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Curriculum Vitae
March 2014
1. Personal details
Date and Place of Birth:
12 September 1957, Kuala Lumpur,
Marital status:
Married (to Deborah Ann Kukathas)
with three children
Office Address:
Department of Government
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
(020) 7955 7910 (o); 07515 272 367 (m)
(020) 7955 6352
[email protected]
Present Position:
Chair of Political Theory
Department of Government
London School of Economics (since
Visiting Professor
Departments of Political Science and
Philosophy, National University of
Singapore (since 2009)
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2. Academic Qualifications
D.Phil, Politics
Oxford University
Oxford, U.K.
Thesis: Hayek and Modern Liberalism
(vii + 306 pp.)
MA, Politics
University of New South Wales
Canberra, Australia
Thesis: The Concept of Interest in
Hume’sPolitical Theory
(iv + 433 pp.)
BA (1st class Honours), History and
Political Science
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
Thesis: Aboriginal Identity and
the Origins and Growth of the
Protest Movement of the 1960s
(vi + 80 pp.)
3. Academic Appointments
2009- present
Visiting Professor
Departments of Philosophy and Political
National University of Singapore
Neal A. Maxwell Professor of Political
Theory, Public Policy and Public Service
Department of Political Science
University of Utah
Associate Professor, Politics
Department of Politics
University College,
University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy
Senior Lecturer in Politics
Department of Politics
University College,
University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy
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Lecturer in Politics
Department of Politics
University College
University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy
Lecturer in Social and Political Theory
Departments of Philosophy and
Political Science
Australian National University
R. C. Hoiles Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute for Humane Studies
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Lecturer in Philosophy
Lincoln College
Oxford University
Oxford, UK
Teaching Fellow
Department of Government
Royal Military College
Faculty of Military Studies
University of New South Wales
Research Assistant
Studies, Canberra
3. Honours
2005 CSBS Superior Research Award, University of Utah
2003 Centenary Medal for services to Australian society through the study of
social and political theory
1999 Australasian Association of Philosophy Media Prize (for my public
lecture ‘Tolerating the Intolerable’)
1998 Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Young Scholar of the Year
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1991 Crisp Medal for Political Science (sponsored by the Australian Political
Studies Association and Commonwealth Bank), awarded for my book
Hayek and Modern Liberalism
4. Scholarships and Fellowships
2008 (August – September)
NUSS Distinguished Visiting Professor
National University of Singapore
2003 (January and April)
Visiting Professor, Philosophy
Tulane University
2000 (January - June)
Visiting Fellow, Social and Political
Theory Program, Research School of
Social Sciences, Australian National
1995 (January – December)
Visiting Scholar, Liberty Fund
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
1991 (January - May)
Visiting Research Fellowship,
Social Philosophy and Policy Center,
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio
F. Leroy Hill Research Fellowship
Institute for Humane Studies
George Mason University
Claude R. Lambe Scholarship
Australian Commonwealth Scholarship
tenable at Oxford University
5. Publications
i. Books (authored or co-authored)
Hayek and Modern Liberalism, Oxford University Press, 1989, xi + 247pp
• reprinted in paperback 1990
Rawls: A Theory of Justice and Its Critics (co-authored with Philip Pettit),
Polity Press and Stanford University Press, 1990, xi + 169pp
• reprinted 1992, 1994, 1995
• Swedish translation 1993
• Portuguese translation 1995
• Japanese translation 1996
• Chinsese translation 1999
• Spanish translation (forthcoming)
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Rawls: A Critical Analysis (with Philip Pettit) A revised and expanded edition
by Kukathas of our earlier book, Rawls: A Theory of Justice and Its Critics -- in
The Theory of Politics. An Australian Perspective (co-authored with David W.
Lovell and William Maley), Longman/Cheshire, 1990, vii + 210pp
The Australian Political System (co-authored with David Lovell, William Maley
and Ian McAllister), Longman/Cheshire, 1995, xviii + 722pp
• 2nd edition (revised) 1998
The Liberal Archipelago: A Theory of Diversity and Freedom, Oxford
University Press, 2003; paperback 2007
• Italian translation 2011
• Russian translation 2011
ii. Books (edited or co-edited)
The Transition from Socialism. State and Civil Society in Gobarchev’s USSR
(co-edited with David W. Lovell and William Maley), Longman/Cheshire, 1991,
vii + 227pp
Multicultural Citizens: The Philosophy and Politics of Identity (edited), CIS,
Sydney, 1993, vii + 200pp
Indigenous Rights. A special issue of the Australasian Journal of Philosophy,
co-edited with Ross Poole, August 2001.
Rawls: Critical Assessments (edited), 4 volumes, Routledge, 2003
Handbook of Political Theory (co-edited with Gerald A. Gaus) Sage, 2004
Pierre Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary on the Words of Jesus Christ:
Compel Them to Come In, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund (co-edited with an
introduction with John Kilcullen, 2005)
The Cambridge Companion to Liberalism (co-edited with Steven Wall),
Cambridge University Press, 2015 (forthcoming)
ii. Articles or chapters in books
40. ‘Let’s Get Radical’, in Justice, Democracy, and the Right to Justification:
Rainer Forst in Dialogue: Bloomsbury Press, (forthcoming)
39. ‘Justicitis’, in Manuel Knoll (ed.), Pluralism and Conflict: Distribitive
Justice Beyond Rawls and Consensus, De Gruyter 2015 (forthcoming)
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38. ‘Liberty and Diversity’, In David Schmidtz (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of
Freedom, Oxford University Press, 2015 (forthcoming)
37. ‘Hayek and the State’, in David Dyzenhaus and Thomas Poole (eds.),
Reason of State, Cambridge University Press, 2014/15 (forthcoming)
36. ‘The Labour Theory of Justice: A Critique of G.A.Cohen’, in Alexander
Kaufmann (ed.), Essays in Honour of G.A. Cohen, Cambridge University
Press 2014 (forthcoming)
35. ‘Are Refugees Special?’, in Lea Ypi and Sarah Fine (eds.), Immigration:
The Remaining Challenges, Cambridge University Press 2014
34. ‘Multiculturalism’, in Fred D’Agostino and Gerald F. Gaus (eds.), The
Routledge Encyclopedia of Political Philosophy, Routledge, 2013
33. ‘Friedrich Hayek and Liberalism’, in David Edmonds and Nigel
Warburton (eds.), Philosophy Bites Back, Oxford University Press 2012
32. ‘Exit, Freedom, and Gender’, in Dagmar Borchers and Annamari
Vitikainen (eds.): On Exit: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the right of
exit in liberal multicultural societies, Berlin and New York: De Gruyter,
31. ‘E Pluribus Plurum, or, How to Fail to Back into a State in spite of Really
Trying’, in John Meadowcroft and Ralph Bader (eds.), The Cambridge
Companion to Anarchy, State and Utopia, Cambridge University Press
30. ‘Understanding Hayek’, in The Multi-layered Hayek, ed. Oliver Hartwich,
Sydney, Centre for Independent Studies, 2010
29. ‘Expatriatism: the theory and practice of open borders’, in Rogers Smith
(ed.), Citizenship, Borders and Human Needs New York: Pennsylvania
State University Press, 2010.
28. ‘Dilemma of a Dutiful Daughter: Liberty and Friendship in the thought of
Kartini’, in Robert Reich and Debra Satz (eds.), Essays in Honor of
Susan Okin, 2009
27. ‘Anarcho-multiculturalism: the pure theory of liberalism’, in Geoffrey
Brahm Levey, Australian Multiculturalism, New York: Berghahn Books
26. ‘Rights of Culture, Rights of Conscience’, in Gert Verschraegen (ed.),
Global Justice and International Politics, 2006/07
25. ‘Hayek and Liberalism’, in Edward Feser (ed.), The Cambridge
Companion to Hayek, Cambridge University Press 2006
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24. ‘Pluralism within the Limits of Reason: From David Hume to Isaiah
Berlin’, in J.Espada, M.Platter and A. Wolfson (eds.), Remembering Sir
Isaiah Berlin, Lexington Books, 2010
23. ‘Moral Universalism and Cultural Difference’, Oxford Handbook of
Political Theory, Oxford University Press, 2006 .
22. ‘Immigration’, in Christopher Wellman and Andrew Cohen (eds.),
Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics, Blackwells, 2004
21. ‘Nationalism and Multiculturalism’, in C.Kukathas and G.F.Gaus (eds.),
The Sage Handbook of Political Theory, Sage, 2004
20. ‘Political Theory in Australia’, in Steve Dowrick, Riaz Hassan and Ian
McAllister (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of the Social Sciences in
Australia, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp.223-33
19. ‘The Life of Brian, or Now for Something Completely Difference-Blind’, in
David Held and Paul Kelly (eds.), Multiculturalism and Equality: Essays
on Brian Barry’s “Culture and Equality”, Oxford: Polity Press, 2002
18. ‘The Nation-State: A Modest Attack’, in Daniel A. Bell and Avner deShalit (eds.), Forms of Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002
17. ‘Immigration’, in Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of
Practical Ethics, New York, Oxford University Press, 2002
16. ‘Classical liberalism and ethical pluralism’, in Richard Madsen and Tracy
B. Strong (eds.), Attitudes Toward Ethical Pluralism, Princeton University
Press, 2002
15. ‘The Unusual Suspect: Reflections on the Attach on America’, in Imre
Salusinszky and Gregory Melleuish (eds.), Blaming Ourselves:
September 11 and the Agony of the Left, Sydney: Duffy and Snellgrove,
2002, pp.75-82.
14. ‘Two concepts of liberalism’, in J.Espada, M.Platter and A. Wolfson
(eds.), Liberalism classical and modern: new perspectives, Lexington
Books, 2001, pp.86-97.
13. ‘Liberalism: The International Context’, in John Nethercote (ed.),
Liberalism and the Australian Federation, Annandale: The Federation
Press, 2001, pp.13-27.
12. ‘Hayek’s critique of democracy’, in April Carter and Geoffrey Stokes
(eds.), Liberal Democracy and Its Critics, Polity Press, 1998, pp.21-38.
11. ‘Cultural Rights in Australia’, in Ian McAllister et al (eds.), New
Developments in Australian Politics, Macmillan 1997, pp.167-179
10. ‘Liberalism, Multiculturalism and Oppression’, in Andrew Vincent (ed.),
Political Theory: Tradition and Diversity, Cambridge University Press
1997, pp.132-153
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09. ‘Cultural toleration’, in Will Kymlicka and Ian Shapiro (eds), Ethnicity and
Group Rights , NOMOS 39, New York, New York University Press,
1997, pp.60-104
08. ‘Explaining Moral Variety’, in Ellen Paul, Fred Miller and Jeffrey Paul
(eds.), Cultural Pluralism and Moral Knowledge, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1994 (reprinted from Social Philosophy and Policy
07. ‘Thoughts on Conservative Discontent’, in C. James, C. Jones and A.
Norton (eds.), A Defence of Economic Rationalism, Sydney, Allen and
Unwin, pp.143-150
06. ‘Liberty’, in R.E. Goodin and P. Pettit (eds.), Companion to
Contemporary Political Philosophy, Blackwells, Oxford, 1993, pp.534547
05. ‘Multiculturalism and the idea of an Australian identity’, in Kukathas (ed.),
Multicultural Citizens: The Philosophy and Politics of Identity , CIS,
Sydney, 1993, pp.143-58
04. ‘The idea of a multicultural society’, in Kukathas (ed.), Multicultural
Citizens: The Philosophy and Politics of Identity , CIS, Sydney, 1993,
03. ‘Freedom versus autonomy’, in John Gray et al, The Moral Foundations
of Market, Institutions London, 1992, pp.101-114
02. ‘The significance of civil society’ (co-authored with David Lovell), in The
Transition from Socialism. State and Civil Society in Gorbachev’s
USSR,, Longman/Cheshire 1991 (co-edited with David W. Lovell and
William Maley), pp.18-40
01. ‘Political ideas and political interests’, in A. Seldon (ed.), The New Right
Enlightenment, London, 1985, pp.57-70
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iii. Articles in professional journals
‘Immigration and Freedom’, Global Policy, October 2013 (online)
‘In Praise of the Strange Virtue of People-Smuggling’, May 2013
(online republication)
‘Why Open Borders’, Ethical Perspectives 19(4), 2012.
‘Li Xiabo and the Meaning of Dissent’, in Contemporary Political Theory
‘On Sen on Comparative Justice’, in Critical Review of Social and
Political Philosophy 2012
‘Das Rousseau Probleme: Nicholas Phillipson’s Adam Smith’, Adam
Smith Review 2013
‘One Cheer for Constantinople: a comment on Pettit and Skinner on
Hobbes on Freedom’, Hobbes Studies 22(2), 2009, pp. 192-198
‘Cultural Privacy’, The Monist, 2008,
‘Who? Whom? Reparations and the Problem of Agency’, Journal of
Social Philosophy 37, 3, (2006) 330-41
‘The Mirage of Global Justice’, Social Philosophy and Policy, 23(1),
2006, 1-25.
John Rawls: Facing his Critics’, The Philosophers’ Magazine, 2004.
‘Contextualism reconsidered: some skeptical reflections’, Ethical Theory
and Practice, 7(2), 2004, 215-225
‘Islam, Democracy, and Civil Society’, Journal des Economistes et des
Etudes Humaines, 13 (2/3), 2003, 325-340
‘Responsibility for past injustice’, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, 2
(2), 2003
‘The Cultural Contradictions of Socialism’, Social Philosophy and Policy,
20 (1), 2003, pp.165-190
‘Equality and Diversity’, Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 1 (2), 2002,
‘Education and Citizenship in Diverse Societies’, International Journal of
Education Research, 35, 2001, 319-330
‘Can a Liberal Society Tolerate Illiberal Elements?’, Policy, vol.17, no.2,
2001, pp.39-44.
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‘Is Feminism Bad for Multiculturalism?’, Public Affairs Quarterly,15 (2),
April 2001, pp.83-98.
‘Seeing like a Hayekian’, Policy vol. 15 no. 4, 2000, pp.32-34.
‘The Asian Way and Modern Liberalism: A Hayekian Perspective’, Policy
vol.15 no.2, Winter 1999, pp.3-9
‘Tolerating the Intolerable’, Papers on Parliament, March 1999 33: The
Senate and Good Government, 1999, pp.67-82
20. ‘O arquipelago liberal: contronos de um conceito de liberalismo’, Analise
Social, XXXIII (2-3), 1998, pp.359-78
19. ‘The Last Refuge: Hard and Soft Hansonism in contemporary Australian
politics’, Issue Analysis, no 4, 21 September 1998, pp.1-12 (co-authored
with William Maley
18. ‘Liberalism and Multiculturalism: The Politics of Indifference’, Political
Theory 26 (5), 1998, pp.686-699.
‘Fear of Freedom: Political correctness, freedom of speech, and alien
invasions’, Policy, vol.13 no. 1, Summer 1997, pp.8-14.
‘Multiculturalism as Fairness’, Journal of Political Philosophy 5 (4) 1997
‘Pluralism, Multiculturalism and Group Rights’, The Good Society 6(2)
1996, pp.1-7.
‘Against the Communitarian Republic’, Australian Quarterly 68 (1) 1996,
‘Liberalism, Communitarianism and Political Community’,
Philosophy and Policy, vol 13, no.1, 1996, pp.80-105
‘Defending Negative Liberty’, Policy, vol. 10, no.2, 1994, pp.22-26.
‘Explaining moral variety’, Social Philosophy and Policy, vol. 11 no.1,
1994, pp.1-21
‘Hayek on Liberalism, Nationalism, and Federalism’, Estudios Publicos,
50, Autumn 1993, 109-130
‘Cultural rights again: a rejoinder to Kymlicka’, Political Theory, 20, 1992,
‘Are there any cultural rights?’, Political Theory, 20, 1992, pp.105-39
‘Whether the Australian government inclines more to monarchy, or to a
republic’, Legislative Studies, 7, 1992, pp.43-45
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‘Welfare, contract, and the language of charity’, The Philosophical
Quarterly, 39, 1989, pp.75-80
‘The reviewing of the American mind: Allan Bloom and his critics’,
Political Theory Newsletter, 1, 1, 1989, pp.49-53
‘Hayek and the problem of living in two worlds’, Humane Studies
Review, Winter 1988-89, pp.2-3
‘Conservatism, liberalism and ideology’, Critical Review, Summer 1987,
‘Liberalism and its critics’, Humane Studies Review, Winter 1986-87,
‘Does capitalism infringe property rights: a reply to Morriss’, Political
Studies, 32, 1984, pp.615-617
iv. Articles in non-professional journals
‘Lamenting the Human Predicament’, The American Conservative, May
‘Two Constructions of Libertarianism, Libertarian Papers, Vol.1, 2009, 113.
‘In Praise of People-Smuggling’, Quadrant, September 2003,
‘Passing the Unexamined Life’, Quadrant, July/August, 2001, pp.22-24
‘The Capitalist Road: The Riddle of the Market from Karl Marx to Ben
Okri’, Quadrant, April 1998
‘Cultural Variety and Moral Knowledge’, Art Monthly, December 1996,
‘What’s the Big Idea?’, Reason, 28 (6) November 1996, pp.66-70.
‘The Political Thought of John Gray’, Quadrant, July/August 1994, pp.2731
‘There’s more to life than economic rationalism’, Quadrant, September
1993, pp.40-43
‘Thoughts on the causes of the present discontents: a liberal salve for
the conservative conscience’, Quadrant, April 1992, pp.8-19
‘The Road to Serfdom forty years later: an appeal from the old to the
new Hayek’, Quadrant, August 1988, pp.4-10
‘Liberalism abroad: the programme’s progress’, Centre for Independent
Studies Policy Forum, August 1987, pp.1-6
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v. Articles published as single monographs
Reconciling Modernity and Tradition, Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies,
The Fraternal Conceit: Individualist versus Collectivist Ideas of Community,
CIS Occasional Papers, Sydney, 1991, x + 25pp
Democracy, Parliament and Responsible Government, Papers on Parliament,
No. 8, June 1990, v + 24pp
vi. Encyclopaedia or Dictionary Entries
‘Libertarianism’, International Encyclopaedia
Behavioural Sciences, Elsevier, 2002
06. ‘Ayn Rand’, Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, London, Routledge
05. ‘F.A. Hayek’, Routledge
Routledge 1998
04. ‘John Rawls’s moral philosophy’, Dictionnaire de philosophie morale,
Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1997
03. ‘F.A. Hayek’, in Thomas Mautner (ed.), Macmillan Dictionary of
Philosophy, 1996
02. ‘John Rawls’, in Thomas Mautner (ed.), Macmillan Dictionary of
Philosophy, 1996
01. ‘Friedrich A. Hayek’, Encyclopaedia Brittanica (Japanese language
edition), 1992
vii. Journalism, Forewords etc.
‘The world still has a story to tell’ (on the Fukuyama thesis), The Australian,
22 November 1989
‘Foreword’ to K. Minogue, The Egalitarian Conceit, Sydney, 1990
‘Preface’ to Frank Meyer, Freedom, Conservatism, Tradition, CIS Occasional
Papers, Sydney, 1992
‘Preface’ to F.A. Hayek, Why I am not a conservative, CIS Occasional Papers,
Sydney, 1992
‘Communism’s fall a fitting memorial’, The Australian 25 March 1992
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‘F.A. Hayek 8 May 1899-23 March 1992: An Appreciation’, Policy, Autumn
‘Land of the free and fearful’, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 December 1996
viii. Book reviews
Review of Nick Bosanquet, After the New Right, in Economic Affairs,
December 1983
Review of Harry Beran, The Consent Theory of Political Obligation, in Politics,
‘Sympathy and Hostility: Books on the New Right’, Centre for Independent
Studies Policy Report, June/July 1988
‘Choosing the Good Life’: a review of Alan Brown, Modern Political
Philosophy. Theories of the Just Society, in Policy, Autumn 1989
Review of Michael Jackson, Matters of Justice, in Political Theory Newsletter,
1, 1, 1989
Review of John Gray, Limited Government. A Positive Agenda, in Political
Theory Newsletter, 1, 2, 1989
Review of Robert Frank, Choosing the Right Pond. Human Behaviour and the
Quest for Status, in Policy, 1990
Review of Thomas Sowell, Preferential Policies, in Reason Magazine, 1990
Review of Philip Pettit and Alan Hamlin (eds.), The Good Polity, in
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, March 1991
Review of Will Kymlicka, Liberalism Community and Culture in Policy,
Summer 1991
Review of David Miller et al, The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political
Thought, in Political Theory Newsletter, 3:2, 1991
Review of Stephen Macedo, Liberal Virtues, in Political Theory Newsletter,
3:2, 1991
Review of Michael Oakeshott, Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays, (new
Liberty Press edition), and Paul Franco, The Political Philosophy of
Michael Oakeshott, in Political Theory 1992
Review of Derek Phillips, Looking Backward: A Critical Appraisal of
Communitarian Thought,in Ethics 1994
Review, of Greg Melleuish, Cultural Liberalism in Australia, Canberra Bulletin
of Public Administration,No.82, pp.132-34.
Review of Jeremy Shearmur, Hayek and After, in Policy, 1997
Review of John Dunn, The History of Political Theory and Other Essays, in
Ethics 108(2), 1998, pp.431-3
Review of Terry Nardin, The Political Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, in
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2002
Review of Margaret Moore, The Ethics of Nationalism, in American Political
Science Review, 2003
Review of Jacob Levy, The Multiculturalism of Fear, in Ethics, 2003
Review of Larry May, Genocide: A Normative Account, in Notre Dame
Philosophical Reviews, 2011
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ix. Government Reports
Australian multiculturalism for a new century: Towards inclusiveness (A report
by the National Multicultural Advisory Council), Canberra, April 1999
x. Podcasts
Hayek and Liberalism, Philosophy Bites
Genocide Philosophy Bites
Multiculturalism Philosophy Bites
Bayle and Toleration without Limits Philosophy Bites (to be recorded June
6. Papers presented
‘Toleration without Limits’
• Conference on Difference and Tolerance, Kings College London March
‘Comment on Bernard Yack, Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of
• Symposium on Bernard Yack, Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of
Identity’, November 2013
‘The State and Its Interests’
• Political Science, National University of Singapore, September 2013
• Conference on Global Justice, University of Ghana, September 2013
‘Hayek and the State’
• Conference on Reason of State, LSE July 2013
‘Hume and International Relations’
• Workshop on David Armitage’s Foundations of Modern International
Thought, National University of Singapore, September 2013
‘Libertarianism: A Sceptical Critique and a Marxist Reconstruction’
• Oxford Libertarian Society March 2013
• Conference on ‘Democracy, Identity and European Integration’, Belgrade,
March 2013
‘Culture, Conquest, and Colonialism: from Vitoria and Las Casas to Gandhi
and Fanon’
• Conference on Global Africa, LSE July 2012
‘Hume’s Philosophical Anarchism’
• National University of Singapore, April 2012
• LSE, May 2011 (under the title ‘David Hume and the State)
‘Liberty and Diversity’
• University of Mainz, February 2012
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• Mont Pelerin Society, Istanbul October 2011
‘A Vindication of the Claims of Diversity? Feminist Ethics in a multicultural
• Workshop on Reconciling Multiculturalism and Feminism, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, December 2011
‘Are Refugees Special?’
• Cambridge University, October 2011 (Conference on Immigration: The
Remaining Challenges)
• Conference on Justice vs Peace, Hamburg, July 2011
‘On Sen on Comparative Justice’
• UC San Diego, March 2011 (Conference on Sen’s The Idea of Justice)
• LSE, July 2011 (Conference on Democracy and Global Justice)
‘The Labour Theory of Justice: A Critique of G.A.Cohen’
• Madrid, March 2009
• Law, LSE, November 2009
• Libertarian Society, Oxford, February 2010
• Department of Philosophy, National University of Singapore, September
• MANCEPT conference, Manchester June 2010
‘Do Children Have Interests?
• Monash University, September 2008
• Department of Philosophy, National University of Singapore September
‘The Theory and Practice of Open Borders’
• Government, LSE, October 2009
• Political Science, National University of Singapore, September 2009
• Universitat Pompeu Fabra, November 2008
• University of Pennsylvania, Conference on Citizenship, Borders and
Human Needs, May 2008
‘The Conscience of a Libertarian’
• American Political Science Association Convention, Toronto August –
September 2009
‘Adam Smith and Public Reason’
• Conference on Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, Berlin October 2009
‘Genocide and Group Rights’
• Philosophy, University of Stirling, October 2012
• LUISS, Rome November 2011
• Cardiff University, April 2008
• Law, LSE, November 2007
• Madrid, May 2008
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• Political Science, Brown University November 2006
‘Contract and Atonement’
• Cardiff University October 2007
‘Immigration and the Open Society’
• University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2006
• University of Toronto, April 2006
‘A Liberal Critique of Liberal Imperialism’, presented at:
• American Political Science Association Convention, Washington Sept
‘Dilemma of a Dutiful Daughter: Love and Freedom in the Thought of Kartini’,
presented at:
• Stanford University, February 2005
• Australian National University August 2005
‘Tolerating the Intolerant’, presented at:
• University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, March 2005
‘Open Range: Immigration and Freedom’, presented at:
• Hinckley Institute, University of Utah, September 2003
• Asia Pacific College of Diplomacy, Australian National University, October
‘Comment on Brian Barry’s Culture and Equality’, presented at:
• Author meets critics panel at the Central Division of the American
Association of Philosophy’, April 2003
‘Exit and Gender’, presented at:
• Center for Human Values, Princeton University, October 2005
• Department of Political Science, University of Nebraska, April 2003
• Department of Philosophy, University of Utah, April 2003
• Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, April 2003
• Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona, September 2003
‘Justice, Toleration, and Perpetual Peace’, presented at:
• American Political Science Association Convention, Boston, August 2002
• School of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian
National University, October 2003
• Department of Political Science, Brigham Young University, October 2003
‘Theoretical Foundations of Multiculturalism’, presented at :
• Conference on Harmony and Reconciliation’, Australian National
University’, June 2002
• Murphy Institute of Political Economy, Tulane University (under the title:
‘Anarcho-multiculturalism: the pure theory of liberalism’), January 2003
‘Rights of Culture, Rights of Conscience’, presented at:
• Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, May 2001
• Department of Philosophy, Delhi University, India, January 2002
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• Faculty of Law, University of Utah, January 2004
‘The Reasonableness of Classical Liberalism’, presented at:
• Conference on Left and Right in Politics, Sintra, Portugal, October 2000
‘Pluralism within the limits of reason: from David Hume to Isaiah Berlin’,
presented at:
• Conference on Isaiah Berlin and Pluralism, Arrabida, Portugal, October
• Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National
University, March 2000
‘The Asian Way and Modern Liberalism: A Hayekian Perspective’, presented
• Mont Pelerin SocietyConference: Liberty, Culture, and Institutions: Paths
to Economic Progress in Asia, Bali, Indonesia, 8-11 July, 1999
‘The Nature of Culture’, presented at:
• Mont Pelerin SocietyConference: Liberty, Culture, and Institutions: Paths
to Economic Progress in Asia, Bali, Indonesia, 8-11 July, 1999
‘Classical Liberalism and Ethical Pluralism’, presented at:
• Conference on ‘Attitudes to Ethical Pluralism’, sponsored by the Ethikon
Institute, La Jolla, California, June 1999
‘The Politics of Responsibility’, presented at:
• Conference on ‘Responsibility’, Geoffrey Brennan convener, Sydney,
February 1999
• Department of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences,
Australian National University, April 1999
‘Two concepts of liberalism’, presented at:
• Conference on Liberalism Old and New, Arrabida, Portugal, October 1998
‘Islam, Democracy, and Civil Society’, presented at:
• Association for Liberal Thinking, international symposium on Islam, Civil
Society and the Market, Istanbul, 18 May 1998
‘On Diversity’, presented at:
•Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, January 1998
‘The Liberal Archipelago’, presented at:
• Center for Human Values’, Princeton University, April 1997
• Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology’, May 1997
•Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Sept. 1997
• Summer University, Arrabida, Portugal, October 1997
• Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, January 1998
• Political Theory Workshop, Nuffield College, Oxford, 12 May 1998
‘Capitalism and Literary Criticism: From Marx to Hayek’
• Austrian Scholars Conference, Auburn, Alabama, April 1997
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‘Refugees and Freedom’, presented at:
• Dept of Politics, Australian Defence Force Academy, October 1996
‘Liberalism and Oppression’, presented at:
• Dept of Politics, Flinders University, Adelaide, August 1996
‘A Discourse on the Origin of Diversity’, presented at:
• American Political Science Association Convention, San Francisco,
August 1996
‘Human Nature, Human Interests and the Possibility of a Universal Morality’,
presented at:
•English and Political Science, Duke University, November 1995
‘Liberalism and Multiculturalism: the Politics of Indifference’, presented at:
• Conference on Liberalism and Citizenship, Arrabida, Portugal, Oct 1995
• Oxford Hayek Society, Jesus College, Oxford, October 1995
‘Freedom of Association and Liberty of Conscience’, presented at:
• American Political Science Association Convention, Chicago 1995
• Political Theory Workshop, Nuffield College, October 1995
• Dept of Economics, Ball State University, November 1995
• Philosophy Society, Australian National University, November 1996
• Dept of Philosophy, University of Wollongong, September 1997
‘Cultural Toleration’, presented at:
•American Association for Legal and Political Philosophy, New Orleans,
January 1995
• Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Bowling Green State University,
February 1995
•Department of Economics, New York University, April 1995
• Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University, July 1995
‘Liberalism and Liberty’, presented at:
•HRC Conference on Ideas of Liberty, ANU June 1994
‘The Forms and Limits of Cultural Toleration’, presented at:
• Institute for Humane Studies, July 1993
• FREE conference on Ethics, Economics and the Environment, Elk Creek
Ranch, Idaho, August 1993
‘Hayek and Modern Liberalism’, presented at:
• The Legacy of FA Hayek Conference, Chicago, November 1993
‘Hayek on liberalism, nationalism and federalism’, presented at:
• Centro de Estudios Publicos, Santiago, Chile, 4 August 1992
‘Group rights, legitimacy, and national self-determination’, presented at;
• Department of Political Science, The Faculties, Australian National
University, 29 May 1992
‘The idea of a multicultural society’, presented at:
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• Centre for Independent Studies Conference on ‘The Philosophy and
Politics of Multiculturalism’, at Australian Defence Force Academy,
Canberra, 1 December 1991
‘Multiculturalism and the idea of an Australian identity’
• History of Ideas seminar on Nationalism and Identity in Australia,
Australian National University, 21 September 1991
‘Are there any cultural rights?’, presented at:
• Academy of Social Sciences Conference on Citizenship (Barry Hindess
convenor), June 1991
• Department of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, Bowling
Green Ohio, May 1991
• The Federalist Society, University of Toledo Law School chapter, March
‘The significance of civil society’ (coauthored with David Lovell) presented at:
• Department of Politics, Australian Defence Force Academy, March 1990
‘David Hume: contractarian?’, presented at:
• Department of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, Bowling
Green Ohio, March 1991
• Research School of the Social Sciences, Australian National University,
one-day seminar on ‘Contractarianism in Morals and Politics’, 1 June
‘John Rawls and the nature of political philosophy’, presented at:
• Department of Government, Harvard University, 2 February 1990.
• Department of Political Science, University of Chicago, January 1990
• Department of Political Science, University of Virginia, January 1990
• Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University, January 1990
• Center for Ethics and Public Policy, Cornell University, January 1990
• Dept of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, January 1990
‘The fraternal conceit: collectivist versus individualist ideas of community’,
presented at:
• Conference of the Mont Pelerin Society, Christchurch NZ November 1989
‘The limits of government’, presented at:
• Department of Politics, Australian Defence Force Academy, Sept. 1989
‘Democracy’, presented at:
• Department of Politics, Australian Defence Force Academy, July 1989
‘The uses of political theory: the case of John Rawls’
• Department of Political Science, Australian National University, June 1988
‘Individualism and social theory in the thought of F.A.Hayek I’, presented at:
• History of Ideas Unit, Australian National University, July 1987
‘Individualism and social theory in the thought of F.A.Hayek II’, presented at:
• History of Ideas Unit, Australian National University, August 1987
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‘The foundations of liberalism’, presented at:
• Department of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
December 1986
• American Political Science Association, Washington, August 1986;
‘Liberalism: the right and the good’, presented at:
• Department of Government, Harvard University December 1986
• Balliol College, Oxford, October 1985.
‘David Hume as a liberal thinker’, presented at:
• Balliol College, Oxford, October 1984
• Adam Smith Club, London, 1984
‘Against social democracy: the tyranny of big decisions’
• Nuffield College seminar on Social Democracy (David Miller and
Raymond Plant convenors) Oxford, February 1984
‘Is the state necessary? Some problems for individualist anarchists’
• Linacre Philosophy Society, February 1986.
7. Keynote lectures
‘Toleration Without Limits’
• Centre for Political Philosophy, University of Leiden, Annual Lecture
November 2013
‘Why Multiculturalism Refuses to Go Away’
• Chevening Lecture, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, October 2013
‘Immigration and Freedom’
• Keynote Address to the National Union of Students Annual Convention,
Warwick, May 2013
• Opening address to a conference The Shape of Diversity to Come,
Rotterdam January 2013
‘The Liberal Archipelago’
• Opening address to a conference on The Liberal Archipelago, University
of Rijeka, Croatia, January 2012
‘Liberty and Diversity’
• Keynote Address, Sun Yat Sen National University, Kaoshiung, Taiwan,
November 2011
‘Multiculturalism and Democracy’
• Tampere Lecture, Tampere, Finland, September 2010
• 7th Asian Law Institute Conference Distinguished Lecture, International
Islamic University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, May 2010
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‘Does Culture Matter for Development’
• Keynote Address, School of Cultural Studies, Higher School of
Economics, Moscow, April 2010
‘Can Local Culture Survive Globalization’
• NUSS Distinguished Lecture, National University of Singapore,
September 11, 2008
‘Genocide and Group Rights’
• Keynote address Ethics in Africa, a conference held in Cape Town, South
Africa, May 2006
• also presented at Princeton University, 25 April 2006
• Keynote address to Tennessee Philosophical Association Annual
Convention, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN Nov 2004
‘Hume’s Political Thought’
• Utah Valley State College, February 2004
‘Two constructions of libertarianism’
• Hayek Memorial Lecture, written for Austrian Scholars Conference,
Auburn University, 31 March 2001 (presented in absentia due to illness)
‘Is feminism bad for multiculturalism?’
• Distinguished Guest lecture, State University of New York at Albany, 17
November 2000
‘Tolerating the Intolerable’,
• Lecture presented to the Australian Senate Occasional Lecture Series, 24
July 1998
‘The Politics of Cultural Diversity’,
• A series of 6 lectures presented at the Universidade Catolica, Lisbon,
Portugal, 3-11 October 1997
‘Fear of Freedom: political correctness, freedom of speech and alien
• Bert Kelly Lecture for the Centre for Independent Studies, Melbourne, 5
December 1996
‘Morality and Cultural Diversity’
•Department of English, Duke University, November 1995
‘There’s more to life than economic rationalism’,
• Bert Kelly Lecture for the Centre for Independent Studies, Melbourne, 17
March 1993
‘Democracy, parliament and responsible government’
• Department of the Senate, Parliament House, Canberra May 1990
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8. i Conference director
Director (with Thomas Poole), conference on ‘Adam Smith and the Law’, LSE
May 2012
Organizer, Symposium on Gerald Gaus’s Order of Public Reason, LSE
October 2011
Director (with Thomas Poole), conference on ‘David Hume and the Law’, LSE
May 2011
Director (with Thomas Poole), conference on ‘Hobbes and the Law’, LSE May
Director, Inaugural Memorial Brian Barry Memorial Lecture, and one-day
conference, ‘Why Social Justice Matters’, on the work of Brian Barry, 7-8
May 2010
Director, conference on ‘The Priority of Liberty in John Rawls’s Political
Theory’, Salt Lake City 12-15 February 2004
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty and
Totalitarianism in the thought of F.A.Hayek and Karl Popper’,
Christchurch, November 2002
Director, conference on ‘Freedom and Development’, Goa, January 2002
Director, conference on ‘Liberty and the American West in the Films of John
Ford’, Canberra, November 2001
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty and Identity’,
Canberra, October 2000
Director, conference on ‘Liberty, Nature and Custom in the thought of
Montesquieu and Rousseau’, Adelaide, November 1999
Director, conference on ‘Liberty and the American West in the Films of John
Ford’, Phoenix, Arizona, August 1998
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘St Augustine and
Thomas More’, Adelaide, October 1998
Co-director, conference on ‘Liberty in the Thought of James Buchanan and
Jean Hampton’, Sydney, January 1998
Director, conference on ‘Liberty and Toleration in the thought of John Locke
and Pierre Bayle’, Seattle, January 1998
Co-director (with Martin Krygier), conference on ‘Liberty and the Moral Life in
the thought of Max Weber’, Sydney, November 1997
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Co-director (with Martin Krygier), conference on ‘Liberty, Property and Justice
in the Political Writings of David Hume’, Sydney, November 1997
Co-director (with Douglas Den Uyl), conference on ‘Liberty and the American
West in the Films of John Ford’, Sedona, Arizona, May 1997
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty and Toleration in
the thought of John Locke and Pierre Bayle’, Canberra, November 1996
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty and the Invisible
Hand’, Adelaide, November 1996
Director, conference on ‘The Civilization of Liberty in the Thought of
F.A.Hayek’, Toronto, May 1996
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty, Democracy and
the Media’, Canberra, February 1996
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty, Power and
Responsibility in Four Shakespeare Plays’, Adelaide, February 1996
Director, student conference on ‘Liberty and Toleration’, Newport, Rhode
Island, October 1995
Director, student conference on ‘Liberty and Social Order, Menlo Park,
California, October 1994
Co-director (with William Maley), one day seminar on ‘Refugees and
Government Policy’, Australian Defence Force Academy, 21 June 1994
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty
Responsibility in four Shakespeare plays’, Adelaide, May 1994
Director, conference on ‘Oakeshott’s Rationalism in Politics’, Adelaide, June
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan) and participant, conference on ‘Liberty
and the University’, Canberra, April 1992
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Hayek’s The Fatal
Conceit’, Canberra, April 1990
Co-director (with Geoffrey Brennan), conference on ‘Liberty, Individuality and
Civil Life’, Canberra, April 1990
9. Teaching
i. Recent teaching (LSE)
Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Citizenship (MSc)
The Liberal Idea of Freedom (MSc)
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Advanced Study of Key Political Thinkers (MSc)
Twentieth Century European Liberalism (MSc)
Key Themes in the History of Political Thought (Undergraduate)
Athens to Al-Qaeda: Political Theory and International Politics (Summer
PhD Supervision:
Esha Senchaudhuri, Critique of Pure Public Reason 2012
Baldwin Wong, Contractarianism’s Dilemma 2012
Rachael Tsang, Liberalism and Cultural Heritage 2012
Yehonathan Reshef, Justice, Children and Family 2013
Aslan Amani Democracy and Multiculturalism 2013
Luke Ulas, Realising Cosmopolitanism: The Role of a World State 2014
Durukan Kuzu, Shifting Paradigms: Null Remedies for National Minorities
From Civic Egalitarianism to Ethnic Multiculturalism. A Context Sensitive
Approach (submitted 2014)
Carlo Argenton Liberalism Without Liberals (3rd year continuing)
Mollie Gerver, Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Repatriation (2nd year
ii. Recent teaching (National University of Singapore)
Theories of Justice
Multiculturalism and Political Theory
Law and Morality
Politics and Freedom
iii. 2003-2007 University of Utah
Multiculturalism in Political Theory and Public Policy (Fall, 2003)
John Rawls’s Political Theory (Spring, 2004)
Contemporary Political Theory (Spring 2004, Fall 2004)
Culture and Conquest (Spring 2005, Fall 2005)
Political Thought From Machiavelli (Spring 2005)
Liberty (Fall 2005)
iv. 1988-2002 Politics, Australian Defence Force Academy
Approaches to Politics (semester)
Nationalism and Sovereignty (semester)
Understanding Revolutions (semester)
Politics IV Honours: Political Science Methodology I and II (full year)
History of Political Thought (semester)
Problems in Political Theory
Politics 1 (co-ordinator)
Politics III Honours
Sub-thesis supervision: various topics
PhD supervision: dissertations on:
‘The Politics of Secession’
Curriculum vitae
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‘Liberalism and Civil Society’
‘The Liberal Communitarian Debate’
Other supervision: Fulbright Scholar (Jacob Levy) 1993-94
v. 1987-88 Philosophy and Political Science, Australian National
Social and Political Theory I: Montesquieu to Tocqueville
Social and Political Theory II: Marx, Weber, Durkheim
Theories of Human Nature
Justice, Community and Political Theory
Theories of Justice
vi. 1985-86 Philosophy, Lincoln College, Oxford University
Introduction to Moral Philosophy (via Mill’s Utilitarianism)
Theory of Politics
Foundations of Modern Social and Political Theory
Classical Political Thought
Moral and Political Philosophy
Introduction to Democratic Theory
10. Professional Acitivities
i. Journals
Founding editor, Political Theory Newsletter
1991-2004 Founding co-editor (with Robert Goodin), Journal of Political
2004Associate editor, Journal of Political Philosophy
Editorial board, Ethics
1999-2002 Editorial board, Australian Journal of Political Science
2004Editorial board, Australian Journal of Political Science
2002 Editorial board, Philosophy, Politics and Economics
ii. Memberships of professional associations
Australasian Political Studies Association
Australian Society for Legal Philosophy
American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy
Australasian Society for the History of Ideas
American Political Science Association
iii. Refereeing: Journals
Political Theory
Australian Journal of Political Science
Political Science
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British Journal of Political Science
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Journal of Social Philosophy
Journal of Moral Philosophy
American Political Science Review
Philosophical Quarterly
Journal of Political Philosophy
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
iv. Refereeing: manuscripts
Sage Publishers
Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press
Columbia University Press
Polity Press
v. Other
Referee, Center for Ethics and Public Affairs, Tulane University (assessing
fellowship applications) 2003-04
Referee, Earhart Foundation (assessing fellowship application): 2003
Member, Advisory Board of the Center for Independent Studies, Sydney,
Australia 2003Member, Advisory Board of the Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 2009Australian Area Convenor, Conference for the Study of Political Thought
International 1990-2002
Director, Multiculturalism Research Programme, Centre for Independent
Studies 1990-94
Research Committee Member, Institute of Public Affairs 1991-2002
Research Committee Member, Australian Institute for Public Policy, 1989-91
Referee, Claude Lambe Scholarships and Fellowships Programme, Institute
for Humane Studies, George Mason University, Virginia 1989-95
Editorial Board member, Institute of Economic Affairs (London) Education and
Training Unit 1995-2001
11. Service
i. Government
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National Multicultural Advisory Council - member
(Reporting to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural
Council for Multicultural Australia – member
(Reporting to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural
ii. University
London School of Economics
Deputy Head of Department (Teaching) 2013Chair, Teaching Committee 2013Department of Government Steering and Strategy Group 2009 to present
Department of Government Teaching Committee 2009 to present
Department of Government Political Theory Convener 2007-2013
Department of Government Political Theory MSc Admissions Coordinator
LSE Promotions Committee 2011-13
Chair, Residences Users’ Group
University College London
External Examiner for the MA in Legal and Political Theory
External Examiner for the MA in Human Rights
University of Utah:
Faculty Advisor, The Hinckley Journal 2003-04
Merit Advisory Committee, Department of Political Science 2004-05
Research, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Department of Political Science
Political Theory Field Chair 2003-2007
Australian Defence Force Academy:
Committee to Examine College and Course Structure (reporting to the Rector)
Document Production Centre User Group
College Research Management Committee
Board of Studies in the Humanities and the Social Sciences
Co-ordinator, Politics 1: 1989-91; 1996-99, 2001
Co-ordinator, 4th Year Honours: 1992-94
Co-ordinator, 2nd and 3rd Year Honours: 1989-91
Convener, Departmental Seminar Series: 1989, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97
Australian National University:
Social Sciences Studies Committee
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Curriculum vitae
Chandran Kukathas
13. Referees
1. Professor Paul Kelly
Department of Government
London School of Economics
London WC2 2AE
2. Professor David Miller
Nuffield College
Oxford OX1 1NF
3. Professor Stephen Macedo
Department of Politics
Corwin Hall
Princeton University
Princeton NJ
4. Professor Geoffrey Brennan
Social and Political Theory Program
Research School of Social Sciences
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
5. Professor Moira Gatens
Department of Philosophy
University of Sydney
Sydney NSW 2000
6. Professor Philip Pettit
Department of Politics
Corwin Hall
Princeton University
Princeton NJ
7. Professor Robert E. Goodin
School of Philosophy
Research School of Social Sciences
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
8. Professor David Lovell
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Australian Defence Force Academy
Canberra ACT 2601
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