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Date of Examination: 14th March, 2016
Subject: Mathematics
Class: IV
Time: 2 hours
Section: _________
Max. Marks: 50
Roll No. _________
Name: ___________________________________________
Invigilators signature: _____________________________
Marks obtained: _________________ out of ___________
Examiner’s signature: _____________________________
Checker’s signature: ______________________________
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Q.1.Choose the correct options:
( ½ X 10 = 5)
i) Radius is _________ the diameter of a circle.(half/double)
ii) In the fraction 6/10, 6 is the _______________.(numerator/denominator)
iii) 30Z
iv) 36 x ______ = 3600.(100/1000)
v) Division is repeated _____________.(addition/subtraction)
vi) 1/2 kg = ________ g.(5000/500)
vii) 210 cm = _______ m.(2.10/0.21)
viii) ____________ is the longest chord of a circle.(Diameter/Radius)
ix) The product of 1 and a number is the __________ itself.(number/1)
x) 1/4 rupee = ______ paisa.(25/0.25)
2. Match the following.
(½X5=2½ )
i) line joining 2 points on the circle
a)150 cm
ii) a quarter
b) 2 kg
iii) 6x45x2x0
c) a chord
iv) 2000 g
d) 1/4
v) 1 m 50 cm
e) 0
3. Write True or False for the given statements.
( ½ X 5 = 2 ½)
a) Total length of the boundary of a closed figure is called its Area.________
b)36 divided by 10
Quotient = 3
Remainder = 6.
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d) Multiplication is repeated addition.____________
e) 3/4 m = 75 cm.___________
4. Fill in the blank spaces:
A __________ is used to draw a circle.
Diameter = 10 cm. So, radius = ______ cm
( ½ x 10 = 5)
_____ part is shaded.
iv) What comes next in the sequence?
a15 , b25 , c35 , d45 , ______
v) 45 divided by 9 = _______
vi) 1 kg = 5 X ______ g = 1000 g
vii) _____ divided by 10 = 0
viii)16 X 3 = ____ X 16
x) If
The perimeter of the square is ______ cm.
= 5 students,
=____ students.
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QII. Do as directed:
(1 x 15 = 15)
a) In the given circle draw: i) a chord XY
ii)a radius OP
b) Cut the given rectangle into 2 equal halves.
c) Shade three-quarters of the given shape.
d) _______ g + ______ g = 750 g
e) Complete the number tower:
f) Write the letters X , Y , Z in the box so that no letter comes twice in any line.
g) 84 divided by 7
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h) Convert into grams: 12 kg 2 g
i) 65 x 6
j) Find out the length of the boundary of the given shape.
15 m
15 m
k) You have 20 marbles. You gave ½ to your friend. How many marbles did you
give to your friend?
l) 1 cow has 4 legs.
4 cows have ______ legs.
_____ cows have 28 legs.
m) How many 50 rupee notes will Neelu get for a 500 rupee note?
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n) A stone weighs 650 g and a small ball weighs 150 g. What is their weight
o) Rahul made a chapati chart.
Those who like English
Those who like Maths
What part of the children like Maths?
________ + ________ + _______ = _______
QIII. Solve the problems.
(2 x 10 = 20)
a) There are 20 pencils. A quarter of them are blue. How many pencils are blue?
b) A man earns Rs 334 in one day. How much was his earning in the month of
(January = 31 days)
c) A garden has 180 trees. If each row has 36 trees, find the number of rows.
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d ) Hari paid Rs 2500 for 5 tickets from Delhi to Agra by train. Frame your
question for the given solution.
e) A vegetable-seller had 25 kg of onions. He sold 20 kg 250 g. How much onions
are left?
f) Anil wants to frame a picture which is 45 cm long and 15 cm wide. How much
wooden stick will he need?
g) Study the table.
No. of students
Total number of students surveyed: ___________
Find out from the table.
i) Children who like Vanilla flavour are ______ (1/2, 1/4) of the total children.
ii) Children who like Chocolate flavour are _____ (1/2, 1/4) of the total children.
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h) Puneeta bought 4 and ½ kg tomatoes. Each kg of tomato costs Rs 60. Find the
total cost.
i) The product of 2 numbers is 4914. If one number is 9 find the other.
j) In a class of 60 students, 20 students come to school by bus. What part of
students comes by bus?