Download Conference on New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider

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Institute of Advanced Studies
Conference on New Physics
at the Large Hadron Collider
29 February to 4 March 2016
Nanyang Executive Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
The Standard Theory of Particle Physics describes successfully the observed strong and electroweak interactions, but it is not a final theory
of physics, since many aspects are not understood:
1. How can gravity be introduced in the Standard Theory?
2. How can we understand the observed masses of the leptons and quarks as well as the flavor mixing angles?
3. Why are the masses of the neutrinos much smaller than the masses of the charged leptons?
4. Is the new boson, discovered at CERN, the Higgs boson of the Standard Theory or an excited weak boson?
5. Are there new symmetries at very high energy, e.g. a broken super-symmetry?
6. Are the leptons and quarks point-like or composite particles?
7. Are the leptons and quarks at very small distances one-dimensional objects, e.g. superstrings?
These and related problems will be discussed at the conference, including possible new discoveries at the Large Hadron Collider.
Antoniadis, I.
University of Bern, Switzerland and LPTHE/CNRS, Paris
Brodsky, S.
Chang, N.
City University of New York, USA
Chkareuli, J.
Tbilisi State University, Georgia
De Roeck, A.
CERN, Switzerland
Fritzsch, H.
University of Munich, Germany
Harald Fritzsch
University of Munich (Germany)
Kok Khoo Phua
Institute of Advanced Studies, NTU (Singapore)
Phil Chan
Department of Physics, NUS (Singapore)
Fujikawa, K.
RIKEN, Japan
Ngee-Pong Chang
City University of New York (USA)
Greco, M.
University of Roma, Italy
Wolfgang Hollik
MPI Munich, Germany
Gupta, M.
Panjab University, India
Leong-Chuan Kwek Institute of Advanced Studies, NTU (Singapore)
Heinemeye, S.
University of Santander, Spain
Hwee Boon Low
Institute of Advanced Studies, NTU (Singapore)
Hollik, W.
MPI Munich, Germany
Choo Hiap Oh
Department of Physics, NUS (Singapore)
Khoze, V.
University of Durham, UK
Luest, D.
LMU Munich, Germany
Minkowski, P.
University of Bern, Switzerland
Neubert, M.
University of Mainz, Germany
Sola, J.
University of Barcelona, Spain
Takasugi, E.
University of Osaka, Japan
Valencia, G.
University of Iowa State, USA
Zhou, S.
IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
We welcome all interested participants to register.
For more information, visit IAS website at
For enquiries, please email the Secretariat at [email protected]
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