Download Five Kingdoms The Five Kingdom system was proposed in 1968 by

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Five Kingdoms
The Five Kingdom system was proposed in 1968 by Robert Whittaker. It is based mainly
on nutrition, as well as unicellular and multi cellular organisms.
1. Prokaryotes or Monera: Prokaryotes are bacteria. They are unicellular and have
no distinct nucleus. They have naked DNA and their cell wall is made of murien
and petadoglycan. They are around 5 microns or less.
2. Protista: Protista are algae and protozoa. They are eukaryotic and live in water
and are often unicellular or simple multicells.
3. Fungi: Fungi are molds, yeast and mushrooms. They are eukaryotic and have a
chitin cell wall. They are heterotrophic which means they must gain food from
elsewhere. They are also saprotrophs which means they get their food from
decomposing matter.
4. Plantae: Plantea are mosses, ferns and flowering plants. They are eukaryotic,
multicellular, and their cell walls are made from cellulose. They are autotrophic,
and use chloroplasts to absorb light.
5. Animalia: Animalia are round worms, mollusks, insects, fish, bird and mammals.
They are eukaryotic, multi-cellular, have no cell walls and are heterotrophic.
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