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Problems 4
1. Do you like a cool drink on a hot and humid summer day? Then you might like
to read the attached article Condensation, atmospheric motion, and a cold
beer as a summary of what you learnt about humid air.
2. The average irradiance of solar radiation reaching the earth’s orbit is Sc =1364Wm−2 .
This radiation is mainly emitted by the outer-most visible layer of the sun, the
photosphere, which has a mean radius of 7 · 108 m. Calculate the equivalent blackbody temperature of the sun. The sun is at a mean distance from the earth of
1.5 · 1011 m.
3. If the intensity of radiation incident on a surface is uniform from all directions and
denoted by I, verify that the total flux is πI.
4. Compute the daily average top of the atmosphere insolation [W m−2 ] for the following two cases:
a) the North Pole at the time of Northern hemisphere summer solstice;
b) the equator at time of equinox.
The North Pole is inclined 23° toward the sun at the time of solstice.
Compare results with Figure 4.5 of the lecture notes.
5. Write a computer-script to plot the Planck-function. Plot curves for T = 6000K
and T = 300K corresponding to approx. temperatures of the sun and the Earth.
a) Compare your figures with the figure below.
b) The dashed curve in the figure is the irradiance at the top of the atmosphere
from a 6000K blackbody at the Earth-sun distance, which approximates the solar
irradiance. Adapt your script to produce this curve.
6. Suppose that the sun were hotter (and therefore bluer) than it is, so that the wavelength of maximum emission were 0.400µm instead of 0.475µm. Find the resulting
change in the equilibrium emitting temperature of the Earth, assuming that the
albedo stays the same. Assume the sun is a pure Planck blackbody radiator.
7. A typical surface area for the human body is around 2m2 .
a) If we assume an average skin temperature of 32°C, then about how many watts
of thermal radiation are emitted by the (naked) body, assuming an emissivity of
b) If the person is surrounded by an environment emitting radiation at a temperature of 20°C, how much net heat loss occurs due to radiation alone?
c) Express the result of b) in food calories according 1kcal=4180Joules
d) The average adult needs about 2000-3000 kcal per day to cover the body’s total
expenditure of energy (metabolic needs, heat loss due to radiation, conduction and
evaporation). Discuss your result in this context.
quick study
Condensation, atmospheric
motion, and cold beer
Dale R. Durran and Dargan M. W. Frierson
The latent heat released when water
condenses is an important driver of
weather phenomena. And as a simple
experiment shows, it also makes it tough
to enjoy a frosty one in the summertime.
Dale Durran is a professor of atmospheric sciences and Dargan
Frierson is an associate professor of atmospheric sciences, both
at the University of Washington in Seattle.
eather occurs as the atmosphere transfers heat
from places that absorb lots of sunlight to
those that absorb less. One major avenue for
such transfer runs vertically and involves exchanges between air at Earth’s surface and the
air aloft. A second major avenue is horizontal; along it, heat
flows from the tropics toward the poles.
Latent heat, exchanged when water changes phase, is
important for those energy transfers. Most of us are familiar
with evaporative cooling: We cool our skin by sweating;
when our skin is wet, we feel cold standing in the wind; some
of us try to beat the heat with swamp coolers. Yet we have
little personal experience with the flip side of that energy exchange: the warming that occurs as water vapor condenses
to form liquid droplets. To improve our intuition about the
power of condensational heating, the two of us teamed up
with a pair of students to investigate the warming of cold
drinks as water condenses on the outside of an aluminum
can. Before turning to those experiments, we briefly summarize some of the important ways in which latent heating influences weather.
Latent heating in the atmosphere
Meteorologically significant heating in the atmosphere occurs at essentially constant pressure and increases the
enthalpy, which sums the energy contributions from changes
in air temperature T and the amount of water vapor but does
not include pressure–volume work. The water-vapor content
of a sample of air may be expressed as the mixing ratio q of
the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air. The enthalpy
per unit mass of moist air is well approximated as cpT + Lq,
where cp is the specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
and L is the latent heat released per unit mass when water
changes phase from a gas to a liquid.
The importance of atmospheric moisture for horizontal
heat transport is illustrated in panel a of the figure, a contour
plot of q at Earth’s surface multiplied by the factor L/cp. That
scaling expresses the water-vapor contribution to the enthalpy in kelvin and allows a direct comparison between the
thermodynamic importance of variations in temperature and
April 2013
Physics Today
water vapor. The annual mean equator-to-pole contrast in
enthalpy at the surface is about equally divided between contributions resulting from gradients in temperature and those
from moisture; each gives about a 50-K difference between
the equator and the poles. Consistent with that 50-50 split,
moist processes account for roughly half of the total heat
transport between the tropics and high latitudes.
Vertical heat transfer by latent-heat release occurs, for
example, in a thunderstorm’s updraft core. Like hot-air balloons, the updrafts are warmer than their environment and
their ascent is powered by upward buoyancy forces. Rising
blobs of air experience a drop in the surrounding atmospheric pressure and cool through adiabatic expansion. Consider a hypothetical blob of air rising from an elevation of
1 km, typical of the level at which clouds might form in air
rising over the tropical oceans, to a height in the cloud of
8 km, where most of the water vapor would have condensed
to form liquid droplets. If the air in the blob were completely
dry and did not mix with its surroundings, its temperature
would decrease by 69 K as it rose. That substantial cooling
would be largely offset in a rising blob of moist tropical air
that becomes saturated at a height of 1 km, because latent
heat would be released during the blob’s ascent as water
vapor condensed to form cloud droplets. When the moist
blob reaches the 8-km level, the latent heat released could
make it more than 30 K warmer than the dry blob would be.
Without the enormous boost from latent heating, updraft cores would not be able to stay warmer than the air they
penetrate, and thunderstorms would never grow to such
great heights. But even with that boost, thunderstorm updrafts are only slightly warmer than their environment; that
is because moist processes play a dominant role in setting the
vertical temperature gradient throughout the entire lowest
15 km of the tropical atmosphere. If the atmosphere were
completely dry, the vertical temperature differences throughout the lowest 10–15 km of the atmosphere would be much
larger than is actually observed, as would be the horizontal
temperature differences between the equator and the poles.
Condensation warms your drink
On a hot, humid day, a can of your favorite cold beverage
quickly becomes covered with condensation. Suppose your
drink comes in a 12-fluid-oz aluminum can and that over
some period of time the condensed water forms a layer averaging 0.1-mm thick. It’s easy to estimate an upper limit for
the temperature rise produced by the condensation during
that time, assuming that your drink is mostly water. The surface area of the can (not counting its bottom) is about 290 cm2,
which implies that 2.9 g of water condensed. The latent heat
of condensation for water near 0 °C is 600 cal/g. Therefore, if
all the latent heat of condensation is transferred to the 350 g
of water inside a 12-oz can, the average water temperature
would rise 4.9 °C.
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δT total
δT latent
20 30
δT (°C)
30 40
50 60 70
Water, water everywhere. (a) The illustration shows the water-vapor mixing ratio at Earth’s surface expressed in kelvin as
described in the text. The temperature units allow thermodynamic effects resulting from differences in water-vapor content to
be compared with those resulting from temperature gradients. (b) The temperature rise (δT) of water in a 12-fluid-oz can depends
on relative humidity and ambient temperature. In this plot, each filled circle represents the change in temperature, after five
minutes, of water initially near 0 °C for ambient temperatures of 25 °C (blue) and 35 °C (red). Open circles show the portion of
the temperature change due to latent heating. The straight lines are least-squares fits to the data points.
The preceding estimate suggests that condensation
might significantly affect the temperature of your drink, but
how do the can’s contents actually respond as a function of
air temperature and humidity? How important is latent heating compared with the heat transferred from the surrounding
dry air?
Undergraduates Stella Choi and Steven Brey helped us
answer those questions using the experimental procedure detailed in the online supplement to this Quick Study (which
includes additional data not reported here). Panel b of the
figure is a plot summarizing our results for environmental
temperatures of 25 °C and 35 °C. It shows, as a function of
relative humidity and over a five-minute period, the increase
in temperature of a can filled with 12 oz of water; initially, the
temperature of the system was slightly above 0 °C. The plot
also indicates how the mass of the collected condensation
varies with relative humidity. As presented, the mass is multiplied by the latent heat of condensation and divided by the
heat capacity of the water in the can; the scaled mass represents the temperature rise that would be produced if all the
latent heat were transferred to the contents of the can. Assuming that the heat provided by the dry air is independent
of the relative humidity, one can establish that the presumed
complete transfer is essentially realized by noting that the
total-temperature-rise line and rise-from-latent-heating line
are parallel. In contrast, suppose that only 80% of the latent
heat released was transferred to the can’s contents. Then the
slope of the total-temperature-rise line would be shallower
than that of the corresponding rise-from-latent-heating line
by a factor of 0.8.
The plot shows that the temperature rise due to latent
heating increases dramatically with relative humidity. Moreover, the increase is much larger at 35 °C than at 25 °C, because
of the approximately exponential dependence of the watervapor content of saturated air on temperature. At 35 °C and a
relative humidity greater than 60%, the temperature rise due
to latent heating exceeds that due to heat transfer from dry
air: Latent heating is the dominant factor warming your cold
beer. The rate of latent heating decreases as the outside of the
can warms, and the heating ceases completely once the can’s
surface temperature exceeds the dew point (the temperature
to which air with a given water-vapor content must be cooled
to become saturated) and water no longer condenses on it.
Where in the world will latent heating warm your drink
most rapidly? The hottest and most humid conditions occur
in coastal areas along the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. On
8 July 2003, a probable world-record dew point of 35 °C was
observed in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; the air temperature was
43 °C. Our experiments suggest that under those conditions,
the condensation deposited in five minutes on a can of beer
initially near 0 °C would warm the beer by about 9 °C.
Radiation and precipitation
In this Quick Study, we have focused on latent heat exchanges
associated with water condensation, but water also significantly influences atmospheric temperatures through its
radiative properties. The globally averaged absorption of
outgoing IR radiation by water vapor exceeds that from all
other greenhouse gases combined. Clouds are even better
absorbers of IR radiation, but they also scatter solar radiation,
so depending on their elevation and structure, they can have
a warming or a cooling influence. Yet water’s role in energy
transfer is secondary to an even more important process:
Precipitation is crucial for human civilization and most
terrestrial life. Not surprisingly, the study of water in Earth’s
atmosphere continues to be one of the main challenges in atmospheric science.
This research on atmospheric water vapor was supported by NSF
grants AGS-0846641 and AGS-1138977.
April 2013
Physics Today
Downloaded 01 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: