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Meiosis Study Questions
State Standards Addressed:
2a. Students know meiosis is an early step in sexual reproduction in which the pairs of chromosomes
separate and segregate randomly during cell division to produce gametes containing one chromosome
of each type.
2b. Students know only certain cells in a multicellular organism undergo meiosis.
1. What are two differences between asexual and sexual reproduction?
2. What is the purpose of meiosis?
3. Which type of reproduction is meiosis involved in?
4. Which type of reproduction is beneficial for evolution? Why?
5. Which stage of meiosis creates variation? Explain how.
6. What is the same about homologous chromosomes?
7. What is different about homologous chromosomes?
Haploid vs. Diploid
8. Which type of cell are gametes?
9. Which type of cell contains two sets of chromosomes?
10. Which type of cell contains one set of chromosomes?
11. Which type of cell contains 23 chromosomes in humans?
12. Which type of cell contains homologous chromosomes?
13. Which type of cell contains a 2n number of chromosomes?
14. Which type of cell contains a 1n number of chromosomes?
15. Which type of cell is produced during mitosis?
16. Which type of cell is produced during meiosis?
17. Which type of cell are somatic cells?
18. Which type of cell does meiosis start with?
19. Which type of cell does mitosis start with?
20. Which type of cell is produced in meiosis 1?
21. Which type of cell is produced in meiosis 2?
22. Which type of cell contains two of each chromosome type?
23. Which type of cell contains one of each chromosome type?
Chromosome Numbers
24. How many chromosomes are in a human somatic cell?
25. How many chromosomes are in a human gamete?
26. How many different types of chromosomes are in each human cell?
27. How many chromosomes are in each set of a human?
28. How many sets of chromosomes does a human zygote contain?
29. How many total chromosomes does a human zygote contain?
30. Why do gametes contain half the number of chromosomes as other cells?
31. If a diploid cell contains 50 chromosomes, how many pairs of homologous chromosomes are
32. If a haploid cell contains 50 chromosomes, how many pairs of homologous chromosomes are
33. If a cell contains 20 different types of chromosomes, how many total chromosomes are in the
somatic cells?
34. If a cell contains 20 different types of chromosomes, how many chromosomes are in the
35. A haploid cell contains 40 total chromosomes. How many different types are there in the somatic
36. A haploid cell contains 40 total chromosomes. How many different types are in the gametes?
Stages of Meiosis
37. When does crossing-over occur?
38. When do homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell?
39. When do chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?
40. When does the nuclear membrane disappear?
41. When does the nuclear membrane re-appear?
42. When are 2 daughter cells formed?
43. When do spindle fibers break down?
44. When do sister chromatids separate?
45. When do homologous chromosomes pair up and line up in the middle of the cell?
46. When are 4 daughter cells formed?
47. When do haploid cells first form?
48. Which stage is responsible for producing variation?
49. When do centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell?
50. When do centromeres break down?
Answers to Meiosis Study Questions
1) Asexual reproduction has one parent and produces clones. Sexual reproduction has two parents
and produces offspring that have a combination of mother’s and father’s genes.
2) make gametes
3) sexual
4) sexual- creates variation
5) prophase 1- through crossing over, where random pieces of homologous chromosomes are
6) genes
7) parents, DNA
8) haploid
9) diploid
10) haploid
11) haploid
12) diploid
13) diploid
14) haploid
15) diploid
16) haploid
17) diploid
18) diploid
19) diploid
20) haploid
21) haploid
22) diploid
23) Haploid
The gametes (egg and sperm) combine during fertilization to create a zygote with the complete
two sets
31) 25
32) 0
33) 40
34) 20
35) 40
36) 40
prophase 1
anaphase 1
metaphase 2
prophase 1, prophase 2
telophase 1, telophase 2
telophase 1
telophase 1, telophase 2
anaphase 2
metaphase 1
telophase 2
telophase 1
prophase 1
prophase 1, prophase 2
anaphase 2
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