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Chapter 6
Learning – 8th edition
Learning defined on page 231-232
– Classical conditioning
– Operant/Instrumental conditioning
– Observational learning
Ivan Pavlov – Classical conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
Conditioned Response (CR)
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Demonstration of Pavlov’s Dog
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Table of Contents
Classical Conditioning: More Terminology
Trial = pairing of UCS and CS
Acquisition = initial stage in learning
Stimulus contiguity = occurring together in time and space
3 types of Classical Conditioning
– Simultaneous conditioning: CS and UCS begin and end together
– Short-delayed conditioning: CS begins just before the UCS, end
– Trace conditioning: CS begins and ends before UCS is presented
Classical Conditioning in Everyday Life
Conditioned fears
Other conditioned emotional responses
Conditioning and physiological responses
Conditioning and drug effects – F 6.6
Table of Contents
Processes in Classical Conditioning
Extinction - F 6.7
Spontaneous Recovery – F 6.7
Stimulus Generalization – F6.8, F 6.9
Discrimination – F 6.9
Higher-order conditioning – F6.10
Applications of classical conditioning – Pavlov
and persuasion – p. 270-271 – F 6.31
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XX 6.7
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XXX 6.8
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XX 6.10
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Operant Conditioning or Instrumental
Edward L. Thorndike (1913) – the law of effect –
puzzle box and learning curve – F 6.11
B.F. Skinner (1953) – principle of reinforcement
– Operant chamber – “Skinner Box” – F 6.13a
– Emission of response
– Reinforcement contingencies – antecedents, behaviors, and
consequences (ABC)
– Cumulative recorder – F 6.13b
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XX 6.12
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Figure 6.13 Skinner box and cumulative recorder
Basic Processes in Operant
Shaping – p. 245 – animal examples
Stimulus Control
– Generalization
– Discrimination
Remote controlled rat – F 6.15
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XX 6.14
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Table 6.1 Comparison of Basic Processes in Classical and Operant Conditioning
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Reinforcement: Consequences that
Strengthen Responses
Delayed Reinforcement
– Longer delay, slower conditioning
Primary Reinforcers
– Satisfy biological needs
Secondary Reinforcers
– Conditioned reinforcement
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Schedules of Reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement
Intermittent (partial) reinforcement
Ratio schedules
– Fixed
– Variable
Interval schedules
– Fixed
– Variable
Schedules of reinforcement and everyday life – F
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XX 6.17
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Consequences: Reinforcement and
Increasing a response:
– Positive reinforcement = response followed by rewarding
– Negative reinforcement = response followed by removal of
an aversive stimulus
• Escape learning
• Avoidance learning
Decreasing a response:
– Punishment
– Problems with punishment – third variable problem and
correlation between punishment and aggression – F 6.21
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XX 6.18
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XX 6.19
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XX 6.20
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Changes in Our Understanding of
Biological Constraints on Conditioning
– Breland and Breland (1961) – misbehavior of organisms
– Instinctive Drift
– Conditioned Taste Aversion – Garcia & Koelling (1966) –
Figure 6.22
– Preparedness and Phobias
Cognitive Influences on Conditioning
– Signal relations
– Response-outcome relations
– Latent learning – F 6.23
Evolutionary Perspectives on learning
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XX 6.22
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Observational Learning: Basic
Albert Bandura (1977, 1986)
– Observational learning – F 6.24
– Vicarious conditioning
– Bandura, Ross, & Ross (1963) – featured study p. 261 –
262 – Figure 6.25
4 key processes
acquisition vs. performance
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xxx 6.24
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Bandura, Ross, & Ross (1963)
featured study - p. 245 – 246 –
Figure 6.25
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p. 245
Observational Learning and the
Media Violence Controversy
Studies demonstrate that exposure to TV and
movie violence increases the likelihood of
physical aggression, verbal aggression,
aggressive thoughts, and aggressive emotions
The association between media violence and
aggression is nearly as great as the correlation
between smoking and cancer – F 6.26 – third
variable problem
Table of Contents
Figure 6.27. Comparison of the relationship between media violence and aggression to other correlations.
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Modify your own behavior?
Figures 6.28 and 6.29
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