Download Mpala Live! Unit 1 Living Things Around Us Lesson 1 Animals

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Mpala Live! Unit 1 Living Things Around Us Lesson 1 Animals Around Us Vocabulary Biodiversity biological variety in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals­bin/student?book=Student&va=biodiversity Ecosystem
a system made up of an ecological community of living things interacting with their environment especially under natural conditions­bin/student?book=Student&va=ecosystem Habitat
the place or type of place where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives or grows­bin/student?book=Student&va=habitat Monoculture the cultivation or growth of a single crop or organism especially on agricultural or forest land http://www.merriam­ Organism
an individual living thing that carries on the activities of life by means of organs which have separate functions but are dependent on each other; a living person, plant, or animal­bin/student?book=Student&va=organism Species
a class of things of the same kind and with the same name ; kind, sort­bin//apps/apache/docs/­bin/student 
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