, maintain,
and perform diagnostics on all peripherals. It
completely handles all "bookkeeping'' and timing
functions required by the peripherals, communicating with the main CPU only when it has valid
data to be examined or processed in conjunction
with the execution of the main CPU program. The
I/O processor will usually have its own RAM for
buffer storage functions, and in order to enhance
the I/O structure's real-time throughput, simple
access to DMA control functions is maintained.
Multi-bus, microcomputer architectures will
become common elements in high-speed systems of
the future. They simplify I/O processing, allow
existing peripherals to maintain a high degree of
compatibility with new processor developments,
and enhance the trend of modular hardware and
software design.
The "user-programmed" peripheral. The advent
of "real" microcomputer systems on a chip has
stirred much interest in both the minimum chip
count and peripheral application areas. The one-chip
micro has a small amount of ROM, RAM, and
Figure 5. Distributed processing system architecture.
I/O on-board and is programmed exactly in the
same manner as larger multi-chip systems. In fact,
most development systems for one size are adaptable to the other.
Until now, the user with a unique interface
problem had to either get a "custom" LSI circuit
made, add extra logic external to an existing peripheral, or just make it out of TTL MSI. None of
these choices is very attractive, and low-volume
applications immediately eliminate the "custom"
LSI approach. Now the user can "design" his own
peripheral by buying one of the single-chip micros
and writing the software to configure it to perform
his special interface function. This approach makes
the single-chip micro appear as a normal peripheral
to the main CPU, but of course it is now custom programmed to the user's needs.
Single-chip micros are still limited in speed,
memory, and I/O capability, so the application
spectrum is restricted to low-speed, man/machinetype interfaces. However, future developments in
the single-chip micro technology will significantly
expand this area.
Existing technology is characterized by 1K to
2K of ROM, up to 64 bytes of RAM, two to four
I/O ports, and 2 MHz speed. But future single-chip
technology will see up to 128 bytes of RAM and
4 MHz speed. With this capacity will come such
applications of single-chip micros as keyboard controllers, EPROM programmers, display controllers,
IEEE 488 bus controllers, block data encryption
(NBS), closed loop stepper-controllers, memory
diagnostic/error checkers, disk drive controllers, and
tape reader controllers.
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Peripheral components in microcomputer systems
have an important role to play: They solve system
design problems. No other single component can
have the dramatic effect on real system throughput
and future system architectures that peripherals
will have. MOS LSI circuit technology is now
capable of producing fast, highly sophisticated, and
manufacturable peripheral devices that will significantly expand the applications spectrum of the
microcomputer and provide new, reliable, highspeed solutions to tomorrow's system problems. D
Ken McKenzie is product manager for
microcomputer components at Zilog,
Cupertino, California. The author of
many technical articles, he has con-
ducted numerous seminars on microperipheral, and memory
components. Before joining Zilog in
July 1977 he was manager of marketing for the 8080, 8085, and all peripheral components, at Intel Corporation.
June 1978
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