Download Abstract: Two batches of whole milk, skim milk and yoghurt that used

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Two batches of whole milk, skim milk and yoghurt that used for processing of roub and mish from
Khartoum Dairy Company (Butana factory) were analyzed. Similarly roub and mish (fermented milk),
obtained from the same samples, were also collected and analyzed during this study. Similarly, a total of
four experiments as an attempt to process "Roub and mish" in the factory's lab-oratory were tried
following the same procedures of the factory for two batches. While in the other two pasteurization for
whole milk were done before manufacturing. Comparison of chemical constituents (total solids %, total
proteins %, fat %, lactose %, ash %, and acidity), and pH were estimated in those products. The total
solids %, the total proteins % and the fat % recorded lower means for the control samples, compared to
those of the factory for whole milk; yoghurt; mixture; and roub. However, the control samples for mish
revealed a higher mean than those pro-duce commercially by the factory. Moreover, the higher values
obtained for ash and acidity for skim milk and fermented products, in the control samples, reflected the
adulteration done at the factory. Similarly, Lactose revealed higher means for whole milk; skim milk; and
mixture for the control samples. While yoghurt; roub; and mish showed a higher mean values for the
factory samples. This might be due to the fermentation action by the bacteria. The results indicated that
there were significance differences in total solids %, ash %, and lactose % (P < 0.05) between the different groups. Similarly there is significant increase in pH, fat % (P < 0.001) and acidity (P < 0.01)
between the different groups. However, a non-significance difference was found for the other
measurements. When comparing roub and mish a non significant differences were obtained for the
measurements. Between mixture and roub significance variations were reported for ash %, lactic acid %
(P < 0.05) and lactose (P < 0.001). Also, significance variations were found in ash % (P < 0.05), and
lactose % (P < 0.001), when comparing mixture and mish. This could be due to fermentation and
addition of spices. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.