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Explanation of Office Policy and Procedure for Patients and Parents
Treatment Time Estimates
At your treatment conference, the orthodontist will present an estimate of active treatment time as part of the
discussion. This is always just an estimate. There are several factors which prevent this from being an exact period
of time, some of which include a patient’s:
physiological response
 frequency of breakage
rate of growth
 regularity of adjustment appointments
compliance/cooperation (elastic bands,
headgear, etc.)
The majority of these factors are not in our control, but obviously good compliance/cooperation with regularity in
keeping appointments gives one the best opportunity to have their treatment completed within the time frame
originally estimated.
After two years (which is the typical treatment time of most orthodontic cases), it is common to be anxious for
appliance removal. It is also common to have counted elapsed calendar time vs treatment time. However, calendar
time only has validity when monthly adjustments are not missed. Conversely, attempts to advance treatment at a faster
pace than is physiologically prudent can cause irreversible damage to the teeth and supporting structure.
Scheduling Policy
As an orthodontic practice, although many adults are treated, the vast majority of our patients are school age
adolescents. We are well aware of the importance of our patient’s education. However, it is impossible for us to
accommodate these patients by making every single appointment after school. We attempt to minimize the need to
schedule during school hours by performing long procedures prior to 2:00pm, which include:
placement of complete new braces
complete removal of braces
major repairs and construction appointments
On a typical two year orthodontic case, this amounts to approximately 3 out of 25 appointments. By doing this, the 20
plus adjustments that are required can be done without interfering with the school schedule of our patients. We also
provide evening hours one day a week, along with Saturday morning appointments during the school year, to facilitate
scheduling appointments.
Even banding and brace removal appointments need not require the complete loss of a school day. Generally, 2 hours
of school time need be missed. An excuse form may be obtained at the desk upon scheduling these appointments and
presented to the school prior to the planned absence.
Although many patients choose to participate in organized sports and extra-curricular activities, we obviously have to
give priority to academics. We will always attempt to schedule appointments that fully accommodate our patients’
personal schedules. However, we ask that requests be reasonable. We cannot complete the entirety of our procedures
in the one or two hours after school dismissal and before sports events.
We are committed to delivering the best orthodontic care possible. We would hope that you appreciate the importance
of treatment and the long term commitment which you have made, and give it an appropriately high priority in your
Emergency Policy
We reserve the right to charge for abuse or neglect of appliances which results in excessive breakage, especially when
such breakage requires repair outside of regular office hours.
We further reserve the right to charge for orthodontic emergencies which arise as a result of injury or trauma
(accidental or sports related), which demand treatment outside of regular office hours. If you or your child has an
orthodontic emergency such as a broken appliance that prevents your mouth from opening or closing, or pain from an
appliance even after applying wax or taking over the counter pain relievers, the doctor can be reached through the
after- hours service number provided on the office answering machine.
Change of Treatment Plan
If a significant change in treatment plan is required from the one originally discussed at your or your child’s treatment
conference as a result of noncompliance (lack of cooperation) on the part of the patient, we reserve the right to add the
cost of additional appliances, treatment time, or lab fees directly associated with this change to your original contract.
Please acknowledge that you have read , understand, and accept the provisions of the policy stated above by signing