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Experiment 8
Index of Refraction
Discrete Spectrum
Index of Refraction
φ = 60.0°
Equations and sample calculation:
(8 points)
If you lie on the bottom of a swimming pool and look up through the water you will see a circle
of light surrounded by darkness. Why does this happen? Draw a sketch of the lights rays. Why
is it not surprising that the fluids in the eye, the aqueous and vitreous humors have an index of
refraction of about 1.33?
Which has the higher index of refraction, red or blue light? Which color is bent more by
a prism? Which travels faster through a prism? Calculate the velocities in the prism of
the longest and shortest wavelengths that you observed. (4 points)
Incandescent light bulbs produce light by heating a filament. The filament emits a
continuous spectrum, that is, light of all colors within a range determined by the filament
temperature. How would an incandescent spectrum look different from the helium tube
spectrum? (4 points)
An archer aims at a target below the surface of a pool of water. Should the archer aim
above or below the target? Draw a diagram to explain your answer. (4 points)
What sort of focusing problem would you expect in a real optical instrument such as a
camera or a telescope now that you've done this experiment? (Hint: The incoming light is a
mixture of many colors.) (4 points)
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