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I & II Semester Session 2011-12 onwards
History - I Semester
Izk’ui= Izk’ui= dk ‘’kh"Zkd
Twentieth Century world
Specialization Course
vf/kdre vad
lS/nkafrd Lkh- lS/nkfUrd LkhlhlhbZ
15 28
and Tools. (Compulsory)
15 28
Group Ancient India
Paper -I - History of India up to
650 A.D. OR
Group Medieval India
Paper -I-Polity and Economy of
India 1200-1750 A.D. OR
Group ‘Modern India
Paper-I- History of India 17571857
15 28
15 28
15 28
18 th ,19 th Century world
15 28
Architecture of India (Optional)
15 28
(Any One Group)
History - II Semester
Izk’ui= Izk’ui= dk ‘’kh"Zkd
Historigraphy,Concepts,Methods and
Tools. (Compulsory)
Twentieth Century world
vf/kdre vad
lS/nkafrd Lkh- lS/nkfUrd LkhlhlhbZ
15 28
15 28
15 28
15 28
15 28
Specialization Course
(Any One Group)
Group Ancient India
Paper -I - History of India up to 650
Group Medieval India
Paper -I-Polity and Economy of India
1200-1750 A.D. OR
Group ‘Modern India
Paper-I- History of India 1757-1857
18 th ,19 th Century world
15 28
Architecture of India (Optional)
15 28
Izk’ui= III ds fy, Specialization Course esa ls dksbZ ,d xzqi ysuk
vfuok;Z gS] Tkks egkfo|ky; rhuksa xzqi esa ls tks ,d xzqi ysrs gS] vafre lsesLVj
rd mlh xzqi dks i<asxs A bl rjg fo|kFkhZ ¼nks vfuok;Z iz’ui=] rhuksa xzqi esa ls
dksbZ ,d xzqi dk iz’ui=] rFkk ,d oSdfYid iz’ui=] bl rjg dqy pkj iz’ui=
i<sax½ A
III & IV Semester Session 2012-13 onwards
History - III Semester
Izk’ui= dk ‘’kh"Zkd
Specialization Course
vf/kdre vad
lS/nkafrd Lkh- lS/nkfUrd LkhlhlhbZ
15 28
(Any One Group)
Ancient India
Paper -I - History of India up to
650 1200 A.D. OR
Medieval India
Paper -I-Society and Culture of
India c.AD 1200-1750
‘Modern India
Paper-I- Modern History of
India 1858-1975
15 28
15 28
(Any Three)
Historical Application in Tourism
(Optional - 1)
15 28
History of Marathas 1627-1818
(Optional- 2)
Women in Indian History
(Optional- 3)
History of Malwa 12001561(Optional-4)
State in India(Optional-5)
15 28
15 28
15 28
15 28
III & IV Semester Session 2012-13 onwards
History - IV Semester
Izk’ui= dk ‘’kh"Zkd
Specialization Course
vf/kdre vad
lS/nkafrd Lkh- lS/nkfUrd LkhlhlhbZ
15 28
(Any One Group)
Ancient India
Paper -I - History of India up to
650 1200 A.D. OR
Medieval India
Paper -I-Society and Culture of
India c.AD 1200-1750
‘Modern India
Paper-I- Modern History of
India 1858-1975
15 28
15 28
Optional (Any Three)
1Historical Application in Tourism
15 28
15 28
15 28
15 28
15 28
History of Marathas 1627-1818
Women in Indian History
History of Malwa 12001561(Optional-4)
State in India(Optional-5)
Semester I
Paper I Historiography, Concepts, Methods and Tools
bfrgkl ys[ku] vo/kkj.kk] iz.kkyh ,oa midj.k
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Meaning and Scope of History: Collection and selection of the data, evidence and its
transmission; Causation; Historicism
bdkbZ & 1
bfrgkl dk vFkZ ,oa {ks= foLrkjA vk¡dM+ks dk laxzg.k ,oa pquko] lk{; ,oa mudk izs"k.k]
dkj.kokn] bfrgkloknA
History and other Discipline-Archaeology; Geography; Anthropology; Natural Applies
Sciences and Literature
bdkbZ & 2
bfrgkl ,oa vU; fo"k; vuq’kklu & iqjkrRo] Hkqxksy] ekuo’kkL= foKku ,oa lkfgR;
Traditions in Historical Writing-Greco-Roman traditions; Chinese traditions; Ancient
Indian tradition of Historiography; Baan Bhatt and Kalhan Historiographuy.
bdkbZ & 3
,sfrgkfld ys[ku dh ijaijk,¡ xzhdksjkseu ijaijk] phuh ijaijk bfrgkl ys[ku dh izkfpu Hkkjrh;
ijaijk ck.kHkV~V vkSj dYgu dk bfrgkl ys[ku
Medieval Indian Historiography, problems of Historiography in medieval India. Main
features of Historigraphy of Minahj Siraj “u” d-Din Bahrain, Abdul Qadir Bada’ uni.
bdkbZ & 4
e/; dkfyu bfrgkl ys[ku&e/; dkfyu Hkkjr es bfrgkl ys[ku dh leL;k,¡ feukgt+ fljkt
ft+;kmfn~nu cjuh] vcnqy dkfnj cnk¡;wfu ds bfrgkl ys[ku dh izeq[k fo’ks"krk,¡
Modern trends of Historiography – Positivst, Whig, Classical Marxist and Annals.
bdkbZ & 5
vk/kqfud bfrgkl ys[ku dh izo`fRr & izR;{koknh] fOgx] Dykfldy ekDlZoknh vkSj ,ukYl~ ¼QzUl½
Semester I
Paper II Twentieth Century World
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Legacy of sthe nineteenth century
Growth of coapitalism into Imperilim: Theory of Liberalism – The Liberal Thinkers –
Merits and Demerits of Liberalism.
bdkbZ & 1
mUuhloha lnh dh fojklrA iw¡thoknh ,oa lkezkT;okn dk fodklA mnkjokn] mnkjoknh
fopkjd&mnkjokn ds ykHk o gkfuA
Socialism and Marxism:
Socialism – Meaning- Schools of socialism : Fabian Socialism,
Syndicalism, Guild Socialism.
Marxism: Life and/work of Karl Marx – Doctrine of Marx:
Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism.
bdkbZ & 2
lektokn ,oa ekDlZokn% lektokn dk vFkZ] fofHkUu lektoknh fopkj/kkjk,¡&Qsfc;u lektokn
¼voljokn½] Jela?kokn ¼flafMdfyT+e½] lektokn ¼fxYM lektokn½ ekDlZokn&dkyZ ekDlZ
dk thou ,oa dk;Z] ekDlZ ds fl)kar&}ankRed HkkSfrdokn]
World Order up to 1919
Origin of 1st world war its nature Paris peace settlement and its long term effects
The great October socialist revolution of 1917 in Russia
Establisxhment of a socialist Sdtate, It’s economic and political aspects: it’s world-wide
effects and reactions in the west.
bdkbZ & 3
1919bZ- rd fo’o% izFke fo’o;q)& dkj.k] Lo:i] isfjl 'kkfUr lEesyu rFkk mlds nwjxkeh
ifj.kkeA lu~ 1917 bZ- dh :l dh egku vDVwcj lektoknh ØkfUrA :l esa lektoknh jkT;
dh LFkkiuk] ØkfUr ds vkfFkZd ,oa jktuhfrd igyw rFkk mlds ifj.kke] if’pe ij :lh ØkfUr
dh izfrfØ;kA
World between the Two Wars: working of League of Nations and Collective Security.
Crisis in Capitalism-The Great Depression of 1929-1931: Indeologies of Nazism and
bdkbZ & 4
nks fo’o;q)ksa ds chp fo’o% jk"Vª la?k ,oa lkewfgd lqj{kk] 1929&1932 dk egku vkfFkZd ladV]
ukt+hokn rFkk QkflLVoknA
Second World War and the New World Order
Origins nature and results of the Second World War. National liberation Movements in
colonial Countries and Decolonization. Communist Revolution in China (1949) and its
impact on World Politics
bdkbZ & 5
f}rh; fo’o;q)&dkj.k] Lo:i] ifj.kke] lkezkT;okn ds fo:) la?k"kZ ,oa mifuos’kksa esa LoraU=rk
la?k"kZ ,oa mifuos’kksa esa Lora=rk la?k"kZ] phu ess 1949 dh lkE;oknh ØkfUr rFkk fo’o jktuhfr ij
mldk izHkkoA
Semester / I
Paper III - Group A ( Ancient Indian History)
History of India from Earliest Times to 650 A.D.
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Sources and interpreting historiographical trends.
bdkbZ & 1
L=ksr vkSj ,sfrgkfld 'kSfy;ksa dh O;k[;kA
Paleolithic and Mesolithic cultures and rock art Pastoralism and inciepient farmning and
Neolithic and chalcilithic village culture.
bdkbZ & 2
ik"kk.k ,oa e/; ik"kk.k dkyhu laLd`fr ,oa ik"kk.k dyk d`f"k ,oa uo ik"kk.k ,oa dkaL; dkyhu
xzkeh.k laLd`frA
Harappan Culture Early, Mature and Late Saraswati/Sindhu Civilization and Post
bdkbZ & 3
izkjafEHkd gMIiu laLd`fr] iw.kZ fodflr ljoLorh@flU/kq lE;rk vkSj gM+Iik ds cknA
Vedic Culture-Polity Economy, Religion and role of Vedas in Indian History.
bdkbZ & 4
oSfnd laLd`fr&vFkZO;oLFkk] /keZ vkSj Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa osnksa dh HkwfedkA
Iron Age Culture, Economic development social stratification beginnings of Varnashram,
Jati and Sanskaras.
bdkbZ & 5
ykSg ;qxhu laLd`fr] vkfFkZd fodkl] lekftd <kapk] o.kkZJe] tkfr ,oa laLdkj dk izkjaHkA
Suggested Readings :
Basham A.L. The wonder that was I India (Mumbai Rupa 1971)
Chanana, Dev raj, Slavery in Ancient India (Delhi PPH 1960)
Jha. D.N. (ed.) Feudal social formation in Early india Delhi. Chanakya. 1988.
…….(ed) A History of South India edn. 4 ( Chennai OUP, 1993)
Semester / I
Paper III (Group B-Medieval India)
Polity and Economy of India C.A.D. 1200-1750
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Primary sources and Historiography of Medieval Indian History Sources Inscriptions;
Monuments and sculputure; Literary sources; Tarikh-i-firozshashi, Fatawa-i-jahandari,
Baburnama, Akbarnama Ain-i-Akbari, Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh, Tuzuk-i-jahangiri,
Muntakhabu’t-Iubab, Description of foreign travelers; Marco Polo, Ibn Batuta, Father
Monserate, Ralph Finch, William Finch, Francois Bernier, Francisco Pelsart, Alberuni
bdkbZ & 1
e/;dkfyu bfrgkl ys[ku ds izkjEHkhd L=ksr& vHkhys[k Lekjd ewfrZdyk lkfgfR;d L=ksr]
rkfj[k&,&fQjkst’kkgh] Qroka&,&tgkankjh] ckcjukek] vdcjukek] vkbZus&vdcjh]
eqUr[kc&m&rokfj[k] rqtqd&,&tgkaxhjh] eqUr[kc&my&yqckc] fons’kh ;k=h;ksa dk o.kZu%
ekdksZiksyks bCucrqrk] Qknj ekWljsV jsyQfQUp] fofy;efQUp] QkWUlhl cjfu;j] QkWUlhldks
isylZV] vyc:fu
Main features and problems of Medieval Indian Historigraphy, Nature of State in
medieval India, The Muslim theory of sovereignty; The theory of kingship during the
Sultanate period, theory of Kingship of the Mughals, State and regigion during the
Sultanate and Mughal Period.
bdkbZ & 2
e/;dkfyu bfrgkl ys[ku dh izeq[k fo’ks"krk,W ,oa leL;k,¡] e/;dkfyu jkT;ksa dh iz—
fr&eqfLye izHkqrk dk fl)kar] laYrur dky esa jktRo dk fl)kar] eqxy dky esa jktRo dk
fl)kar] laYrur dky ,oa eqxy dky esa jkT; ,oa /keZ
Evolution of the institutional structure and system of Government: Adinstrative System
and institutional structure of the Sultanate period-Sultan and Vizarat (Council of
Ministers); Finance Department; judicial system; Military organisadtion and Iqta system.
Adminnistrative and institutional structure of Vijaynagar Kingdom Central Government,
Provinclial Administration, Nayankar and Ayagar System.
bdkbZ & 3
laYrur dky esa iz’kklfud i)fr ,oa laLFkkxr <kapk&lqYrku vkSj fotkjr ¼ea=hx.k½ foRr
foHkkx U;k; O;oLFkk lSU; laxBu ,oa bDrk O;oLFkk fot; uxj lezkT; dh iz’kklfud ,oa
laLFkkxr <kapk dsaUnzh; 'kklu] izkarh; 'kklu] u;ukj ,oa vk;axj
Administrative shstem of sher shas Sur-Central, provincial and local Government.
Mughal Administration: Central Administrative Structure, Provincial and local
administration, Mansabdari System.
bdkbZ & 4
'ksj’kkg dk 'kklu izca/k] dsUnzh;] izkarh; ,oa LFkkuh;
Ekqxy iz’kklu%& dsUnzh; iz’kklu dk <kapk izkarh; ,oa LFkkuh; 'kklu] eulcnkjh izFkk
Technological development and social change during the Sultanate period. Trade and
commerce in North India. Transport and means of transportation. Main commercial and
trade centers of North India. Land routes and water ways.
bdkbZ & 5
lYrur dky esa rDuhdh fodkl ,oa lkekftd ifjoZru mRrj Hkkjr esa O;kokj ,oa okf.kT;
;krk;kr ,oa ;krk;kr ds lk/ku mRrj Hkkjr esa izeq[k O;kolk;hd O;kikfjd dsUnz] Fky ekxZ] ,oa
ty ekxZ
Semester I
Paper III Group C (Modern India)
History of India 1757 – 1857 A.D. vk/kqfud Hkkjr 1757 & 1857 ,-MhCompulsory /
Max. Marks
85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Sources of Modern Indian History: Archival records, private Papers; Newspapers;
periodical and oral tradition. Different schools of thought.
bdkbZ & 1
vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ds L=ksr&vfHkys[kh; nLrkost] futh nLrkost lekpkj i=]
ihfj;kfMdYl] ekSf[kd ijaijk] fofHkUu oSpkfjd LdwyA
India in the mid-eighteenth Century, Polity, Economy, Society, and culture Expansion and
consolidation of British power: Establishment of British Supremacy in Bengal.
bdkbZ & 2
e/; vBkjoha 'krkCnh dk Hkkjr&jktuhfrd] vkfFkZd fLFkfr] lekt <oa laL—fr, fczfV’k 'kfDr dk
foLrkj ,oa laxBu&caxky esa fczfV’k loksZPprk dh LFkkiukA
Instrument of expansion by wars: Anglo-Maratha wars, Anglo-Mysore wars, Annexation
of Sindh and Anglo-Sikh wars.
bdkbZ & 3
;q)foLrkj ds lk/ku ds :i esa vkaXy&ejkBk ;q)] vkaXy&eSalwj ;q) flU/k dk foy] vkaXy&fl[k
Expansion by diplomacy-Subsidiary Alliances system and Doctrine of Lapse. Colonial
construction of India: Adminisrative structure, constitutional development_regulation Act,
Pitts India Act.
bdkbZ & 4
dwVuhfr ds }kjk foLrkj&lgk;d laf/k izFkk] gM+Ik uhfr] Hkkjr dh vkSifuos’kd
lajpuk&iz’kklfud <kapk] laoS/kkfud fodkl] jsX;wysfVad ,DV] fiV~l bafM;k ,DVA
Judicial and administrative reforms of Warren Hastings, Cornwallis, William Bentinck
and Dalhousie.
bdkbZ & 5
okjsu gsfLVaXt ds U;kf;d ,oa iz’kklfud lq/kkj] dkuZokfyl] fofy;e csafVd ,oa ykWM Mygksth
Semester I
Paper IV - World History (18 and 19 Century) fo’o bfrgkl
Optional (1)
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
The emergence of the Scientific view of the world. Ages of Enlightenment and analysis ,
Scientific and Agricultural revolution in Europe
bdkbZ & 1
oSKkfud fo’o n`f"Vdks.k dk izknqZHkko ] izc`)rk vkSj fo’ys"k.k dk ;qx ;wjksi es oSKkfud vkSj d`f"k
Industrial revolution Indistrial Revolution in England and its expansion in Europe Impact
of Industrial revolution and the rise of new social class. The American war of
independence causes and impact
bdkbZ & 2
vkS|ksfxd Økafr& baXySaM es vkS|ksfxd Økafr rFkk ;wjksi es foLrkj vkS|ksfxd Øakfr dk izHkko ]
vkS|ksfxd Økafr vkSj uohu lkekftd oxksZ dk mn; ] vejhdk Lora=rk laxzke dkj.k vkSj
The French revolution of 1789 A.D. Causes role of Philosopher in French revolution viz.
Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Didero, Events and development of French revolution .
National constituent Assembly National Lagislative Assembly National Convention Role
of Directory Impact of French Revolution
bdkbZ & 3
1789 dh Qzklhlh Økafr dkj.k Qzkalhlh Økarh nk’kZfudks dk ;ksxnku ek.VsLD;w] okYrs;j] :lks]
fnnjks Qkzlhlh Økafr dh ?kVuk, ,oa fodkl jk"Vªh; lHkk O;oLFkkfid lHkk jk"Vªh; lEesyu
Mk;jsDVjh dk 'kklu Qzkalhlh dk izHkko
The Age of Nepolian his Rise and Fall The Vienna Congress Age of Metermich , Concert
of Europe and the Holy Alliance.
bdkbZ & 4
bdkbZ & 5
usiksfy;u dk ;qx mRFkku vkSj iru fo;suk dkaxzsl esVjfud ;qx la;qDr O;oLFkk ifo= eS=h laf/k
The Growth of Liberalism and Democracy in western Europe 1815 -1914
if’peh ;wjksi es ykdra= vkSj mnkjokn dk fodkl 1815&1914
Suggested Readings :
1- nsosanz flag pkSgku
2- oh-lh ik.Ms
3- eFkqjk yky 'kekZ
;wjksi dk bfrgkl
;wjksi dk bfrgkl
;wjksi dk bfrgkl
Semester / I
Paper IV % History of Architecture of India
Optional (2)
Particulars / fooj.k
Harappan town planning, dockyards. granaries, Citadel, domestic architecture.
bdkbZ & 1
gMIik uxj ;kstuk] cUnjxkg] vUukxkj] fdyscUnh]?kjsyw LFkkiR;A
Literary and Archaeological Sources, including architecture in the Vedic
bdkbZ & 2
lkfgR; ,oa iqjkrkfRod L=ksr] oSfnd lkfgR; esa mYysf[kr LFkkiR; lfgrA
Stupa architecture from Fourth Century B.C. to Seventh Century A.D. :
Sanchi, Bharahut
bdkbZ & 3
Lrwi LFkkiR;] pkSFkh 'krkCnh ls lkroha 'krkCnh rdA lk¡ph ,oa Hkjgwr
Stupa architecture from 4th C.B.C. to 7th C.A.D.: Bodh- Gaya, Sarnath,
Amaravati and Nagarjunkonda
bdkbZ & 4
Lrwi LFkkiR;] pkSFkh 'krkCnh ls lkroha 'krkCnh rd] ckS) x;k] vejkorh ,oa ukxktqZudks.MkA
Development of rock . Cut architecture: Udaigiri, Khandegiri, Bhaja,
Kondane, Karle, Pitalkhora
bdkbZ & 5
'kSy xqgk LFkkiR; fodkl] mnj;fxjh] [k.Msfxjh] Hkktk dksUMkus] dkysZ] ihry[kksjkA
Group .C. Paper III
Books Recommended
Coomar Swamy,
Rowland, Benjomin
Fergu ssion, J.
Cousens, H
A.K. Early Indian Architecture
The Art and Architecture of India
History of Indian and Eastern Architecture
Chalukyan Architecture
Brown, Percy
Dev, Krishna
Sarkar, H
Agrawala, P.K.
Acharya, P.K.
Dev, Krishna and Dhaki,
Kramrish, Stella
Burgess, J
Long hurst
Ganguly, O.C.
Standtner, D.A.
Dahejiya, Vidya
Ali, Rehman
Trivedi, R.D.
Sri Nivasan, K.R.
Dev, Krishna
Shri Nivasan K.R.
Bajpai, K.D.
Upadhayay, Vasudeo
Gupt, Parmeshwari Lal
Mishra, Ratan Lal
Rai, Udai Narayan
Shukla, D.N.
lq/khj dqekj f=osnh
Ali, Rehman
Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu Period)
Temples of Northern India
Studies in Early Buddhist
Gupta Architecture
Encyclopaedia of Indian Architecture
Encyolopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture, Vols. I to 4
The Hindu Temples (2 Vols)
The Buddhist Stupas of Amaravati and Jaggayapetta
Town Planning in Ancient India
Indian Architecture
Orrissan Temple
Stone Temples of Orrissa
Art and Architecture of the Kalachuris
Temples of the Pratiharas
Temples of South India
Samarangana Sutradhara
Uttar Bharat Ke Mandir
Dakshin Bharat ke Mandir
Bharatiya Vastukala ka Itihasa
Prachin Bhartiya Stupa, Guha Evam Mandir
Bhartiya Vastukala
Smarkon ka Itihasa
Prachin Bharat main Nagar Tatha Nagar Jiwan
Prasad Nivesh
izrhgkj ;qxhu dyk ,oa LFkkiR;
Temples of Madhya Pradesh
Semester / II
Paper I Historiography, Concepts, Methods and Tools bfrgkl
ys[ku] vo/kkj.kk] iz.kkyh ,oa midj.k
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Approaches to history – Theological; Imperialist; Nationalist; Marxist; Subaltern and Post
– Modernist.
bdkbZ & 1
bfrgkl ds vfHkxe% /keZ’kkL=h; lkezkT;oknh] jk"Vªoknh] lkE;oknh vketu@nfyroknh ,oa I’pkr~
Themes in Indian History – Economics; labor and peasants; religion; Culture;
Environment and science and technology.
bdkbZ & 2
Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa fu/kkZfjr fo"k;% vFkZ’kkL=] etnwj ,oa —"kd] /keZ laL—fr] okrkoj.k foKku
vkSj rduhdhA
Major theories of History-Cyclical; Historical Materialism; Sociological; Comparative;
Structural; World System; Ecological; and post modernist critiques of History.
bdkbZ & 3
bfrgkl ds izeq[k fl)kUr% pØh; ,sfrgkfld HkkSfrdokn] lekt’kkL=h;] rqyukRed] jpuk laca/kh]
oSf’od O;oLFkk] bdksykWftdy ,oa bfrgkl ds ijkvk/kqfudrkoknh vkykspdA
Debate in History : representative study of at least four major debates of History:
1. Position of women in Indian society
2. Was Aurangzeb a fanatic
3. Balance – Sheet Debate related to British Rule in India
4. Is History a science of Art or both
bdkbZ & 4
bfrgkl esa fookn bfrgkl ds pkj izeq[k fooknks dk izfrfuf/kd v/;;u&
1- Hkkjrh; lekt esa ukfj;ksa dh fLFkfr
2- D;k vkSjaxts+c /kekZ/k@dV~Vj Fkk
3- Hkkjr esa fczfV’k 'kklu dh cSysal 'khV ls lacaf/kr fookn
4- D;k bfrgkl foKku gS ;k dyk vFkok nksauksa
1. Nature of the Revolt of 1857 A.D.
2. World Economic crisis of 1929 A.D.
3. Stimulus – Response debate related to growth of India Nationalism.
4. Debate on de – industrialization under colonial rule of India.
bdkbZ & 5
1- 1857 bZ- dh Økafr ¼fonzksg½ dh iz—fr
2- 1929 bZ- dh fo’o vkfFkZd eanh
3- vuqfØ;k Hkkjrh; jk"Vªokn ds fodkl ds mRizsjd rRoksa ij fookn ds mRrj ¼vuqfØ;k½
4- Hkkjr esa vkSifuosf’kd 'klu ds vUrZxr fovkS|ksfxdj.k ij fooknA
Suggested Readings :
1. Bajaj, Satish, K, Recent trends in Historiography, Anmol, New Delhi, 2001
2. Budha, Prakaash, the Moderm approach to History.
3. Butterfield, H., Whig Interpretation of History.
4. Collingwood, R.G., The idea of History Oxford University Press, London, reprint,
5. Carr, E.H. What is History peguth Books, Middlesex, rpt, 1975.
6. David Harvay, The Condition of post Modernity – An Enquiry into the Origin of
Cultural change Basil Blackwell, 1989.
7. Mukhia, Harbvans, Historians and Historiography during the reigon of Akbar,
Delhi, 1976.
8. Marwick, Arthur, The nature of History, Macmillan, reprint, 1973
9. Mare, Bcloch, the Historian’s Craft.
10. Sen, S.P. (ed.) Historian’s and Historologrphy in Modern India, Calcutta, Insffute
of Historical Studies, 1973.
11. Thapar, romila, Harbans Mubans and Bipan Chandra, Communalisn and The
Writing of Indian History, people’s publishing House, New Delhi. Reprint, 1984,
12. Fkkij] jksfeyk] bfrgkl dh iquZO;k[;k] jktdey] fnYyh] 1996A
13. ik.Ms;] xksfoUn panz] bfrgkl & Lo:i ,oa fl)kar] t;iqj] 1999A
14. cq) izdk’k] bfrgkl vehu] 'kkfgn ,oa KkusUnz ik.Ms;] fuEuoxhZ; izlax Hkkx 1 ,oa 2
jktdey] ubZfnYyhA
dkj bZ- ,p bfrgkl D;k gS fnYyh] 1993A
jk;] dkSys’oj] bfrgkl n’kZu] fdrkc egy] bykgkckn 1998
ljdkj] lqfer] lkekftd bfrgkl ys[ku dh pqukSrh] xzaFk f’kYih] ubZ fnYyhA
oekZ ykyk cgknqj] bfrgkl ys[ku ds ckjs esa] bykgkckn] 2000A
'kekZ] jkefoykl] bfrgkl n’kZu]] fnYyh] 2000A
flag ijekuan] bfrgkl n’kZu] 2000
lrh’k panz] e/;dkyhu Hkkjr esa bfrgkl ys[ku] /keZ vkSj jkt; dk Lo:i] xzFk f’kYih]
ubZ fnYyhA
ekjfoad] vkFkZj] bfrgkl ys[ku dk Lo:i xzFka f’kYih ubZ fnYyh
gcho] bjQkj] Hkkjrh; nfrgkl dh O;k[;k vkSj mldh izeq[k n`f"V;kW] xzaFk f’kYih ubZ
Semester / II
Paper II Twentieth Century World
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Cold war and its effects
Ideologies and political basis of cold War, pacts and treaties:
NATO, Warsa pact, SETO, etc.
bdkbZ & 1
'khr ;q) vkSj mlds izHkkoA 'khr ;q) dk oSpkfjd ,oa jktuhfrd vk/kkj] iSDV o laf/k;k¡A
NATO okSlksZ iSDV] SEATO bR;kfnA
UNO and the concept of world peace: Regional Tensions-Palestine, Kashmir, Suez, Korea
and Vietnam crisis.
bdkbZ & 2
;w-,u-vks- rFkk fo’o 'kkfUr% fQfyLrhu leL;k] d’ehj leL;k] dksfj;k rFkk fo;ruke leL;kA
Non-Alignment and the third World.
bdkbZ & 3
xqVfuisZ{krk rFkk r`rh; fo’o
Disintegration of Soviet Union and end of Cold War
Genesis and Process of Disintegration : Fall of Socialism and Revival of
Capitalism-it impact on Society and politics,
Changes in the world political Order – from Biopolar to Unipoar World system.
bdkbZ & 4
lksfo;r la?k dk fo?kVu rFkk 'khRk ;q) dk vUrA
fo?kVu dh izfØ;k dk izkjEHk ,oa foLrkjA
lektokn dk iru ,oa iw¡thokn dk iqu:RFkku
lekt o jktuhfr ij izHkko
fo’o jktuhfr esa ifjorZu&f}xqVh; ls ,dxqVh; fo’o O;oLFkkA
Globalization and its ecomonic and political impact on Third World Countries.
Progress of Science and technology; and communication and Information
bdkbZ & 5
oS’ohdj.k rFkk mldk r`rh; fo’o ds ns’kksa ij vkfFkZd ,oa jktuhfrd izHkkoA
foKku] VSDuksykWth] lwpuk ,ao lapkj dk fodklA
Semester / II
Paper III Group- A (Ancient Indian History)
History of India from Earlist Times to 650 A.D.
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Janapadas and Mahajanadas and republican states. Religious
movements-Jainism. .
Buddhism, Ajivikism and other sects.
bdkbZ & 1
tuin vkSj egk tuin rFkk x.kra=h; jkT;] /kkfeZd vkUnksyu & tSu ckS) ,oa vthfod rFkk
vU; lEiznk;A
Mauryan empire Polity Economy. Art and Architecture shokan. edicts, Dhammas
Kautilya’s Arthashastra and megasthane’s India.
bdkbZ & 2
ekS;Z lkezkT;&jkT;&vFkZO;oLFkk dyk rFkk LFkkiR;] vk’kksd ds vfHkys[k ,oa /kEe] dkSfVY; dk
vFkZ’kkL=] eSxLFkuht dk HkkjrA
Sungas, Satavahanas and kushanas, Polity, Society, Economy, Art And Architecture. The
Sangam age- Chiefdoms literature, society Indo Roman trade and integration of cultures.
bdkbZ & 3
'kqax] lkrokgu] dq"kk.k&jktuhfr] lekt] vFkZO;oLFkk] dyk vkSj LFkkiR; laxe;qx&fpQMkse
lkfgR;] lekt] Hkkjr jkse O;kikj] laLd`fr;ksa dk lfEeJ.kA
The Guptas Polity, Economy, Religion, Literature, Science and Technology and Art and
bdkbZ & 4
xqIr oa’k dh jktuhfr] vFkZO;oLFkk]/keZ] lkfgR;] foKku] rduhfd vkSj dyk ,oa LFkkiR;A
Huna Invasions, Vakatakas, Harsha. Chalukyas and Pallavas: Polity, Economy,Society,
Religion, Art and Architecture. Educational ideas and institutions Status of Women.
Salvey, Labour and Untouchability.
bdkbZ & 5
gw.k vkdze.k] okdkVd] g"kZ] pkyqD; vkSj iYyo&jktuhfr vFkZO;oLFkk] lekt] /keZ] dyk vkSj
LFkkiR;] 'kS{kf.kd fopkj/kkjk,as ,oa laLFkk,a] efgykvksa dh fLFkfr] nkl izFkk] Jfed] vL;i`’;rkA
Suggested Readings :
Basham A.L. The wonder that was I India (Mumbai Rupa 1971)
Chanana, Dev raj, Slavery in Ancient India (Delhi PPH 1960)
Jha. D.N. (ed.) Feudal social formation in Early india Delhi. Chanakya. 1988.
…….(ed) A History of South India edn. 4 ( Chennai OUP, 1993
Semester / II
Paper III (Group B-Medieval India)
Polity and Economy of India C.A.D. 1200-1750
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Process of urbanization during the Sultanate period. Crafts and industries of South India.
Trade and commerce Import and export.
bdkbZ & 1
lYrur dky esa 'kgjhdj.k dh izfØ;k nf{k.k esa gLrf’kYi ,oa m|ksx] O;kikj ,oa okf.kT;]
vk;kr ,oa fu;kZr
Technological development during the Mughal period-Mughal Karkhana, Metal
technology. Agro-industries. Trade and commerce-internal and external trade, main trade
routes, transport an communication.
bdkbZ & 2
eqxy dky esa rduhdh fodkl& eqxy dkj[kkuk] /kkrq m|ksx —f"k O;olk; vkUrjhd ,oa ckg~;
O;kikj izeq[k O;kikfjd ekxZ] ;krk;kr ,oa lapkj
Advent of European companies, Urbanisation during the Mughal period.
bdkbZ & 3
;wjksfi;u dEiuh dk vkxeu] eqxy dky esa 'kgjh dj.k
Coinage and Banking system during the Mughal period.
Revenue system of the medieval India – Revenue administration of the Sultans of Delhi,
Sher shah sur and of the Mughals.
bdkbZ & 4
eqxy dky esa ekSfnzd ,oa cSafdx O;oLFkk e/; dky esa jktLo O;oLFkk& fnYyh lYrur dky esa
jktLo iz’kklu] 'ksj’kkglqj vkSj eqxy
Agrarian economy during the Mughal period: Defferent stages of peasantry. Classification
of peasants. Role of zamindars in the development of rural economy.
bdkbZ & 5
eqxy dky esa —f"k vFkZ O;oLFkk —"kdksa dh fofHkUu voLFkk,¡] —"kdks dk oxhZdj.k xzkeh.k vFkZ
O;oLFkk ds fodkl esa tehnkjks dh Hkqfedk
Suggested Readings :
1. Altekar and Mazumbar “Pracheen Bharat ki shashan Padhti.
2. Trived S.K. Madhya Bharat men Prathira Yugin Kala Jaipur, 1995
3. Ali, R., temples of Madhya Pradesh: the Parmar art Delhi.
4. Mazumdar R.C. Sociolk History and culture in the Indian people
5. ikBd] fo’kqukFk & mRrj Hkkjr dk jktuhfrd bfrgkl
6. feJ & ds’kopUnz & pUnsy vkSj mudk jktLo dky
7. 'kkl=h uhyadB & pksy oa’k dk bfrgkl
Semester II
Paper- III Group C (Modern India)
History of India 1757. 1857 A.D.
85+15 CCE
Unit I
Economic policies: British economic policies- a case of economic imperialism,
Rise of internal markets and urban centre. Development of Railways, posts and
bdkbZ 1vkfFkZd uhfr;kWa & fczfV’k vkfFkZd uhfr;kWa] vkfFkZd lkekzT;okn]vkUrfjd cktkj dk mn; ,oa
’kgjh dsUnz] jsYos dk fodkl] Mkd ,oa rkj A
Unit II
Social policies and social change: British contact and the advent of Indian middle
class, Indian reniassance, Raja Rammohan Roy and Brahma Samaj. Young
Bengal Movement.
bdkbZ 2lkekftd uhfr;kWa ,oa lkekftd ifjorZu & fczfV’k lEidZ ,oa Hkkjrh; e/; oxZ dk mn; A
Hkkjrh; iqutkZxj.k & jktk jkeeksgu jk; ,oa czEg lekt A ;qok caxkyh vkUnksyu A
Unit III
Education indigenous and modern. Orientalist and Anglicist controversy.
Development of education upto Charles Wood.s Dispatch of 1854.
bdkbZ 3izkP; ,oa ik’pkR; f’k{kk& izkP;oknh rFkk vkaXyoknh fookn A oqM fMLiSp lu~ 1854 rd
’kS{kf.kd fookn A
Unit IV
Resistance to colonial rule: Nature and forms of resistance to colonial rule. Pre
1857 peasant, tribal and cultural resistance.
bdkbZ 4
vkSifuosf’kd ‘kklu dk fojks/k] vkSifuos’kd ‘kklu ds fojks/k dh izd`fr ,oa Lo:I A lu~ 1857
ls iwoZ d`"kd] vkfnoklh ,oa lkaLd`frd fojks/k A
Unit V
Revolt of 1857 causes, programmes, leadership at various level; People.s
participation, causes of the failures of the Revolt and British repression and
bdkbZ 5
lu~ 1857 dk fonzksg] dkj.k] Lo:i] fofHkUu Lrjh; usr`Ro] tuHkkxhnkjh]fonzksg dh vlQyrk ds
dkj.k] fczfV’k izfr?kkr ,oa izfrfdz;k A
Books1. Bipan Chandra, India.s Struggel for Independence- 1857-1947
2. Bipan Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, Origent
Longmans, Delhi, 1981.
3. Desai, A.R., Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Popular Prakashan,
Bombay, 1986.
4. Gopal, S. British policy in India, Cambridge. 1965.
5. Ravinder Kumar Social History of Modern India, OUP Delhi 1983.
6. ’kqDyk] jkey[ku & vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl] fnYyh fo.ofo|ky; izdk.ku] 1998
7- jfoanj dqekj & vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk lkekftd bfrgkl] xzaFk &f.kYih 1999&2000
8- lq.kksHku ljdkj & caxky uotkxj.k] xzaFk f.kYih] fnYyh 2003
9- ch-,y- xzksoj] ;.kiky] vydk esgrk& vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl& ,d uohu ewY;kadu ¼1707 ls
orZeku le; rd½] ,l- pUn ,.M dEiuh fy- fnYyh 2004
10- ch-,u- yqfu;k & vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl
11- ch-,u- yqfu;k & vk/kqfud Hkkjr & tutohu ,oa laLd`fr
II Semester
Paper IV World History (18 and 19 Century) fo’o bfrgkl
Optional (1)
85+15 CCE
Unit I
The American Civil war, The Unification of Italy. The Unification of Germany.
bdkbZ 1vesfjdk dk x`g;q/n] bVyh dk ,dhdj.k]teZuh dk ,dhdj.k A
Unit II
The Eastern Question, Crimean War and Berlin Congress. The European powers
and the Ottoman Empire (1815-1890), The Age of Bismarck- the Internal and
foreign policy of Bismarck.
bdkbZ 2iwohZ leL;k & dzhfe;k ;q/n vkSj cfyZu dkaxzsl];wjksih; ’kfDr;ka vkSj vkWVkseu lkezkT; 1815 ls
1890 fcLekdZ dk ;qx& fcLekdZ dh x`g vkSj fons’k uhfr A
Unit III
Colonialism and Imperialism in Asia and Africa in the 19th Century. Scramble of
bdkbZ 3
mUuhloh ’krkCnh esa ,f’k;k vkSj vQzhdk esa mifuos’k okn vkSj lkezkT;okn vfQzdk dk cVokjk
Unit IV
Colonialism and imperialism in China- First and Second Opium war. Struggle for
Concession in China. Taiping Revolt, Boxer, Rebellion and its consequences.
bdkbZ 4
phu esa mifuos’k okn vkSj lkezkT;okn izFke vkSj f}rh; vQhe ;q/n] phu esa fj;k;rksa ds fy;s
la?k"kZ rkbZfiax fonzksg ckWDlu fonzksg vkSj egRo A
Unit V
Advent of Western Powers in Japan. Meiji Restoration in Japan Modernization of
Japan and its emergence as an imperial power.
bdkbZ 5
tkiku esa if’peh ‘kfDr;ksa dk izos’k] ehbZth] dh iquZLFkkiuk] tkiku dk vk/kqfudhdj.k]
lkezkT;oknh ’kfDr ds :Ik esa tkiku A
1. Cipolla, C.M. Fontana, Economic History of Europe, Vol. III (The Industrial
Revolution) (Harvesters, 1976)
2. Evans, J. , The Foundations of modern state in the 19th century Europe.
3. Lefebvre, George, Coming of the French Revolution (Princeton University
4. Mathias, Peter, First Industrial Revolution, London 1919
5. Roberts, J.M., Europe 1880-1945 , Longman, 1989
6. Thompson, Dorothy, Chartists, Popular politics in the Industrial revolution
7. pkSgku] nsosUnz flag] ;wjksi dk bfrgkl] e/;izns.k fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] Hkksiky
8. tSu vkSj ekFkqj] fo.o dk bfrgkl] t;iqj 1992
9. eukftj vgen ,oa ,l-ih- lHkzoky] vk/kqfud ;wjksi dk bfrgkl] fnYyh 1986
Suggested Readings :
1- nsosanz flag pkSgku
2- oh-lh ik.Ms
3- eFkqjk yky 'kekZ
;wjksi dk bfrgkl
;wjksi dk bfrgkl
;wjksi dk bfrgkl
Semester / II
Paper IV History of Architecture of India
Hkkjrh; LFkkiR; dk bfrgkl
Optional (2)
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Development of rock . cut architecture: Ajanta, Ellora, Bedsa, Nasik, Junnar and Kanheri
bdkbZ & 1
'kSy xqgk LFkkiR; fodkl] vtUrk] ,syksjk] csnlk] ukfld] tqUukj] dUgsjhA
Temples: Early historical temples, Gupta temples, Khajuraho group of temples.
bdkbZ & 2
efUnj% izkjafHkd ,sfrgkfld eafnj xqIr eafnj] [ktqjkgksa efUnj lewgA
Orissan temples, temples of Gujarat, temples of Rajasthan
bdkbZ & 3
mMhlk eafnj xqtjkr eafnj ,oa jktLFkku ds eafnjA
Early Chalukyan temples, Pallava monuments
bdkbZ & 4
izkjafEHkd pkyqD; eafnj ,oa iYyo LekjdA
Chola temples, Hoysala temples, Pandyan temples
bdkbZ & 5
pksy eafnj] gks;ly eafnj] ikUM; eafnj
Group .C. Paper III
Books Recommended
Coomar Swamy,
Rowland, Benjomin
Fergu ssion, J.
Cousens, H
Brown, Percy
Dev, Krishna
Sarkar, H
Agrawala, P.K.
Acharya, P.K.
Dev, Krishna and Dhaki,
A.K. Early Indian Architecture
The Art and Architecture of India
History of Indian and Eastern Architecture
Chalukyan Architecture
Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu Period)
Temples of Northern India
Studies in Early Buddhist
Gupta Architecture
Encyclopaedia of Indian Architecture
Encyolopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture, Vols. I to 4
Kramrish, Stella
Burgess, J
Long hurst
Ganguly, O.C.
Standtner, D.A.
Dahejiya, Vidya
Ali, Rehman
Trivedi, R.D.
Sri Nivasan, K.R.
Dev, Krishna
Shri Nivasan K.R.
Bajpai, K.D.
Upadhayay, Vasudeo
Gupt, Parmeshwari Lal
Mishra, Ratan Lal
Rai, Udai Narayan
Shukla, D.N.
lq/khj dqekj f=osnh
Ali, Rehman
The Hindu Temples (2 Vols)
The Buddhist Stupas of Amaravati and Jaggayapetta
Town Planning in Ancient India
Indian Architecture
Orrissan Temple
Stone Temples of Orrissa
Art and Architecture of the Kalachuris
Temples of the Pratiharas
Temples of South India
Samarangana Sutradhara
Uttar Bharat Ke Mandir
Dakshin Bharat ke Mandir
Bharatiya Vastukala ka Itihasa
Prachin Bhartiya Stupa, Guha Evam Mandir
Bhartiya Vastukala
Smarkon ka Itihasa
Prachin Bharat main Nagar Tatha Nagar Jiwan
Prasad Nivesh
izrhgkj ;qxhu dyk ,oa LFkkiR;
Temples of Madhya Pradesh
Semester - III
Specialization papers (Any one group)
Group . A (Ancient Indian History)
Paper Title : History of India from 650 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Unit . I
Source Sanskrit texts Tamil and other literatures. archaeology epigraphy
and numismatics.
Unit - II
Histiography and recent debates . feudal. Segmentary and intergtive aproaches.
Unit . III
Polity - Political structure and from of legitimating regional variations
northen and eastern India
Unit . IV
Westerns and Central India deccan and south India Agearian economy land
grants agriculture expansion , agrarian organization irrigation and technology.
Unit . V
Urban economy trade and trade routes. inter regional and maritime trade,
urban settlements, trade and craft guilds forms of exchange coinage and
currency intrest and wages and trades , marchents and craftsman
Altekar and Mazumdar . Pracheen Bharat ki Shashan Padhti.
Trived S.K. Madhya Bharat men Prathira Yugin Kala Jaipur, 1995
Ali, R., temples of Madhya Pradesh : the Parmar art Delhi.
Mazumdar R.C. Socio History and culture in the indian pepole
ikBd] fo.kq0kukFk & mRrj Hkkjr dk jktuhfrd bfrgkl
feJ & ds.kopUn & pUnsy vkSj mudk jktLo dky
'kkl=h uhyadB & pksy oa.k dk bfrgkl
Semester / III
Paper I Group B Society and Culture of India
c. AD 1200-1750
e/; dkyhu Hkkjr dk lekt ,oa laLd`fr 1200&1750
Compulsory /
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Structure of society durin sultanate age-cast system. Changing nature of hindu social
structure, structure of muslims society. The conception of high and low among muslin
ruler class. Amir-Umara class: Ulema class, medium and lower class.
Structure of socity during mghal age – concept of rural community Urbanization in
Mughal India peasant class, Urban Poority, medium class higher class. Hindu Muslim
coustam dress toilet and ornaments IDet tastes and intoxicants sports Games and Pastimes.
bdkbZ & 1
Religious life during the medival age – Bhakti movement; causes. Nature and featres,
shaivism, vaishnavism.
bdkbZ & 2
Prominent saints of Bhakti movement, kabir, Nanak, Dadu, Chaitanya, Tulsidas, and
Namdeo, warkri movement and vithoba cult in maharashtra, Rishi traditions in Kashmir
women Bhaktas; meera & Andal.
bdkbZ & 3
Sufism – its origin, concept and development: various stages in Sufism. Principals of
sufismk, branches of Sufism chisti & suhrawardi, prominent sufi saints,
bdkbZ & 4
Efforts of saints: Efforts of saints Hindu-Muslin unity, inpact of Bhakti movement on
Medieval society.
bdkbZ & 5
Semester / III
Group –c Modern History of India 1858-1975
vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl 1858&1975
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Strategies of Imperial Control British Government and its Control over administrationCentral provincial and district Relation with princely States.
bdkbZ & 1
lkezkT;oknh fu;U=.k ds mik;&fczfV’k 'kklu vkSj mldk Hkkjrh; iz’kklu ij
fu;U=.k&dsUnzh;&izkarh; ,oa ftyk] ns’kh jkT;ksa ds lkFk laca/k 1858]92]1909 ds vf/kfu;e
Principles and policies governing foreign relations constitutional development upto 1947
with special emphasis on the Govt. of India Act.of 1919 & 1935.
bdkbZ & 2
oSnsf’kd laca/k&fla}kr ,oa uhfr;kW] 1947 rd laoS/kkfud fodkl Hkkjr ljdkj vf/kfu;e 1919
,oa 1935 ds lanHkZ es
Economic and Administretive Policy of British India & Lord Ripan]Liaon]Kerzen and
Afgan Policy .
bdkbZ & 3
fczfV’k dkyhu Hkkjr dh vkfFkZd uhfr ,oa iz’kklfud uhfr&fyVu] fjiu] dtZu] vQxku uhfr A
Domestic and industry. rise of modern industry and capitalist class and rise of working
bdkbZ & 4
?kjsyw ,oa dqVhj m|ksx vk/kqfud m|ksxksa dk mRFkku vkSj i¡wathifr oxZ] Jfed oxZ dk mRFkku
Society Social composition ethnic groups- tribes class and community. Colonial
intervention and social change reform movement’s modern education rise of middle
classes and caste movements. Women- Status, property rights, reform legislation and
political participation. Tradition and modernity
bdkbZ & 5
Lkkekftd lajpuk& ikjEifjd lewg&tu tkfr] oxZ vkSj leqnk; vkSiusosf’kd gLr{ksi&,oa lq/kkj
vknkasyu esa lkekftd ifjorZu ] vk/kqfud f’k{kk ] e/; oxZ dk mRFkku vkSj tkfr; vknkasyu] ukjh
fd fLFkfr ] lEifRr dk vf/kdkj ] lq/kkj vf/kfu;e ] jktuSfrd Hkkxhnkjh ] ijEijk,sa ,aoa
Suggested Readings :
1. Vipin Chandra Communialism in Modern India
2. Vipin Chandra Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India
3. Desai A R Peasant Struggles in India
4. Gopal S British Policy in India
5. Sumit Sarkar Modern India
6. jke y[ku 'kqDy] vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl
7. txUukFk izlkn feJ] vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl
,sfPNd iz’ui= fuEu esa ls ¼dksbZ rhu½
Semester / III
Ik;ZVu esa ,sfrgkfld vuqiz;ksx
Optional (1)
Particulars / fooj.k
bdkbZ I
Ik;ZVu dh izeq[k fo’ks"krk,Wa] vFkZ] Ik;ZVu ds izeq[k rRo] Ik;ZVu ds
izdkj]Ik;ZVd ekxZn’kZd ¼xkbM½ dh ;ksX;rk,a A
bdkbZ II
,sfrgkfld Lekjd LFky & lkaph] [ktqjkgks]fofn’kk] ,sju] f=iqjh] lkjukFk A
bdkbZ III
,Sfrgkfld ,oa Lekjd LFky &
vtark] ,yksjk] dks.kkdZ] HksMk?kkV] ckx] ekaMo] vkcq] HkhoVsdk] pkSlB
;ksfxuh eafnj
bdkbZ IV
izeq[k n’kZuh; LFky& rktegy] gqek;qa dk edcjk] xksVos vkWQ bafM;k]
fnYyh] gSnjkckn] t;iqj] xksydqaMk A
bdkbZ V
izeq[k ,sfrgkfld nqxZ ,oa Lekjd LFky & mn;iqj] Hkkjr&Hkou] laln
Hkou] Qrsgiqj fldjh] nqxZ&fpRrksM nqxZ] ja.kFkHkkSj nqxZ] vkxjk] fnYyh]
vkesj] pansjh] nkSyrkckn] vlhjx<] Xokfy;j A
Semester III
Paper IV History of Marathas 1627-1818
ejkBks dk bfrgkl 1627&1818
Optional (2)
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Sources of history of Marathas Rise of the Marathas rise of Shiva concept of
bdkbZ & 1
ejkBk bfrgkl ds L=ksr ejkVksa dk mRd"kZ] f’kokth dk mRFkku fgUnohLojkt fd vo/kkj.kk
Shivaji’s Relations between Bijapur and ,mughls :
bdkbZ & 2
f’kokth ds chtkiqj ,oa eqxyksa ls laca/k
In Coronation of Shiva administration, personality
bdkbZ & 3
f’kokth dk jkT;kfHk"ksd] 'kklu izca/k ]O;fDfRro
Sambhaji Marathas Straggle for independence, Tarabai
bdkbZ & 4
lEHkkth] ejkBk LorU=k laxzke] rkjk ckbZ
Sources of history of Peshwas, shahu, Balaji, vishwnath
bdkbZ & 5
is’kokvksa ds bfrgkl ds L=ksr] lkgw] ckyk th] fo’oukFk
Suggested Readings :
Rise of the Maratha power
J.N. Sarkar Shivaji and his Times
J.N. Sarkar House of Shivaji
New History of the Marathas Vo. I, II,III
Main Currents of Maratha History,
V.G.Dighe Bajirao- I and the Maratha Expansion
H.N> Sinha Rise of the Peshwas.
S.R. Sharma Maratha History Re-examined
Brijkishore Tarabi and her Times
E.K. Shrinivasan - Bajirao- I- The Great peshwa
J.N. Sarkar Fall of the mughal empire, Vo. I,II,III, & IV
Shejwalkar Third Battle of panipat
S.N. Sen
Grant Duff
Military System of the Maratha
History of the Maratha
Semester III
Paper IV Women in Indian History
Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa ukjh
Optional (3)
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Survey of Approches and Sources :
Approches – Liberal, Marxist, Socialist, Radical, Post modern
bdkbZ & 1
fopkj/kkjk;s &
mnkjoknh] ekdZloknh] lektoknh] jsMhdy] vk/kqfud
Archival – Government files Offcial report , census private papers etc.
Religon of Women Brahmanical and non Brahmanical Jainism Buddhism Islam
bdkbZ & 2
vfHkys[kkxkj & ljdkjh QkbZys nLrkost ] lsall O;fDrxr i= czgE.k vkSj xSj czgE.k tSu cq)
bLyke vkSj bZlkbZ efgyk;s vkSj /keZ
Reform movements and women Bhakti movement, Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj, Aligarh
movement , Theosophical movement
bdkbZ & 3
lq/kkj vkanksyu vkSj efgyk;s HkfDr vkanksyu czEg lekt vk;Z lekt vyhx< vkanksyu
fFk;kslksfQdy vkanksyu
Customary and legal status Ancient India , Medieval India, Colinidependence, Post
Independence Tribal societies
bdkbZ & 4
izkphu Hkkjr e/;;qxhu Hkkjr ] vofuosf’kd Hkkjr rFkk Lora=rk ds i'pkr~ vkfnoklh lekt dh
oS/kkfud fLFkfr ,oa izFkk,s
Household agriculture industry , Formal and informal sectors professions, Wages ,
Propery rights
bdkbZ & 5
/kjsyq d`f"k m?kksx jkstxkj etnwjh lWifRr vf/kdkj
Suggested Readings :
1. Altekar.A.S.
2. Desai Neer
3. Mazumdar
in India
The Position of Women in Hindu Civilisation
Women in Modern India
Symbol of Power : Studies on the Political status women
Semester III
Paper III history of Malwa 1200-1561
ekyok dk bfrgkl
Optional (4)
bdkbZ I
ekyok dk HkkSxksfyd ifjp; & ekyok ds bfrgkl tkuus ds lk/ku ,oa
ekyok ds bfrgkl dk egRo
bdkbZ II
eqfLye vkdzkark ,oa ekyok & esgewn xtuh] eksgEen]eksgEen
xksjh]bYrqrfe’k]ds dky esa ekyok ij lSfud vfHk;ku A
bdkbZ III
ekyok esa eqfLye lRrk dh LFkkiuk & vykm|hu f[kyth] ,suqyewYd
ewYrkuh A rqxyd jktoa’k],oa ekyok vtht [kaHkk ,oa fnykoj [kka xksjh]
izfrfu/kh ‘kkld ,oa vehj lnk dk fonzksg A
bdkbZ IV
Lora= ekyok esa eqfLye lRrk dh LFkkiuk %& xksjh jktoa’k&nhykoj [kka
xksjh] gks’kax’kkg xkSjh]eksgEen xksjh] ,oa xkSjh iz’kklu A
bdkbZ V
ekyok esa [kyth jktoa’k & egewn [kyth ,oa vU; lqYrku A
Semester III
Paper Title : State in India
Optional (5)
85+15 CCE
Part- I
Unit I
Nature and functions of the state under the Sultans of Delhi: Administrative
structure, Sultan and Central Administration, Iqta system and Revenue
Unit II
Vijaynagar State: Structure, features and nature. Central Government of
Vijaynagar-King and Raj Parishad, Provincial Government .Nayankar System.
Land Revenue. Administration of Vijaynagar.
Unit III
The Mughal State.s Administrative Institutions . Theory of Kingship Central
Administration. Mughal Administrative Class .Nobility : Its structure,
organisation, Mughal nobility and politics, Revenue System. Mansabdari system.
Unit IV
The Maratha Administration under Shivaji- Chhatrapati (Iingship) and the Asht
Pradhan. Provincial Administration of Shivaji. Sikh Administration under Ranjit
Unit V
Colonial State: British administration: Structure and its nature under the East
Indian Company and the Crown. British Judicial system, its development and
nature. Civil services.
Semester - IV
Specialization papers (Any one group)
Group . A(Ancient Indian History )
Paper Title : History of India from 650 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
85+15 CCE
Unit . I
Society . Social stratification , proliferation of castes. untouchables status of
women matrilineal system marriage. Property rights inheritance educational
ideas and institutions every day life
bdkbZ 1
lekt & lkekftd Lrjhdj.k] tkfr;ksa dk oxhZdj.k] v:I’kZ;rk] fL=;ksa dh fLFkfr] elr`oa’kh;
O;oLFkk] fookg]laifRr dk vf/kdkj] mRrjkf/kdkjh A ‘kS{kf.kd fopkj ,oa laLFkk,a] nSfud
fnup;kZ A
Unit . II
Religion and Philosophy - . Bhakti Movements, Shavism, vaishnavism
Tantricism, Judaism Christinay Islam , Popular religious movements.
bdkbzZz 2
/keZ vkSj n’kZu & HkfDr vkUnksyu]’kSo /keZ] oS".ko /keZ] rkfU=dokn]tqMks /keZ] bLyke /keZ] izeq[k
/kkfeZd vkUnksyu A
Unit . III
Philosophy -. Schools of Vedanta and Minamsa.
bdkbZ 3
n’kZu& osnkUr vkSj ehekalk er ;k n’kZu A
Unit . IV
Literature art and Architecture
bdkbZ 4
lkfgR;]dyk ,oa LFkkiR; A
Unit . V
Sanskrit , Prakrit , Tamil and Apabhransha. Temple architecture . evoulation of
major regional styls, sculpture, brongzes. and painting.
bdkbZ 5
laLd`r]izkd`r]rfey ,oa viHkza’k A esfnj LFkiR;& izeq[k {kSf=; ’kSfy;ksa dk fodkl]
ewfrZdyk]dkaL; ,oa fp=dyk A
Suggested Readings :
1. Altekar and Mazumdar . Pracheen Bharat ki Shashan Padhti.
2. Trived S.K. Madhya Bharat men Prathira Yugin Kala Jaipur, 1995
3. Ali, R., temples of Madhya Pradesh : the Parmar art Delhi.
4. Mazumdar R.C. Socio History and culture in the indian pepole
5. ikBd] fo.kq0kukFk & mRrj Hkkjr dk jktuhfrd bfrgkl
6. feJ & ds.kopUn & pUnsy vkSj mudk jktLo dky
7. 'kkl=h uhyadB & pksy oa.k dk bfrgkl
Semester IV
Paper I Group B( Medival India )
Society and Culture of India c. AD 1200-1750
e/;dkyhu Hkkjr dk lekt ,oa laLd`fr
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
State and orthodoxy, religious and sectarian communities, evolution of composite culure
culture co-crdination Sects and there Relation.
bdkbZ & 1
Religious policy of the mughal emperor, nalure and aim of Akbar Religious policy,
Religious policy of Auragzb. Was Aurangzeb a fanatic
bdkbZ & 2
Status of women in sultanate age status of women in mughal age.
bdkbZ & 3
Architecture in Medieval India-Development of the Islamic architecture. Origin and
development of Hindu-Muslim composite architecture. The Khilji Architecture and
Tughalq Architecture Mughal Architecture.
bdkbZ & 4
Painting in the Sultanate age
Mughal school of painting: contribution of Akbar and Jahangir
Rajput, Kangra and daccan school of painting
Development of language and literature in sultanate and Mughals period.
bdkbZ & 5
Suggested Readings :
1. Ashraf K.M. – life and conditions of the people of Hinsutan (1200-1550A.D)
Delhi, 1970
2. Asher, Catherine, artic hecture of Mughal India combridge History of India series,
Delhi 1992
3. oekZ] gj’pUnz] e/;dkyhu Hkkjr] [k.M 1 ,oa 2 fnYyh 1993
4. jk/ks’kj.k] e/;dkyhu Hkkjr dh lkaL—frd lajpuk] e-iz- fgUnh xzUFk vdkneh] Hkksiky
5. lka—R;k;u jkgqy] vdcj bykgkckn] 1998
Semester / IV
Paper I Group – C Modern History of India 1858-1975
vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl 1858&1975
Compulsory /
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
National Movement Approaches to Indian Nationalism. Conceptual debates. Emergence
of organized nationalism Trends till 1919
bdkbZ & 1
jk"Vªh; vknksayu] Hkkjrh; jk"Vªokn ds fofHkUu vk;ke ¼Lrj½]laxfBr jk"Vªokn dk mn~xe
1919 rd izeq[k fopkj /kkjk,sa
Gandhian Movements.
bdkbZ & 2
xkW/khoknh vkanksyu
Revolutionary and Left Movemennts
States peoples Movements
bdkbZ & 3
Økafrdkjh ,oa okeiaFkh ,oa vkanksyu
ns’kh jkT;ksa es tu vkanksyu
Communal politics and partition
subhash Chandra Bose and INA
bdkbZ & 4
LkkEiznkf;d jktuhfr vkSj foHkktu
lqHkk"k paUnz cksl vkSj vkbZ-,u-,Independent India- Visions of New India, Integration of princely States ,Beginnings of
planned economy , Land question and Industrial policy ,Education, Health , Science and
Technology ,Foreign policy- non – alignment ,Women – Hindu Code bill and other
bdkbZ & 5
LorU= Hkkjr] uohu Hkkjr dk n`f"Vdks.k]ns’khjkT;ksa dk foy;]lqfu;ksftr vFkZO;oLFkk dk izkjaHk
Hkwfe iz’u vkSj vkS|ksSfxd uhfr]f’k{kk ] LokLFk; ] foKku vkSj rduhdh ]fons’k uhfr&xqV
fujis{krk]ukjh& fgUnq dksMZ fcy vkSj vU; laiznk;
Suggested Readings :
9. Vipin Chandra Communialism in Modern India
10. Vipin Chandra Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India
11. Desai A R Peasant Struggles in India
12. Gopal S British Policy in India
13. Sumit Sarkar Modern India
14. jke y[ku 'kqDy] vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl
15. txUukFk izlkn feJ] vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk bfrgkl
,sfPNd iz’ui= fuEu esa ls ¼dksbZ rhu½
Semester IV
Optional (1)
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
bdkbZ I
izeq[k ,sfrgkfld ?kVuk,Wa & I,II rjkbu dk ;q/n]vykm|hu dk fpRrksM
vfHk;ku] gYnh ?kkVh dk ;q/n A
bdkbZ II
izeq[k ,sfrgkfld ?kVuk,Wa & ikuhir dk I, II ,oa III ;q/n A Iyklh ,oa
cDlj ;q/n A
bdkbZ III
vkfnoklh yksd laLd`fr] fookg]e`r laLdkj] yksd laLd`fr dk Ik;ZVu ij
izHkko] Hkkjr ds fofHkUu esys ,oa mRlo A
bdkbZ IV
e-iz- esa yksd dyk dh ijaijk] yksd u`R;] yksd u`R; ds izdkj] gLr f’kYi
dyk&oL=dyk ¼ckx]pansjh]egs’ojh½
bdkbZ V
R;kSgkj ,oa /keZ & czkEg.k]tSu] ckS/n] fl[k] bZlkbZ] ,oa eqfLye& rht
R;kSgkj A
Semester IV
Paper - History of Marathas 1627-1818
ejkBks dk bfrgkl 1627&1818
Optional (2)
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Peshwa Baji Rao I ,Important Maratha States Scindia , Holkar, Gaikwad ,Bhonsle
bdkbZ & 1
is’kok ckth jko izFke ] izeq[k ejkBk jkT;&flaf/k;k] gksYdj] xk;dokM+] HkkSlys
Balaji Baji Rao and Third battle of panipat
bdkbZ & 2
Ckkykth ckth jko] r`rh; ikuhir dk ;q}
Peshwa Madhav Rao] Naryann Rao, Mahadji Scindia
bdkbZ & 3
Iks’kok ek/ko jko] ukjk;.k jko] egknth flaf/k;k
I and II Anglo Maratha war
bdkbZ & 4
izFke ,oa f}rh; vkaxy ejkBk ;q}
III Anglo Maratha war, The fall of the Marathas
bdkbZ & 5
r`rh; vkaXy ejkVk ;q}] ejkBksa dk iru
Suggested Readings :
Rise of the Maratha power
J.N. Sarkar
Shivaji and his Times
J.N. Sarkar
House of Shivaji
New History of the Marathas Vo. I, II, III
Main Currents of Maratha History,
Bajirao- I and the Maratha Expansion
H.N> Sinha Rise of the Peshwas.
S.R. Sharma Maratha History Re-examined
Brijkishore Tarabai and her Times
E.K. Shrinivasa Bajirao- I- The Great Peshwa
J.N. Sarkar
Fall of the Mughal empire, Vo. I,II,III, & IV
Third Battle of panipat
S.N. Sen
Military System of the Maratha
Grant Duff
History of the Maratha
Kincaid & Parasnis A History of the Maratha people
R.C. majumdar (Ed.)- History and Culture of Indian people Vo. VIII ( Marathas.
William Irvine
The letter Mughal
Yasuf Hussain
Nizamulmulk Asafijah.
ts-,y- ljdkj
eFkqjkyky 'kekZ
tnqukFk ljdkj
ejkBksa dk uohu bfrgkl Hkkx 01] 02] 03
ejkBk izHkqRo Hkkx 01] 02
ljdkjh vkSj mudk ;qx
ejkBksa dk bfrgkl
eqxy lekzT; dk iru Hkkx 01 ls 04
Semester IV
Paper -Women in Indian History
Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa ukjh
Max. Marks 85+15 CCE
Particulars / fooj.k
Education and Women Ancient India Medieval India Colonial India Post-Independance
bdkbZ & 1
f'k{kk ,oa ukjh izkphu Hkkjr e/;;qxhu Hkkjr vkWifuos’kd Hkkjr Lora=rk ds i'kpkr~ ukfj;k ,oa
Women’s organization colonial local provincial national post- independence
bdkbZ & 2
efgyk laxBu & vkWifuosf’kd LFkkuh; izkarh; jk"Vªh; rFkk Lora=rk ds i'kpkr~
Political participation Gandhi Satyagraha
a. Revolutionary Movement
b. State and Parliament
c. Panchyat and municipal Council
bdkbZ & 3
jktuhfrd Hkwfedk ] xka/khth dk lR;kxzg
v- Økafrdkjh vkanksyu
c- jkT; O;oLFkkfidk ,oa laln
l- iapk;r vkSj uxjikfydk ifj"kn
Women and culture representation and participation in literature fine art music dance
bdkbZ & 4
efgyk;s ,oa laLd`fr lkfgR; fp=dyk laxhr ,oa u`R; es Hkkxhnkjh
Women and culture women representation and participation in theatre film media
bdkbZ & 5
efgyk;d ,oa laLd`fr fFk;sVj ,oa if=dkfjrk es efgykvks dk izfrfuf/kRo vkSj Hkqfedk
Semester IV
Paper III - History of Malwa 1200-1561
Ekkyok dk bfrgkl
85+15 CCE
bdkbZ I
ekyok dk iMkSlh jkT;ksa ls laca/k & xqtjkr] esokM] tkSuiqj] cgeuh] fnYyh A
bdkbZ II
ekyok ds izeq[k jktiqr ljnk & esfnuh jk;] lynh raoj] iwjuey }kjk ekyok fot;
bdkbZ III
eqxydkyhu ekyok& ckcj] gqek;q&xqtjkr ds lqYrku&cgknqj ’kkg dk ekyok vfHk;ku
bdkbZ IV
ekyok & ‘’ksj’kkg] cktcgknqj] vdcj A
bdkbZ V
ekyok dk iz’kklu & ,oa e/;dkyhu ekyok dh laLd`fr&lwQh ,oa HkfDr
vkanksyu]LFkkiR; A
Semester IV
Paper - State in India
Optional (5)
85+15 CCE
Unit I
Local Self Government under Lord Ripon and its development in the later period.
Dyachy under the Government of India Act and its functioning. Nehru Report
Stages of Development of the nation state in India: Provincial Autonomy under
the Government of India Act- 1935 and its functioning. Twenty eight months of
congress ministries. Cabinet Mission Plan, its proposals and formation of Interim
Unit III
The British Paramountancy and the Indian state: Under the East India Company
rule, The policy of ring fence, The policy of subordinate isolation. Under the
British Crown : The policy of subordinate union, The policy of equal federation.
Unit IV
Indian States on the eve of the Transfer of Power: Chamber of princes and the
smaller state, Union of States. Merger of States: Merger of Junagarh, Hyderabad
and Kashmir in Indian Union, Integration of states.
Unit V
Historical Debates on the nature of State during the Medieval and Modern India.
1. Theocratic structure of State during the Sultanate period.
2. Turko-Mongal theory of kingship
3. Nature of State during the Mughal period
4. Growth of Local Self Government under the British Rule.
5. Indianisation of the Council
6. Welfare State of Independent India.
1. Ahmad, M.B., The Administration of Justice in Medieval India, Aligarh 1941.
2. Aziz, Abdul, The Mansabdari system and the Mughal Army, Delhi 1972
3. Habib, I., - The Agrarian System of Mughal India, Bombay, 1963
4. Habib, M., The Political Theory of the Delhi Sultanate.
5. Hasan, S.N., Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India.
6. Ibn Hasan, The Central Structure of Mughal Empire, Karachi, 1967.
7. Saran, P., The Provincial Government of the Mughals, Delhi 1952
8. Sen, S,B., Administrative system of the Marathas, Calcutta, 1925
9. Tripathi, R.P. Some Aspects of Muslim Administration, Allahabad, 1956
10. Bhattacharya, S., Financial Foundations of the British Raj, Simla, 1971
11. Chandra, Bipan, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, Delhi, 1981
12. Menon, V.P., The Story of the Integration of Indian States, Bombay, 1956
13. Mishra, B.B., Central Administration of the East India Company (1737-1834),
14. Mishra, B.B., Judicial Administration of the East India Company (17651782)Patna 1952
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