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Global Winds Belt Quiz
1) Air blows at the base of circulation cells from a _________ pressure to a
_____________ pressure.
2) The global winds blow in the direction of
a) The top of the atmospheric circulation cells.
b) The rotation of the Earth.
c) The base of the atmospheric circulation cells.
d) None of these.
3) Sinking air
a) Has lower pressure.
b) Causes evaporation.
c) Has lower temperature.
d) All of these.
4) Winds are named for the direction they are going.
a) True
b) False
5) Rain is common in _______ pressure regions due to rising air.
6) The variable weather of much of North America and Europe is caused by
a) The meeting of warm moist air from the south and cold, dry air from the north.
b) The meeting of warm dry air from the south and cold wet air from the north.
c) The meeting of the polar jet stream and the sub-tropical jet stream.
d) The meeting of the sub-tropical jet stream and the tropical jet stream.
7) In both the northern and southern hemispheres, the Trade Winds blow from east
to west.
a) True
b) False
8) The Jet Stream (the one meteorologists talk about)
a) Is formed by the large temperature difference between the Polar Cell and the Ferrell
b) Is found at the boundary of the troposphere and stratosphere.
c) Move seasonally south in the winter and north in the summer.
d) All of these.
9) The basic model of global atmospheric circulation shows
a) One atmospheric circulation cell from the North Pole to the South Pole.
b) Three circulation cells in the Northern Hemisphere and three in the Southern
c) Six atmospheric circulation cells in the Northern Hemisphere and six in the Southern
d) Random motion of atmospheric circulation.
10) Air in the atmospheric circulation cells should blow north to south or south to
north, but it doesn’t because
a) It must travel around the jet streams so it goes northwest to southeast or vice versa.
b) It is deflected left (Northern Hemisphere) or right (Southern Hemisphere) by Coriolis
c) It is deflected right (Northern Hemisphere) or left (Southern Hemisphere) by Coriolis
d) None of these.