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 投稿類別:英文寫作 篇名: Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love and Sexual Desire‐Venus 作者: 黃梓晴。國立板橋高中。高二 1 班。 羅羽珊。國立板橋高中。高二 1 班。 指導老師: 賴郁倩老師 Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love And Sexual Desire‐Venus Catalogue I.
Introduction 甲、
Motivation 乙、
Intention 丙、
Method II. Thesis 甲、
The Brief Introduction of Gods and Goddesses 乙、
The Birth of Venus 丙、
The Marriage to The God of Fire‐‐Vulcan 丁、
Venus and Mars 戊、
The Leave of Mars 己、
Venus and Adonis 庚、
The Death of Adonis III. Conclusion IV. Reference 1 Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love And Sexual Desire‐Venus I.
Introduction 甲、
Motivation At the age of seventeen, what we long for is a love story of thrill. Yet the love stories we read when we were young are mostly blocked with simplified, positive plots and “happy ever after” endings in order to meet children’s needs, which were however lost the reality of love. In our memories, only mythologies stories that have miserable endings. They describe the agony and wretchedness of love thoroughly, and show the real side of love. The greatest example would be no other than Venus. 乙、
Intention In our childhood, we got particularly excited while we read Venus’s love story because it was the most thrilling and tragic one we had ever known. Both her fearlessness to love and hate and the ups and downs of her romance were eye‐catching. To our disappointment, the memories of these stories faded away with time. That inspires us to reread her stories and remind us of this goddess with unique characteristics, which also allows us to once again experience the surge of emotion that comes along with exciting plots in Venus’s love story. 丙、
Method At first, we digged out a number of books and online resources, then read them carefully and decided which were valuable for us. Subjectivity and changes were inevitable in different versions of Venus’s story since they were created and dictated by ancient people. Despite diverse versions, the differences were slight, so it was not hard for us to find out the main structure of Venus’s love story. II. Thesis 甲、
The Brief Introduction of Gods and Goddesses The ancient Romans absorbed Greek mythology and turned it into their own version after they conquered Greece. That’s the reason why most characters have both Greek and Roman names. To make our story clear, we collected the names that’ll be mentioned in our story and wrote them down in the following introduction. We will use the names everyone is familiar with in our report. 2 Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love And Sexual Desire‐Venus Gaia, the Earth Mother, also the primal Greek goddess. Romans called her Tellus, and was highly respected by both Greeks and Romans. Uranus, the Father Sky, also the primal Greek god, symbolizing hope and future, was the son and husband of Gaia. Venus was born from his genital. Romans called him Caelus. Kronos was the son of Gaia and Uranus.He overthrew his father’s cruel reign and created a golden generation, but overthrown by his son, Zeus . Venus symbolized love, beauty, and fertility. She was in charge of navigation and birth. Her Latin name generated the words “Venus”, a planet, and “Friday”. Greeks called her Aphrodite. We will focus on her romance in the report. Vulcan, the Roman god of fire, was identified with the Greek god of fire and smithery. Although he was ugly, he had a beautiful wife, Venus. The word “volcano” came from his Latin name. Mars, the Roman god of war, symbolizing power and damage, and one of Venus’s lovers as well. He was identified with the Greek god Ares. He was handsome but brutal. 乙、
The Birth of Venus There are various versions of The Birth of Venus, some of which are highly different while most are similar. The most common version is that Venus rose from foam on the surface of the sea. The story started from a fierce battle...... It was a fight led by Kronos on one side and his father, Uranus, on the other side. Under the encouragement of his mother, Gaia, the Earth Mother, Kronos cut his father’s genital by a sickle. The cut genital dropped into the sea, covered by surges, and the spot appeared foam, where Venus was born. A painting by Botticelli named The Birth of Venus depicted a pearlized shell arising from the Aegean Sea and sent to the shore. Inside stood a beatiful blond woman, her gold hair flying in the breeze, and her perfect figure and sparkling skin capturing attention, which made it impossible to look away. On her face, a slight smile bloomed and pink patches spread. The god of wind gently sent her to the shore, and the god of spring put a beautiful 3 Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love And Sexual Desire‐Venus cloth on her. Legend has it that when she came, flowers bloomed, birds sang, and even tremendous storm disappeared. If she left, flowers would no longer bloom,and birds would no longer sing. Everything would perish. Is the charming goddess a beauty or a disaster? Will her deadly beauty cause romance or BAD romance? 丙、
The Marriage to The God of Fire‐‐Vulcan As Venus arrived at the Mount Olympus, gods fell into chaos for her deadly beauty. Gods were enchanted, and goddesses were either ashamed to stand beside her or jealous. To quell the riot, Zeus, the father of gods and men, commanded Venus to marry an ugly god, Vulcan. Another version indicates that Zeus himself once persued Venus but got only rejection. Under the flare of Venus’s reply, Zeus ordered Venus to marry Vulcan as revenge. Though Venus, boasting rare fascination, could not stand the shame, she could do nothing but accept this order relunctantly because she knew Zeus held the greatest power. Despite the bound of marriage, Venus wouldn’t let her love story stop here. She herself represented love and sex desire, and she was going to put her gift to good use. She couldn’t stop her desire to pursue true love, and betrayed her husband eventually. 丁、
Venus and Mars Venus had dated with many gods, and this time she fell in love with Mars, the god of war. She was captivated by his charm of perspiring and hasting among battlegrounds, and made up her mind to show him her affection. Receiving the announcement from the ideal goddess whom every male eager to be with, Mars thought himself the luckiest god in the world. However, their relationship was not allowed due to Venus’s marital status. They dated secretly and asked the god of night to be their lookout. Unfortunately, one night the god of night overslept, so at dawn they were caught by Apollo, the god of light and the sun. Apollo informed Vulcan this horrible news immediately and Vulcan burst into fury although he knew Venus had been the victim of the marriage. With his gift, he made an elaborate wire netting with traps so that nothing could escape after captured. Then, angry Vulcan went to where his wife dated secretly to lurk until the couple’s bodies clung to each other. He spread his net rapidly and the couple was caught. The more they struggled, the tighter the net. Vulcan took them to the Mount Olympus and asked everybody to give comments and lesson Venus and Mars as well. 戊、
The Leaving of Mars 4 Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love And Sexual Desire‐Venus Mars couldn’t bear to be disgraced in front of the gods, considering it a shame to his fame. On the contrary, Venus thought it a fearless conduct to persue her true love, which she lacked and longed for. At last, Mars decided to focus on battles and forsook Venus firmly, leaving her alone with heartbroken agony. 己、
Venus and Adonis Mars’s leaving left Venus pain and confusion. She couldn’t understand why no one recognized this relationship. After she went away from the Mount Olympus, one man named Adonis captured Venus's heart. Venus continued finding ways to get Adonis’ attention, but nothing could captivate Adonis except hunting. Venus didn't give up. She held the belief that nobody could escape from her beauty. She determined to live alongside Adonis and go wherever he went. They chased midst forest and led a very happy life. One day after hunting, the sweat on Adonis’ body enchanted Venus. Her sexual desire was aroused. She tried to lure Adonis. Adonis was embarrassed to see a woman's body and refused her invitation. Therefore, Venus fainted with anger. Adonis regretted badly that he hurt Venus‘s heart and held her hands tenderly to wait until she woke up. Adonis said seriously to Venus, "Don't let temporal sexual desire tarnish the sacred love" and tempted to leave. But Venus begged him not to go, because she had a presentiment that someday a tragedy would happen to him. Maybe Adonis would lose his life. However, Adonis, a hunting addict, was unwilling to take any advice. 庚、
The Death of Adonis The next day Venus returned to the Mount Olympic to handle something; the concern haunted her mind. At the same time, Adonis was hunting a fierce boar. Although he was good at hunting, he missed the boar this time. The boar was keen and ran so fast that Adonis couldn't catch up with it, not to mention killing it. It escaped from every Adonis’s shot and suddenly ran toward him at a very high speed, slamming and killing him. Legend has it that the boar was the embodiment of Mars to take revenge on them for his envy of their love. As Venus came back to the forest, she couldn't find Adonis. When she finally found Adonis, he was saturated with biood,and his body was badly mangled. Blood leaked from Adonis’s body, sank in the soil, and turned into a kind of flower named Hyacinth that had a short life yet beautiful. When the wind breezed, it blossomed as well as withered. Venus was overwhelmed by grief. Alithough she was the god who reigned 5 Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love And Sexual Desire‐Venus others’ love, she didn’t know why her love always resulted in tragedy. Venus thought since she couldn't get the sweet love, nobody else was able to get it. Therefore, from that time, human’s love has been congested with resentment, jealousy, and agony. III. Conclusion From Venus’s story, we can find plenty of human personalities within Greek Gods. The boldness of Venus’s persuing true love, the hate and revenge Vulcan toward Venus, the jealousy of Mars to both Venus and Adonis. All of these personalities relate considerably to selfishness. While confronting a hard situation, people, even the gods in Greek mythology, tend to choose the best selection for themselves. It’s imaginable what will happen to a couple when they possess different values and views about facing a difficulty. Take Venus and Mars for example; by the time of the disclosure of their aberation, they came up with the problems of maintaining reputation or choosing true love. Mars was so selfish that he abandoned Venus to maintain his fame, but set on her when she found another guy. That’s one of the causes that Venus’s love story ended up in tragedy. By researching mythology, we may analyze human beings’ behaviors and mental conditions, especially the Ancients. Just like Venus’s love stories, reading mythology is a great adventure for us to explore. IV. Reference 1.
6 Romance!Bad Romance? The Goddess of Love And Sexual Desire‐Venus 10. 何恭上〈1998〉